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Heat of Passion

Page 8

by Elle Kennedy

  Candice is used to being afraid of her own shadow, but when she goes all nutso in front of Blade, she’s beyond mortified. She wants him to see her as an equal, and as a woman. It’s time she got over her past trauma and started living again.

  But trust is hard to come by when her only experience with men has left her heart in pieces.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Tasting Candy:

  Christ, she was adorable. He would never get used to his reaction to this woman. She stood with her shoulder-length light brown hair piled atop her head, a look of total mortification on her freshly scrubbed face. She didn’t even look sexily mussed—just mussed. That he could get a boner over her even when she wore an ugly brown terrycloth robe was saying something.

  She always turned him on. He was going to do something about it, too. Eventually. Right now, he wanted some answers. Lucky for him, he was very good at getting them. He would coerce and railroad until he was satisfied. It was the way he operated. Candice would just have to get used to it.

  “So, you going to let me in, or use that can on me?” He shrugged. One way or the other, Blade would gain entrance. “It’s your choice.”

  Candice yanked her robe together tighter, which was a crying shame since it had started to drift open and he had been this close to a sneak peek. “Of course, please, come in.” Then she moved out of the doorway and allowed him inside. He smiled, triumphant. It was a small concession, but she was so closed-up around him, entering her private domain felt like a big fucking deal.

  Her living room was…dainty. Figured. Damn near everything about Candice was dainty. It enhanced the fact he felt like a bull around her. It was cozy, though, something in the way she’d decorated. He’d expected pinks and peaches and fluffy ruffles, but it was all earth-tones, woodsy and serene. Actually, there was something sort of peaceful about her home. He wondered if she did that on purpose because of the panic attacks. Speaking of which…

  “I want to know why you went ballistic today at the gym.” Oh yeah, subtlety was his middle name. Jesus.

  Her eyes widened. “Ballistic?” Candice asked. Suddenly, a smile slipped across her face, then a laugh bubbled up. Soon, she was practically crying from laughing so hard.

  “Hell, it wasn’t that funny,” Blade grumbled, feeling disgruntled and not sure why. But he did like to see her smiling instead of near tears. Much better, to his way of thinking.

  Candice calmed enough to say, “You just aren’t the sweet-talker your brother is, are you?”

  Now what the hell was that supposed to mean? “Has Merrick hit on you?” he asked, unaccountably possessive and jealous.

  Blade would kill him. It didn’t matter that Merrick was married to Candice’s boss, Chloe, and madly, deeply in love. He’d still kill him.

  “No, not at all. It’s just that he’s got a real way with words. He can sell anyone darn near anything with barely more than a smile. You, on the other hand, you’re just the opposite. You bully and push until you get your way.” She tilted her head to the side as if studying him. “Amazing that you’re related.”

  “We are talking about Merrick, right?”

  “Of course, unless you have another brother that I don’t know about.” She smiled as she moved away from him. He noticed she did that a lot, kept a physical distance.

  “Nope, just Merrick.” And to set his mind straight he asked, “Has Merrick ever flirted with you?”

  “No. He’s totally devoted to Chloe. I don’t think he even knows other women exist.”

  Satisfied with that answer, he pointed to the couch. “Mind if I sit?”

  She blushed, which, as he’d already discovered, turned him on. Every fucking thing she did turned him on. “Of course, have a seat.” Looking down at her robe, she frowned. “I’ll, uh, just go get dressed.”

  “I don’t see why,” Blade growled. His gaze traveled over her once more. Christ, his lust grew by leaps and bounds whenever he was within a mile of the woman.

  “Yes, well, I’ll be right back,” she stammered, then flitted from the room, leaving him to his own devices.

  He went over to the couch, which was the size of a love seat to him, and sat. It was forest-green with beige stripes and surprisingly comfortable. As he waited, he studied the living room and noted something strange. While the room seemed plenty lived-in and had a real homey feel, it was devoid of anything personal. Then he spotted a single photograph nestled between a bunch of paperbacks on a bookshelf in the corner. His curiosity got the better of him. Blade left the couch and went to it, drawn by the wild need to know more about the woman who had been haunting both his days and nights.

