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Page 9

by Shayne McClendon

Taking them to her desk, he spread out the pages. “Holy shit.” The words were almost inaudible. After several minutes, he met her eyes. “She won’t get past us. However, I never would have thought her capable of going to such lengths.”

  Straightening, he buttoned his jacket. “I need to meet with the team.” Inclining his head at Owen, he asked Marci, “You’re alright?”

  “This is my brother…Owen Douglas.” Tyler’s eyes went wide. “Victoria hid him from me. God forbid if I’d had an ally.”

  “Life with you is never boring. I’ll be right outside.” Nodding to them, the head of her security left the office.

  Joining Owen at the window, she stared up into a face that was clearly kind and intelligent. “Will you let me get to know you?”

  “I’d like that, Marci.”

  “I only had Dad and sometimes my grandmother growing up. It would have been great to have a brother.” She gave him a careful smile. “I know you by reputation. You showed her you didn’t need anything she had to offer.”

  Leaning forward slightly, he murmured, “So did you. Well done on surviving in the lion’s den. I often wonder if she’d have made me a sociopath had she kept me with her.”

  “I think not.” Tugging her lower lip between her teeth, she considered. “Will you stay a little while? Tell me about your life?”

  “Let’s have dinner in a few weeks. I want to give you time to verify what I’ve told you and formulate any questions you might have. Besides, your men will enter any minute ready to slay unknown dragons.”

  A blush crawled up her neck before she was able to snuff it out. “You…know about my relationship with the Ghonims?”

  He nodded with a grin. “I imagine it takes two men to keep up with the schedule you maintain. No worries and no judgment from me. I’m just glad we made it to this point. It was a pleasure to meet you at last, Marci.”

  “You, too. Thank you for warning me.”

  “She’s livid that you’ve thrown her out of your life and out of the company. When she came to me, she thought I’d be glad of her attention after forty years. She ranted about you as if we have had a relationship all this time and I’d somehow be on her side. She kept saying that you didn’t know who you were dealing with but she’d show you.”

  “Oh my god…”

  “It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.” Returning to his briefcase, he removed a linen envelope. “I’m hosting a gala at the Met next month to christen the homeless warehouse project. It was my excuse to see you but it’s actually the truth.”

  Her smile felt like it covered her entire face. “I have a special place in my heart for the homeless as well. I’ll be there.”

  They shook hands and he held hers between his own. He was a big man, over six feet tall. The summer sun had bleached strands of his dark blonde hair to platinum and he sported a light tan.

  “Take care of yourself, Marci. Since I lost grandfather, you are now the only relative I have…that I’ll claim.”

  Leaning, he kissed her cheek. Then he picked up his briefcase and gave her a wink. “See you soon, little sister.”

  She was incapable of anything but grinning and giving him a wave. Time passed while she stood staring at the closed door, lost in thought, and when the Ghonims busted through it, she startled violently.

  Nuri barked, “You are safe, kalby?” She nodded and he pressed his hand over his chest. “I need to hug you.”

  Fahad didn’t speak but held her so tight that it almost hurt. They were breathing heavily.

  When they satisfied themselves that she was okay, they pulled back to look into her face. Over the next hour, she told them everything about her meeting with Owen.

  They were in shock at the connections between her kidnappers in Dubai and her mother.

  Fahad hissed, “She will not touch you, Marci.”

  “I would kill her myself if she dared,” Nuri added.

  Leading them to the couch, she settled between them and they angled toward her with fierce expressions.

  “I have a brother.” They blinked in confusion, trying to change gears from their fury. “I never had a brother before and now I have a brother.”

  “Darling, Victoria…”

  “I don’t care. Our teams will stop her. The important thing is that I have a brother. Family I didn’t know I had. A big brother who didn’t even bat an eye about my relationship with the two of you. You both have lots of family but…it’s always been just me by myself.”

  Their smiles were slow as they recognized how happy she was about meeting Owen Douglas.

  “Tell us about your brother, Marci.” Nuri reached out to smooth her hair.

  Fahad settled against the couch and held her hand. “It must be shocking to discover a long lost brother at thirty. What was your first thought?”

  She talked for a long time about her impressions. Then she stood and walked to her door. Locking it securely, she started undressing on her return to them.

  “Let’s celebrate. Strip down, fuck me, and make me come until I pass out.”

  They were on their feet beside her instantly. Planting kisses on her neck, they whispered together, “As you wish…”

  A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand.

  Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?

  Khalil Gibran

  The Wedding

  A Short Story by Shayne McClendon

  June 20th 2015

  “I don’t think I should have worn white, Gabriella. I mean…really.” Natalia Roman stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror with a small frown between her eyes. “My mother is probably scandalized.”

  Brie snorted. “Yeah, right. I was expecting a sedate, circa 1950s housewife with a soft voice and your mom blew all my preconceptions out of the water. She’s fabulous and ridiculously chic. Besides, she told you if you held a black and white wedding and then tripped down the aisle in beige – a color she looked ill to say – then it would throw off the entire thing. So! Rock that designer gown that looks like a second skin on your fantastic body and anyone who doesn’t like it can fuck off.”

