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The Bartender (Sweet Texas Love Book 3)

Page 12

by Shanna Handel

  Looking over Jessica’s head, Ray said, “Whether it’s right or wrong, if we stay in this house another minute, I know I am going to end up taking off my belt and whipping your behind.”

  Jessica gulped, nervously hoping there was another plan. Having made it through one punishment spanking, her rear end cherry red just as Ray had promised, Jessica wasn’t sure that she was ready to test Ray’s belt.

  A smile crossed Ray’s face and he chuckled at her reaction to his threat. “Go get in the Jeep. That should protect your rear end from me a little while longer.” Jessica breathed a sigh, hopping up to hurry to the Jeep.

  “I’ll take you to the surprise. I’ll explain the rest on the drive,” Ray said, grabbing his keys and landing a sharp slap on Jessica’s departing rear.

  Safely nestled on her bottom in the passenger seat of the Jeep, Jessica listened, intrigued by her husband’s story.

  “My mom grew up dirt poor. She didn’t charge people much, if anything, to attend their births. But people would give her stuff all the time, eggs, bread, meat, yardwork, fix her car, things of that nature. When one of the wealthier families left town, they left my mom the deed to their house. That was the home I was raised in.” Ray’s eyes stayed focused on the road as he spoke.

  “When I took over Ray’s, I was bound and determined not to squander the money away. Ray’s doesn’t always make a lot of money, but there was enough income that if I lived frugally, I could squirrel something away. About twenty years ago, I started to invest in real estate. Poke Town was even smaller then. You remember,” he gave a glance to Jessica.

  “Yes. A post office, a feed store, The Grill and Ray’s. The Burger Barn and Five N Dime didn’t come till I was in high school. Good old Poke.”

  “Yes, good old Poke,” Ray said. “Property was cheap. I started with the little bungalows on Carter Street. As I saved up enough cash, as soon as one came available, I would buy it. Back then, I could by a thousand square feet for less than twenty grand. I started to rent the houses out- basing the cost of the rent on income.”

  “I had no idea,” Jessica murmured, thinking of the older people and families living happily on Carter.

  “A few years later I started purchasing strip malls in Clinton. After building slowed in the financial crisis of 2008, those buildings were dirt cheap. I didn’t need more income, so I knew I could be patient and just leave them empty for a few years as the economy recovered. Now they make,” Ray shrugged his shoulders, “let’s just say neither one of us would have to work again if we didn’t want to.”

  Letting the knowledge sink in, Jessica asked, her voice a hushed whisper, “Why cash?”

  “Most of my tenants pay me cash after that big bubble burst and the economy collapsing. Just don’t trust banks. When you and I became official, I started to put the cash I got from rents aside and taking out cash withdrawals from my commercial properties income, I pay for everything in cash. I have been setting it aside for this project. As soon as it was finished, my plan was to surprise you with it. I was going to show you the financial side of my deals and tell you that you and Evan were set for life. I wasn’t trying to omit, I promise. I just wanted it to be one, big unveiling for you.”

  “I’m sorry I ruined your surprise,” Jessica said, a sick feeling burying itself in the pit of her stomach.

  “I’m sorry I got angry, Jessica,” Ray apologized softly. “Now, that I am finally getting to share it with you, I realize the surprise doesn’t matter. And I’m sorry I kept you in the dark for so long. I was trying to pull off an amazing, romantic gesture. I can see how it would be scary discovering so much cash randomly hidden in the house.” Chuckling, Ray said, “You must have thought I was in the mafia, or something.”

  Relief washed over Jessica at the sound of Ray’s laughter. “I was trying to put the pieces together and I would think of you as some mob type, roughing up business owners for cash or something. Then I would picture you crying at Kevin’s funeral, or driving Mr. Callaway home, and it just didn’t work. But I had no idea where all that money had come from.” It was a surreal feeling to know you had married a man thinking he had a modest income, and now found out he was filthy rich by making smart business choices. “How long have you been wealthy?”