  It was a snapshot of a couple standing with their arms around a tiny dark-haired girl in pigtails. The woman was obviously Candice’s mother—she looked exactly like her—and the man had a bright smile on his face, as if he couldn’t possibly be happier. The picture was old, though. Candice couldn’t have been more than eight or nine at the time. Where were her parents now? And why just the one picture?

  He left it and went back to sit on the couch, shocked at the protective instincts that kicked in at the thought of Candice being all alone in the world. He’d always had his parents, his brother and sister. They were his whole life. He couldn’t imagine not having them. And he was already anticipating Merrick and Chloe having kids someday. It’d be fun to have a few curtain-climbers in the family to liven things up a bit. He’d enjoy being an uncle.

  Yep, no doubt about it, without his unruly siblings, life would be as dull as a brick. Did Candice have any friends other than Lacey? Then there was the house. Blade was surprised she could afford it. No doubt, Candice made good money working at Vaughn Business Solutions, but the house was bigger than what he would have thought she could handle alone.

  It was a one-storey ranch with a two-car garage and, judging by the size, three bedrooms. More than what a woman living alone needed. Being a construction contractor, Blade didn’t need to see the interior to know the approximate dimensions of the rooms. Besides, a woman living by herself generally preferred an apartment. Hell, he lived in an apartment. Nevertheless, having other people around tended to make a woman feel safe. No landscaping upkeep, either. So why choose to live alone in a house that was too big for a slip of a woman like Candice?

  She was certainly a puzzle. It was a good thing he loved puzzles.

  When she returned, Blade’s body reacted. She affected him in a way no other women ever had—and he’d definitely had his share. Women who were sexier and no doubt more eager to be in his presence. But here he was, getting all hot and bothered over a woman who wanted nothing to do with him. Which, needless to say, made him want her even more. It was crazy, but Blade couldn’t deny the temptation to get to know her on an intimate level. He’d tried that already, and he’d gotten nowhere.

  It was high time he did something about his secret lust. Enough of wondering how her skin would feel against his, what her lips would taste like, how she would sound during a climax. How fucking good she would feel wrapped around his cock. It kept him up at night, and running a construction company on little to no sleep was not a good idea. Hell, if he didn’t get the imp out of his system, he’d end up killing himself. The way he saw it, having sex with Candice Warner was a matter of life and death.

  Once he got her to bed and had his fill of her warm, welcoming body, he would be able to get back to normal and feel in control again.

  Love…or friendship? Does she really have to choose?

  Only Tyler

  © 2009 Jess Dee

  Circle of Friends, Book 1

  Katelyn Rosewood is facing a moral dilemma, one that’s six-foot-two, sexy as sin—and her fiancé’s best friend. Katie spent a lot of time getting over Tyler Bonnard, but now that he’s back in Sydney, he’s turning her carefully reconstructed world upside down.

  Her relationship with Steve Sommers may be short on heat and desire, but after Tyler left her two years before, she’ll take security and solid frien
dship over wild passion any day. Except Tyler seems to have a good—if outrageous—explanation for why he’s returned.

  After a tragic family secret tore him out of Katie’s life, Tyler is glad to be back with his two best friends. But one thing is out of place: Katie’s in the wrong man’s arms. And if her reaction to his return is any indication, she’s not quite over him. Which could mean hope for Tyler, heartbreak for Steve…

  And another devastating loss for Katie, who must choose between the man to whom she’s committed her future, and the man who still holds her heart.

  Warning: Keep a tissue or two handy while reading this book. While it does contain a few steamy love scenes, the rest of the story might just make you cry.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Only Tyler:

  She had no clear recollection of leaving the theater. No knowledge of how she got in the elevator leading up to the hotel rooms. All she knew was that when she and Tyler were safely ensconced in the first car free of other people, she was finally, finally, back in his arms.

