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Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light (Mystical Slayers Heritage Book 2)

Page 9

by Michael W. Huard

  Instructed to take a lunch break, most people just went off on their own and looked around, chatted, and welcomed a serving robot offering snacks and drinks.

  Raegan grabbed a few celery sticks, a little hummus, and a small cup of lemonade. She then separated from the group to take a break from all the nonsense she was hearing.

  Out of nowhere, Mayor Wesley Warns approached her. “Well, there you are. The little innocent reporter.” Raegan just glared at him as she leaned against one of the temple pillars. He came closer to her with a grin on his face and whispered, “Perhaps you'll be staying this evening as well so we can finish what we started.”

  Raegan wanted to crack him in the head right then and there. She thought about doing a flying superman punch and splattering his nose. Her breath accelerated, yet she held her composure and calmly replied, “I don't think so.”

  “Well, that's not the answer the big mayor here was hoping to hear, young chickadee. You do know who I am, don't you?” The portly man with the star tat on his forehead offered up a huge grin at his own words. “The entire region of Washington D.C. is under my thumb, so if I want to fuck you, I will fuck you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  Raegan's face flushed in anger, her blood was boiling, her head began to throb, and her trembling fist clenched against her side. As she tried to walk away, the mayor mocked her and grabbed her shoulder. “Go ahead…you want to tell on me? Go tell the president, he’ll laugh in your face.”

  Raegan snapped and struck out. Kicking him right in the balls, the mayor of all Washington yelled out at the top of his voice. He continued to moan and dropped to one knee in that much pain he could no longer talk.

  Raegan could hear people talking nearby and knew this was not a time for a big fight, especially with the mayor; it would draw too much unwanted attention. “I think I'll take a rain check on that plan of yours tonight,” she said.

  Looking at her with a smirk, he grunted and replied, “This is not over, so don't you ever think it is.” He then dropped completely to the ground with a loud moan while grabbing his crotch. With a final look of disgust at the mayor, she walked around the corner and returned to where everybody else was gathering together to continue the tour. Muttering to herself, she said, "No, it probably isn't over…not until I've chopped off your friggin' head!"

  The rest of the day went by with more interviews and a little more sightseeing of the entire area around the Capitol building. What a shame it was, Raegan thought over and over again, that this place was now under Y-Wood Corporation jurisdiction.

  As the sky darkened and the wind picked up, rain began pouring down as another storm came in. The entire group was taken to a nearby private subway that would lead to the Capitol building. Usually, eye scans and DNA samples would be taken before entering this heavily secured locale, but today was too much of a rush. Sleet started to fall with the storm outside, and preparations were at a minimal just to get everyone in. All the while, Raegan devised a plan deep in her mind.

  This storm was not as severe as the last, although the weather all about the entire country was undoubtedly changing. Always drastic and more unpredictable than any other time in the history of mankind, today's rain started to turn into chunks of ice, but thankfully, all were safe inside.

  The traveling group of businessmen and reporters, as well as the mayor and the president, were all taken down below. In order to enter the subway section, everyone would normally have to pass even more tests at this stage, but again nobody was tested for anything and were allowed full access to enter the private route to the Capitol building itself.

  The storm passed quickly, but Raegan had taken the opportunity to study the surroundings. Always a deep thinker and planner, a strategy had started to form in her mind for the future.

  Once inside the underground subway, private trolley cars on a track would lead passengers through a tunnel and directly to the Capitol building itself.

  While down below in a waiting chamber, holding out until the storm slowed down, President Marcou talked to the mayor about how he would take Maryland and Virginia, wipe them from the map in namesake, and soon they would just have Washington as the main named location in the region. He explained that there was no need to have three different names anymore. Mayor Warn looked to Raegan, who made sure to keep a good distance from them, and he offered a snarl of a look when he caught her peering over.

  Chapter Twelve

  As the days went by, all of the sisters, excluding Mahira and the cyborg, Tyne Gem, joined back together in their Boston underground city locale. The annual big Corporation ball and championship level death fights were fast approaching, and the sisterhood’s move on Y-Wood, a long time in the preparation stages, was also about to become a reality.

  Yet, when the ladies rejoined one another, word was spreading of a nearby gathering of men outside the underground city. Apparently, they were searching the area and definitely posed as a serious concern to everyone in and about the city. Boston underground, at one time, had housed many of the sisterhood’s inner circle as well as family members, young and old, and even children had been stationed there. The place was more of a true homestead than just a place to gather. Its location had to be kept top secret.

  In the evening, Raegan met with the other girls to discuss a plan to deal with the outside forces that were closing in.

  Up to now, Raegan, Sinaye, Jansa, Chaya, and the wild alternative Goth girl, Blu, were the only ones gathered together.

  The Mystical Slayer leader began by saying, “We cannot allow this group of marauders too close to the underground, nor can we leave them lingering around out there and wreaking havoc.” She rubbed her chin in thought. “So, unless any of you have a better idea, a lot of us are going to have to go out and deal with it immediately.”

