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by Shayne McClendon

After a long shower, she climbed naked between her sheets and touched herself with thoughts of them in her mind. Relaxing into sleep, she considered them individually and as a pair.

  Day by day, they became part of a life she never imagined would truly fit one man, much less two. They were brilliant, funny, and kind. They were also ridiculously sexy and she’d never wanted to get naked with men more than she did with Near and Far.

  It was the memory of why she’d given them the nicknames that sent her to sleep with a smile.

  Chapter Eight

  January 2015

  When Marci told the men that she considered more hers by the day that she needed to find a window of time to spend with her friends, they asked to arrange an outing for her.

  Surprised and pleased, she thanked them for the offer.

  The Ghonims coordinated with Danielle to clear a block of time. Then they arranged a private room at an exclusive restaurant in Manhattan where an array of food awaited them upon arrival, a string quartet played softly in the corner, and a bartender stood ready to serve them.

  Natalia, Riya, Tawny, and Brie arrived moments after Marci did and all of them stood in awe of the extravagance.

  Turning to look at the women, she smiled. “I’m starving.”

  “I’m thirsty and that guy in the corner has my poison,” Tawny replied, already heading his direction.

  They ate far too much but laughed just the right amount.

  At the end of the long meal, full and tipsy, the owner of the restaurant approached them with a smile.

  He informed them that the limo was waiting to take their group to the spa, handed Marci a heavy linen card, and bowed before leaving the room. It was from Nuri and Fahad.

  Experience time at the spa with better company. They stayed open late to accommodate you and your friends in complete privacy.

  Enjoy and we’ll see you tomorrow, Marci darling.

  They’d signed their names at the bottom.

  Tawny glanced over her shoulder. “Those two understand how to get to you. They know to give your busy ass plenty of space and freedom while pampering you like nothing I’ve ever seen.” She shrugged. “They’re damn good.”

  Meeting her eyes, Marci smiled. “They really are.”

  It was the first time she’d spent so much time with other women and didn’t feel as if she was partaking in some sort of test. It was a wonderful change.

  On the other side of Manhattan, the spa staff greeted them with smiles at the entrance.

  Tyler stood beside them, his hands folded in front of him. “The building is secure, ma’am. The team is positioned at all exits. You can relax in complete safety with your friends.”

  “Tell the men how much I appreciate the extra hours.”

  He gave her a wink and she grinned. “The Ghonims were quite clear that we were to allow you a freedom you rarely experience and gave us what they called overtime pay in cash.” He shrugged. “We tried to decline but they insisted.”

  “Spend it frivolously.” She gripped his forearm as she passed. “Thank you, Tyler. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  It was after ten when their group reclined on tables to wait for massage therapists to join them. They’d set them up in a large space so they could stay together.

  Brie said, “Please give my sincere thanks to your gentleman callers, Marci.”

  “Gentleman callers…” Tawny snorted.

  Going up on her elbows, Natalia told her quietly, “Hudson ran every possible check on them. You know how he can be.” Marci nodded. “He found nothing derogatory and with his contacts, that means quite a lot.”

  “My team ran them backward and forward several times despite my insistence that it was unnecessary.” Marci issued a low sigh. “It’s my life but I’m responsible for a lot of money that belongs to other people. Anyone I’m involved with must be vetted. Politicians don’t get as much scrutiny.”

  “Mere countries wish they had your assets.” All of them snickered and Tawny cleared her throat. “On a serious note, they’re clean.”

  Brie lifted her head. “Girl…are you a secret agent or something?” All of them looked over at the redhead.

  “I’m something,” she answered vaguely. “I ran them personally. It’s a habit of mine when anyone new appears in the lives of my friends.” She shrugged. “There are a lot of truly fucked up people in the world and some of them have no boundaries.”

  “Wait…” Natalia started and changed her mind. “Never mind, we’re in semi-public. That’s a discussion for another day. You’ve been warned, Red.”

  “Mm hmm.” She didn’t sound worried.

  Riya stared at her best friend with a frown for a long moment and finally mumbled, “I made some inquiries with a couple of the members in Switzerland.”

  Tawny called her on it. “You mean your fan club…”

  “Shut up, bitch. I’m too relaxed to beat your ass.” She rolled her eyes. “The cousins are well liked. Apparently, there was speculation that they weren’t actively searching for a woman during their time there.” Riya wiggled her brows. “They became members more to understand the ménage lifestyle.” Turning her head, she added in a dramatic whisper, “It seems they already knew who they wanted, you know, between them.”

  “They better not be virgins,” Tawny hissed.

  “They aren’t,” Marci assured them. The others all looked at her. “I asked and they gave me references.” She stared at the intricate design on the floor beneath the table.

  “Their former lovers are women all over the world. Each confirmed that the relationship was purely physical. There wasn’t anyone for over a year before they approached me.”

  The silence drew out for more than a minute when Tawny said loudly, “Holy shit! They’re going to fuck your brains out for a solid month once they finally get you buck ass naked!”

  Her declaration set off a round of hysterics from all of them that lasted for way too long.