  Turning, the blonde took Brie’s shoulders. “Are you sure you’re okay? I feel as if you pushed your recovery so we could marry.”

  Lifting her hands, she cupped Natalia’s cheeks. “You and Hudson deserve every single beautiful thing life has to offer. Having the honor of being here to watch it means more to me than I can tell you. I’m as anxious and excited as you are and if I pushed myself a little bit, I consider the outcome more than worth it. This is the first time I’ve been able to stand on my own two feet in more than a year. I feel amazing. If I get tired, I’ll sit down.”

  Turning the slim woman toward the mirror, she stared around her shoulder. “Look at you, Natalia. You’re dressed in a wedding gown and about to become the wife of the man you’ve loved for more than thirty years.” She blinked back her tears. “My happiness for you fills me up and overflows.”

  “Don’t make me cry, darling. You always have the power.” She raised a long-fingered hand and placed it over Brie’s. “Thank you. I’m grateful more every day for your friendship.”

  Sniffling, Brie shook her head and gave Natalia’s shoulders a hug. “We are so emotional. Okay! I have to go check the lay of the land.” At the door, she paused and glanced back. “Natalia?” The blonde turned and the sunlight caught her just right. “You are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to see Hudson’s face when he sees you.”

  Two slender hands covered her friend’s lower face and she was smiling through happy tears.

  “Don’t get snot on your gown.” She winked. “I’ll be right back.”

  After reassuring Natalia, Gabriella almost started bawling at the damn beauty of everything to do with a wedding she’d been waiting for as anxiously as the couple getting married.

ng the door of the bridal suite softly behind her, she walked as quickly as she was able to the other end of the hall and gave a soft tap on the door.


  The abrupt response made her grin as she swung the door wide. “Oh sweet lord, Hudson. You look fucking outstanding.”

  Her best friend, a title the man earned every day, was dressed in a tuxedo. His black hair was brushed back from his forehead and it was getting long enough that the natural waves were evident.

  “Gabriella…I am a goddamn wreck. You look lovely.”

  Her eyes widened as she closed the door and stopped in front of him. “Thank you and we can fix whatever it is.” It was then that she realized he was having trouble with his tie.

  “I cannot count the number of times I’ve performed this unbelievably simple task. This is bullshit.”

  She pretended not to notice that his hands shook and gave him a bright grin. “It’s clearly the stupid tie. Let me.” Shooing his hands away, she took over until it laid properly. “There. Now you’re as perfectly perfect as your stunning bride to be.”

  His eyes met hers and she loved the way he gave his complete attention when he talked. “How is she? Any sign of cold feet?”

  “You damn well know better.” She smoothed his lapel and straightened his boutonniere. “She’s a little nervous and her emotions are close to the surface but I imagine it’s a feeling many brides share.”

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  She shrugged. “Nor would I.” His eyes flickered with an instant of sadness and she cupped his cheeks. “If the two of you don’t stop worrying about me, I will marry the first man I see.” Tucking a tiny stray hair behind his ear, she added, “I’m so damn proud of you, Hudson. For so many reasons.”

  “That means more than you realize, Brie. Seeing you back on your feet makes the day that much more special. I hope you didn’t push…”

  One finger over his lips, she laughed. “I am fine. Not ready to walk the streets yet…wait, that made me sound like hooker.” He gave her a full laugh. “Anyway, I’m great and you aren’t permitted to worry about anyone or anything on the most important day of your life. Promise?”

  “You remain the most fascinating human being to me.”

  “As you are to me. In my case, fascinating is often a synonym for weird but I’m cool with that.” She rubbed her hands together. “Now! What can I do to help before we get this show on the road? Any little tasks you need me to race out and do?”

  Glancing around, she gave a small scream at the sight of Harper and Elijah standing on the other end of the room, watching her. Neither had moved or made a sound since she walked in.

  “Delkin is here,” Hudson explained. Rather unnecessarily, in her opinion.

  “Jesus. Yes, thank you, Hudson.” She inhaled carefully against the reaction they caused. “Nice to see you both again. I’m going to…go.”

  Pausing in the act of turning toward the door, Brie knew she couldn’t allow the presence of men she thought about more often than was healthy to stop her from saying what she needed to say.

  Turning back, she gave him a gentle smile. “I cannot express how honored I am to be part of this moment in your life. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Hudson. Thank you for a million things, big and small.” She hugged him carefully but he wasn’t having it and gathered her tightly to him. “Don’t be nervous. It’s all going to be just right because that’s exactly what you deserve.”

  Releasing him, he cupped her face and bent to kiss her forehead. “It was you. We won’t forget.”

  “Don’t make me cry,” she whispered. Squeezing his hand, she turned for the door.

  “Gabriella.” Glancing over her shoulder, she met his eyes. “Had Natalia not called dibs, you’d have been my best man rather than her maid of honor.” He shrugged. “As it was, I had to go with my next oldest…friend.”

  Looking at Harper, his pewter eyes seemed to see deep inside her. She refused to think about how good the friends looked in their tuxedos.