  Blu was first to reply. “Sounds like a plan to me,” she said.

  Jansa was next, asking, “Who exactly are these people? Or do we not even know yet?”

  Chaya answered. “From what we have been told, it’s a fairly decent number of guys, and they're supposedly not connected with the Corporation.”

  Raegan added, “As witnessed by some of our scouts, they've been here for a bit, ransacking, doing no good, and searching for hidden outposts I’m sure.” The leader counted out five sisters in the private room, including herself. “Just us five can deal with it together. Let’s work as a team and go out to do a little spying on these guys. Then we will figure out how we can deal with the situation.”

  Chaya could not help but wonder if this was the same group that she'd dealt with earlier on the train. “These guys are tough, if they’re the same gang I ran into before.” She went on to explain what had occurred, then asked, “Who will we have back here if any get through while we’re out there?”

  She had a good point, and a long discussion broke out amongst the women. There were very few top-notch Mystical Slayers left in the modern era. Of course, there was training going on and high hopes more would come about, but it would take time and money, and it was always going to be dangerous experimenting on young girls with powerful drugs.

  In addition to the five women present and the two sisters on the road fighting, they also had Kanya and Paka on Mars, but they were nowhere near close enough to be able to lend a hand. That left Envy, who was just walking in the room during the discussion. “Did I miss a notice for this meeting?” she asked, looking surprised that she had not been included in such a private gathering.

  Raegan explained they were planning on going out to deal with the matter at hand, and that Envy would be staying back in the underground. Envy gave all the sisters a sad face, but was fine in truth.

  Sinaye then asked, “Where is Zaey by the way?” None of the others seemed to know.

  Raegan finally replied, “She’s just not back yet, but I expect her soon.” None of the women in the room knew anything different and said no more.


resident Marcou needed to make his rounds about the country. He was finished with Washington and flew to California next. He was accompanied by several of the clones that he preferred to have with him on these trips. Each was human in appearance; handsome human men. They were all smart and programmed to be great assets in matters of dealing with the general population. Soldiers also came along; robot powerhouses in black armor and with glowing green eyes. On this particular leg of his trip his super warrior bot, Omagus, was not with him, which was rare. The robot was back in Massachusetts getting a little upgrade in anticipation of the grand party coming up soon.

  The clones he traveled with were more intelligent than the average human, and stronger too. Californians were an odd lot, although most were very easy to please and for the most part obeyed the Y-Wood rules through and through. Being that it was a huge state with too much ground to cover, there were always those that did their own thing, but it was part of the process and was accepted as inevitable. Los Angeles, the city of angels, had been torn to shreds during the war and yet the building that still stood was in an area completely owned by Y-Wood, and it was here President Marcou made his appearance.

  Next, the team flew to Texas. This was always a crazy, if not interesting stop. Texas was another big region like California, and they tended to resist the Corporation more than any other area. Rebels and outlaws, the boss called them.

  The few that joined and followed policy were given huge favors and held in high regard by President Marcou. He visited them and gave them great wealth, soldiers, and the tools to deal with the so-called outlaws of the big state. Texas was Corporation owned, and any who openly fought back were killed.

  Eventually, the team ended up in Florida, Miami to be precise. The weather was always too humid and if they could avoid any sort of hurricane while there, the crew would be extremely fortunate.

  Overall, it was concluded that the Corporation’s top contingents were all working well and prospering under the watchful eye of Y-Wood.

  When the long trip was over, President Marcou was happy to take a much-needed vacation. Gathering his top aides, they all went on a hunting expedition to the White Mountains in New Hampshire.

  With him, he brought General Berlin Purcell, a solid military man who brandished a strong jawline and short, spiked dirty-blond hair. Purcell had with him his very special super bot, Galax, a blue and silver, highly detailed mega metal machine. He was highly intelligent and virtually indestructible. The president also invited Hale Valdosta, his assistant, a few other friends of the Corporation, and Omagus, his personal security robot that was now very much back in action. Both Omagus and Galax were billion-dollar creations of the Y-Wood Corporation.

  Hale Valdosta was nothing special; he just did whatever his boss told him to do, whenever he told him to do it. He was smart though, and a workaholic, so practically having no life of his own made him the perfect assistant.

  The White Mountains were a scenic spot to say the very least, full of beautiful forestry, waterfalls, and majestic mountain ranges. Mount Washington was the highest point in all New England, and at this time of year with the weather so nice, it was a magnificent sight to see. The hunters gathered below this very mountain, making good kills throughout the day and late into the afternoon.

  It was too easy with such high-level bots working with them, but President Marcou still made it a special and grand occasion; he was a proud huntsman.

  The raw wilderness was a great place to find some peace and quiet. At a stream, they now sat bragging about the day's conquests. They had moved their large company spacecraft nearby, which had now been loaded with catches of a deer, several eagles, a fox, and two bears.

