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Winter Secrets

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by Melissa Limoges

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Winter Secrets

  Copyright 2015 by Melissa Limoges

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-915-2

  Cover art by Fiona Jayde

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Naming His Mate by Melissa Limoges

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Winter Secrets. I hope you enjoyed this continuation of Kate and Stephen’s story.

  Melissa Limoges

  Black Hills Wolves Stories

  Wolf’s Return

  What a Wolf Wants

  Black Hills Desperado

  Wolf’s Song

  Claiming His Mate

  When Hell Freezes

  Portrait of a Lone Wolf

  Alpha in Disguise

  A Wolf’s Promise

  Reluctant Mate

  Diamond Moon

  Wolf on a Leash

  Tempting the Wolf

  Naming His Mate

  A Wolf Awakens

  The Wolf and the Butterfly

  Infiltrating Her Pack

  Omega’s Heart

  Raven’s Claw

  Claiming the She-Wolf

  Worth Fighting For



  Promiscuous Wolf

  Disquieted Souls

  A Cougar Among Wolves

  Long Road Home

  A Mate’s Healing Touch

  Winter Solstice Run

  Wolf’s Holiday

  Winter Magic

  Winter Secrets

  Winter Ménage

  Wolf in Winter Clothing

  Also by Melissa Limoges

  Claiming His Mate

  Taming His Mate

  Naming His Mate

  Winter Secrets

  Patience is a virtue…a lesson Stephen Dorsett has learned over the years, wooing his mate. He loves the prickly woman with all his heart, but he’s keeping a secret from her—one that will soon change the entire dynamic of their relationship.

  Kate Matthews has a secret of her own, but she’s reluctant to share her surprise with Stephen. With her mate spending too many long hours and late nights at work recently, Kate begins to second-guess Stephen’s commitment to her.

  One simple misunderstanding, fueled by insecurities and doubts, is all it takes to throw Kate and Stephen off course. Will they allow their secrets to pull them apart, or make their love stronger?

  Winter Secrets

  Black Hills Wolves

  Winter Solstice Run


  Melissa Limoges

  Chapter One

  Kate Matthews gaped at the small, plastic stick she clutched with a death grip. The frantic drum of her heart beat against her ribcage while her stomach churned in discord. A swift influx of panic, elation, disbelief, and fear bombarded her all at once, dragging the air from her lungs in a noisy whoosh.


  “Oh, shit.”

  Reeling from the revelation, she stumbled backward to drop onto the toilet lid before her weak knees buckled. Unfortunately, she miscalculated the distance and fell in between the sink and toilet with a surprised squeal, landing in a squished heap and banging her head on the wall in the process. Temporarily rendered stupid, she simply sat there, wedged in the tiny space, gawking at the little strip of plastic glaring the truth at her.

  “You all right in there?” her mate, Stephen, called from the other side of the door. No doubt he’d scented her distress.

  Alarm whipped through her bloodstream, and the pregnancy test flew from Kate’s trembling hand to clatter on the floor in front of her. When he twisted the doorknob, she bolted from the floor and snatched the small stick from the bathroom tiles.

  “I’m fine,” she exclaimed. “There was a spider.”

  He twisted the knob again, and she sent up a quick prayer of thanks she’d had the foresight to turn the latch.

  “Why’d you lock the door?” A mix of irritation and concern tinged his deep voice.

  Frantic, she stashed the plastic strip in a box of tampons in the cabinet under the sink, certain he’d never look there, and then darted for the entrance. Once she fumbled with the lock, she tugged the door open and came face to chest with Stephen.

  “I must’ve locked it by accident when I came in.” The excuse sounded weak to her own ears. Surely, he would think the same. They never locked the bathroom door, if she could get him to close the damn thing at all.

  A frown creased his golden features. He watched her through narrowed blue eyes—attempting to decipher the obvious lie and cow her with his probing stare at the same time.

  Drop it. Drop it. Please, for the love of God, drop it.

  As though he’d heeded her silent litany, he shrugged and his knitted brow eased. “Well, I gotta head out for work, so give me a kiss good-bye.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Kate stepped forward and lifted her mouth to his for a quick kiss. Instead of the fast peck she expected, Stephen snagged her around the middle and dragged her against his body. He seized her mouth, sliding his tongue past her parted lips. His hands gripped her ass, and he shoved his hard thigh between her legs.

  Within seconds, Kate melted against him, drowning in the overload of sensation. Each time he kissed her, it felt like their first all over again. Too soon, he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.

  “Was there really a spider?”

  “Yes.” She panted. “A grossly huge one with hairy legs.”

  “Better you found it than me then.” He shuddered.

