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In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 4

Page 15

by Patora Fuyuhara

  “Milord!” A group of knights charged out onto the balcony and prostrated themselves immediately.

  Oh, were these the ones who were confined in the dungeon? An older, black-haired man with one eye came forward and bowed down on one knee.

  “Milord, how can this be?! You seem to be in full spirits once more!”

  “I am rather well, Knight Commander Gaspar! It’s all thanks to the amazing young Touya, here. By his might, I am restored to full strength. It is also by his might that General Bazoar was vanquished!”

  “What?!” The knight commander stared at me, wide-eyed and shocked. The emperor simply nodded and smiled. I wasn’t so sure that it was down to me, but... I figured it was probably that [Recovery] spell I cast.

  Elze and Yae showed up, riding on Kohaku’s back. He was in his full form, after all. Sango and Kokuyou were floating nearby, but they were in their mini-forms.

  “It’s all done, for now at least. Most of the soldiers collapsed!” Elze hopped off Kohaku and reported in.

  Good. I’m glad the remaining soldiers have been taken care of. Even better to see these two are safe and sound.

  “Now then, detain the unconscious soldiers. However, spare those that surrendered their arms during the initial call.”

  “Yes, Milord!” The emperor issued an order to Knight Commander Gaspar, who departed at once.

  I guess the riots’ll die down now... I’m glad that nothing major ended up happening in the end. Now I’ve got nothing to do but leave it to the people of the empire.

  Oh, whoops... I gotta recall all those creatures I summoned first, don’t I...

  All of the Regulus Empire’s soldiers who had collapsed were rounded up and placed in custody. They were immediately dishonorably discharged from the standing army, then interrogated about their other potential crimes.

  Aside from a specific band of instigators, it was found that most soldiers simply went along with orders and didn’t partake in any serious criminal activity. Naturally, those who deliberately instigated the rebellion would be subject to the most grave of sentencings, but those who participated would have to be punished as well. Still, I was sure they’d be thankful to learn they weren’t going to be killed, at the very least.

  The emperor ordered the remaining troops out to the various towns and cities within the country. Peacekeeping was the number one priority for the coming days, it seemed.

  The captive heads of state were also freed from their confines. General Romero brought the crown prince back to the palace as well. When the boy saw me, he was taken aback. He really was the kid that I saved back during the crisis.

  He had disguised himself as a knight in order to escape the castle, but because of that outfit he found himself under attack by the rebel soldiers.

  I wasn’t thoroughly impressed by what I saw in him, to be honest. He didn’t have much of a commanding presence... But he did seem to have a gentle heart, so I was sure he’d turn out alright.

  “We are truly, so truly, in your debt this day. Touya, you most dignified man... you have not only saved my life, but the life of my only son and daughter. Please, name your price. How might I reward you for this feat?”

  “Please don’t worry about it, it just happened to turn out this way, honestly... It was more coincidence than heroism or anything.” I politely declined the emperor’s ludicrous offer. I didn’t really want anything at all from him. After hearing that, however, the king of Belfast let out a chuckle.

  “Such things matter not to my boy Touya. Indeed, we tried to give him a noble position in Belfast, but he declined that as well. In the end, we managed to settle on a sizable home and a lump sum... But I’d prefer for him to settle on my daughter! Hohoho!”

  “Ohoho... Then how about this, I would be honored if you would accept my Lucia. If both the princesses of Belfast and Regulus were joined to the same man, it would create a more powerful unification between the two nations than there has ever been before!”

  “Now hold on a moment there.” The discussion started to go to weird places, so I was about to tell them to knock it off. Instead, however, Yumina was the one to speak up. I wondered what she was going to say.

  “This is no mere political arrangement, I have spoken with Princess Lucia. She feels the same as I and the others do about Touya, and would therefore be more than happy to become his fiancee. You are indeed right, it would improve relations between our nations, but what’s important here is that it’s what she wants as well.” I was dumbstruck. What the hell was Yumina saying?

