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The Way You Love Me: A High School Bully Romance

Page 7

by Lannah Smith

  "I've also put the homework you need to submit by the end of the week." The teacher went to his table and picked up a marker. "If you have questions, you know where to find me."

  John raised his hand. "I have a question, Ethan."

  The teacher, Ethan Cameron, glared at him and pulled in a deep breath. "It's Mr. Cameron to you," he growled. "Or you can call me sir."

  Like hell, he would.

  He'd rather swallow a handful of tacks than call this bastard sir.

  "Yeah, whatever, teach," John said with a shrug.

  "Your question?" he snapped.

  "Are you a pedophile?"

  Ethan blinked. "Excuse me?"

  "No, wait. That term's wrong," John murmured, rubbing his eyebrow piercing. "It's ephebophilia when it's 15 to 19, right?"

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "I'm talking about high school girls, teach. Are you or are you not into high school girls?" John sat back against his chair and smirked. "And don't think I didn't catch you swear. You know students can evaluate their teachers, right?"

  Ethan looked like he wanted to hit him. His mouth was tight, his eyes blazing with fury and it only served to amuse John more. In an effort to control his temper, Ethan took a deep breath and sat at the edge of his desk.

  "I don't know what you're on today, Mr. Steele. But I have no intention of being in a relationship with a high school girl nor am I attracted to them. Do I make myself clear?"

  John's lips twitched. He lifted his chin once and said, "Crystal."

  Ethan glared at him some more. Then he took another breath, straightened and turned to write something on the board.

  "But let's say you're attracted to one," John piped up. "Are you going to wait after she graduated or are you—?"

  A loud bang echoed around the classroom. The teacher had slammed his marker hard on the tray. Turning around, he skewered John with a black look that could make a lesser man cower in fear.

  John was unperturbed. He merely grinned.

  But it seemed Leon, like their two-faced teacher, had enough.

  "Get out, John."

  John turned to look at him. He was scowling, no longer listless.

  "What did I do?" he chuckled.

  Leon's eyes narrowed into grey slits. "You're pissed. Don't take it out on the teacher. He's just doing his job."

  "Since when did you start caring about him?" he asked in disbelief.

  "Just go and cool your head."

  John's jaw went tight. He and Leon had a staring contest for what felt like ages. But in the end, he had to give up because he was a fucking doormat when it came to his best friend.

  "Whatever," he spat as he rose to his feet. "Enjoy learning from him."

  Without giving the teacher a glance, he left the classroom, fuming.

  He clenched and unclenched his hands as he walked through the hallway. It was fortunate that the halls were empty as he passed because if someone crossed him, he didn't know what he'd do. When he remembered the teacher, he nearly backtracked. Hell, but the urge to pummel his fucking face in was hard to withstand.

  John saw his face reflected on the window and he stopped. It actually gave him pause, seeing the terrible anger on his face. Closing his eyes shut, he breathed in and out, trying to relax, trying to curb his anger.

  You're no longer a child, John, he told himself.

  No longer a child who always got what he wanted.

  Damn but it was annoying. Not getting what he wanted.

  "Hey, John."

  His eyes flew open.

  A familiar looking girl was walking pass him, greeting him with a sweet, seductive smile on her face. John turned his head when he lost sight of her. She had stopped walking and was looking at him. Caught, she didn't flush nor look away. She just stood there, in perfect posture, staring at him through her lashes, a coy smile playing on her lips.

  Then she winked and began to move away.

  His eyes trailed down her body as she walked. She was wearing a snug-fitting, thin white turtleneck and a matching body-hugging skirt that ended just above her knees and clung to her generous ass. She had full breasts, a tiny waist and long legs. Very long legs.

  John remembered who she was then.

  She was the daughter of one of his father's acquaintances. And she had been trying to get him to notice her since they were children.

  Coy, his ass.

  She was nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  John smirked.

  But she would do.

  He went after her and caught her wrist. The girl blinked at him in surprise, but seeing who it was holding her, her lips spread into a wide smile. Without a word, he led her to an empty room and closed the door behind them.

  "John, why are we here?" she had the gall to ask, not dropping the innocent act.

  He smirked and shuffled her back until she hit the wall. He closed in, pinning her and whispered, "To fuck, why else?"

  Her lips parted and she slid her arms around his neck.

  "Of course," she purred.

  Terry's face flashed into his mind and for a moment, he was actually distraught that this wasn't her in his arms. That this wasn't her face smiling up at him. That this wasn't her holding him close.

  Then the girl touched him over his jeans and dropped to her knees.

  And the feeling immediately disappeared.

