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Her Heart Was In Havana_A BWWM Romance

Page 10

by Sherie Keys

The day had finally come for him to be discharged, and a tangible excitement was in the air throughout the entire clinic. The team members buzzed, and a party had been set up in the cafeteria with an entire lunch buffet, desserts, and a giant cake that read, “Congratulations Lucas!”

  Michael was standing beside the table waiting for his brother when Catherine walked toward him, having just wrapped up her report in the lab. He gave her a playful push as she came up beside him. “It’s the big day, you ready to see this guy walk out to his freedom?”

  “So ready! I’ve been waiting for this day since I met him.” She looked to the doors where he would be coming from then turned back to Michael. “Did you have a chance to see him this morning?”

  He shook his head. “Not yet, I wanted to let him have the time to himself so he could do his own thing, Seemed right.”

  “Not a bad idea,” she agreed. “I’m sure he is ready for loads of his own space and time, after sharing it nonstop with everyone here over the past four weeks.”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure he didn’t mind the attention quite as much as he led on.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, you two, how have you not murdered one another before this?”

  He shrugged. “I’m a responsible big brother.”

  “Mhmmm, I’m sure.” She gave his shoulder a squeeze, and then turned at the sound of the team’s applause as Lucas swung open the doors.

  The room erupted in cheers and whoops, and the entire staff—doctors, nurses and tech team— made their way to shake his hand and offer their congratulations. A giant grin lit up his face as he spoke to each individual, and he didn’t miss a beat, the hours of therapy showing with each shake of the hand. Black fuzz covered his scalp where the hair had started to return, concealing all but a small bump where the incision had healed. Michael and Catherine looked at one another happily, their hands clasped together, knowing this was the day they had waited a very long time to see.

  Lucas approached them as the cheers died down. He held up his hand to bring silence to the room, gave the two of them a wink, and then turned back to his horde of supporters.

  “I just want to take a moment to thank every single one of you who have been involved in my case. Truly, thank you. I wouldn’t be standing here today without you.” He paused and looked to the faces of the crowd. “Let that sink in, everyone. I wouldn’t be alive today without your hard work, so really… Thank you.”

  The team clapped again, and he nodded then continued as they fell silent.

  “And I want to give huge thanks to my big brother, Michael. Without his energy to finish the robotic assist in time, I would not have been able to be the first to have this operation, I guess I owe him one,” he joked as he gave Michael a jab.

  “Last, but definitely not least, I want to offer a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Catherine Ruby.” He turned to her now, his eyes welling with tears as he gave her a small smile. “Not only have you brought me a second chance, but you have become like family to me over the past six weeks. You’re a beacon in life that we had no idea we needed here, thank you for all your work…” he paused as he wiped away a tear, “and for saving my life.”

  The roar of applause and cheers was almost deafening in the small room. Catherine glanced around at the team members as they looked at her with smiling faces and teary eyes. She felt her own tears well and reached up with a laugh to wipe them away. This had definitely been a journey for all of them. Today was a celebration of life, and all of them felt it together, as a family. Lucas grabbed her in a tight bear hug, and she squeezed back, closing her eyes and taking it all in. He had made it—he had survived.

  They pulled back, and she lightly pecked his cheek. “Thank you, Lucas. I couldn’t have asked for a better patient.”

  He nodded. “Damn straight.” He gave her a wink. “I owe you one, doc.”

  The party continued for hours. Cake and ice cream were served, and everyone chatted about the procedure and where this work might lead in the future. Lucas was presented with gifts from the staff and a card signed by all the members who had worked on his case. Michael surprised them all with a gift—each of them would receive a large bonus for their extra hours and hard work, along with a paid vacation over the next two weeks. The excitement in the air was tangible, as the staff laughed and exchanged their time-off plans.

  Catherine approached Michael and handed him a slice of cake. He took it eagerly, scooped up a bite, and dug into the sweet dessert.

  “That was very kind of you, treating the team to bonuses and some time off,” she told him as she dug into her own piece.

  He shrugged. “Hell, the least I could do for the group of people who worked their asses off to save my brother.”