  She swatted his chest, and he captured her hand, placing a soft kiss in her palm.

  “I gotta go, babe.”

  “So soon?” Kate glanced at the bedroom window and frowned. “The sun’s not even up yet.”

  “Can’t help it, Sunshine. There’s a lot of new development in town, which means more contacts to fill. Plus, the pack’s getting ready for the Solstice next week. Hey, don’t complain. Means more money for us in the long run.” He lifted her chin with the knuckle of his index finger. “Any chance you’ve changed your mind about the run? You know Drew wants us all there.”

  Ugh, again with this nonsense? So what if she didn’t want to join in the pack run? Of course, he wasn’t going to drop it. Problem was, she didn�
��t want to embarrass him or herself in front of their pack with her awkwardness. Or, worse, what if she couldn’t shift when the time came?

  “Yeah, didn’t think so.” With a shake of his head, he strode to the closet to grab his heavy winter coat.

  She couldn’t help but admire the flex of his arms and broad shoulders when he slid into the warm material. “When will you be home?”

  “I’ll probably be late, so don’t wait up for me. Love ya, babe,” he called over his shoulder as he glided out of the bedroom without a backward glance.

  For a moment, she lamely stared at the empty doorway, half expecting him to walk through it again, but he didn’t. Hounded by disappointment, she padded to the bed and slumped on the edge. She rested her elbows on her thighs and buried her face in her hands.

  Great, how was she supposed to tell Stephen about the baby?

  Though the two of them had known one another all their lives, they’d only been mated for a few months, and they’d definitely never discussed starting a family. How would he react to the news he was going to be a father?

  More importantly, did she really want to tell him now? Especially since their relationship stood at a stalemate.

  After they’d mated, life had been great. Those first few months together had been some of the happiest in her life. She and Stephen spent every moment they could together—laughing, talking, enjoying one another’s company—in and out of the bedroom. Lately, things had changed.

  The past month, he’d buried himself in work, picking up extra shifts, or staying out ’til the wee hours of the morning running borders for their pack. She knew he had responsibilities, but the only times she saw him anymore were late at night when he fell into her bed, exhausted and worn out, or early in the morning when he rushed off to work. What little time they did spend together, they argued or fought about something absolutely ridiculous. In the end, he always circled back to her not wanting to attend the pack run.

  Hell, she hadn’t shifted in front of him since the day they’d mated. Did he honestly expect her to manage the awkward feat in front of their entire pack? The idea alone petrified the life out of her.

  So far only Gee and Stephen knew of her inability to shift before she’d formed the mating bond with him. She’d spent far too many years unable to shift, believing she was a defective shifter, fearful of persecution from her pack.

  All of those insecurities, doubts, and fears she’d lugged around with her still lingered. The mating bond might’ve awakened her Wolf, but the bitch wasn’t talking to Kate. Hadn’t since the day she’d mated with Stephen. She had no more control over her lupine instincts than she did her mate’s erratic moods lately.

  Yet, in spite of their recent arguments and her issues with her Wolf, she’d tried in vain the past couple of weeks to pretend everything was all right. But, it wasn’t.

  Things had changed.

  He had changed.

  He wasn’t the same Stephen she’d fallen in love with as a young girl. The handsome, fun-loving wolf shifter who’d chased her around town and howled at her window at the most god-awful times of night was gone. In his place was an overworked, irritable man she barely saw anymore. Somehow, the entire dynamic of their relationship had shifted into something unrecognizable in such a short span of time and, frankly, it scared the crap out of her. Throw a baby into the equation and she was downright terrified.

  Oh God. A baby—a small, defenseless life dependent on her.

  Stunned a tiny spark lay nestled deep inside her body, Kate laid a protective hand over her abdomen. Regardless of the numerous doubts spinning around in her head, the thought of holding a small child—their child—in her arms brought a smile to her lips. An unexpected warmth spread in her heart, filling her with joy.

  No matter what happened between her and Stephen, she was going to be a mother, and she’d do everything in her power to give her child a wonderful life. She wouldn’t allow anyone to take that away from her or her baby.

  Her confidence somewhat bolstered, she inhaled a deep cleansing breath and rose from the bed. Since she was already up, she might as well get a start on the day, and she was determined to make it a good one. Nothing could spoil her mood.

  Grabbing a pair of panties and bra from her dresser, she padded to the closet and found a warm sweater and pair of jeans to wear. Even though she was scheduled off the next few days, she’d promised to help her brother’s mate inventory a new shipment of books sometime during the week. It was the least she could do to help Michelle, especially after the kindhearted woman created a part-time position for her at her bookstore over in Collins. Jace had definitely found a gem of a mate in Michelle, Kate thought with a pang of envy.