  His kiss almost stopped her heart. And when it finally began to beat again, when she finally realized she’d pass out if she didn’t force air into her lungs and blood into her arteries, it was to an unsteady, uneven rhythm.

  He didn’t just kiss with his mouth, he kissed with his whole body, melding her against him, into him, making them one. As his tongue stole between her lips, scorching her mouth, she swore she saw stars.

  She was wrapped in his arms, exactly where she wanted to be. Exactly where she belonged.

  For the second time that evening, he placed his hand on her lower back. This time though, there was nothing subtle about his touch. He curved her hips into his, and her world stood still. He was hard. His erection pressed against her lower belly, burning through her dress.

  The impact was electric. Her breasts tightened and sparks ignited between her legs. She moaned into his mouth.

  He pulled his face away to stare at her. His eyes, though flecked with gold, were so dark they were bottomless pools of desire. He tried to speak, tried to say something, but couldn’t. Instead he took her mouth again in a kiss so carnal, so spicy, her knees threatened to give in.

  When the lift opened to empty them on Tyler’s floor, he refused to break contact. He lifted her in his arms, carrying her effortlessly down the corridor.

  Though her hands shook, she fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, starting at the top and making her way slowly down. With each button that popped open, she nuzzled into his chest, kissing the exposed flesh. The flesh she’d loved so well. So thoroughly.

  The third button revealed a nipple, small, and masculine, and hard. She placed her lips around it and sucked gently.

  “Katie,” he rasped.

  He’d stopped walking and now stood beside a door.

  “Is this your room?” Forget throaty. Her voice was almost nonexistent. God, she needed him so bad. Needed to fill the emptiness in her loins.

  “Yes…” His voice broke as she ran her tongue over the hard nipple a second time.

  “Open the door. Now. I need to feel you moving inside me.” Only Ty could give her what she needed. Only Tyler.

  How he managed to rummage around in his pocket, remove his key card and get the door open, was beyond her—but then most everything was beyond her at that moment. The only thing she could comprehend was her fierce need to consume Tyler Bonnard, whole.

  Her body was made of liquid heat. When Tyler set her on her feet, inched the strap of her dress over her shoulder, exposing her breast, and took her nipple in his mouth, she swore she saw steam smoldering between her flesh and his lips.

  The impact of his mouth on her nipple was dizzying. The world spun. The sun dipped and rose. Her head dropped back, and she moaned. Only Tyler. He was the only man who ever made her feel like this.

  And then her mobile phone rang. The sound shrill and invasive.

  She froze.

  “Ignore it,” Tyler growled as he grazed her breast with his teeth.

  She couldn’t.

  “It’ll stop in a minute.” He slipped the second strap over her shoulder, revealing her other breast. As his hot lips covered her nipple, she listened to the persistent trill of the phone.

  Until it stopped.

  She relaxed and brought her attention back to Tyler. Her breasts were cupped in his hands. His mouth was an inch away from hers.

  “Sweet, sweet Katie. I never forgot you. Never forgot this.” His lids were hooded and his voice low. “I never for one minute stopped loving you.”

  It was impossible to tell who kissed whom, but their mouths joined together again, and Katie’s toes curled from the pleasure his lips gave her.

  Tyler still loved her.

  “I am so sorry I left you, so sorry I caused you pain. It was the last thing I wanted. Ever.”

  She ran her hand over his hip. Slid her fingers along the hard length of his cock. He jerked into her touch, filling her palm and moaned.

  God, she held him again. Felt his excitement and his arousal. It matched the wet heat between her legs perfectly.

  His pants were a restrictive barrier, a concrete wall between them, and she lowered her other hand to grasp the buckle of his belt. She needed to feel his naked flesh. Needed to feel the pulsing heat of his cock. Slowly, she slid the belt through the buckle and pushed it out of the way. She twisted his button through the hole and then eased the zip over his solid bulge.

  So close. She shoved the flaps aside and touched the waistband of his undies.

  Tyler hummed low in his throat.

