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Fake Fiancee Mate - Single Shift

Page 2

by Raines, Harmony

  Kate shook her head. “Doing this would solve all the financial issues. But it feels wrong to use the money to prove Marl’s version of events, to prove the truth by living a lie.”

  “Why not just meet him?” Jon asked.

  “Who is it?” Kate asked. “I at least need to know that before I make up my mind.”

  Melinda looked at her husband, her expression uncomfortable. “You’ll have to sign a nondisclosure agreement first.”

  Kate shook her head and sighed resignedly. “Sure. Why not?”

  “You’ll do it?” Melinda asked in surprise.

  “I’ll sign the contract and then meet him. But if I do decide to go ahead with it, I want a contract of my own.” She looked from one shocked face to another. “That’s fair, isn’t it? Whoever this is does not want their secret to come out. But things change. I do not want this to resurface in ten or twenty years when a famous has-been decides to write their biography.”

  “I don’t think he’ll ever write a biography.” Jon chuckled. “But I’ll tell him those are your terms.”

  “Then I’ll sign and meet him. No string attached, though. Just because I meet him does not mean I am going ahead with it. If he’s some sleazy crackhead…” She glanced up at Melinda and winced. “Sorry, I know you wouldn’t do that to me.”

  “No, I wouldn’t.” She looked at her husband. “Neither of us would.”

  “When we talked this over, we figured it would help both of you out. In fact, the deck is stacked more in your favor. All you have to do is hang out with the guy. Have dinner, let the press take a photo or two. Maybe a couple of leaked comments about how happy you are.” Jon shrugged. “In return, you get to save your brother from jail.”

  Kate nodded. “Give me the nondisclosure and I’ll sign it now.”

  Jon went to the hallway and fetched his briefcase. Snapping it open, he took out a sheaf of papers and a pen. “All you have to do is sign the three copies where it’s marked. After you meet, I’ll draw up another contract for the other party to sign.”

  “Okay. All done.” She scanned the wording and signed her name, hoping she wasn’t signing her life away. However, if she didn’t at least meet the guy, she would spend the rest of her life carrying around the guilt of not doing everything in her power to keep her baby brother out of jail. “When does he want to meet?”

  “As soon as possible.” Jon picked up the contracts and carefully slid them back into his briefcase.

  “How about now?” Kate asked. Not because she was eager to find out exactly who was in need of a fake fiancée but because if she slept on the idea, she would change her mind. She was already thinking it was a stupid idea that would end in tears. Or worse.

  If she agreed to be some rich guy’s fake fiancée, would the added attention make things worse for Marl?

  Could they get any worse? If she didn’t agree to this deal, it would take her months to raise the kind of money they needed to hire a good lawyer.

  “I’ll give him a call.” Jon took his briefcase and left the room.

  “This will work out best for everyone,” Melinda assured Kate.

  “I’m putting my trust in you and Jon.” Kate blew the air out of her cheeks and glanced toward the door. “This is stupid.”

  Melinda reached out for Kate’s hand as she took a step toward the door. “Just meet him. He’s a good guy. I promise you.”

  “So why does he need a fake fiancée?” Kate asked.

  Melinda sighed, her expression worried. “There’s a child involved.”

  Kate shook her head. “No, you aren’t asking me to pretend to be engaged to him so he can win a custody battle with his ex, do you?”

  “It’s not his ex.” Melinda looked uncomfortable talking about the details and her eyes kept flicking to the door. “Why don’t you let him explain?”

  “Who is he?” Kate asked. “Since I’ve already signed the nondisclosure agreement, there’s no reason not to tell me. And I’d rather know who it is I’m going to meet.”

  “It’s Travis Cooper.” Melinda gave Kate a lopsided smile when she gasped at the name.

  “Travis Cooper wants me to be his fake fiancée?” Kate’s face paled and her knees went weak. “He’s one of the most eligible men in rock. Surely he can’t be that desperate?”