  Once dressed, she made her way downstairs but frowned when she heard the murmur of Stephen’s voice in the kitchen. Why was he still here? And why was he whispering?

  Curious, she crept as silently as she could toward the kitchen, pausing outside the doorway. Stephen faced the kitchen window. He leaned against the sink, with the phone to his ear and a coffee cup in his hand.

  Listening, her heart lodged in her throat and her stomach lurched to the floor.

  “Fantastic news! Damn, I could kiss you right now…. You’re amazing, Em…. No, I mean it. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you…. All right, I gotta head out. I’ll see you later, hon.”

  It took every shred of self-control Kate possessed to ask in a calm, even pitch, “Who was on the phone?”

  Stephen jerked around to face her, his eyes wide. The mug slipped from his hand and shattered, the pieces scattering across the tile floor.

  “Dammit, Kate. You surprised the shit out of me.” His gaze darted from her to the shards of porcelain. “Look what you made me do.”

  Despite the tremor in her limbs, Kate locked her stare on him and accentuated her next words in a slow, punctuated tone. “Who was on the phone?”

  Bending to pick up a few larger pieces, he flashed her a scowl. “Wes! Are you happy now?” He hurled the shards in the trash and glanced at his watch. “Shit, I’m going to be late for work.”

  Any slight glimmer of hope Kate held cracked and splintered apart with the bold-faced lie. On trembling legs, she staggered to the pantry for the broom and dustpan. With her back to him, she held onto the door for support while tears slipped from her eyes.

  “Just go.” She cleared her throat to cover the crack in her voice. “I’ll clean it up.”

  For a moment, neither of them moved. The silence was deafening to her ringing ears. Then he stirred. His booted feet scuffed over the tiles as he drew closer.

  She imagined he might touch her, apologize, tell her the truth, something—anything—but he didn’t. His heavy footfalls thumped toward the back door. With a slam, the door rattled on its hinges, and then he was gone. He’d left her all alone to pick up his mess and the pieces of her broken heart.

  Kate had been sorely mistaken. This had definitely spoiled her good mood.

  Chapter Two

  “Watch out!”

  Jolted from his daze, Stephen sprang out of the way as a bundled bulk of lumber tumbled from the forklift and crashed on the hard-packed earth in the spot where he’d stood not three seconds before.

  Heart hammering in his chest, he gaped at the wood in shock. Shit, that was far too close for comfort. Of course, he most likely deserved it after the way he’d treated Kate earlier, but he’d rather not die before he could make it up to her later, when he went home.

  Wes leapt from the forklift and sprinted toward him, while Jace dashed to his side and grabbed him by the shoulders to pull him farther away from the fallen pallet.

  “What the hell, Stephen?” Jace shouted within an inch of his face.

  Wes shoved Jace aside and stepped into Stephen’s personal space. “Goddammit. What’s the matter with you?”

  I’m an asshole, he almost blurted to his two closest friends. Dammit, he couldn’t banish the devastating
flash of pain he’d glimpsed in Kate’s eyes or her wounded expression from his mind. No matter how hard he struggled to focus on work, he saw the hurt in her face over and over again. What gutted him the most was he’d caused her distress.

  How many times had he harped on and on at her about keeping secrets from him? Yet, here he was, hiding one of his own. Who was the hypocrite now?

  Concealing the truth had led to nothing but trouble between him and Kate. For years, she’d avoided him at every turn, rejecting his mate claim simply because she’d believed she couldn’t shift. Had she confided in him sooner, it would’ve saved the two of them a great deal of time and lonely nights spent apart, but there was no need to dwell on the past. What concerned him more was the present and the fact she was keeping something from him. Even though they’d sworn to be open and honest with one another once they’d mated.

  Funny thing was, he already knew the answer—her Wolf.

  His Wolf had recognized something wasn’t quite right. Something—what, he didn’t know—held Kate back from completely opening herself to the call of her Wolf, but she wasn’t sharing her problems with him. Of course, he wanted nothing more than to confront her, but couldn’t in good conscience, not when he hid a secret of his own.

  Hell, he should’ve given in and confessed everything to her instead of walking away and leaving her in tears this morning.

  Shit, he was a bastard.

  “Look, I’m sorry, guys.” Rueful, he held up his hands in a placating manner. “I’m not with it today.”

  “Well, you’d better get with it, or go the fuck home.” Wes raked his fingers through his short black hair as he paced the lumberyard. A moment later, he dropped his hand, and his scowl eased a fraction before he grudgingly admitted, “Shit, man, just be more careful. I’d hate to see something happen to you.”


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