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A Debt Repaid (1)

Page 13

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Eighteen thousand alarms shrieked to life inside her.

  Chase picked up on her panic, as always. He ran his thumb along her jaw tenderly. “Aria, I can’t have you in there.”

  Not in Douglas’ bed. Again, she had no trouble picking up on what was left unsaid, and she agreed. He was right. Aria hadn’t even had a chance to buy a new bed yet, and even so, she didn’t want to have sex with him while surrounded in those memories.

  Take that leap, Aria. She inhaled sharply as her adrenaline levels spiked, as if she’d been about to jump out of an airplane. Her eyes cut to his car, and then back to his face.

  He was waiting for a reply, eyes glittering in the lights of her house.

  “Ye—yes, I’ll go.”

  ARIA HAD AGREED TO GOhome with him. Chase’s heart thundered inside him, each beat growing stronger the closer they got to his house. He was so fucking turned on he couldn’t focus on the road.

  Not when he could see those legs out of the corner of his eye. She’d crossed them together. Aria’s small trench coat barely reached mid-thigh. He knew for a fact her dress was just as short.

  And those damned heels. Jesus Christ. He’d never seen legs like that. Even the bared tops of her feet made his mouth water. Chase remembered how her breasts looked in that dress. His cock swelled.

  Holding onto the steering wheel, he clenched his jaw as another wild rush threatened to cloud his head. He’d never been so out of control. His body was demanding that he pull the fuck over. Reach out for her. Taste her again.

  He felt like a caged animal. She was just as he’d expected—and a million things more. He’d never been this desperate to fuck a woman. Never been so tempted by just the smell of her.

  The light changed red. Chase stared up at it, wondering if the universe wanted him to have a heart attack before he got home. Last time he’d checked, he’d been in optimal health. It was clear something had changed, because the way his heart roared inside him wasn’t normal.

  Aria moved, and he knew she was looking at him.

  His hand flew off the steering wheel; he wrapped it around her leg, right above her knee.

  She tensed at the contact, but didn’t move his hand away.

  He ground his teeth, and focused on the red light. Tried to conform himself with the fact that at least he was feeling her skin once more.

  He wanted to do so much more. Trace his hand up her thigh. Feel her, finally. Soft and slick against his fingers. Too much. Need to tone it down. Chase was obsessed. Even he recognized it.

  His thumb seemed to move of its own free will, rubbing her skin. Teasing him more. A low groan left him before he could stop it; he tightened his hand around her knee, fighting for control.

  What the fuck had he gotten himself into?

  Aria gasped when he slid his hand an inch higher. She shifted, a subtle undulation, but one he felt everywhere.

  That right there was it. It wasn’t just how she felt that made him loose it. It was how she reacted every time he touched her. How beautiful she looked with those dark blue eyes heavy with need. Every time she’d moaned, he’d thought he was going to explode in his pants.

  And he’d wanted it. As long as it was her making him come, he didn’t care how. He’d been teased—tempted beyond sanity with a mere glimpse of what it’d be like.

  They were wild together. And it was going to be so much more when he finally had her naked, at his mercy.

  His head snapped in her direction. Aria’s eyes were on him. He saw his own hunger reflected in there.

  Chase ripped off his seatbelt, slid the gear into park, and grabbed her around the back of her head. Their lips crashed together, almost hard enough to hurt, but he didn’t give a damn.

  Fuck no. Those lips were amazing. Her tongue sent jolts all through him, until his cock jerked wildly in his pants. He snarled into her mouth. The way he kissed her was lewd, he knew that, but she gave back just as much as she took.

  The sound of a horn blaring behind him made him rear back. He couldn’t breathe. The light was now green and cars had begun to drive around his car.

  Aria’s panting breaths reached his ears, tempting him even more.

  He couldn’t wait to hear her come. She had the sexiest voice, and just thinking about it going high-pitched with her pleasure had his balls tightening to the point of pain.