  “Let’s see, I’ve been doing okay for the past ten years, but it’s really been in the last five years that we,” Ray looked at Jessica pointedly, “became well off. It’s all your money too, now. What’s mine is yours, and our son’s.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Jessica said, “Thank goodness, we won’t have to be so frugal.”

  Ray raised his brow to Jessica, “Within certain limits, yes, you can spend freely. But we didn’t get to this place by blowing money. There will still be a budget, young lady.”

  Jessica groaned. “Great, the first time in my life I don’t have to worry about money and I’m already in trouble for spending. You certainly are thrifty, Ray.” Unable to help herself, Jessica’s mind filled with the images of the boutiques in Clinton that she had only been able to window shop at.

  The Jeep slowed as they reached the entrance to a dirt road. There was a real estate sign staked by side of the road, boasting the words, 80 acres. The red letters, SOLD, had been tacked over the top of the road sign. Ray turned the Jeep onto a winding, private drive, shaded by trees.

  As they made their way up the hill, Jessica gasped at the view. Around the bend of the private drive, on top of the hill, was the framing for a house. A large house. Men donned in construction gear dotted the scene, their big trucks parked in front of the worksite.

  “It’s a house,” Jessica gasped. She had talked Ray’s ear off in the early days of their relationship about her dream home. Driving through the Texas hill country, Jessica had always admired the large ranch style homes set up high on the crest of the hilltops.

  “I’m sorry to say we can’t walk around up there. The crew is on site and the place is dangerous at this point. But it has a big old kitchen, five bedrooms, three baths, and a place to have a salon in the back, if you want. It will be safe to walk around inside in a few weeks. I was going to bring you to meet with the contractor. Then take you to Kent to pick your cabinets, paint colors, fixtures, flooring, all that good stuff for the big reveal.” Ray grabbed Jessica’s hand in his. “But this is good, too.”

  “Oh, Ray.” Jessica gave Ray’s hand a squeeze. “You bought me a house. A big, beautiful house.” Staring in amazement, Jessica said, “I’m going to have a hard time not being on site every day.”

  “Only if I am here. It can be dangerous, and I don’t know the men personally. You call me first and I will take you,” Ray said.

  “I’ll be fine, Ray,” Jessica said with a wave of her hand, unable to tear her eyes away from the framing.

  “I’m serious, Miss Jessica. I’ll tell the foreman if a gorgeous blonde is sneaking on site to call me immediately. I will take a belt to your behind right then and there, the construction crew can watch. I’m sure it would make their day.”

  “You wouldn’t dare, Ray Stevenson!” Jessica exclaimed, imagining herself in the very predicament her husband had just described.

  “Don’t try me, Miss Jessica,” Ray said, his tone a warning. Jessica would be sure to call Ray to take her to visit the house

  “Five bedrooms you said?” Jessica asked, hoping to take the attention from her bottom.

  “It’s a little big, but I was hoping you’d help me fill it up with kids,” Ray said shyly

  “How many kids?” Jessica asked in wonderment, eyeing the early stages of what would be a manor.

  “As many as you will give me,” Ray said, eyeing her wistfully.

  Jessica had always assumed that she would have a child with Ray, when Evan was a little older. Now, staring at the beginnings of what was going to be her dream home, Jessica could almost picture children pouring out of the door and spilling over the lawn. Little boys and girls running along the grass, playing together. Ray throwing them in the
air and catching them, the laughter, the love. Looking at Ray, Jessica asked, “When do you want to start?”

  “Really?” Ray asked, joy in his voice. Jessica nodded in response.

  “I’d like to start trying as soon as possible. Maybe right after your spanking,” Ray said with a wink.

  “Spanking?” Jessica’s mind left the house and fictional children, and worried about the leather belt that was wrapped around Ray’s waist. “I think you have just as much responsibility in this as I do,” she protested.

  “Maybe,” Ray shrugged. “But what would I have done, Miss Jessica, had the situation been reversed, and I found something strange? Do you think I would have gone straight to my friend, told them all about it and begin investigating the situation?”

  “No,” Jessica answered, shamefully.

  Turning towards Jessica in his seat, Ray said, “That’s right. I would have come directly to you and asked you myself, wouldn’t I?” he finished, his tone stern and his eyes dark.