  “I... think it’s fine, too...” uttered Elze.

  “Y-Yes, as do I,” chimed Linze.

  “I have no objections to such an arrangement, I do not,” spoke Yae. All the other girls who were engaged to marry me had spoken up in support of this new addition.

  All I could think of in that moment was the simple line, “Et tu, Brute?” I’d been betrayed on the deepest possible level! I mean, why weren’t they considering my feelings in the matter?!

  “W-Wait just a darned minute, don’t I get a say in this?!” The conversation seemed to be heading on a one-way track to “Touya’s opinions are invalid,” so I had to say something! In response, Lyon simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly at me.

  “Hmph... really, Sir Touya... this is your own fault, in a way.”

  “What? How could this possibly be my fault?!”

  “From the first moment I met you, Sir Touya, I realized that your power is abnormal. For a single country to be tied to such a... superhuman, it would only be perceived as a threat on an international scale. Try to see this from our perspective. If you’re viewed as dangerous, then Belfast would be viewed as dangerous. But if you were engaged to the princess of Regulus as well? Well, then we’d be able to say your power isn’t simply consolidated in one place, and that you aren’t going to instigate some kind of horrific war.”

  “The Empire is the Empire, and the Kingdom is the Kingdom. No shady political dealings. It is a simple political alliance using Sir Touya’s body!” Knight Commander Gaspar continued on from where Lyon had left off. I could understand what they meant, but my opinion still had to count for something, surely! I glanced over at Lu, who was blushing madly and playing with her hair. Every so often she’d shoot a glance my way, as well. Ah, crap.

  “Ahaha! Touya, my boy! There’s no real difference between the number four and the number five, is there? What’s there to worry about, lad?!”

  “W-Well, even so, I don’t...” General Leon strutted over and smacked me hard on the back in his usual fashion. He seemed very upbeat about this whole thing. I couldn’t really think of a way out of the situation. But we’ve only known each other for two days, isn’t this a little sudden?! It’s a huge commitment...! Wait, I also got engaged to Yumina the same day I met her, didn’t I...? I-I guess that means... It’s okay...?

  “What of you, Lucia my love? Are you against marrying brave young Touya?”

  “Not even slightly, Father! I’m so happy that I might burst with pride and faint! I’ve never felt this excited in my life! I-I wish to be his and his alone!” Her hands were clasped in front of her chest, her eyes were practically glittering... there was steam shooting out of her nose...!

  Oh, damn it... I don’t think I can get out of this at all, huh?

  I couldn’t really begin to grasp how people in this world viewed marriage. In my world it was more of a sacred institution between two people, but here... it seemed much more light-hearted. Part of me was a little afraid of just how different this world was from my old one on a social level.

  “Well then, what say you? Will you accept my Lucia into your arms and take her as your bride?”

  “Hrmph... w-well, can we at least wait until I’m eighteen until any ceremonies happen, please?”

  “That’s no problem to me! It’s settled, then.” It’s not like we actually had to wait until I was eighteen or anything, but I needed to put up some kind of resistance or I’d look like a comp
lete pushover.

  Gah, Lu’s running off to join the other girls already?! Th-They became friends pretty fast, huh... What is this, a “let’s marry Touya” club?!

  “Very well, then. I would like to offer you another reward alongside this, naturally. Now that my Empire and the Kingdom of Belfast are on equal footing, I’m sure we’ll have a lasting alliance.” What the emperor said was something truly astounding. With this, almost all of the major western powers would be unified. Belfast, Mismede, Refreese, and now Regulus, all connected peacefully...

  “In addition, we will formally announce your engagement to both Lucia and my Yumina in both nations. Due to this, it is prudent that we grant you a true, proper title. I spoke with the emperor of Regulus, and we’ve both agreed to split off some of our own territories and grant the combined land portion to you.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” I’m having trouble processing what was said just now. Giving me a portion of each country’s territory? It’s gonna be a pain in the ass if they want me to rule over some place like a lord or something...

