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Monster Girl Islands 7

Page 27

by Logan Jacobs

Soon, however, Dalwen’s face fell, and the queen walked over to the opening in the wall and leaned against it as she stared off into the distance. Her yellow hair fell away from her ass, and I couldn’t contain my erection as I stared at her curvy rear.

  “That means we’re finished, right?” Dalwen sighed and looked back over her shoulder. “As a species.”

  “What are you talking about?” I questioned.

  “If Ardwen and his men killed the rest of our Morpho men, then all of our bloodlines end right here,” the yellow-haired woman muttered. “We have no mates, which means our species will soon go extinct.”

  Lezan, Nadir, Mira, and Sela all exchanged smug glances, and I knew exactly what they were thinking. Honestly, I was thinking the same thing, but before I could speak up, Elzara stepped forward.

  “Our species can continue on!” the blue-haired beauty protested. “I know for a fact it can.”

  Dalwen turned around and looked at the young Morpho. The queen’s purple eyes were full of skepticism, as was her body language, since she stood with one hand on her hip and her waist kicked out to the side.

  “How, exactly?” the yellow-haired queen demanded.

  Elzara’s face turned beet red as she pointed over at me. “He’s the key. We have already mated. I don’t know if it was a successful mating ritual, but it was… quite pleasant. If I’m not with a child, I would do it over and over again until it finally works.”

  Dalwen looked over at me and smiled broadly, but then her thin smile turned upside down.

  “Isn’t he a different species than us?” the queen mused. “How could his seed possibly impregnate us?”

  “It worked for us.” Lezan offered with a shrug. “Nadir and I are both with child, and we aren’t the same species as Ben.”

  “Nor is Jemma,” Mira spoke up. “And she is also pregnant.”

  “We are all intelligent beings,” Jonas interjected. “I believe that means our genetics are interchangeable. Also… I had a vision.”

  “Jonas…” I grumbled at the soothsayer. “Is there something you forgot to tell me?”

  The dragonkin elder smiled a mischievous smile. “The vision showed Ben with a baby.”

  “So?” Nadir frowned. “He’s got five babies on the way. We already knew that.”

  “This baby had wings.” Jonas shook his head. “Butterfly wings.”

  “Are you serious?” I gasped, and my mouth hung open like a fish as I tried to process Jonas’ words. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

  “It’s the number one rule of a soothsayer, Ben,” the old man chuckled, “never tell anyone about the good things that will happen to them. Because if you do, you run the risk of interfering with their progress.”

  “So… did the vision say whose baby it was?” Elzara spoke up.

  “It didn’t,” Jonas admitted. “All I saw was Ben rocking a small child in his arms as it flapped its wings happily.”

  “So, it is possible…” Dalwen trailed off, and her eyes zeroed in on me. “We cannot let this opportunity go to waste.”

  “Uhhhh, what?” I gulped, though my cock was already hardening at the prospect.

  “We need to mate with this man as soon as possible,” the yellow-haired queen declared. “His seed seems strong, which makes him the perfect candidate for breeding. Now the only question is, who goes first?”

  My erection was now at half-mast as I thought about fucking all these beautiful women.

  “It’d only be natural for the queen to go first,” Holara noted as she inclined her purple head toward Dalwen. “Ahwara is still a bit injured from the fight, and Zerandrie is way too shy.”

  “Am not!” the soft-spoken redheaded Morpho woman argued.

  “Then there’s Candara and me, who need a bit more… courting,” Holara giggled.

  “What can I say?” Candara shrugged. “We like a little more romance before we do the deed. Also, the queen’s already nude and ready to go.”

  My eyes immediately drifted toward Dalwen’s body. Though parts of it were still covered by her long, yellow hair, her skin looked supple and soft, and her pussy looked like it was already trembling at the thought of me entering it.

  “Fine.” Dalwen nodded once like she didn’t really care, but I could tell she was excited by the glint in her violet eyes. “We shall create a royal bloodline. Everyone, please leave us.”

  “Wait--” I began, but the rest of the crew was already filing out the door.