  “Still, I know they appreciate it,” she replied.

  “They do, one of the best parts of my job isn’t only helping people in need, but providing for people who want to help others.”

  She gave him an exaggerated sigh and a smile. “Such a hero.”

  He gave her the same wink Lucas had. “And don’t you forget it.”


  Late that night, they returned to the house and collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion. There had been an after party at the bar down the street, and they had indulged in many drinks, now feeling the buzz of alcohol brew in their minds. Many team members had stayed until closing, and Alberto had picked the two of them up as the place was closing its doors.

  Catherine giggled as Michael tickled her neck with his scruff, his kisses covering her as he ran his hands down her back.

  “No! Your beard is so scratchy!” she gave him a playful shove as he only moved closer.

  “I can’t resist you, I’m sorry,” he told her, as his lips traced her collarbone.

  She caught his face in her hands and brought it up to her lips. Their eyes met, their intensity and desire grew, and she pushed herself closer to him as his hand tightened around her ass. She kissed him gently at first, but as she felt his tongue trace hers, the need grew. Their motions became more desperate, and they pulled at each other’s clothes.

  Her eyes blazed as she looked at him and demanded, “I need you.”

  He gave her a coy grin. “Do you now?”

  She let out a groan and nodded desperately.

  “Well, I think I might need you to work for that a bit tonight,” he growled, pulling down his pants and revealing his throbbing cock, his hands tracing it as he watched her with fiery eyes.

  She pouted and traced his chest with quick kisses, her tongue flicking out to explore his skin and taste his salty sweat. Her hands couldn’t get enough of him—they squeezed and grabbed at his sculpted shoulders and broad chest. He just felt so damn good beneath her. Her black hair fell over quivering, brown eyes as she looked up at him, then she gave him a smirk as she dipped down to suck his pulsing dick.

  He let out a deep moan of pleasure as her lips teased at the head, then light, wet licks caressed his shaft. He watched breathlessly as lips, tongue, and hands worked in unison over his sensitive skin. Each stroke brought him closer to the edge. He could feel the tension building in his groin as he shivered with delight. He grabbed a fistful of hair in his hand and gently guided her to look up at him. Her eyes shone brightly and she took him deeper still; with a hiss, his dark, blue eyes rolled back, and he lay on the bed as she worked him over.

  Catherine felt big hands reach down, grab her hips tightly, and pull her up toward him, laughing and squirming. She brushed the hair from her eyes and looked down at him as she sat on his chest, naked and breathless.

  A smirk fell on his lips, and he raised his brow at her. “Your turn.”

  Effortlessly, he pulled her hips closer to his lips and brought his tongue to her aching clit. Sensation rippled through her body, and the buzz in her mind seemed to inflate it with each tantalizing lick. She rolled her body with the motion and let herself slip into a perfect rhythm, each blissful stroke building the well of energy in her middle. Her thighs shook in anticipation
as she felt a slick, warmth of lust grow between her legs.

  She grabbed his hair now and pulled him from her soaked pussy. “I need you,” she whispered avidly.

  He looked up at her with glimmering, cerulean orbs as he still teased her twitching clit. His warm breath was enough to make her long for him to push himself deep inside her.

  “You want me to fuck you?” he growled with an animalistic sneer across his glistening lips.

  She nodded quickly. “So bad.”

  “Mmm, how bad?” he teased as another flick of his tongue slowly circled her swollen, trembling tip of pleasure.

  She grabbed his hair a bit harder and leaned down close to his face. “Until I scream for you.”

  Without another word, he grabbed her waist and hauled her onto his pulsing, dripping wet cock. He slid inside her, and she groaned in relief at the sensation. Her eyes rolled back, and she started rocking quickly as he filled her with blissful satisfaction. She was so turned on and wet for him that within seconds of him pushing deep inside her, she felt him hit her just right.

  “Right there.” She gasped as both of them picked up the pace, their bodies riding the waves of pleasure in unison.