  “It’s not about being desperate,” Melinda told her. “It’s just that he’s more selective about the women he dates.”

  “Selective…” Kate put her hands to her cheeks as the blood returned to them and they flamed red. “Wasn’t there some story in the tabloid press about him? Some images of him and a married woman?”

  “Fake news,” Melinda said firmly. “He was set up.”

  “Set up.” Kate shook her head. “You know, I really don’t want to get caught up in any kind of trouble and this sounds like trouble. You know I have enough going on with Marl.”

  “We know. Which is one of the reasons Jon suggested this to Travis. We know you. We know that you would never sell your story to the papers because you have been on the other side of the story. At least, Marl has. You know what it’s like when a story takes on a life of its own. If Marl hadn’t been in such a position of trust, his story would never have made the news.”

  “All arranged.” Jon came back into the room and looked from Melinda to Kate and back again. “You haven’t changed your mind?”

  “Kate?” Melinda pleaded. “Give it a chance. Meet Travis and listen to his story. Then decide.”

  “You told Kate who she was meeting.” Jon glanced at his wife, his expression questioning.

  “Kate deserved to know who she was meeting,” Melinda told him firmly.

  Jon nodded in agreement. “Travis has agreed to sign a contract. I’ll drive you there.”

  “No.” Kate shook her head. “Give me the address and I’ll go alone.”

  “I told Travis I’d take you,” Jon replied.

  “No offense, Jon, but I’d rather drive myself so I can leave when I want.” Kate didn’t mean to offend Jon but by his expression, it looked as if that’s just what she’d done. “I also would like some time alone to think this through. With you there, I’m going to feel pressured to say yes. Only because I know you guys suggested this since you thought it would help me out.”

  “There is no pressure,” Jon assured her. “Honestly, Travis isn’t convinced it’s a good idea either. If the press ever found out about this…” He handed her a piece of paper with an address written on it.

  “They won’t from me. I promise.” Kate nodded and with a sigh, turned around and headed for the door. Melinda followed her out, her expression pensive. “Thank you.”

  Melinda smiled weakly. “Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. When Jon told me about the idea, it seemed perfect. Now I wonder if it’s just going to cause more trouble for everyone.”

  “No.” Kate hugged her friend. “It’s a good plan that will solve a lot of problems.” She gave a short laugh as she released Melinda. “As long as Travis doesn’t expect me to sleep with him.”

  Melinda’s brow creased. “No. No way.” She gave a lopsided smile. “Travis, despite what you may have read or seen in the press, is a good guy.”

  “And you are a good judge of character. Which makes me feel better about the whole thing.” She raised her hand. “Bye.”

  “Bye.” Melinda waved as Kate opened the door and exited the house. Gulping in the fresh air, she headed for her car which was parked on the long sweeping drive that led to Jon and Melinda’s house. She loved it here, it was so quiet and peaceful, far away from the hub of the city where Kate lived.

  Glancing down at the address in her hand, she walked to her car. Kate’s thoughts were a jumble of confusion. Was this a good idea? It would help her financially, which would help Marl. But the repercussions could be immense. This was a life-changing decision.

  At least her mom wasn’t here to see the mess her two children had gotten themselves into.

  Although, Kate had
n’t gotten herself into anything. Yet. However, that would all change if she decided to take Travis Cooper’s offer. An offer she would be crazy to turn down. But crazy to accept.

  As she opened the door to her old Ford, she got into the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition, hoping the old car, which she’d purchased after selling her newer model to provide much-needed funds for Marl, would get her to her destination.

  If it didn’t, if the old car broke down before she arrived at Travis Cooper’s house, then she would take it as a sign. A sign that fate had stepped in and made the decision for her.

  As she drove away from Jon and Melinda’s house, Kate didn’t know what she hoped for the most.

  Chapter Three – Travis

  “She’s here.” Henry poked his head around the door of Travis’s music studio. This was his sanctuary, the place where he came to think as he strummed his guitars.

  “Okay. Has Izzy finished up in the kitchen?” Travis asked.

