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Rules of Protection (Tangled in Texas) (Volume 1)

Page 30

by Alison Bliss

  “Nobody move or I’ll kill her.”

  Jake and the others turned their guns on Director Brockway, who shielded his body with mine. The other five agents decided the civilians were no longer the bigger threat and did the same.

  “Let her go, Brockway!” Jake called out.

  Brockway walked backward, taking us out of the bright lights and into the shadows toward the government vehicles. I didn’t think he’d kill me…at least not yet. He needed me alive to get away. But as soon as he got away, I’d become disposable. Physically and emotionally drained, the knowledge brought unexpected tears to my eyes. It was a terrifying, recurring nightmare.

  Then something happened.

  I closed my eyes and gasped a deep breath, feeling his presence before I smelled the warm, familiar minty scent. A strong sense of safety washed over me, wrapping me in a veil of comfort and peace. I opened my eyes as Junior came at Brockway, moving with lightning speed and brute force.

  Junior slashed with the large buck knife, slicing away flesh from both of Brockway’s arms. It was the efficiency of a hunter. Brockway dropped the gun and released me at the same time. The enraged look on Junior’s face had shown how unstable he was in that moment. The fear that he’d kill Brockway to protect me held everyone else at bay. As if an invisible, impenetrable ring of fire circled us.

  Brockway was on the ground, howling in pain and bleeding profusely from both arms. Junior held the large knife to his neck, daring him to move, looking for a reason to kill him. He wanted to. I could feel it. As if Junior’s thoughts and emotions flowed through me. I laid a comforting hand on his shoulder and his body relaxed. He released a calming breath.

  Junior rose slowly, wiped the bloody knife on his jeans, and slid it into the leather sheath on his side. We traded glances. There were no words for what had just happened. Just heartache. No one had been there to stop him when he killed the man who’d murdered his daughter. Though I don’t think he regretted it, Junior wasn’t a man who’d snuff out another man’s life without it penetrating his soul.

  He kissed my temple, squeezed my hand, and walked out into the pasture, blending into the shadows. I knew his keen hawk-eyes kept watch over me, though. He was a good man who fiercely protected the ones he loved. And I was fortunate to be loved by him.

  The whole group swarmed me. Hank and the other boys hovered, making sure I was all right, while Jake picked up Brockway’s gun and shoved it into his waistband for safekeeping. After squeezing his way through and groping for me in the crowd, Jake pulled me out of Hank’s big bear arms and into his own.

  The feds allowed the paramedics to load Director Brockway into the ambulance. They stood guard as the deep lacerations on his arms were treated and bandaged.

  Jake didn’t say anything, but he stayed close. He kept one hand on his gun and both eyes fixed on me. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I thought it was a sign. He and I were nowhere near out of the woods.


  At the hospital, I stayed with Hank as we waited for news on Floss and Jake. Floss had to have surgery to reset her anklebone with pins and screws. Jake had to have the bullet removed from his shoulder, though it hadn’t done any major damage. Director Brockway was having surgery as well.

  I overheard one of the doctors question the nurse about the man who had cut Director Brockway. “Was he a surgeon?”

  The nurse shook her head. “No, I was told he’s a hunter.”

  “Of animals or people?” the doctor asked seriously. “The man who did this would’ve had extensive knowledge of where to slice through a human arm to incapacitate him and cause the most damage by severing the correct tendons. Even if we can repair the damage, the director may never be able to use his hands again.”

  A shiver ran down my spine as Hank came over with a cup of coffee. “Hank, do you think Junior is dangerous?”

  Hank chuckled at me. “Honey, I know Junior is dangerous. He did government contract work back when I was still in the FBI—”

  “You were in the FBI?”

  “I was Director of the Chicago Division, like Brockway,” Hank replied. “Jake’s father worked under me. It’s how we met. I passed the position on to him when I retired. He was a good man, like his son. I guess no one told you Jake’s not my nephew…not biologically, anyway.”