  “Yes, sir,” Jessica answered sheepishly. “I guess I read a few too many Nancy Drew mysteries growing up.”

  “You and Carrie got yourselves into a whole heap of trouble. You don’t get your husband hauled off to jail, take up a full day of a sheriff and a deputy, without taking a well-deserved trip over your husband’s knee, I’m afraid.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jessica muttered.

  “You two are just lucky we didn’t leave you with the sheriff. I think he would have liked the chance to roast both of your hineys.” Ray chuckled. “That man was mad as a hornet.”

  “He was pretty upset,” Jessica said, remembering the man’s red face glaring down at her from his office window.

  “We can walk around out here for a bit. I’d like to show you the property. But when we get home, you will wait for me on the couch, young lady. Nancy Drew has earned herself a good old-fashioned spanking.”

  Laying over Ray’s lap, Jessica stared at the familiar pattern on her living room rug thinking how she had never noticed the little yellow flowers hidden in the fabric before. Having been in this position several times since Ray had become her husband, Jessica and the rug were becoming very familiar with one another. Hands pressed into the plush carpet, Jessica listened as Ray lectured her, distracted by his warm hand resting on her bare bottom.

  “Furthermore,” he continued, “it is a trust issue. Have I ever given you cause not to trust me?”

  “No, sir.” The movement of Ray’s hand as he started to rub it back and forth over Jessica’s skin was melting her insides. Embarrassed, she started to move her hips.

  A sharp little smack landed on her bottom. “We will have none of that, young lady. You are here to be punished, not to wiggle around on my lap.”

  The light tone in Ray’s voice gave Jessica the idea that he did not intend to punish her very hard. This spanking seemed to be more about making a point. He continued to caress her, his hand moving to the soft curve of her seat.

  Holding in a moan, Jessica stilled her hips. Ray was driving her crazy with his hand.

  Ray’s hand stopped caressing. Slap, slap, slap, slap, his hand spanked her sit spots, alternating sides. The slaps were light, gentle slaps that stung her skin.

  Pulling out the hard covered book he had found on the shelf in the living room, Ray said, “Now, you are going to count out ten smacks of this book. Let’s see, Nancy Drew number five, The Secret of Shadow Ranch. Was it a good one?”

  Groaning with embarrassment, Jessica managed to mumble, “It was my favorite one.”

  “Very well. It will be a reminder to you to come to me before solving any mysteries on your own. Now count.”

  Counting out the gentle thuds, as they landed on her bottom, Jessica was mortified to be spanked with her girlhood novel. She was also incredibly turned on by the way Ray was handling her body. The spanking he was giving her was not painful, but instead arousing. The little slaps leaving just enough sting on her bottom for the warmth to spread to other places. It was a punishment given in a different manner, forcing Jessica to see the immaturity of her actions, but in a way that made her feel cared for and closer to Ray. And there was a measure of trust that was growing with every spanking.

  “Five, thud, six,” Jessica continued to count as the hardcover landed on her bottom.

  Having Ray as her daddy, was opening a place in Jessica that she hadn’t know was there, an untapped source of peace and serenity. Being able to lean on Ray and allow him to take charge of life while caring for her in his special way, had softened a part of Jessica that life had hardened. She was now a wife with worldly responsibilities, but in Ray’s arms, and over his lap, she could release the world and give herself over to her man.

  “Ten,” Jessica said as the book came down for the tenth time.

  “And now just a good old-fashioned over the knee spanking for my naughty girl.” Ray’s hand came down in a rhythm, spank, spank, spank. Like the punishment with the book, the smacks were not hard. Instead of bringing pain, the spanking brought submission. Just a naughty little girl having her bottom smacked by her daddy. Spank, spank, spank.

  “All done, honey,” Ray said, rubbing Jessica’s curves. Helping Jessica to her feet, Ray kissed her sweetly. Kneeling, Ray pulled up Jessica’s panties and jeans. Zipping and buttoning the jeans, Ray stood beside her and handed Jessica the Nancy Drew book.