  “It’s less of a bestowment of land, and more of a transferal of territory. In other words, we intend to form a small country between the border of Regulus and Belfast. The sovereign of this freshly-birthed nation will be you, Touya. Please be just and kind in your rule.”

  “Excuse me?!” Founding a country? Wait?! Sovereign?! Me, what?! Stop!

  “Well, we say it’s a country but there are no people to rule over quite yet. It’s a fairly uninhabited stretch of land, and under your rule it will be bound by the laws of neither Regulus nor Belfast. Our two countries, in support of your fledgling nation, will naturally sign a peace treaty with you as well. Whatever happens within that country, we vow not to interfere. The country will be solely yours, Touya. With this, the issue of your social standing is completely invalid, and you may marry both princesses without any concerns!”

  So what, kind of like the Vatican? Or I guess it’d be more like a sovereign duchy or a principality... Augh, I really don’t know about this...

  “Touya, my boy. Can you pull up that map?”

  “Huh? Er, sure. Display map.”

  “Understood. Displaying map.” I was unsure what the king wanted exactly, but I did as he asked and let the map project itself in the air.

  Belfast was on the left, and Regulus was on the right. The king pointed his finger at the border line between them.

  “Now, between our great nations is the Melicia Mountain Range. It extends down a good way, but at the bottom here is a forest and a great plain. Although the land is fertile, there are many demonic beasts that infest the area. For that reason, neither country has involved itself in that territory very much. To the south of that area is a road that will become the nexus of trade between the two nations. That’s where we’ll found your country!”

  What?! Didn’t you just say that place is infested with man-eating monsters?

  “You plan on having us settle a dangerous place like that?”

  “Now now, nobody said you have to actually live there. That being said, that area’s completely independent and out of our hands now. Even if something happened there, neither Regulus nor Belfast could do a thing. Even if a group of brigands holed up there and used it as their base of operations, it’s completely out of our jurisdiction. Touya, my boy. You’d be the grand duke, so the responsibility of clearing out the mess falls to you.” Both the emperor and the king were grinning ear-to-ear.

  You no-good crooks... you’ve saddled me with cleaning out your new trade route, haven’t you?! After the alliance is announced, a lot more people will start to take the only road between the two nations. So this is your plan to make the path safe, is it? You... bastards!

  Wait, was this their plan the whole time? Did they just offer Lu up so I’d fall into the palms of their hands?! These guys are seriously scary... I walked right into it!

  “I feel like I’m being cheated here, but...”

  “No, no! Perish the thought. It’s a rich and plentiful area with wide borders. The people passing through it will receive safety and peace of mind, and in turn you’ll receive status, praise, and accolades. Isn’t that good in itself?”

  So that’s how it is, huh...? I feel like these two are using me, but whatever. They’re a little too conniving for my tastes, but I guess I can understand. They’ve both had troubles with their neighbors in the past, so having me there would be good for peace of mind.

  Hmph... It’s not that bad of a deal, I guess... In order to marry both of the girls, I do need a suitable position. Plus, it’s not like there are any citizens there to worry about, either... Not to mention the fact that having a large expanse of land I can do whatever I want with is definitely a plus. Well, why not? Having a country of my own might come in handy.

  “Yeah, fair enough, then. You just want me there to make it safe, right? I’ll do it.”

  “Our apologies, lad. In that case, we shall formally declare the formation of a new nation! Both countries shall formally recognize your right to rule!”

  Right to rule, huh... I can’t even begin to imagine how I’ll be as a head of state. Well, I don’t really have that many responsibilities to deal with, I guess. Am I gonna have to build a castle?

  “You have finally taken a royal position, you have. Our husband-to-be is truly magnificent, he is...”

  “I know, right? I never thought he’d take it this far, but it’s seriously amazing!” Yae and Elze began chattering with each other. In all honesty, I never expected anything like this to happen, either. I think I was more shocked than they were.