  You can’t have her. Not until you get her home. He snapped into action, shifting into drive, and took off at fifteen miles above the speed limit.

  It took them less than five minutes to get to his home. Chase took the ramp leading down into the parking lot at top speed, putting their God damned lives in danger because of his haste.

  He needed to get her upstairs and into his fucking bed.

  As soon as the car was parked, he placed a wet kiss on her jaw and inhaled her scent. “Come.”

  Aria’s hands were shaking as she reached to undo her seatbelt.

  Chase got out of the vehicle as fast as he could and rounded the car to open Aria’s door.

  The parking attendant had excited the small office and was standing at the door, staring at Chase and his car with a curious look

  Yeah, there were tire marks leading from his car back up the ramp. He’d been going that fast, and had a good reason for it.

  He flung the passenger side door open and leaned down into the car.

  Chase snatched her seatbelt off. The scent of him paralyzed her. Aria's hungry eyes ate up his profile—one twist of his head and she was hit with those eyes. So close. She could almost taste him again.

  “Come,” Chase demanded, voice hoarse.

  Aria swallowed down the thick longing eating her from the inside, and reached out to place her hand in his outstretched one.

  He didn’t move. He remained as he was, leaning into her car and holding her hand. His eyes burned her, calling forth that throbbing ache between her thighs.

  When he squeezed her hand, she felt the urgency stirring in him. It activated a sick sort of frenzy in her. She trembled in her seat.

  Chase swallowed, his lids going heavy. “Aria, your purse.”

  Her what? Forget it. Whatever he was talking about wasn’t important. No, the smooth-shaven line of his jaw was. His skin was so soft. She was hungry, needed to lick and nibble it again.

  Chase's hand shot out for her clutch in a dizzying blur of speed and he all but yanked her out of the car.

  “Good evening, Mr. Blaine.”

  Aria blinked, and when Chase turned to stare at whoever had spoken, she caught sight of a parking attendant, standing a few feet back.

  The parking attendant had addressed Chase, but it was Aria he was smiling at.

  She watched as the doorman gave her a once-over, starting at the top of her head, and ending right at her thighs. Her face exploded with heat. The short coat she wore left her legs on display.

  Chase cleared his throat, the sound combined with the harsh glare in his eyes translating perfectly. They both said, “I own this building, you work for me, and you will stop staring. Now.”

  Aria’s breathing faltered.

  The parking attendant wished Chase a goodnight, then spun around and jogged back into the office.

  Possessive Chase. Had she ever seen him before? Didn’t matter if she had. Nothing could have prepared her for the blazing rush that went through her at the sight.

  Chase’s eyes raked over her. Lingering. If she’d thought he looked possessive before—she trembled as an all-out body shiver forced her to clench her teeth.

  His eyes reached her dark blue heels and stayed. That stare was dark.


  The violent throbbing of her pulse became painful. Desperate for some space—and at least a smidgen of sanity—Aria tried to take a step back.

  Chase’s hand shot up and wrapped around her wrist. His jaw was jumping. His chest rose and fell with each powerful breath.

  Her body exploded with hunger.

  Chase tightened his hold on her. “I sai
d come.”

  His head was going to erupt. No, scratch that, his heart was going to fucking pop inside his chest. Asshole that he was, he dragged Aria at top speed toward the elevators, coming to a stop when the closed elevator doors forced him to do so.

  The excitement was a buzzing in his blood—a neurochemical cocktail that sent his thoughts racing. Her small hand was warm and soft in his. Chase itched to feel what the rest of her felt like. If she was just as soft everywhere else.

  Probably softer. Fuck.

  Scratch animal. He’d become the lowest of beasts, and if he wasn’t careful, he was going to scare her.

  When the elevator arrived, he motioned for her to get in first. Distance. A few feet. It was imperative that he take a few seconds to get his shit together. The way he felt right now, he wasn’t going to just scare her. What if he hurt her?