  She pushed at the elastic, felt the swollen tip of his penis under her fingertips and groaned into his mouth.

  And then his phone rang.

  And rang.

  And rang.

  She broke the kiss, pulling away as reality crashed in on their rapture.

  “It’s Steve,” Tyler said unnecessarily. One minute before desire had darkened his eyes. Now guilt shadowed them.

  Self-loathing filled her. She looked down at her naked chest.

  “It’s Steve,” he said again and took a step away from her.

  Her breasts heaved, wet and glistening from Tyler’s mouth. Her dress hung around the belt she’d cinched in at the waist. She swallowed hard as she realized what she’d done. “He’s trying to find us. He…he said if he finished at a reasonable hour he’d join us for a drink.”

  What kind of filthy worm was she, seducing her fiancé’s best friend? Demanding he sleep with her. In that instant she despised herself, and she despised Tyler, for what they’d just done to the one man who under threat of death would never harm them. He was her rock, her support, her mate. Steve was the man she was soon to marry.

  A wave of nausea nearly bowled her over. How could she? How could they?

  She stared at Tyler. He breathed heavily and ran a tense hand over his clenched jaw. His eyes were clouded with desire, doubt and regret. His shirt hung open around his waist, and pearly drops of moisture glistened on the head of his cock. Even amid her rush of self-hatred, the pull to go to him was intense, almost magnetic. The impulse to touch him again, to deny their wrongdoing, was potent.

  “I have to go.” She pulled her dress up, awkwardly pushing her arms through the straps. “I…I’m sorry. This shouldn’t have happened.” She searched blindly for her purse and found it by the door. Then she turned and looked at Tyler’s tortured face.

  He was as disturbed by Steve’s call as she was. As shaken.

  Briefly she considered dropping to her knees and licking the sinful pre-come off his dick. “Steve is your friend,” she said thickly. “He’s my fiancé.”

  He didn’t argue. He simply fastened his pants and buckled his belt.

  Yanking the door open, she walked as fast as her legs would carry her, down the corridor and to the lifts, hating herself more with every step she took. She’d gotten maybe ten meters down the passageway when she heard the footsteps.

  She walked faster.

  It didn’t help. He was behind her. His hands on her hips, compelling her to slow down.

  She stopped and whispered, “Tyler, don’t.”

  He didn’t say a word. He just pulled her back against him, and let his erection nestle into her butt. His chest cushioned her shoulders. God, she wanted to melt into him. Wanted to stay in his arms forever. Wanted to feel him buried in her waiting heat.

  “Please. Let me go.”

  In this heat wave, anything and everything goes.

  Heat of the Moment

  © 2008 Elle Kennedy

  A Red-Hot Summer story

  Shelby Harper has lusted over Navy SEAL John Garrett for over a year, but no matter how many sexy signals she sends out, the man shows a complete lack of interest in getting naked. Then she overhears Garrett talking to his SEAL teammate—a discussion in which they conclude she’s vanilla. Stung, Shelby sets out to show them exactly how un-vanilla she is.

  Garrett can’t believe it when sweet, sexy Shelby suggests a wild and sweaty ménage. He’s been trying to figure out how to ask her out without coming off as a guy who only wants to get in her pants—her friendship is too valuable to him to risk it. But if a crazy, heat-wave three-way is what Shelby wants, then he’s ready and willing to give it to her.

  Once she gets it out of her system, however…well, then he’ll let her know he wants her all to himself.

  Warning: This title contains two dangerously hot Navy SEALS and a heroine determined to get it on with both of them. Be prepared to take a cold shower (or maybe two) after reading this heat-wave ménage.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Heat of the Moment:

  Carson’s soft whistle broke through the silence. “Jesus, Shelby,” he hissed out. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”

  Heat spilled over her cheeks. Both men were completely dressed, and there she was, standing in front of them without a stitch of clothing so they could openly admire her. And under their scrutiny, her nipples tightened, her breasts grew heavy and a rush of moisture pooled between her legs. Maybe it made her the slut of the century, but she couldn’t wait to get started.


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