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Monster Girl Islands 7

Page 14

by Logan Jacobs

  My balls instantly tightened at the sensation, which only made her get into it even more.

  The next thing I knew, Sela’s mouth was around me, and she sucked tenderly as she stroked my cock.

  “Don’t hog it all!” Mira’s gold eyes grew hungry as she watched her friend pleasure me.

  “Then get in here,” Sela retorted as she pointed the tip of my dick toward the golden-eyed dragonkin woman. “He wants us to share him.”

  Mira licked her lips as she admired my erection, and then she slowly moved in for the kill. She licked a bit of precum off the head of my penis, swirled it around against her lips, and then placed her whole mouth around my manhood.

  “Oh, fuck…” I moaned. “You guys are fucking great at this.”

  Suddenly, Mira’s mouth plummeted straight down onto my shaft and took the entirety of my dick inside of her. Her tight throat wrapped around the head of my cock, and the warm coil in my abdomen began to tighten. Mira then started to bob up and down on my dick while Sela tended my balls and switched back and forth between the two at will.

  After a few minutes of pure bliss, Sela pulled her head up.

  “I think we need to switch,” she purred. “I want that monster in my mouth right now.”

  Mira shrugged, let my erection fall from her lips, and then smiled at her friend.

  “Do you want a small taste first?” she offered.

  “What do you--” Sela started, but then Mira planted her lips on the moss-scaled woman’s mouth.

  The two dragonkin women made out passionately, and my cock somehow grew harder watching them kiss. Soon, Mira fumbled at Sela’s top, slid it over her head, and threw it to the side.

  Sela’s small, pale nipples were rock hard on her pert breasts, and Mira started to tweak them with one hand as she reached up and jerked me off with the other.

  “He tastes amazing on your mouth,” Sela cooed through her groans of pleasure. “But I want the whole thing!”

  Sela grabbed the base of my cock with her hand, pointed it toward her, and then slid it into her warm, wet mouth. She only went down about half of the way before she had to stop, but then the beautiful dragonkin woman moved back and forth as far as she could go.

  Meanwhile, Mira sat back and practically ripped off her top. Her breasts jiggled as they fell free from their fabric prison, and each one was adorned with a perfect, large nipple I wanted nothing more than to suck. She then laid back and wiggled her pants off, and the second I saw her pussy I nearly exploded. Mira was sopping wet as she reached down and began to finger herself, and I began to wonder just how tight and wet her tender slit actually was…

  Sela must have felt my erection grow harder in her mouth, because she suddenly let out an excited gasp. She then pulled back to the head of my cock, took a deep breath, and relaxed the muscles in her throat.

  I already knew what came next, and I couldn’t fucking wait.

  The jade-haired woman shoved her mouth down one more time, and I felt myself bottom out against the back of her throat. Sela let out a small gag as she took me all in, but that gag quickly turned into a moan as she began to run her tongue around my shaft and balls.

  “Oh, Gods…” I groaned. “If you keep that up, I think I’m going to cum.”

  Sela’s eyes lit up at the thought of accepting my seed, and that only made her go even harder.

  Mira continued to pleasure herself while she watched the two of us go at it, and her moans were becoming closer and closer together. Her breasts jiggled along with the circular motions she made around her clitoris, and I could tell she was ready for the big one.

  Too bad the big one was currently occupied at the moment.

  Suddenly, the coil in my gut reached its breaking point, and I gripped Sela’s green locks, held her in place, and then let out a lion-moan as I unloaded my warm orgasm into her mouth.

  Sela gasped with surprise when I flooded into her mouth, but she took it like a champ. Her throat pulsated as she swallowed each and every drop of my cum, and soon I felt the feeling of ecstasy subside. Finally, Sela pulled herself off my cock, licked her lips, and smiled.

  “Yum,” she purred as she wiped a bit of my cum off her chin with her tongue.

  “Awwww,” Mira sighed. “I wanted some of that.”

  “Don’t worry,” I growled passionately as I turned to the golden-scaled goddess. “There’s plenty more where that came from.”