  Lightly touching my hand to his, I smiled. “Jake’s your family, blood or not. Like you said to Felts, nobody messes with your family. And Jake’s the son you and Floss never had.”

  “Emily, when I said that, I wasn’t talking about Jake. That boy can take care of himself. I was talking about you. You’re as much our family now as he is.”

  Sweet of him to say, even if it wasn’t true. This wasn’t my family. It was Jake’s. I didn’t doubt their concern for my well-being, but I didn’t want their sympathy any more than I wanted their pity. I wanted to be loved and have a family to call my own, but it wasn’t something Jake had offered me.

  Riddled with guilt, I couldn’t stop thinking about what Jake had said. If anybody gets hurt, it’s going to be all on you. He was right. This was my fault, and they should all hate me. Probably would after they thought about it long enough. I’d been unfairly thrust into all of their lives because of the situation.

  I was a temporary fixture and had already overstayed my welcome. I didn’t want to say good-bye to any of them, especially Jake, but I didn’t see any other option. Maybe there is such a thing as becoming too enmeshed in someone else’s life.

  I blinked, keeping my emotions in check and forcing the sadness back down as three U.S. Marshals entered the lobby.

  “Emily Foster?” one of them asked.

  I nodded in response.

  “Can you come with us? We need to speak with you privately.” One of the nurses buzzed us in and led us to one of the conference rooms at the end of the hallway. “Please sit,” he said as he shut the door, leaving the other two marshals outside to guard the door. “I’m Carter Sullivan with the US Federal Marshals Service,” he said, offering his hand.

  “Is that necessary?” I asked, motioning to the men on the other side of the glass door. “Frankie Felts is dead.”

  “Until his organization is broken up, you’ll need to be protected. There’s still a contract on your head…at least until the news of his death is made public. Money talks, you know. That’s why we think Director Brockway gave information to Felts, to pay off some gambling debts he had accumulated.”

  I cut right to the chase. “Is Agent Ward in trouble?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered. “An investigation is already under way as to his conduct. Kidnapping a federal witness is a serious crime.”

  “Kidnapping? He saved me…and more than once, I might add.”

  “Yes, but Agent Ward’s methods are questionable. He’s going to have to have some higher connections to get out of this one with his career still intact.”

  I think he was referring to God, but my mind instantly went to Hank. Maybe he still had some connections in the department who could help Jake, especially now that the informant had been caught. That would certainly help Jake’s case.

  But what about me? I hadn’t even considered where that would leave me after this was all over. Jake would no longer feel responsible for my well-being and probably end up resenting me for weighing him down. Then I’d be abandoned. Again. And that was something I couldn’t bear to think about. I’d have to get used to the idea of returning to my old life…a life without Jake.

  “We need to take you to a safe house,” Sullivan said. “I can understand if you’re reluctant to cooperate with the U.S. Marshals Service, but—”


  He looked confused and almost put out. “Excuse my surprise, ma’am, but from everything I’ve been told about you, I thought you would put up more of a fight.”

  “What’d you think…you’d have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming?”

  “It seemed to be the general consensus.”

ell, I do have a few stipulations.”

  The agent grinned, but shook his head. “This isn’t a negotiation.”

  “It is now,” I said. “Unless you’d rather I talk to the press.”

  His smiled faded. “Ma’am, I could arrest you and keep you in a cell for the duration, if I have to. The government doesn’t take kindly to threats.”

  “Neither do I.” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “If you want my full cooperation, then I want two things. One being an update on Agent Ward’s medical condition after we leave here. So I know he’s okay. And two, I want you to keep my whereabouts a secret.”

  The Marshal laughed heartily. “Miss Foster, isn’t that the point of witness protection?”

  “You don’t understand,” I told him. “I don’t want Agent Ward or anybody in connection with him, including the FBI, to know where I am.”

  “It won’t be a problem.” The agent grinned at the thought of hiding me from the FBI. “Would you like to say good-bye to Agent Ward? I understand you and he became…close,” he said, politely trying to find an appropriate word.