  This was crazy, wasn’t it? I’d literally just met this woman less than ten minutes ago, and she already wanted me to have sex with her? That seemed a bit rushed, but who was I to complain?

  This was a fucking awesome dilemma to be in. In fact, I couldn’t even feel the injury on my leg anymore.

  Then, as if Dalwen had sensed my hesitation, she reached up and pulled her hair back over her shoulders, and now that there was nothing to obscure the view, I could see the Morpho queen’s body in all its naked glory.

  Her breasts were much bigger than the other Morpho women’s, large and plump, with pale nipples that almost blended into the color of her surrounding skin. A few tufts of trimmed yellow hair sat above the pink slit between her legs, which was already glistening with anticipation.

  “Is that a yes?” Dalwen bit her lip as her eyes looked down at the bulge in my pants.

  Fuck it. I’d have to be a total idiot to say no to this.

  So, I gave the Queen a nod, and she grinned from ear to ear.

  Then she walked over to me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pressed her lips against mine. Dalwen’s kiss was sweet as sugar, and her tongue slid into my mouth so gracefully I didn’t even know it was in there until she started moving it around.

  I took her left nipple between my fingers as we kissed passionately, and the Morpho queen let out a soft moan to let me know she was pleased.

  “This is crazy, right?” I pulled away for a second. “Like… Are you sure we’re not moving too fast here?”

  “Not at all,” Dalwen reassured me. “I already know the type of man you are, Draco Rex. You’re a good man who cares deeply about his friends and his subjects. You seem to be a good leader, as well as a good father to your child. Judging by Elzara’s bashfulness, you must also be a good lover. Then there’s the fact you have a very strong seed… I don’t need more time to ‘get to know you,’ Draco Rex. You and I are royalty, and we do what we have to do to save our peoples. That means breeding together.”

  “That works for me.” I smiled as I ran my hand across Dalwen’s cheek.

  The Morpho queen’s skin was as soft as silk to the touch, and my whole body shuddered with glee at the thought of it pressing up against me. Then, without another word, we began to kiss once more.

  This time, Dalwen’s hands slowly traced my chest before they began to wander down toward my waistband. The next thing I knew, the yellow-haired woman gave my pants a downward tug, and my cock sprang to attention in the warm air of the dwelling.

  “By the silk of Cacoo…” Dalwen gasped as she marveled at my member. “No wonder Elzara was so sheepish. Poor girl… I bet you nearly split her in half.”

  “I’ll do the same to you, ” I growled.

  “Ohhhh…” Dalwen’s orange wings fluttered for a moment as she bit her lip and continued to stare at my dick. Then, without warning, she lifted herself up into the air, floated over, and tossed one hand around my shoulder and the other around my bare ass. Finally, she lifted her right leg, wrapped it around my waist, and then pulled her pussy against the head of my cock.

  My erection trembled with glee when I felt her wet, warm pussy lips against my tip, and the pleasure caused a soft groan to escape from my mouth. Then I threw my hands around Dalwen’s body and then pulled her in closer. Her warm womanhood engulfed my cock with its rigid velvet tunnel, and both of us quivered with ecstasy as I entered her.

  “Oh, Gods…” Dalwen purred as she threw back her head.

  I started to nibble on the Morp
ho queen’s ear as I continued to push inside her pussy, and she responded with a deep moan. When I finally bottomed out inside of her, Dalwen’s body tensed up, and she gripped my back with the intensity of a vise. Her nails dug into the flesh around my spine, but I didn’t care.

  At the moment, I was too busy for pain.

  I began to slowly glide my cock in and out of her velvet tunnel in a soft thrusting motion, and at the same time, I moved my head down, licked her pale nipples, and occasionally gave them a tender suck and a bite.

  Dalwen responded by turning to jelly in my arms, and that only got me ten times hornier.

  “You like that?” I whispered to the Morpho queen.

  “Y-Yes,” she gasped. “I’ve never had anyone do that before. It feels incredible. You’re spreading me open and then filling me up. All while you lick and kiss me everywhere. My whole body is trembling with pleasure.”