  The general and president exchanged private thoughts as they walked along the river bed before the trip back home. They settled back in with the rest of the group before the sun started to go down.

  President Marcou was old, yet all his revamped body parts kept him agile enough to matter. He was powerful in his bionics and skilled in many things. He and Purcell had talked about everything from military plans to space travel and everything in between. The other men, all leaders from various states, listened as they discussed an earlier subject. Everyone found themselves learning about one exciting new aspect called wormholes.

  The president explained, “Empty space contains energy, and over time, such negative energy can be harnessed via these holes.” All present were very interested in such details and knowledge. “These wormholes can be used to accelerate spacecrafts out to regions in the universe yet unchartered. These connect two points in space, thus bending time.” Marcou always held a smirk when talking; he was proud of all he had inherited from his father, but he was the man now.

  More talk continued on sex bots and how to sell more, and a bigger, even more detailed topic was that of child regulations. Lastly, the president asked his assistant and general to work towards making a special arena fighter for the Corporation in the future. “I want someone that the people will respect and look up to in the arena.” He finally got up and the others all joined him. “Not a robot, so to speak, or a big, mean scary guy…give me all your final thoughts before we fly home.”

  The resulting discussion was to do up a beautiful cyborg-like woman, one who could win all her matches and look amazing at the same time. She would be given the latest in upgrades for combative measures, intelligence, and knowhow. All at the lake area were satisfied with the brainstorming results. Soon, the Corporation space traveler was on its way back to Boston.


  The women made their way down the street and soon climbed a rooftop overlooking the far-off inner city of Boston. Zaey had, as expected, now joined them.

  Together they all looked out onto the main sector of the beaten down metropolis of a one-time great city.

  Blu had been chosen to dress in rags and head down to try and find out a little more information. The girls spotted small groups of men here and there, going into various buildings and looking to be searching for something or someone.

  They didn't appear to be acting very friendly from what they could see, and most people were running away when they encountered them. A few were even grabbed and taken by these men.

  The rest of the women sat and waited on the roof, scouting with long lenses while hoping Blu could give them some intelligence on her return.

  She headed down from the building and made her way to the center of the city. Appearing as just a simple street woman, Blu now slipped into a hidden section and waited for a gang of people that looked like they were in a big hurry as they came around a bend before her.

  She let them reach the side of her and joined them on their trot.

  As they made their way down an alleyway, she asked the closest guy, “What's going on? Why are we all running? You guys are all so nervous…is something going on?” She, too, acted afraid and played the role well.

  The man nearest to her, a tall fellow with a brown wool hat on and a beard, one of perhaps twelve people jogging, looked at her breathing heavily as he ran on and replied, “A big party out there…a bunch of men…they're well-armed and they're claiming that they're here to take all weapons…and if anybody doesn't obey them, they will be put to death.” He then ran faster and Blu had to increase her speed to keep up.

  A woman whom she came up on was too tired to run much further. She was in street clothes much like Blu and bending over trying to catch her breath. Blu helped her up and she cried out, “They're getting ready to have a firing squad on the main downtown street near the city square.” The woman then forced herself to run on.

  The group of fleeing people came to a small doorway after cutting down a second alleyway, and a woman wearing a green sweater quickly pulled the door open and ushered everyone in.

  Blu asked, “Are these men working for the Corporation?”

  Another runner, a scrawny guy with glasses, looked back to her and replied, “I don’t think so, none of them appear to b
e working for anyone but themselves.”

  Another man looked at her and said, “They are taking supplies and women too. Are you coming in or not?”

  Blu did not answer him; she had already left in the other direction.

  She made her way down the street to get a closer look at what exactly this posse was up to. She got to a spot close enough to the square, one off to the side of the main gathering. Staying hidden, she watched as people were being lined up against one of the buildings and tied together, guided by several men with weapons such as rifles, swords, and knives. One man in a crimson beret was yelling out to everyone; he was no doubt the main bully of this awful crew.

  Seeing several young women handcuffed together in one spot, the gothic Mystical Slayer concluded these men were nothing more than scum.

  There were roughly sixteen of them, a tough-looking lot, and Blu knew there could be more scattered about. As she scanned the area, she noticed some of the various buildings had lookouts posted on them too.

  It appeared as though they had taken up residence in one of the buildings nearby; the doors were wide open and every so often, different guys would slip in and out. She looked over the situation one more time and quickly turned to make her way back to her fellow sisters.

  Moving like a cat from building to building, she kept low and moved with determination. Then, about halfway down an alley that would lead her closer to the roof where her friends waited for her, a man stepped out before her. He was a dirty looking urchin with scars running down both his cheeks, and his grubby face was framed with long, greasy hair.

  “Hello," he said with a weird accent. "Where ya going, darling?” The sky captain debated on trying to run around him, she could easily do it, but he pulled out a hand gun and showcased his many missing front teeth. “Wanna come play with me? I can give it to you in that there private room,” he said, drooling his words out to Blu while raising his gun at her.


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