  I instantly bent down, scooped up Mira’s slender frame into my arms, and flipped us both around so we were level with the table. Then I laid Mira’s naked body down onto the wood, raised her legs up, and rested them on my shoulders.

  The dragonkin woman gasped at the sudden change in scenery, but then her eyes lit up when she realized what this meant.

  My cock was already returning to full mast, and I was going to give Mira the fuck of her life.

  I positioned my erection right against her warm, wet pussy lips, and Mira responded with a long, intense groan.

  “J-Just put it in!” the jade-haired woman begged. “I-I can’t take the teasing. I need you inside of me right now.”

  Who was I to deny her of her request?

  So, I pressed the head of my cock against her labia, gripped her ankles, and then slowly slid into Mira’s tight tunnel.

  Her pussy convulsed around my cock, and it felt like all of the blood in my body rushed down to assist. Then I shoved myself all the way into Mira, until I bottomed out against her cervix.

  “Fuck, you’re tight.” I half-whistled, half groaned. “I can’t wait until the day you grow full with my child.”

  “Oh, Gods!” Mira gasped when she heard me talking dirty. “I can’t wait, either.”

  I began to pump in and out of Mira’s tight pussy and watched as her large breasts jiggled in unison with each motion. I looked over and noticed Sela was now completely naked. Her pussy was so wet, a bit of her juices were running down her inner thighs, and I bit my own lip at the thought of lapping it up with my tongue.

  That gave me an idea.

  “Sela, go squat over Mira’s face,” I ordered. “Mira, lick Sela’s pussy until she climaxes.”

  “Uhh… yes, Draco Rex. If you order it.” Sela strutted over, pulled herself up onto the table, and then threw her right leg over Mira’s face.

  “You’re so damn wet!” Mira gasped with surprise.

  Then I saw the golden-scaled woman’s hands reach up, wrap around Sela’s tight ass, and pull her body down. Sela threw her head back as Mira went to town on her womanhood, and she leaned back far enough so I could see both her firm ass and her perky little B-cups.

  “Oh, my!” Sela moaned as Mira ate her out. “H-How are you so good at this?”

  Mira giggled against Sela’s mound, but the gold-scaled woman apparently wasn’t going to reveal her secrets just yet.

  I continued to plow the dragonkin warrior while she licked at her friend’s clitoris and gripped her ass firmly. I sensed myself approaching the mountaintop once more, but I wasn’t going to release just yet.

  I wanted to enjoy this as long as I possibly could.

  So, I pulled myself all the way out, held my cock against the outer lips of Mira’s pussy, and awaited her response.

  The golden-scaled warrior released Sela from her grasp and gave me a dirty look.

  “Don’t stop!” she ordered. “Why did you--”

  Before she could finish her sentence, I pushed myself deep into Mira, and she let out a long, drawn-out groan. I continued on with the slow, deep motions as she went back to pleasuring Sela, and soon I felt her pussy spasming around me. Mira’s body began to tense up until finally, she froze and pulled away from her current activity.

  “I think I’m about to--Oh, Goddddddds!” Mira cried out as her tight tunnel grabbed my cock and refused to let go.

  The sounds of Mira’s orgasm sent me over the edge, but I realized I couldn’t cum inside of her. She didn’t want to get pregnant yet, and I needed to find another landing spot for my

  So, I pulled myself out of Mira, aimed my cock at her stomach, and unloaded a geyser of my warm orgasm onto her naked belly.

  Instantly, Sela turned around and looked down at the long white strands on Mira’s stomach.

  “Can’t let that go to waste, now can we?” The blue-haired woman bent down and looked me straight in the eyes as she began to lap it up with her tongue.

  The sight of Sela taking in my seed was enough to start the entire process over again, and my cock slowly began to throb as the blood re-entered it and caused it to swell up like a balloon.

  I may have orgasmed twice already, but I wasn’t done yet. A good man always finished his women, and I still had one woman who hadn’t gotten off yet.

  “It’s your turn.” I smiled at Sela as I motioned for her to come closer.

  “How do you want me, my king?” she purred as she crawled over the table and over Mira’s still-quivering body.

