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The Lion Must Die: A Sexy Paranormal Thriller

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by Angela Foxxe





  Copyright ©2017 by Angela Foxxe

  All rights reserved.

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  About This Book

  My name is Sabrina Coates and I am an undercover assassin who has been ridding the world of rogue WereLions all my adult life.

  My latest target is Paul Vincent, the leader of the LEO organization.

  Paul may have a gorgeous face and a chiseled body but all the facts point towards him being evil and for that the lion must die!

  The only problem is that to be able to kill him I will have to get close to him and to get close to I will have to seduce him first....

  This is an action packed paranormal romance that fans of Nikita, Jack Reacher and Jason Bourne will love. Download now and start reading this absolutely epic read.
















  Heels clicked on the shiny tile floors of the Four Seasons Hotel. Sabrina was dressed scantily in a short dress that fit her like a glove, and a delicate coat that hadn’t done much to ward off the chilly September night. The Host stepped forward, his face stony.

  “Can I help you, Ma’am?” he said, his voice dripping with disdain. His gold-plated name tag spelled out his name in elegant script. “Perhaps you would be more comfortable somewhere else. Anywhere else.”

  “I’m here to see someone,” she said.

  The man looked her up and down, sizing her up and judging her to be nothing more than a dressed-up street walker. Sabrina fought the urge to smile. She was good at her job and she would make no apologies about that.

  “My date is right there,” she said, indicating a large, muscled man with dark blond hair and honey colored hazel eyes. “I believe he is expecting me.”

  “This is not the place what you’re doing,” the man said low under his breath, looking around at the other patrons, who had already taken notice of her skin bearing clothes and the way the tight dress showed off her assets. “We don’t allow-”

  “Paying customers?” she interrupted. “People to have a few drinks at the bar? Please, do tell me what it is about me that you find so repugnant.” He sneered and she knew she’d hit the nail on the head. She lowered her voice and moved in close. “You’re making a scene, Leonard. If you would like to see how big of a scene I can make after you’ve all but accused me of being a cheap whore, that can be arranged. My date is looking concerned. Why don’t you run along and find someone else to subject to your judgment?”

  Leonard huffed, but he had no retort. He looked over his shoulder and saw the man that Sabrina was there to see, and when the man moved as if he was going to stand to come over to greet Sabrina, Leonard gasped.

  “Paul Vincent is a fine, upstanding citizen and-”

  “Look, buddy. This is happening. Get out of my way.” She put her hand on his chest and he cringed. “Don’t flatter yourself. There’s not enough money in the world to make dealing with you pleasant for me either.”

  Leonard finally stepped out of the way, letting Sabrina by.

  “Great work, Sabrina,” a tiny voice said in her invisible ear piece. “You handled him well. Now, there’s Paul Vincent. Do you see him?”

  “Mm-hmm,” she said quietly as she moved closer.

  “He’s expecting you,” the voice said. “Remember, your name is Violet Cross.”

  Sabrina sighed. The nameless agent on the other end was acting like this was her first undercover job. After being an undercover operative with the Human Liberation Front, and working side by side with the leader, you would think that everyone working on this case would know that she had herself under control. Tom Decker believed in her, and he was the leader and founder of HLF. If he trusted her enough to send her after one of the most dangerous WereLions in the country, then maybe the other agents on the case could show a little more faith in her. This wasn’t her first hit, and it wouldn’t be her last. She just needed to get some information out of Paul, and then she would dispatch him. It was a simple job that wouldn’t take long once she helped him lower his guard. But it was going to be a long night if the voice in her ear didn’t spend the entire night doubting her.

  She didn’t answer the agent, because she was within earshot of Paul, and he was standing to greet her.

  She smiled and leaned into the embrace he offered, giving him her cheek, which he kissed tenderly as if they were old friends.

  “I’m Violet,” Sabrina said simply. “I’m guessing that you’re Paul.”

  “Who’s Paul?” he said. Sabrina’s face went blank and her mind raced. Then he laughed, squeezing her arm playfully. “I’m joking. I’m Paul, and I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. You come highly recommended.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  She ordered her drink, sliding onto the barstool beside him with practiced ease, crossing her legs and smiling when he noticed how her dress rode up and stopped in the middle of her thighs.

  His hand was on her bare leg, edging the fabric up ever so slightly and sending a wave of shivers up Sabrina’s leg. He gave her leg a squeeze and smiled at her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said softly. “And this dress looks amazing on you.”

  “Thank you,” she said, taking her drink from the bartender, who eyed her in much the same way as Leonard had, though he hid his disdain better than the host had. “You’re pretty handsome yourself.”

  Her hand was on his arm, testing the muscles beneath his tailored shirt.