  A couple of hours later, when they were all dressed and back in the limo, Marci allowed her thoughts to wander.

  She was ready to crawl out of her skin with need for two men who wanted her desperately but curbed their desires to give her time to focus on the demanding life and business she’d inherited.

  Sexual need wasn’t a state of being with which she was familiar.

  * * * * *

  February 2015

  Regular gifts arrived from the Nuri and Fahad that ranged from useful to extravagant. For her thirtieth birthday, they worked with Danielle as well as Marci’s friends to create a spectacular party at Trois.

  The men took turns taking her out on the dance floor. She used it as an excuse to hold them close and sway gently to the music. There never seemed to be enough time to simply touch them the way she wanted.

  Of all the gifts she received, the prototype of a brand new tablet one of their companies had developed – loaded with several thousand books – was her favorite.

  In a small alcove on the second floor, they held her against a wall and traded her mouth back and forth between them. The words they whispered, the way they worshipfully caressed her, caused her entire body to vibrate with expectation.

  Being near them – separately or together – made her wet, caused her nipples to pebble tightly, and stole her ability to think clearly.

  She thought it would be the night they came up to her apartment but they satisfied themselves with stroking their hands over her body as they drove her home.

  That they wanted her was undeniable. The outlines of their cocks behind their slacks attested to the incredible control they held. Never had she met even one man with such mastery.

  “Will you come up?” she asked into the silence created after another series of mind-blowing kisses and touches.

  “A little longer, Marci. We know your schedule better than you do. Once you finish the purchase of the virtual learning centers and have finalized the food program, you will be able to breathe.” The words clearly cost Fahad t
o say.

  “I want you both so much. More than I’ve ever wanted any person in my life.” She heard the trace of begging in her voice.

  “Marci…” Nuri wrapped her in a hug. “We do not know if we will be able to stop once we start.”

  “You tempt us as no one in our lives has ever done.” Fahad rested his forehead against her back. “We cannot be trusted to hold back, love.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t care.” The words were barely coherent. “I need you. I want to feel you against me. I’m so cold.”

  They took turns soothing her with soft touches and softer words. Then she realized they were unbuttoning her top.

  “Ssh, Marci. We cannot give you everything you need. You will require far more time than we have now.” Nuri’s voice was rough with restrained lust.

  Fahad pulled her clothes away carefully until she reclined on the leather seat in her bra and panties. “We will…sweet lord. We will try to give you what you need in the small window of time that you have.”

  Her breath panted through her lips and she nodded. “Yes.”

  They stripped away suit jackets, ties, and dress shirts until their upper bodies were bare. She placed her fingers over her lips before holding her hands out to them.

  Together, they moved her until they could press her between them, the warmth of their skin sinking through her pores to her bones.

  In desperation, she tried to hold them closer, tighter. “I knew you would warm me.”

  Between them, she existed in a cocoon of warmth, safety, and simmering desire. She knew it wasn’t possible to take everything so she took what she could.

  Fahad pulled her into his lap, her back against his chest. He nuzzled her neck with his cheek and she could feel the stubble growing there. Nuri knelt between her legs and pressed his upper body against her.

  Their faces rested on either side and she wanted to cry from the pleasure. Gripping Fahad’s hand, she hugged Nuri and they held her without speaking for several minutes.

  Gradually, the chill began to fade and the trembling eased. Marci inhaled deeply. “Thank you. I know I’m being needy. It’s never been an issue for me.”

  Leaning back, Nuri reached up to cup her cheeks. His black eyes stared into hers for a long moment. “You are not needy, Marci. You are lonely. You work hard to maintain a company employing thousands and recent upheaval has almost buried you physically. Soon, we will give to you, take from you, and I will finally be able to sleep again.”

  Rubbing his cheek against her hair, Fahad whispered at her ear, “I toss and turn, unable to sleep deeply without graphic dreams of you in my arms. I wake hard and wanting every morning, Marci. You are my first thought when I wake and the last before I fall into exhaustion.”

  “Close your eyes. Let us ease you.”

  Their hands moved on her and she didn’t know who touched her where but she didn’t care. Warm palms smoothed along her arms, sides, and over her belly. Fingers cupped her breasts and thumbs brushed back and forth over nipples that ached with need.

  Fahad’s cock pressed along the cleft of her ass through her panties and Nuri gently rocked against her clit. The fabric that separated them didn’t matter and she imagined it didn’t exist.

  Reaching back, she ran her palm along Fahad’s neck. Her other hand pulled Nuri closer. They took turns kissing her and she gently moved her hips to stroke them at the same time.

  Their pulses pounded against the skin of her hands and she knew hers raced as quickly.

  Such tender caresses shouldn’t have taken her so high, so fast. It seemed mere seconds when the stimulation shoved her over the edge of climax. They responded by holding her harder. The thumping of their hearts seemed to blend with hers and they didn’t move away as she rode the pleasure she needed.

  Tightening her arms around them, she whispered, “I want you to come for me. I want to know I affect you as strongly as you affect me. Please. Please. I need it.”