  “Turn around,” I ordered. “I want to fuck you from behind.”

  Sela’s eyes lit up at the suggestion, and she instantly obeyed. The sexy, green-scaled woman turned around so her plump, tight ass was facing me, and then she slid her lower half off the table.

  I rubbed my erection around her ass before I began to circle her pussy, and she practically begged me to enter her.

  Also, it appeared Mira wasn’t done yet.

  “You don’t get out of doing the work,” the jade-haired woman teased as she positioned herself in front of Sela’s face. “We’re all sharing the love, remember?”

  Sela didn’t say a word. Instead, she quickly reached up, wrapped her hands around Mira’s thighs, and pulled her pussy onto her face. Sela’s head whipped back and forth rhythmically as she performed oral sex on Mira, whose head slammed back into the table as she let out a gasp.

  “Gods, Sela…” Mira moaned.

  The sights and sounds of Mira’s pleasure brought me back to full mast, and I instantly shoved my cock into Sela’s warm, waiting mound.

  The blue-skinned warrior woman gasped as I entered her, but she didn’t relent on her task at hand. Sela just continued to bury her face into Mira as I fucked her from behind, and both of the women were really into it.

  The warm coil in my stomach tightened as I watched Sela’s firm ass bounce against my cock, and I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be able to last. I watched as Sela’s hands ran up and down Mira’s fit body, stopping to fondle each breast, and pinch her thick nipples, and a groan rumbled deep in my chest.

  Holy fuck, this was amazing.

  Then Sela looked back at me over her shoulder, and I thought I was going to melt into a puddle. Her piercing green eyes stared into my very soul, and her mouth opened as if she was going to say something, but the only sounds that came out were the sounds of her pleasure.

  She continued to stare at me as she rubbed Mira with her free hand and silently begged me for my seed.

  Fucking hell… This was going to be over very soon if she kept doing that.

  Then Sela’s body tensed up, and her lips began to tremble.

  “Fuck, Ben… I think I’m going to--Ohhhhhhhh!” Sela froze in place as her tight, warm tunnel spasmed around my erection.

  Her walls were rigid and wet, and the sounds of her pleasure drove me to the edge. So, I pushed my dick as far in as it could go and then unleashed my seed into her like a firehose in a cereal bowl.

  Our moans interspersed for a few moments before they finally settled down into short, exhausted pants. Finally, I pulled myself out of the woman, wobbled over to my pants, and then pulled them up onto my body.

  “See?” I winked. “I told you there was enough of my love to go around.”

  “Gods, you were right,” Mira sighed longingly. “We need to do that again. Very soon.”

  “Yes, we do,” Sela agreed. “I didn’t realize you were so good at that, Mira.”

  “You weren’t bad yourself, you know…” Mira smiled at her former rival.

  “I don’t know about you guys.” I whistled as I plopped down onto the makeshift bed. “But I’m pretty exhausted. Why don’t you come lay down?”

  Both of the beautiful, naked women strutted over to the bed, hand-in-hand, and I couldn’t help but smile. Just minutes ago, these women were at each other’s throats. And now? They were best friends and new lovers, who wanted nothing more than to enjoy me together.

  Ben Whitfield was the luckiest guy in the fucking world.

  Sela and Mira split apart at the foot of the bed, and one of them each crawled into bed on either side of me. They both snuggled up into my naked torso, and I ran my hands through their hair as I kissed their foreheads.

  Then I laid back, closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

  The next thing I knew, I heard the sound of heavy rain against the leaves above. My eyes sprang open as I sat up in bed, and I instantly observed the entire dwelling was shaking like mad.

  “Uh, guys?” I shook both of the sleeping women awake. “I think we’re in the middle of a bad storm right now.”

  “Hmmm?” Sela grumbled as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. “We’re on a tropical island. Storms happen all the time.”

  “Yeah, but we’re on the underside of a leaf,” I reminded her. “That’s not exactly the most stable place to be when--”

  Ben! Jemma’s voice cut through my mind like a knife. Ben! You need to get out here!

  “What’s wrong, Jemma?” I asked the Niralope woman, though I had a sinking feeling in my heart.