  Damn, these Morpho men must have been reeeeaaallly bad in the sack.

  So, I continued to alternate between the Queen’s nipples as I fucked her gently, and before I knew it, Dalwen’s moans grew shorter and more rapid.

  She continued to hold herself up in the air with her wings as she wrapped her other leg around my waist and forced herself down onto my cock as far as she would go. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she took me all in, and her mouth opened in a silent display of passion.

  The warm coil of excitement tightened in my abdomen, and I wasn’t sure exactly how much longer I was going to be able to last. Still, I wanted to give the queen a good time. She’d been trapped in a cocoon for months, after all.

  That’s when Dalwen looked me dead in the eyes.

  “I want to ride you,” she ordered.

  I wasn’t going to argue, so I quickly moved over to the only flat surface in the room that wasn’t the ground. It was a small wooden table, surely meant for eating, but today it was going to serve a different purpose.

  I tugged off my shirt and threw it to the side as I hopped up onto the table, and once again, Dalwen looked speechless.

  “Your muscles…” She practically drooled over my body. “No wonder you held me so tightly.”

  Instead of climbing up onto the table, Dalwen flapped her orange wings, floated up into the air, and then positioned herself over my waiting cock.

  “Ohh… you are so hard.” Her face filled with pure ecstasy as she lowered herself down onto me. She stopped about halfway down, though, like she was unsure if she really could take it all on her own. Then Dalwen’s wings beat once more, and I felt her curvy ass press up against the base of my balls.

  The yellow-haired beauty placed her hands against my chest, pressed her breasts between her arms to form a thick cleavage, and then she started to ride me like a wild horse.

  “Holy shit, you’re so fucking wet…” I moaned as I watched her grind on my cock.

  Dalwen’s firm breasts jiggled with each motion she made, and her curvy ass slapped against my balls quickly as she increased her pace. Then she suddenly slowed down, and her whole body froze in place as her eyes closed as she threw back her head.

  “How can anyone take this thing for so long?” she whimpered. “It feels like I’m sitting on a tree trunk.”

  “It doesn’t sound like you’ll have to take it for much longer,” I growled.

  My taunt only seemed to make Dalwen more determined. Her eyes narrowed in challenge before she started to ride me as hard as she could, and the sounds of our lovemaking echoed through the chamber as it mixed with the deep, powerful groans that escaped our mouths.

  I could feel my balls tightening as they wound up for the release. Dalwen’s pussy was as wet as a monsoon, and her juices now dripped all over my pelvic region. So, I reached up, grabbed the yellow-haired woman around the waist, and shoved her as far down as she could go.

  “It’s time for you to climax again, my queen.”

  That seemed to do the trick.

  Instantly, Dalwen’s body started to quiver and tense, and deep, long moans sputtered through her lips as she began to make circular motions with her hips.

  Then she threw back her head as her pussy trembled around my cock.

  “I-I-I’m gonna--Ohhhhhhhhh!” she screamed as she dug her nails into my abdomen.

  The Morpho queen’s tunnel grabbed onto my cock like a velvet vise grip and then pulsated as she orgasmed. Her juices squirted out all over my lower body as she came, and the sight and sounds of her pleasure brought me over the edge.

  “I’m going to fill you up with my cum,” I growled.

  “Yesssss,” she gasped. “Give me all of your seed, King of the Dragons. Give me a baby who will mingle our royal blood lines. Give it to meeeee! Filllll meeeee.”

  I tensed up my legs as the coil in my stomach burst, and my entire dick pulsed as it erupted like Mount Vesuvius inside of her womb. What felt like gallons of cum sprayed out and painted the inside of her womanhood, and I released a deep, guttural groan as tensed and pumped my cream into her.

  Finally, after a few dozen seconds, it was all over, and the butterfly-queen was probably pregnant with my latest child.

  Dalwen collapsed against my chest as she released my dick from her grip, and her yellow locks fell over her shoulders and covered us both like a blanket.

  I ran my hands through the Queen’s hair as we laid there together, with her silk-smooth skin pressed against mine.