  “Don’t come on too strong,” the voice in her ear said.

  Sabrina ignored him. She knew what she was doing, and she could see what some agent in an unmarked van outside couldn’t see. Paul was already aroused, his pupils dilated and his nostrils subtly flared with his need for her. His hand hadn’t moved from her thigh, and his intentions were clear. They were going to end up in bed in his fancy hotel room, and then Sabrina would have him right where she wanted him.

  She sipped her drink as Paul talked and she listened, answering questions when he prompted her, but otherwise letting him talk. The more comfortable he got now, the more forthcoming he would be later in the night.

  “You’re much prettier than my contact said,” he said, forcing her back into the moment. “Your file picture doesn’t do you justice.”

  “Thank you,” she said, looking around. “Do you have a room here? I’d like to go someplace a little more,” she paused dramatically, e
ven though she was more than aware of what her next words were going to be, “private.”

  Paul smiled.

  “I had expected you to be a little more shy on our first ‘date’ but yes, let’s go up to my suite. Are you hungry?”

  “No. I ate earlier.”

  “Then I will order dessert and have room service bring it up.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Paul called the bartender over, placing their dessert order and then sliding a sizable tip across the bar. The bartender thanked Paul, typing his order into the computer and sending it to room service.

  Paul stood, putting his arm out to her. She took it, holding him tight and leaning up against him as they walked. The weight of the small gun in her delicate handbag pressed against her other side, but she ignored it. It was hidden expertly in a secret compartment, and even if she opened her purse right in front of him, he would never see the gun until it was too late.

  She breathed in his scent, getting excited. Not everyone was cut out for this type of work, but Sabrina enjoyed the hunt almost as much as she did closing a case. And this lion was prime and ready to play. She could feel herself getting excited.

  She imagined his muscled body, naked on top of her as he moved inside of her. The thought sent shudders through her body and caused Paul to turn to her suddenly as they were leisurely making their way through the lobby and toward the elevator.

  “What was that about?” he asked, his deep voice low.

  “I was just thinking about you, naked.”

  “It’s funny how we were both thinking about the same thing,” he said, holding his arm in front of the door so it didn’t close as she walked onto the empty elevator. “I guess great minds think alike.”

  The door closed and Paul pushed the button for the penthouse suite, putting his keycard in the slot so that they could access the highest floor. He turned to her, pulling her close to him, but looking over her shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, wondering if he could see the tiny ear bud deep in her ear.

  “You have a gorgeous ass,” he said, and she realized he was looking at her backside in the mirror. “Has anyone ever told you that?”

  Before she could answer, his hand was on the back of her leg, pushing the hem of her tiny dress up and revealing her black, lacy thong underwear.

  “Nice,” he breathed out.

  His hand was kneading her buttocks, his other hand working around to pull up the other side of her dress. Without warning, he gave her ass cheek a slap, causing her to jump and giggle. His head went down to her neck, his lips touching the delicate skin softly. She shivered, her body hot with need, his hands roaming over her thighs and backside, squeezing and prodding her into a frenzy.

  They were almost to the top floor, the elevator bypassing any calls to other floors as a convenience to their elite customers. There would be no one joining them on the elevator car, not that Sabrina would have cared. The rich went by their own rules, and she wouldn’t expect a man with a reputation like Paul’s to stop what he was doing just because someone was watching them.

  She felt his hand go back behind him, and she heard the single pulse of the bell as he pulled the emergency elevator stop behind him. Before she could say anything, his leg was between hers, pushing against the heat of her sex, his hands holding her ass cheeks, and using them to pull her against his leg.

  She could feel his gaze as he watched her, but she wasn’t worried about putting on a show for him. She genuinely enjoyed sleeping with shifters, and there was nothing like the thrill of bringing the enemy to orgasm and then ending their life in their happiest moment. Paul wouldn’t get to feel that thrill, because she was going to be pumping him for information once his lust was satisfied and his guard was down. But maybe she would take him to bed for round two before she killed him.

  His finger slid between her body and her lacy panties, gliding against her sex as he moved the thin fabric to the side. His fingers went between the folds of her sex, searching out and finding the tiny nub of skin and stroking her until she was clinging to him. His free hand clutched her ass, holding her tight against him so that she couldn’t escape the pleasure as it built within her.

  She was moaning softly, in his ear, kissing his neck and nuzzling him with her eyes closed. He chuckled.

  “I think you’re my new favorite,” he said. “It’s not every day you find a human woman who is as responsive as you.”

  She heard his zipper open and felt his rigid manhood pressing between her thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and spread her legs as he lifted her into his strong arms. She was against him, and he was watching her over her shoulder, whispering sweet words to her as he lowered her onto his shaft.