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  He slid the key for his floor in. The elevator would go straight up to his penthouse without stopping. A relief and a torment at the same time. They were alone. Aria was right there and so receptive. Really, it wasn’t his malfunctioning brain's fault. She was like an eruption waiting to happen. One he was dying to experience.

  Chase could taste the held back wildness in her when he kissed her.

  A vision of Aria splayed below him, unrestrained, seared through his visual cortexes, almost ripping away all his logic.

  That’s it. Giving up, he spun around, and reached for her hand. His arm jerked, pulling her toward him. Aria gasped when she landed against his chest. Chase cupped her jaw, forcing her beautiful eyes to meet his.

  He wanted her, more than she knew. More than he was ready to admit to anyone, but himself. Thinking about what she might become to him sparked a new emotion in him, one he never thought to feel again: Fear.

  Chase wasn’t ready to give a part of himself away to anyone just yet. Not like that. He was already powerless when it came to the emotions she’d awoken in him. The cause of why he was so out of control with her. He, a man that hadn’t felt in so long, was feeling everything for her, all at once.

  Did he have to give her more?

  Inevitable. Yes, it was. Chase was hungry for her, and in a dark, deep part of his sick soul, he wanted her too much to stop himself.

  Not stopping equaled progression. As long as he didn’t let her go, she’d take him apart, piece by piece, until she had full control.

  Yet, even knowing this, he wasn’t going to stop.

  Aria stared up at him with her big eyes. He stared right back, letting her see. All of it. Fuck. Maybe he wanted to scare her away now, before things went farther. If she couldn’t handle what was in his stare, she wouldn’t be able to handle what he planned to do to her.

  He waited. For that fear. That change of mind. His heart tightened more with each second, reminding him of what she now meant to him.

  Being with a woman had never been so complicated before. He was half-crazed, had been since he first kissed her.

  Chase never thought he’d see her again, and it had been driving him farther up the wall than he’d already been.

  And then he'd had that nightmare last night...

  He was a broken, mentally unstable bastard, and he knew it. He didn't deserve anything from a woman like Aria, but he was still going to take it. So be strong. For her. Be somewhat fucking human.

  He didn’t know why it had to be her. Why it had to be anyone, for that matter, but he was convinced that having her would be unlike anything he’d ever experienced. She’d made him feel again. Yes, some of it was annoying. A lot of it, actually.

  Yet, when he kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers, her breathless little moans in his ear…

  Fuck. He’d kill to have that again. That motherfucking euphoria.

  Moving as slow as possible, he hugged her to him, not breaking their stare. “Aria.”

  He loved when her lids fluttered like that.

  “Chase, can I ask you something?”

  Chase closed his eyes and nodded, trying to hold onto the fragile control he had over his body.

  “Why did you seem…um, jealous?”

  The tension returned with a painful snap.

  Shit. Jealousy. Another sign he was in too deep, way too fast.

  What could he tell her? That he saw her as his, no matter how much he tried to convince himself to be logical? That the idea of another man having her made him want to do things, worse things than he’d ever done before?

  He’d done dark things in his life. On his way to the top, he’d run over anyone who’d gotten in his way. All to steal his father’s life away. To own the company and his family’s future, so that his father would have no say—nothing left to his name.

  And he was willing to do worse than that to have her. Keep her. Even though he knew all of it was wrong.

  He felt Aria tense at his continued silence and she straightened, moving away. “Forget it. I don’t know why I assume—”

  Chase’s hand wrapping around shoulder silenced her.

  He was careful as he brought her back to him, so that they were face-to-face, an inch separating their bodies. He was even more careful when he placed his thumb under her chin and tilted her head up.

  "I..." Chase stopped, swallowing through the fear that was tightening around his throat. He'd always been a decisive man; whatever it cost him, he would be one now.

  Even though the thought of giving her more, while having so little of her, was almost inacceptable.

  He'd be honest with her, up to a point of course, because he realized that...he was playing for keeps. He wasn't going to be able to have her and just let go. He knew that now. It was set in stone. "I was jealous."