  “We are just waiting for the cupcakes to bake and when they’ve cooled, we’ll decorate them.” Henry’s jaw tensed. “I should get back. Izzy is under strict instructions to watch but not to open the oven when she’s alone.”

  “Go, I’ll get the door.” Travis stood up and carried his favorite guitar to its stand, placing it down reverently. The old battered guitar was the same instrument he’d used to pen his first hit song. It had more than sentimental value to Travis, it was a part of him, an extension of himself.

  We should probably keep that to ourselves and not let Kate know, his bear suggested. In fact, there is a lot we should not let Kate know.

  I agree, there are some things that we would only ever share with our mate. Travis tensed. This was all so wrong. So very wrong. What if he met his mate and she was a shifter? Would she understand the reasons why Travis had made up a fake engagement?

  Our mate will understand that you needed to put your family first. That you needed to do whatever it took to keep Izzy safe, his bear told him firmly.

  I hope you’re right. Travis left the studio and hurried down the hallway toward the front door. Although, I wonder if we’ll ever get a chance to test your theory. I think our mate might be more elusive than a hit record.

  Let’s just focus on Izzy’s welfare for now. There’s time enough to focus on ourselves after we’ve adopted her. His bear would never allow Izzy to go to her father’s family. He’d defend her to the death if necessary. At least, the death of his music career. If things went badly and the court awarded Izzy to her lowlife of a father, Travis was ready to abandon this life and make a new one elsewhere with new identities for them both.

  Travis reached the front door as the sound of tires on the gravel parking area at the front of the house reached him. He frowned, a sudden rush of blood to the head making him dizzy. This was no time to appear unwell. He had to be on top of his game. He needed to be charming and attentive until Kate agreed to be his fake fiancée.

  He bit the inside of his cheek as he forced himself to open the front door. This was a good plan. It was the best plan. If he was going to win custody of Izzy, he had to appear like a family man to the outside world.

  You are a family man, his bear reminded him. If that trashy newspaper hadn’t run the story of you coming out of a hotel room with that woman, there would be no problem.

  Travis shook his head. He’d been set up. He suspected by Izzy’s father to discredit him, but he had no proof.

  He put his hand to his head. The stress must be getting to him. He felt odd, as if he were coming down with a virus. His legs felt weak, it was as if he’d been robbed of all of his strength.

  Man up, his bear told him. This is no time to go weak at the knees. His bear huffed and stopped talking, as if his focus was suddenly elsewhere.

  Travis was too preoccupied with opening the front door and walking outside without looking like he’d spent the morning on an alcohol- or drug-fueled bender to notice the thrill of excitement that coursed through his bear.

  As he straightened his back and rolled his shoulders to ease the tension in his body, Travis focused on the car on his driveway. It was old and had seen better days, but then his gaze slid to the side of the car and the woman standing next to it.

  Hot damn! His bear sighed in appreciation as the woman stared at Travis. She looked nervous and he instantly wanted to put her at her ease. However, he was in no fit state. His hands trembled and he lurched forward, causing a look of dismay to cross Kate’s face. He was on the verge of blowing this without even uttering a word.

  “Hi.” He lifted his hand as he gulped in the fresh salty air and forced himself to act normally. Although, there was nothing normal about this moment.

  “Hi.” She watched him warily as he took a more confident step forward.

  “Thanks for coming over.” He stopped walking, not trusting himself to get all the way over to her without falling flat on his face.

  “No problem.” She stayed next to her car, the keys in her hand as if she were trying to figure out if she should get back in her car and make a run for it or stay.

  “Why don’t you come in?” Travis straightened out his expression and tried to look casual. Inside him, his emotions raged. How could he act casual when he’d just come face to face with his mate?

  Because if you don’t, she’s going to run, his bear told him bluntly.

  Travis could not let that happen. He needed to gain Kate’s confidence, he needed her to agree to be his fake fiancée so that he could figure out how to make her his real fiancée.