  Thinking of saying good-bye to Jake made me feel vulnerable. My throat tightened, and my bottom lip quivered. I wouldn’t be able to do it. And I didn’t want Jake or the others to see me like this.

  I had foolishly fallen in love with a man who didn’t love me back. Jake was like a really good book, where you want to savor the whole thing, but then you’re disappointed when it ends. That was my problem. I wasn’t going to get my happily ever after. It was the end.

  Jake had been my compass for the last few weeks, guiding me and pointing me in the right direction. Now it was time to take matters into my own hands. Even if it meant changing course. Jake had protected my body, but only I could protect my heart.

  I smiled tearfully at the marshal. “I don’t do good-byes.”


  Two Months Later…

  “Someone get the door,” I yelled from the kitchen.

  Gina and Dale continued sitting on the couch, watching a movie, as if they never heard me.

  Irritated, I walked past them. “Seriously? First, you two refuse to help me unpack. Now I have to make popcorn and answer your door?”

  Gina flashed me a grin. “It’s your door now, too.”

  “Yeah,” Dale agreed, “The rules state the newest household member has to answer the door.”

  “Whose rules?”


  “You can’t make up rules as you go along,” I said, swinging the door open. I froze as my eyes raked over Jake standing in the doorway.

  He glared at me with stormy eyes of fury and a throbbing vein bulged out of his neck. “Okay,” he grumbled, “Who the hell are you, and what did you do with Emily? Because the Emily I knew never followed anyone’s rules.”

  At first I stood there, robotic, unable to react. Jake’s commanding presence had a bewildering power over me. My buried emotions clawed their way to the surface and came out in the form of a two-month-old grudge.

  “My name’s not Emily. It’s—”

  “You’re still Emily to me.”

  “What can I do for you, Agent Ward?” I asked, my tone sizzling with attitude.

  “Don’t give me that crap. We need to talk,” Jake said as he started to enter the apartment.

  I blocked his entry with my arm. “No, we don’t. There’s nothing left to say.”

  “I just spent two very long months looking for you.” He gave me a look that sent a chill through my bones. “I disagree.”

  I sighed with impatience. “Jake, what do you want?”

  “What I want is to fit your ass with a transmitter or a homing device,” he said, still eyeing my arm on the doorjamb. “Are you going to let me in or what?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  He lifted an eyebrow and grinned.

  “Fine,” I told him as I stepped to the side. “You get two minutes.”

  Gina and Dale had turned completely, watching us with their arms hooked around the back of the couch. Apparently, this scene was better than the one on TV.

  “Do you guys mind giving us the room?” I thought asking them to leave was safer than being alone with Jake in a bedroom.

  “Man, you always spoil our fun,” Dale said.

  Gina grinned. “It’s okay. We’ll go to my room and listen through the door.” They disappeared into her bedroom.

  I turned to Jake. “I’ve been out of federal custody and back in Chicago for less than twenty-four hours. How did you find me?”

  “I didn’t,” Jake said with a smirk. “I had your friends call me the moment you got back.”

  “Tattletale!” Gina called out from the bedroom.

  Jake reached for me, but I pulled away, making him grunt in disapproval. “Emily, I went crazy when I realized you left. No one would tell me where you were. They said it was at your request. Why would you block me from finding you?”

  “Because I obviously didn’t want you to find me. Not that I thought it would matter,” I said, shrugging. “After all, you have your own personal Indian tracker.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, and his jaw tightened with a grimace. “Chief Dumbshit wouldn’t help me. He said you needed to come back on your own. That it should be your choice, not mine.”

  “Good man,” I said with a smirk.

  “He said to tell you hello, and Floss wanted me to thank you for the flowers.”

  I smiled with delight. “She knew I sent them?”

  “I don’t know how, since the card was signed from God. But, yeah, she knew.” Jake shuffled his feet uncomfortably. “Everyone misses you.”