  Her legs went around his waist and she rode him hard as he drove into her.. His hands were rough and he smelled heavenly, his cologne subtle but noticeable in the tight space.

  When she felt her orgasm looming, she held him tighter, ready for what was coming.

  “You’re magical,” he said, cradling her in one arm and sliding his other hand behind her head and leaning in for a deep, passionate kiss as she rode him faster and harder, desperately chasing her release. “I want to let go,” he said. “Give yourself permission to be wild in my arms.”

  She whimpered and he smiled, slapping her ass playfully again.

  “Don’t hold back,” he whispered into her ear, nipping her lobe and finally sending her over the edge.

  She let out a wild scream, holding him tighter as he body convulsed and her thrusts became more than a little frantic. He held her, rocking her on his manhood until she was completely spent and went limp in his arms.

  He kissed her again, lowering her to her feet and holding her until she was steady. He took one more look at her naked buttocks before pulling the hem of her dress down and pushing the emergency stop button back in. The elevator lurched and Sabrina almost lost her footing. Paul laughed, arm shooting out to catch her and pull her close.

  His big hand was under her breast, squeezing first one, then the other and smiling when she moaned again.

  “That was just a warm up,” he said. “I think you’re going to be difficult to keep around.”

  “Why is that?” she asked, still feeling dreamy from her intense orgasm.

  “Because I don’t think I’ll get much work done with your curves begging for my touch. I’ve never lost control of myself in an elevator before, and I’m already thinking about getting you out of those clothes and under me.”

  “Great minds think alike,” she teased.

  “Looks like they do.”

  The elevator opened and he got out, leading her to the room and opening the door. Sabrina gasped when she saw the room before her. The seating area was gorgeous, with beautiful chocolate brown couches and comfortable chairs artfully displayed around the room. It looked like something straight out of a magazine, complete with a low, ornate table between the two sofas. On the table was the tray of chocolate covered strawberries and an expensive bottle of wine.

  “They beat us here,” Sabrina said, wondering if they knew what Paul l and Sabrina had been doing in the elevator.

  “They have their own elevator.”

  He closed the door and engaged the security arm and the deadbolt, turning and grabbing Sabrina roughly and pulling her against him. His hands were at her dress, pulling it over her head and tossing it on the back of a chair nearby.

  “That’s better,” he said, hands cupping her large breasts in the lacy black bra that matched her panties. “This is what I wanted to see.”

  Sabrina’s hands went to his shirt, she was eager to see him in the flesh, and to feel him on top of her. He stopped her, shaking his head and giving her a gentle tsk tsk.

  “Not yet,” he said. His hands were traveling around the strap of her bra, finding the clasp in the back and unhooking it expertly. “We have all night and I want to treat you.”

  He slid the bra down her body, leaving her pantie
s on and tossing the bra on top of her discarded dress. He stood back, looking at her and sucking in a deep breath.

  “You’re perfect. So curvy and feminine. I could stare at you all day.”

  Sabrina smiled, even though she felt exposed being the only naked one in the room. Paul sat down on the sofa closest to the tray of chocolate-covered strawberries and patted his lap.

  “Come here,” he said, and she complied without hesitation.

  She sat on his lap and his left arm went around her waist. His hand slid over her belly, coming to rest between her legs. She opened her legs and he kissed her neck.

  “You’re perfect,” he said.

  He grabbed a strawberry with his right hand, feeding it to her slowly as his other hand stroked at her heat. When he slipped two fingers into her sex she sighed. He fed her another strawberry. She could feel him watching her, even though her eyes were closed.

  The heat was building, and just two strawberries in, she was on the brink of orgasm again. But Paul didn’t relent, and within minutes, she was trembling in his arms, bucking and writhing on his lap, his free hand locked around her waist and forcing her to hold still as he stroked her to orgasm after orgasm ceaselessly.

  “Paul,” she cried out, the single word carrying all the meaning that she needed to convey.

  She collapsed against him and he held her close, fingers still nestled inside her as she came down from the high of his touch.

  “Did you like that?” he asked, still inside her, his free hand slipping another strawberry into her mouth.

  “I love it,” she admitted, and she was telling the truth. Enemy or not, he was a good lover; one of the best that Sabrina had ever had.

  “Good,” he said smugly, leaning low and taking each nipple in his mouth for a moment before returning to the thought at hand. “Because there is a lot more where that came from, and I booked the hotel for the entire weekend. We have all night, and I want you completely satisfied and too weak to get out of bed in the morning. That way, I have an excuse to feed you breakfast and lay around in bed, snuggled up with you.”


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