  Simultaneously, they groaned her name and moved more urgently against her. They were so hard and hot, even their clothing couldn’t disguise the sensation.

  “When I finally have you inside me, fucking me, I know it will be different than anything I’ve ever experienced. I want to forget everything in my life but the ecstasy of you both taking me, making me come, coming for me…”

  Dual growls accompanied a hard push against her body from the front and back, and then she felt them give her the only thing it felt she couldn’t live without.

  “Yes. God, yes.” Holding them fiercely, she absorbed the sounds they made, the way the breath sawed in and out of their lungs, and the heat on her skin. “Everything. Don’t stop until you have nothing left.”

  Just a few months before, such words would have made her blush even if she was able to conceal it.

  The woman she was becoming, the woman these men were pulling from her shell, was unashamed of the lust they inspired, the decadence they represented, or the passion that was brighter and hotter than anything she’d imagined possible.

  With gentle kisses and words, they brought her down. She returned the attention, the care, and ached for more.

  Fahad turned her face to deliver a scorching kiss. When he broke it, he rested his forehead against hers. “You are everything I want, all that I need, and I anticipate a slight improvement in your schedule so I can worship you until you no longer know your own name…much less what meeting you need to attend.”

  With her eyes closed, she kissed him again. Turning, she found Nuri’s lips and let him twist her up with passion that was ready to blaze out of control again.

  Pulling back, he stared into her eyes. “Soon you will be able to take much needed time to relax. We will not add to your stress or worry. Thank you for relieving some of the pressure.” He winked. “I think I have a permanent imprint of my zipper on my aching cock.”

  They turned her sideways and she was able to look at them together. Each had a forearm across her upper back to support her. Suddenly, she worried.

  “There’s a lot I don’t know. It…never mattered to me before…what I didn’t know. Now it matters.”

  “Of all the things you could have said, I think that makes my heart race more than any other.” She wanted to fall into Fahad’s deep black eyes. “You are my ideal woman, exactly as you are at this moment.”

  “You know all you need to know, Marci. Allow us to show you anything you have ever wished to learn. Let us show you the woman you are inside that screams to be released.” Nuri kissed her lips and whispered against them, “She is fierce and so very beautiful.”

  With his hand over her heart, Fahad explained, “We will not take from you, Marci. We wish to give, to add to your joy and happiness. It is our sole motive where you are concerned.”

  They took their time dressing her and she did blush when they used bar towels to clean their release from inside their slacks. They chuckled at her embarrassment.

  She wrapped her arms around them and whispered, “You give me so much. I’m sorry the timing is so bad.” Kissing each of them deeply, she relished the way they held her.

  “You are worth the wait, Marci.”

  “Focus on what you must. We are not going anywhere. The time will come when you receive everything you want, everything we so desperately want to give you.”

  The thought made her heart pound in anticipation and need. She reminded herself that they were also worth the wait.

  Chapter Nine

  March 2015

  Six months after the cousins appeared at Trois, Marci was scheduled to attend a formal benefit and asked the Ghonims to escort her. She was searching for one of the foundation reports when Carlo let them upstairs.

  Answering the door, she begged for five minutes. Glancing at Tyler, she added, “Any problems?”

  “Not a thing. We’ve cleared the venue.”

  She grinned. “I figured.” To the cousins she added, “I’m ready. I’m trying to find a document Danielle sent over that the head o
f the foundation asked me to notate. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

  They stepped into her foyer and her bodyguard closed the door behind them with a soft click.

  She turned to rush back to her office when they stopped her by taking her hands and holding them out from her body. Every thought in her mind disintegrated as she came to a true halt and took in their appearance.

  As she absorbed their tuxedos and swept back black hair, the cousins dropped their hands to her waist and began to circle her. The warmth of their palms sank through the silk of the custom gown in the same shade as her eyes.

  “You are stunning, Marciella.”

  “Beyond compare.”

  At her back, Nuri kissed her bare shoulder. Fahad’s palm cupped the side of her neck and dropped his lips over hers. The kiss was so different from every other she’d received that she whimpered into his mouth.

  He lifted to look at her and Marci realized that she was hugging his waist and gripping Nuri’s forearm across her stomach. He nuzzled his cheek against hers. Then they traded places and Nuri inspired the same response.

  This time, more than any other, they claimed her. As inexperienced in such things as she was, there was no denying the intent. For the first time, she allowed men to do so because it was all she wanted. All she’d wanted for months.

  Pressed to her back and front, their voices at her ears were a seduction in their own right. “Do not rush. How beautiful you are tonight and every night. I dream of your touch. I could kiss you forever.”

  Eyes closed, she rested her head against Nuri’s shoulder. “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

  “Will you allow us to take you to our home after the event?” She didn’t know which of them asked the question but she nodded. “No pressure. No expectations. A bit of uninterrupted time with you is all we wish to experience.”

  “I want that, too.”

  “Arrange for your security to coordinate with ours. They can bunk at the estate.”

  “They can clear the house prior to our arrival. We wish no delays when it is time to take you home.”

  “We will wait here to avoid distracting you further.”


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