  Chapter 6

  The distinctive sound of table tennis balls rallied back and forth echoed around the gym. So did the whispers and giggles of the students who didn't take gym class seriously. I wiped a sweat of my brow, my eyes focused intensely on the ball. But it was hard to concentrate when the noise in the gym began to escalate.

  "We did it in the science lab," a girl's voice declared so proudly.

  "Oh, my gosh!" another squealed. "How was it?"

  "Like you wouldn't believe."

  The girls hanging around the table beside mine burst into titters and I sighed. Returning the ball back to the other side of the table, I transferred the racket to my other hand and waited for my opponent, Sarah, to hit back. But she missed, almost twirling around in her effort to smash the ball right back at me.

  "Shoot," she whispered and I smirked in victory.

  As she ran for it, I straightened and slid my gaze to the side. Ashley and her minions were still in not-so hushed whispers.

  "Was he... good?" one of her friends asked.

  Ashley enjoyed all the attention. She had always liked being in the spotlight.

  "It's for me to know and you to never find out," she said with a Cheshire grin.

  Disgusted, I rolled my eyes. Sarah came back and we resumed playing. She served the ball weakly and it dropped in front of me, bouncing to a perfect height. With a large backswing, I cut the racket through the air with the intention of smashing it back to her.

  "Did you really sleep with John Steele?"

  At the mention of John's name, I froze and the ball went past my racket. Sarah let out a whoop of glee, it was her first point, and grudgingly, I went for the ball which had flown to the other side of the gym.

  Maybe I had heard the name wrong.

  "She's talking about John again, isn't she?"

  My stomach clenched.

  Maybe not.

  I lifted my head up. Hannah was frowning at the direction of the huddled girls, her arms crossed. Picking the ball up, I assumed disinterest and turned towards her.

  "They're disturbing everyone's games," I grumbled.

  Hannah smirked. "As if our teacher cares." She jerked her chin towards the teacher who was sitting at her desk, her eyes directed to her laptop. "She's not even observing."

  "I care."

  "You know you and Sarah are the only people playing table tennis seriously, right?"

  I shrugged. "Where's your partner?"

  "With Ashley."

  Pursing my lips, I glanced at the girls. Sure enough, her partner was there, giggling along with them.

did you get to the special building anyway?" one of Ashley's friends asked.

  She smirked. "I was in the faculty when I overheard Ms. Chester say something about going to the special building to return some files. Naturally, I offered my services."

  "You lucky girl."

  "Ugh," I mumbled. "Doesn't she know the word discretion? To think we even shared the same etiquette instructor when we were younger."

  "I know, right?" Hannah agreed. "She should at least post it on Facebook. What?" she went on when I gave her a look.

  Holding back an exasperated sigh, I started for my table where Sarah was waiting patiently for me. Suddenly, loud gasps echoed around the gym. I twisted my head just in time to see Ashley's head disappear from the group.

  My footsteps stilled and I blinked.

  Then I looked down and found her.

  Ashley was on the floor, holding her forehead, wincing in pain.

  "I'm sorry!" Sophia shouldered her way through the crowd and dropped to her knees beside Ashley. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to – I was aiming for the edge of the table but I – I missed. Do you want me to take you to the nurse?"

  Hannah was clutching her sides, laughing hard. The girls murmured among themselves, looking at Sophia with disapproval. But none made an effort to help Ashley except her.

  "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Ashley snapped at her.

  "No!" Sophia shook her head furiously. "I swear I didn't."

  "It was heaven's will," I muttered and Hannah laughed harder.

  Sophia reluctantly reached for Ashley's arm to help her stand but Ashley pushed her away and stood by herself. Red-faced, Sophia rose to her feet, wringing her hands together.

  "Are you okay, Ashley?" one of her friends asked, patting her back. "Oh, no. Your forehead is turning bright red!"

  "What are you going to do about your date with John? You can't look like this," said another.

  "I-I'm really sorry!" Sophia stammered.

  "Oh, shut up!" Ashley yelled at her. "Your apology won't remove this ugly bruise from my head, you stupid bitch."

  Hannah stopped laughing. An irritated look came across her face and before I could stop her, she stomped towards them.

  "Oh, my God, Ashley. Use make-up. I'm sure you have a truckload at home. And," she eyed Ashley with distaste, "I bet you're lying about having a date with John anyway."

  "Excuse me?" Ashley turned towards her, jutting out a hip and putting a hand on it. "Did you just call me a liar?"

  "You're not the first girl who claimed to have dated him, you know." Hannah surreptitiously blocked Sophia from her view and went on, "And you're not the only girl he had slept with."