  I didn’t want to cry, but knew I was on the verge of it. “I think I’ve tainted all of their lives enough,” I said in a callous tone as I moved farther away.

  Jake snagged me up by my elbow before I could get out of reach. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that? You don’t just burn bridges. Oh, no, not you, Emily… You have to blow the sonofabitches up.”

  I shook my arm loose from his grip. “Well, then I guess it makes me no better than you. I don’t appreciate you using them to get to me. If you have something to say, then say it.”

  “Fine.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and shuffled his feet on the floor. “Why’d you leave me?”

  “Leave you?” I asked, confused. “Jake, you’re making it sound like we broke up. It was a fake relationship. We weren’t dating, remember?”

  “Well, what the hell would you call what we were doing because we damn sure weren’t playing Scrabble in that bed.”

  Dale snickered from the other room. Great. I’d never live that one down.

  “You ran while I was in surgery, knowing I wouldn’t be able to chase you,” Jake accused. “Pretty chickenshit, if you ask me.”

  “I didn’t run.”

  “Oh, you ran all right,” Jake said, “Like a scared rabbit, running from the…what did you call me again, Gina?”

  “The big, bad wolf,” she said, giggling on the other side of the door.

  “Stay out of it!” I hollered. Then I shook my head. “This is stupid, Jake. Tell me what you want.”

  “You,” he said, grabbing a handful of my shirt and pushing me against the wall. “I want you.”

  My brain had to work extra hard with his body pressed into mine. The mixture of our emotions threatened to explode, and the result would be damaging to my heart. “Jake…please, don’t.”

  He didn’t listen. Jake and I were from the same country, but we were speaking different languages, and his was definitely not verbal. He pulled me in for a kiss, clamping his mouth over mine, and my legs buckled under me. Jake held me limply in his arms, like a rag doll for him to play with. He slid his muscled thigh between mine and moved his mouth down to my neck. His hands caressed my hair, twirling it with his fingers.

  “I want you to come home with me,” he breathed.

  I gave him a quick, dismissive glance as I fought back
the urge to pull off his clothes. “Why?”

  “Because I want to protect you…”

  He wasn’t glad he found me because he loved me. It was about the stupid case again. I pushed him away. “Damn it, Jake! I don’t need a bodyguard.”

  “Good,” Jake said. “There are things I want to do to your body, but guarding it isn’t one of them.”

  “But you said—”

  “I do want to protect you. The way any husband wants to protect his wife.”

  “Jake, I—” His words made my head spin. “Wait, what’d you say?”

  “I want to marry you.”


  Jake chuckled. “That wasn’t quite the reaction I hoped for.”

  I was annoyed he thought it was funny. “I’m serious. Why would you want to marry someone you don’t love?”

  “I don’t,” Jake said. “I want to marry you.”

  “But you don’t love me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” His eyebrows squished together, giving him a disgusted look. “Of course I do.”

  “Jake, you don’t have to pretend it was anything more than sex. I know that’s all—”

  With the speed of a striking snake, Jake latched onto my arm and pulled me closer. “I told you before, I don’t do meaningless sex. I meant it then, and I mean it now. If you think I spent two months looking for you because I wanted to have sex with you, then you’re crazier than I thought. Why the hell would you think I’m not in love with you?”

  “Because you never told me.”

  “Yeah, I did. I remember telling you I care about you.”

  “Exactly. You care about me. It isn’t the same thing. I care about Cowboy, but I wouldn’t want to sleep with him every night.”

  Jake was irritated. “If you’re going to marry me, then you’d better not want to sleep with him any night.”

  “I didn’t say I’d marry you,” I reminded.

  “Damn it, Emily! Why not?”

  “You still haven’t said it.”

  Jake smiled, brushed the hair out of my eyes, and tilted my chin up toward his face. “Emily, I love you. I’ve been in love with you for months. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you, if you’ll let me. Now tell me you’ll marry me and you’ll sleep in my bed for the rest of yours, and I’ll be a happy man.”


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