  “Uhm, what do you want to do in regards to the name of the new nation?” Linze looked over at me, asking an important question that I hadn’t really considered.

  Uhh... a name? Maybe... Mochizukiland? N-No, that’s way too embarrassing! No way...

  Nihon? Eh, that’s a little uninspired... Japan? Japang...? Ugh... None of these really feel good as names at all! Oh... wait, maybe...

  “Brunhild... I think. The Duchy of Brunhild.”

  “Isn’t Brunhild the name you gave to that weapon of yours, Touya?”

  “Yeah. Though where I come from, it’s a derivative name taken from a legendary shieldmaiden.” Yeah, the Duchy of Brunhild... Sounds pretty nice, if I do say so myself. Plus, it’s more like a micro-nation than a real kingdom, so it’s more like I’m just giving my land a fancy name.

  “The Brunhild Duchy, was it? A rather splendid name. Very well, the Kingdom of Belfast will formally support this fledgling nation in an alliance!”

  “Indeed. As will the Regulus Empire.”

  “Now then, shall we get to work on making the land safe?”

  Just how big is the territory, anyway? I better use my phone to check, just to be sure. Just as I’d asked, the phone read back the exact size.

  “Total Size: Approximately four hundred and ten square kilometers.” I honestly have no idea what that means... Lemme compare it to the size of the 23 Special Wards in Tokyo... I ran a search for the size of that, and the phone told me it was around six hundred and nineteen square kilometers.

  Wait what?! That means my country’s about two thirds the size of the special wards?! That’s a little much, isn’t it?!

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  “There’s really nothing around, huh?” We looked over the forest and the plain. There were some hilly areas, as well as the mountains off in the distance. There was also a river nearby, so that was nice.

  We’d decided to go and visit the land that Regulus and Belfast had oh-so-graciously bestowed upon me. I found it to be rather barren. Though, to be honest, that was better than it being too noisy.

  “Alrighty then... Run search. Monstrous creatures that could cause potential harm to human beings.”

  “Understood. Displaying.” With several “pings”, red markers dotted themselves all over the surrounding area on the map. There were a lot. I mean it is a huge area, so it’s not too surprising... I guess?
But I didn’t even include lesser monsters in the search query! Now it was simply a matter of figuring out what to do.

  “Should I just wipe them all out at once with magic, maybe?”

  “If you dealt with them all like that, I-I’m not so sure it’d turn out well...” Yumina furrowed her brow.

  Hmph, I guess... if I did that, then there’d be a huge pile of dead bodies. Carnivorous animals might eat some of them, but I highly doubt they’d be able to clear all that meat before it became an issue. The smell would definitely end up being a major problem for everyone. Plus, it’s more likely that the carnivorous ones would be the ones being killed in the first place.

  I considered just sending them somewhere through a [Gate] or something, but that would cause trouble for the people on the other side. I thought about just sending them all into the sea to drown, but then Elze spoke up.

  “Some of those monsters might have valuable raw materials, you can’t just send them off like that!” She had a point, too. Sending off monsters like that would mean less potential finances for us. Teleporting them to the sea was a needlessly wasteful act.

  Even so, since we were looking over the territory from Babylon, it was possible to make a [Gate] anywhere down there, so I didn’t want to waste that opportunity...

  “What if we used [Gate] to teleport dead ones to us? We could defeat them, and then transport them here... Then we can harvest them manually for materials... But uh... what about the dead bodies?”

  “It would be good for the natural order of things if we spread their corpses across the mountains and countryside, it would. So long as there are not too many, we could provide food for the animals, and nutrition for the ground and plants, we could.”

  Hm, let’s just do that then. Yae’s sense seemed fair enough to me, so I rolled with it.

  “Let’s do it, then. Target Lock. Invoke [Shining Javelin].”

  “Understood. Invoking [Shining Javelin].”


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