  "You're just jealous," Ashley hissed.

  Hannah burst out laughing. "What? Why would I be jealous? Should I be jealous that you sucked his dick? That you spread your legs for him?"

  Ashley shut her mouth and glowered at her.

  Feeling both amused and irritated at the spectacle, I clapped my hands together and called out, "Alright, that's enough." Everyone turned to look at me and I went on, "Go back to your respective tables, please. The teacher's going to be collecting our score cards in a few minutes from now."

  Sophia was quick to leave, followed by the rest. But Hannah and Ashley hadn't moved. They were both still facing each other, Hannah with a smirk, Ashley with a glare. My eyes narrowed at the both of them.

  "Didn't you hear me?" I asked.

  Ashley jerked her gaze to me and jerked it back to Hannah. Then she shook her head, her lips pressed into a tight, angry line.

  "You're lucky you're friends with the princess."

  Hannah's brow lifted. "Excuse me?"

  "It must be nice, being rich bitches and always getting your way," Ashley continued to mutter, looking at Hannah like she was slime before going back to her partner.

  Silently, I pulled in breath. I hadn't expected that.

  Hannah lost her smile. "That crazy—"

  "Stop it, Hannah," I whispered, grabbing her arm when she tried to follow Ashley. "You're making things worse."

  "Who does she think she is?" Hannah put her hands on her waist, glaring at Ashley's back. "How dare she speak to us that way? That's it. I'm going to tell Mom to terminate all contracts with her father."

  I shook my head. "If you do that, you're just proving her right."

  "Kidding!" she exclaimed with a grin my way. "I'm not going to let her get to me. Is it my fault I'm filthy rich and she's practically a pleb? No. So she can go suck every rich guy's dick. I don't care."

  Hannah kept on mumbling while she went back to her table. I stared at her, feeling bitter all of a sudden.

  In this school full of rich peers, there were always students whose family backgrounds and wealth were considered outstanding. Born with money and privilege. Born with power. Heirs and heiresses of massive fortunes. They were considered the "aristocrats" of the school.

  If Leon, John and his friends were to be feared and avoided, these people were to be respected and obeyed.

  And I was one of them.

  The princess, which Ashley had so fondly called me.

  It was because I was the only girl everyone deemed to have it all. Money, privilege, power, beauty and intelligence. A daughter and heiress of one of the most influential families not only in this country but also in Japan.

  I was deemed lucky by everyone.

  I was deemed blessed with good fortune.

  They all thought I could not want for anything because I have everything I could have ever wanted because I was rich.

  But money doesn't solve everything.

  It doesn't.

  And I learned that the hard way.

  "What happened here?" The teacher said as she approached. "Is everything alright, Miss Evans?"

  Yes, no thanks to you, I wanted to snap at her.

  I took a moment to smooth my expression, to give the impression that nothing would ever penetrate my armor. I was good at this. I'd had loads of practice.

  Turning to her, I said politely as I could, "Everything is just fine, Miss Lewis."

  Then I looked away, squared my shoulders and went back to Sarah.

  "I want you home tonight, John."

  The angry tone on the other line made John roll his eyes. Cursing himself for unknowingly answering the call without glancing at the screen, he turned the wheel around and entered the gates of Skull's property.

  "I'll be home when I want to," he gritted out.

  A long-suffering sigh, then, "Why are you being so difficult?"

  "I don't know. Why don't you tell me, Mother?"

  His mother clucked her tongue. "It's a very important dinner party, John. You're father's Australian associates are coming."

  "I'm busy tonight."

  "Doing what?" she asked dubiously. "This is far more important. And please, for the love of God. Don't come home with another black eye."

  "Thank you for the fantastic idea, Mother," he answered with a short laugh.

  "I shouldn't have let you run around with the Gage boy," she hissed angrily. "God knows what you've been doing with that hooligan."

  His amusement fled. "Do not talk to him that way," he growled. "You do not ever talk to him that way. You understand me?"


  Then she said, "I'm extremely disappointed in you, son."

  The line went dead. John sucked in breath to tamp down the surge of feeling moving quickly inside him.

  She'd never understand their friendship, his and Leon's.

  She'd never understand.

  With these dark thoughts, he turned the ignition off and climbed down his truck. Closing the door, he started for Skull's house. Skull's house used to be a barn house but he had his grandparents convert it into a modern pad for him. His grandparents were inclined to give him anything he wanted, considering he was their only grandson and sole relative since his parents had died years ago.

  But when he failed freshman year they weren't so inclined anymor
e and laid down their foot. Skull had to take school seriously or he was going back to the main house and under their watch whether he liked it or not.


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