  Feeling her face burn as she held the book in her hand, Ray said, “Go put that on the top shelf, please, where it can easily be seen. And don’t make me take it back down again. Your mystery solving days are over.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Jessica quickly obeyed, surveying the shelf after she placed the book onto it. The yellow binding peeked out from the other duller colored books. A friendly reminder that she was Ray’s girl.

  Shyly, Jessica made her way back to Ray.

  “I’m sorry about all that,” Jessica said, waving her hand in the air as an all-encompassing gesture of what had taken place that day.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Ray said, lovingly, “We were both at fault. I still wanted you to lay over my lap and consent to me spanking you. A sweet little spanking to remind you who your daddy is.”

  “It was a very sweet spanking,” Jessica said, unable to meet Ray’s eyes. It was sweet and spicy, she longed to be making up with Ray, right now.

  “That was my intention. And if the side effect was revving you up for a fun afternoon between the sheets, so be it. I wasn’t kidding about filling up that house.” Ray held her tighter, his hands rubbing her back and her bottom.

  “It had that effect,” Jessica said, wrapping her arms around Ray’s neck.

  “Good,” Ray said, grabbing the backs of Jessica’s thighs and lifting them up and around his waist. Jessica wrapped her legs tightly around Ray’s middle and keeping her arms around his neck, laughed as Ray carried her off into the bedroom.

  Chapter 8

  Wes could hardly believe the transformation of the young woman in the front seat next to him. In the few weeks Buttercup had been living in Poke Town, she had flourished under the loving care of family. Carrie had insisted that Buttercup spend her last night on the ranch. Since Wes was the only one up before the sun, he had volunteered to take her to the airport for her early morning return flight.

  Buttercup’s auburn hair shining in its ponytail, swung as she spoke animatedly. The circles were gone from under her eyes. Her skin bright, high cheek bones flushed with color, Buttercup chatted on about her visit. Her slender arms waved in the air as she spoke, animatedly. Still thin, Ray had made it his personal mission to fatten her up. He had succeeded in putting about five pounds on her tiny frame. Mostly with Sarah Fritz’s cupcakes and the Double Dutch chocolate cake he had procured for Buttercup’s birthday.

  Not wanting to ruin her good mood, there was a topic that Wes couldn’t let go before Buttercup departed. The little lady had grown on him, just as she had the rest of the town of Poke. Wes did not want to see Buttercup return to the pale, skitt
ish state she had been when she first arrived in Texas.

  “Buttercup,” he said, interrupting her, “what about your boyfriend, Tom?” Sad to see her face instantly fall, but not willing to let her go without having a serious discussion, Wes waited.

  “I don’t know,” she said softly.

  “You seem a lot happier now than you were when you first got here. Does that have something to do with being away from him?” The memory of Buttercup checking her phone, looking scared by the texts on their first ride together flashed in Wes’ mind.

  “Maybe,” Buttercup shrugged. “But it’s been nice to be around so many good people. That’s probably why,” Buttercup said, her tone sounding as if she was trying to convince herself that the words she spoke were true. “Tom missed me. I know things will be different now. We just needed a little break.”

  Sitting silently, Wes contemplated turning the truck around. No one wanted Buttercup to leave. Wes, Carrie and Mama had thrown a big party on the ranch last night in Buttercup’s honor. The fun night had ended tearfully, as everyone began to say their goodbyes. Wes and Carrie had taken bets on who would be crying harder, Mrs. Bledsoe or Ray. It had been a tie.

  Ray had thanked Wes ten times for volunteering to drive Buttercup to the airport the next morning. “I know I’d make it even harder on her to leave, Wes,” Ray had said through his tears. It was true. Ray would be sobbing like a baby, trying not to beg Buttercup to stay. Wes was happy to do the favor for his friend.

  At the beginning of Buttercup’s trip, Ray had confided in Wes about the texts she was receiving from the mysterious boyfriend, Tom. Buttercup was happier, and Ray feared it was due to the absence of Tom. But, over the past weeks, the frequent text messages had stopped causing Buttercup to have an anxious reaction, placing a smile on her face instead. The worried look had left her eyes, so Ray was a little more able to stomach her return to Tom.


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