  Maybe she already knows about shifters, his bear suggested.

  Wouldn’t Jon have said if she did? Travis asked.

  I suppose. His bear looked at their mate without blinking. Then you’d better find a way to make this work. Not just because without Kate, we’ll die of a broken heart, but because she needs our help.

  Of course. The whole reason Kate was here was that she needed the cash he was offering to pay for her brother’s lawyers. Travis shook his head. He should have taken more notice of what Jon was saying this morning.

  Kate’s brother is in trouble and she needs the money to pay for a good lawyer, his bear reminded him. At least one of us listened.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” Kate said honestly as she hung back, not wanting to leave the relative security of her car.

  “Come in, we can talk.” He gave a small smile. “Izzy has been baking cupcakes, she’s decorating them for you.”

  “That’s emotional blackmail,” Kate said lightly and pointed at him disapprovingly. To his relief, she did take a couple of steps forward. “Izzy is the child you want to adopt.”

  His jaw tightened. “She is. Jon and Melinda explained it all to you?” He was a little disappointed since his friends didn’t usually tell anyone any of his business. Or so they said.

  We trust them implicitly, his bear reminded Travis.

  “Not exactly.” She held out her hands and said, “They thought it would be better if you explained the details to me.”

  “Ahh.” He half-turned and held his arm up toward the open door. “Come in and we can talk.” He spun his index finger around and around above his head. “Just in case the plants have ears.”

  She giggled. “Are you that paranoid?” Kate closed the space between them, obviously more relaxed now that his earlier random behavior had passed.

  “You have no idea.” He gave her a tight smile. “I try to joke about it but when some reporters go through your garbage… Well, there are limits to what a man can take.”

  “They actually do that?” Kate screwed up her face. “That’s terrible.”

  “Luckily, as far as I am aware, no one knows where I live right now so my garbage is safe.” He inclined his head toward the door. “I smell something delicious.”

  Our mate, his bear said happily even though Travis meant Izzy’s cupcakes.

  “Then we shouldn’t make the chef wait.” She grinned and shook her mane of auburn hair bac
k from her shoulders as she headed toward the front door. If she thought anything was amiss, she didn’t mention it and he followed behind dutifully, like a lost puppy who had finally made his way home.

  “Thanks.” He gave her a shy smile. “I appreciate you coming over.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up. I haven’t agreed to say yes,” she told him quietly. “I really don’t know if this is a good idea or not.” She glanced up at him and he wanted to lose himself in her gray-blue eyes. “For either of us.”

  “I agree.” He walked by her side until they reached the front door. “Ladies first.”

  “Is that part of your charm offensive?” she asked as she stepped over the threshold and into his house. It took all of Travis’s self-control not to slam the door behind her and barricade them in. Now that his mate was here, he never wanted her to leave. Not ever.

  “No, I’m naturally a gentleman.” He flashed her the same smile that had melted the hearts of his legions of fans. He’d never hoped he could work his rock god magic on a woman so much in all of his life.

  “Good to know.” She arched an eyebrow, not looking convinced.

  “Can I get you a coffee or something?” Travis asked as he led her into the living room. If his superstar smile didn’t win her over then maybe the view of the ocean might.

  “Tea, please. I try to cut down on coffee, too much caffeine makes me jittery, and right now I need a clear head.” She gave him a crooked smile. “I talk too much when I’m nervous.”

  “And do I make you nervous?” he asked in a smooth tone.

  She hid a smile. “I can see why millions of women fall at your feet, Travis. But this is a business arrangement and I’d prefer it if we kept it professional.”

  His smile faltered on his lips. “I like honesty and that is brutally honest.” He hovered in the doorway, hoping she wouldn’t make a run for it while he was gone.

  “I find it easier. Especially lately.” Her eyes darkened with pain before she swung around and looked out at the ocean. “This is a beautiful house.”

  “It is.” He didn’t mean to sound conceited. “I thought it would be a good place to raise Izzy.”


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