  It’s Arrick. The house he’s staying in is hanging on by a thread!

  Motherfucker. I jumped out of bed, threw my belt around my waist, and ran to the door.

  Sure enough, the leaf all the way on the other side of the village was now dangling loose from its tree branch, and in the door, I could see a small figure standing and holding on for dear life.

  It was Arrick.

  “What’s wrong, Ben?” Sela asked as she got out of bed and ran up behind me.

  “Get dressed,” I commanded the two women. “We need to go save my son.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Hold on, Arrick!” I called out to my son through our telepathic bond. “Just hold on, and I’ll come and get you! Jemma? Why can’t Tirian fly over and grab him?”

  I already tried, Tirian’s voice explained fearfully. The wind and the rain are too much for my wings. I kept getting dragged down and blown off course every time I tried to get over there.


  “What about Malkey?” I asked. “Can’t he--”

  There’s too much structural damage, Jemma interjected. If Malkey tries to get over there, he’s going to break the bridge for sure.

  “Fucking shit!” I growled as I turned and kicked the side of the dwelling.

  Arrick was in trouble, and it looked like it was up to me to save him. I promised his mother I would bring him back in one piece, and that was a promise I was going to fulfill, come hell or high water.

  I just needed to think of a plan, and I needed to think of it quickly.

  Sure, I could try to run over there and snatch my son out of the dwelling before it fell, but Jemma just said there was structural damage. If the bridge gave out, especially when I was on it, it would drag the dwelling down with it.

  I also couldn’t fly, and taking the branches was probably too risky.

  There was a loud crack as the leaf’s support snapped a bit more, and Arrick let out a scream of terror.

  Fuck it. I didn’t have time to make a plan. I was going to have to improvise.

  So, I took off in a dead sprint, straight across the wooden planks of the bridge. The unstable beams cracked underneath my feet as I ran, and I had to hold on tightly to the vines as I tried to transverse the deathtrap of a bridge. I passed through the rest of the crew’s dwellings as I ran, and they all tried to ask me something as I ran, but I didn’t have time to stop and listen.

  Every second that passed was a second my son came closer to death.

  “Daaaaad!” Arrick cried out again, and my heart sank into my knees.

  “I’m coming, Arrick!” I called back, though I felt completely helpless.

  The wind whipped through my hair as I pushed forward, and the hard rain pounded against my skin and chilled me to the core. Still, I endured.

  Until one of the planks snapped underneath my weight.

  I let out a gasp of fear as the whole right side of my body fell downward and slammed into the next few rungs of the bridge. The weight of my body shattered the old boards like they were made of glass, and the next thing I knew my body was plummeting down toward the ground below.

  No… Not like this. Ben Whitfield was not going to fucking die from an accidental fall. Especially not while his son was still in danger.

  So, I whipped out my sword, stabbed it into the nearest tree trunk, and held on for dear life as I tried to slow my momentum. My hands ached like no other as I felt the wooden equivalent of rugburn set in, but eventually I was able to stop myself.

  Ben! Mira cried out telepathically. Ben, are you alright?

  “Don’t worry about me!” I growled. “Save Arrick!”

  Nadir and Lezan both sprang into action first, and I watched sporadically as the two Coonag women took a different approach. They both climbed up on top of the giant, swaying leaves and then began to use them as suspended lily pads. I saw them both make the first jump before I turned my attention back to trying to pull myself up out of this mess.

  It was hard to get a grip on these trees now that it was raining. Though the massive tree seemed to absorb a lot of the water, it only did so at a surface level. This meant the entire outer edge of the tree was sleek and slick with rainwater, and my hands kept slipping off every time I went to grab a foothold.

  Still, I persisted. My son was in danger, and I wasn’t going to let a bit of wet wood stand in the way of that.

  So, I pulled my pink-stone dagger out of its sheath, stabbed it into the tree trunk as hard as I could, and then proceeded to make my way up using both of my weapons as makeshift climbing hooks. Every now and again, I would lose my footing, but thankfully my two blades were lodged in tight enough to hold my weight as I dangled there helplessly.


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