  “You made an excellent choice, Hudson.” She laughed. “However, I’d have loved watching a seamstress struggle to get my ass in a tux. I’ll see you out there.”

  Just outside, she experienced a fit of nervous giggles barely muffled by her hands. Finally able to calm herself, she returned to Natalia’s side.

  * * * * *

  An hour later, Gabriella stood on one side of the altar while Hudson and Harper stood on the other. Elijah sat in the first row.

  As Natalia appeared thirty feet away, the guests gasped and murmured about her incredible beauty but Brie kept her eyes on Hudson. The love, the near worship he held for his woman was evident on every inch of his face. It made her heart feel full to overflowing.

  Watching every step Natalia took down the aisle toward him, Hudson never blinked. Only Gabriella saw the shimmer of tears in his eyes and truly understood the journey the couple had taken to get to this place, this moment, in the history of their relationship.

  It was knowledge she treasured and she was overjoyed to be a witness to it. Searing the moment into her mind, she knew she would sketch it later.

  Handing over her bouquet with trembling hands, Natalia turned to her fiancé. Within mere moments, after more than thirty years of friendship, they were married at long last.

  Those assembled stood to clap and cheer.

  The newly wedded couple turned and bent as one to kiss her cheeks. Natalia’s voice trembled with emotion, “Did you see?”

  Nodding happily, Brie was unable to stop a tear from slipping down her cheek. She replied softly, “It was the single most beautiful moment I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime and I won’t ever forget it.” They hugged her tightly between them. “I love you both so much. Congratulations. Now go greet your guests as husband and wife…because it’s about damn time.”

  Laughing, they turned to walk up the aisle. Natalia’s hand was through Hudson’s arm and he held her there securely. With her hands clasped over her heart and a smile that felt far too big for her face, she watched them take the first steps into their true future together.


  Inhaling sharply, she met Harper’s eyes. He held out his arm and she put her hand through it robotically. His warmth radiated through the expensive fabric and she realized she was shaking.

  He placed his other hand over hers and gently stroked her skin with his thumb. She dared to look up at him and he smiled. It was the first time she’d seen an expression on his face that neared actual happiness.

  It stole her breath.

  “Naturally, we’ll be required to dance.” He winked. “I’ll be careful with you, Brie.”

  Hudson’s oldest male friend led her toward the waiting limo that would carry them across town to the luxurious reception. Elijah fell into step at her other side. They pretended not to hear Riya call her name from across the room.

  Brie wondered if it was possible for a human heart to literally beat out of a person’s chest.

  As they gently assisted her into the supple interior, Harper murmured, “It’s time, Gabriella.”

  At that moment, she knew she was about to test the theory.

  © Shayne McClendon

  The Barter System

  Research might be work…but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. Riya O’Connell goes straight to the source for her dissertation on male sexuality.

  She sets out on a journey that will take her all over the country…and deep into her own desires.

  *Thirteen thousand applications. *Eight chosen men. *One woman’s heart.

  They provide information and ensure she reaches her next destination safely. In return, Riya gives them what they want – and helps them discover what they need.

  *Meet the subjects. *Push your inhibitions. *Experience the passion.

  Sean (37) Internet Entrepreneur – Florida

  Victor (31) Fisherman – Georgia

  Joshua (22) College Student – Texas

bsp; Lucas (42) Rancher – Montana

  Ricardo (32) Police Officer – California

  Bobby (27) Musician – Massachusetts

  Micah & Max (34) Financiers – New York

  Step inside Riya’s world…you’re going to love it.


  Refuse to compromise.

  Hudson Winters is in control of every aspect of his world. From his earliest memories, he’s been driven to succeed and has allowed nothing to get in his way. Starting from poverty, he built his empire on opportunity and intimidation.

  Personally, professionally, and sexually – he dominates and ensures the reins are always in his hands.

  Until Gabriella Hernandez steps into his building. From the moment they collide she shakes up his entire existence. Her very presence causes him to question everything he thought he knew about himself, his relationships, and his future.

  Hudson is dark, deep, and steamy. The depth of the passion he feels for Gabriella twists him up inside and threatens to alter the course of one of his oldest friendships.

  Be prepared to be manhandled in the best of ways. You’ll never meet another man like Hudson. The ride gets a little bumpy – but it’s worth it.

  It’s time to meet Mr. Winters.

  Pushing the Envelope

  Tawny Ratliff is a loose cannon. She’s brash, unpredictable, and always ready to fight.

  She’s also the best friend a person could hope for, keeps an eye on the people she loves, and takes her desire to do good to the next level.

  Brilliant and devious, Tawny takes you behind the scenes of “The Barter System,” to a time when she and her best friend Riya were just kids trying to figure things out like everyone else.

  Her perspective is unusual, her language is uncouth, but she is never boring. Find out why this character in “The Barter System” and “Hudson” won the hearts of so many. She’s a woman with no filter.

  Tawny is waiting.

  About Shayne McClendon

  Shayne McClendon is an indie author most recognized for her premiere novel “The Barter System.” Also set in “The Barter System” world are “Hudson” (book two), “Pushing the Envelope” (book three), and “Backstage” (book four).


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