  ARIA'S LIPS PARTED IN THAT way they always did when she was confused or shocked.

  Those lips. Plump. Succulent. He let out a low, defeated sound, and slanted his lips over hers. Fuck. The taste of her tongue as it moved against his.

  Lust shot straight to his head. It ripped all the oxygen right out of his blood and left him light-headed.

  Even with his eyes closed he could see dark spots dancing in his vision. Breathing heavily, he pulled back and rubbed his lips against hers. Back and forth.

  Aria whimpered and nipped at his bottom lip, making his entire body jerk.

  His hands shot to her ass, cupping it. Chase groaned at the feel of it, at how the skin of her thighs teased the tips of his fingers. He yanked her into him.

  Aria’s fingers wrapped around the back of his neck, her nails digging into his flesh.

  His left hand dove into her hair, fisting the thick brown strands tight.

  He had her where he wanted her. One hand held her hair; his other squeezed down on her ass. Chase hauled her into him, thrusting; seeking relief as she sucked on his tongue. His cock swelled in his slacks.

  The elevator stopped. He heard it, but all that mattered was the slick sounds of their tongues as they connected.

  Frantic, Chase cupped the back of Aria’s head in his entire hand. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, needing more of that sweet, wet heaven.

  Aria jerked her head back as far as his hand would allow, breaking their kiss.

  The frustrated sound that left him was brutal. Frightening.

  “Chase.” Panting, Aria cupped his face between her soft palms, her lids heavy. Lips swollen and wet from his mouth. “The elevator,” she whispered, right before he took her lips again.

  The small bell sounded every few seconds, trying to remind him that the doors couldn’t close. That the elevator wouldn’t leave until he sent it back down. It was programmed that way. Not that he gave a damn.

  With one hand, he pressed Aria’s back against the wall and slid her body up higher, until she was almost forced to wrap her legs around his waist.

  He moaned at the visual. Chase imagined nothing in his way; just her smooth, wet skin, meeting his hardness. Enveloping it. God, he needed her walls wrapped around his aching dick, milking him as he pumped into he

  “Shit.” Chase let go of her mouth and dove for her neck, sucking on her soft skin. Almost died when she moaned his name right next to his ear.

  Drunk on her taste, he braced one hand against the wall and ground his cock into her stomach.

  “Oh my God, Chase.”

  He felt her arms wrap around his neck.

  Aria lifted herself the rest of the way up, and then her legs were around him. Pulling him right into her moist heat.

  His harsh curse was drowned out by her high pitched moan.

  She dropped her head back against the wall, baring more of her neck to him. Chase flattened his tongue on the base of her neck and dragged it upward, licking her throbbing pulse point.

  Her hips bucked; teasing him with a hint of how wet she was, bathing his dick in misery.

  Chase fell on her, hips writhing.

  Aria gasped out his name, her nails clawing further into his neck as she held on, almost drawing blood.

  The pleasure was searing. All-consuming. His cock had never been that hard, so close to erupting at the mere feel of her.

  Chase choked back a groan, hips churning against her. He felt the pressure build at the tip of his dick.

  Her heat. The tension so close to snapping. Aria’s moans in his ear. So close. She was going to make him come like this. Don't care. Too good. "Fuck. Yes, Aria, yes. Do you feel that? It's yours. All yours. "

  Chase tilted his head and looked down, catching sight of Aria's thighs, her very exposed thighs. Her coat and skirt had bunched up with each grind of her sex against him, leaving him with the perfect view of—

  Lace. Dark purple. Pretty. Mouth-watering. Soaked.

  He felt his civility being ripped from him, the pain slicing through the middle of his brain. Down his spine. In his cock. Inside his motherfucking chest.

  Chase clutched her thighs and thrust against her, knowing he was bruising her with the force of his hold.

  Aria moaned long and low, her expression beautiful. She was about to come. So fucking sexy. Her lips were parted, her brow furrowed.


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