  “That was amazing,” I sighed.

  “Elzara was right,” Dalwen teased, “we need to do that again. For the sake of repopulating my species, of course…”

  “Of course.” I winked at the beautiful woman in my arms. “We’ll have to see if it takes this time. And if it doesn’t, we’ll just have to keep doing this until it does.”

  “I’d like that.” The yellow-haired Queen ran her fingers around my chest.

  “That makes two of us,” I reassured her, and then I kissed her forehead.

  We both laid there for a few more minutes before I decided to get up and go find my friends.

  “Leaving so soon?” Dalwen joked as we both sat up and slid off the table.

  “I’m not usually one to kiss and run,” I noted, “but there’s still a lot of work to be done. We have a ship that still needs to be repaired, and we need to get to the Isle of the Dragons before our enemies do.”

  “It’s not kissing and running,” the Queen giggled, “because I’m going with you, remember? I want a dragonbond just as much as my subjects do.”

  “Not to be rude,” I chuckled and pointed up and down the woman’s body, “but do you have any clothes to put on? I totally love seeing you like that, but I’ve got my young son along and--”

  “Say no more,” Dalwen reassured me with a raised hand. “I’ve got just the thing.”

  My eyes were glued to Dalwen’s wonderful ass as she turned and walked away into another room. Blood began to rush back to my cock, and I briefly wondered if I was up for round two.

  I was left to my own horniness as I tugged my shirt and pants back onto my body and then reattached my belt, but as I was getting dressed, I made a dark realization.

  There were still all the Morpho men’s bodies in this room. We’d just fucked in the same room as a bunch of dead guys.

  The fact I’d forgotten about the literal corpses said a lot about how great our love-making was.

  Finally, after another minute or two, Dalwen reemerged wearing an elegant outfit, and upon first glance it looked like a simple white tunic. However, all around the perimeter of the garment were shiny golden studs that shimmered underneath the torchlight and formed a pattern similar to a fleur-de-lis, and on her head sat a silver tiara that had been encrusted with rare gemstones of every color. The crown held her long, unruly hair back and out of her eyes, though I still wondered if she had to worry about accidentally tripping over it all the time.

  “This is one of my lesser outfits,” Dalwen explained. “I just didn’t want to run all the way back to my actual quarters to grab a ni
cer one.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I murmured as I ran my hand along Dalwen’s cheek. “You look amazing.”

  My compliment made the Morpho Queen chuckle and blush, though she quickly regained her composure.

  “I think you look pretty good, too,” she teased. “In fact--”

  “Ben!” Jemma burst into the room like a bat out of Hell. “Ben, we’ve got some bad news!”

  The Niralope woman was doubled over and out of breath, and she was trying to talk through her deep pants.

  “What is it?” I inquired as my heart fell into my stomach. “What’s wrong, Jemma?”

  My auburn-haired lover looked up at me with pure fear in her chartreuse eyes. “It’s the orcs. A whole fleet of them.”

  “A whole fleet?” I gasped. “We need to get down to the beach right now, then! We’re gonna need to fortify the perimeter, pull weapons and gunpowder off the ship, and--”

  “They’re not coming here,” Jemma corrected me. “They’re headed southwest.”

  “Southwest?” I pondered aloud, and then realization hit me. “But that would mean they’re headed…”

  “Right for the Isle of the Dragons.” The Niralope frowned.

  Oh, fuck. This was not good. This was not good at all.

  If they got to the island first and found all the dragons, who knew what they’d do? We had to move, and fast.

  “Dalwen? Jemma?” I ordered as I headed toward the opening in the dwelling. “Help me gather everybody up. We have a ship to repair.”

  The two women nodded obediently, and the three of us exited the cocoon-dwelling and headed off into the forest.

  We had an orc fleet to sink, and if we didn’t get the ship fixed in time, then our enemies would lay claim to all the sleeping dragons.

  End Book 7

  End Notes

  Thanks for reading Monster Girl Islands 7! I’ll start working on a book 8 when this book gets 100 reviews, so please leave me a nice review here.

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