  She looked down at him as he bit those perfect lips. His eyes pierced hers as he took in the sight of her hourglass figure and full breasts bouncing heavily just for him. He reached up and squeezed them, rubbing the peaks until she whimpered for more. Every inch of skin was ablaze with the sensation of gratification, and as she thrust one more time she felt the explosion of the orgasm send her into euphoria. She screamed at the top of her lungs until her throat burned and she heard his corresponding grunts of pleasure. Bodies twitching, they found themselves intertwined in a synced moment of complete sexual ecstasy.

  Moments passed, and the raw energy subsided, replaced with flutters of relaxation that both felt throughout their entire beings. She rolled off him and into his arms. Then with a lazy kiss, she laid her head on his chest and fell into a deep, perfect sleep.


  The next morning, Catherine awoke to the sound of the doorbell. Her head was pounding from the hangover that clawed at her brain, and she winced as she sat up and rubbed her temples tenderly. The bell chimed again, and she groaned in annoyance then looked to Michael to see if he had responded. He was on his back, his mouth slightly open, with small snores escaping his lips as he slept soundly.

  She gave him a shake. “Hey, doorbell. You gonna get that?”

  He moaned and mumbled something unintelligible, then turned over. She glared at him, then rolled her eyes and stood up with a wince. “Fine, guess I’ll get it.”

  She slowly made her way to the dresser where she grabbed her silky red robe and slipped it on. She checked the mirror and saw a mess of hair and smeared makeup. She gave herself a frightened face, but the bell rang again and she sighed.

  “I’ll be there in a moment!” she called out and made her way out of the bedroom.

  She strode down the hall, the late morning sunshine pouring in through the tall windows making her squint. She came to the front door, and it took more effort than usual to pull it open. Her eyes burned from the bright sun as she registered a man dressed in a black suit standing before her in the doorway. He stood tall and broad with dark brown, crew-cut hair. His eyes were hidden behind aviator glasses, and a thin mustache traced his square face. He flashed a smile at her and held up his hand; in it was an FBI badge.

  “Morning miss, Agent Ricky Barber. I’m looking for Michael Francis. Would you please bring him out here for me?” His s tone was too upbeat for Catherine to deal with in the morning, but her gut twisted as she saw the badge and realized there was more going on here.

  She looked past him but didn’t see a vehicle. She looked at him apprehensively. He would have needed a code to get in; otherwise, Michael would have received a call this morning about a visitor. But there hadn’t been a call, and she didn’t see a car. She felt the back of her neck tingle in suspicion. Had he climbed the fence to get in here? Or was an entire team of FBI agents waiting somewhere? She wasn’t sure how this all worked with his case, but something felt off.

  “How did you get in here?” she crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame, looking directly into the reflection of his sunglasses.

  He gave a small chuckle. “That’s none of your concern, miss. I just need to talk to Mr. Francis, if you’d be so kind to bring him out here.”

  Her eyes flicked to his fist as she saw him slightly clench it, and the action sent chills down her spine. This wasn’t right at all, she could feel it. She felt fear course through her. She needed to throw this guy off and get him out of here.

  “Well, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. This is his brother Lucas’ place that you’re trespassing on.” She stared right back at him, her brow narrowed as she stood her ground.

  He gave her a fake smile, then reached up and removed his glasses to reveal hard, grey eyes that narrowed as he leaned down into her face.

  “I’m the law, miss, I’m just here to do my job.” His tone was low, and she could smell the coffee on his breath, but she didn’t move an inch.

  She squared her shoulders and leaned in closer, “Show me your warrant, and I’ll happily let you in.” A grin spread across her face in faux friendliness.

  His eyes looked away for a brief moment, and she read his bluff clear as day—this guy was up to something. She didn’t know what, but he sure as hell didn’t seem like a legit officer.

  “No warrant, no bringing Lucas out here. Now I’m asking you nicely, sir, to please leave before I call security.” Her eyes burned into his as a slow sneer crept onto his thin lips.

  “I’m a federal agent, ma’am, you can’t call security on me,” he growled at her and went to take a step closer.

  She stepped in front of him again, and this time she raised her voice, “You might be a federal agent, Mr. Barber, but you don’t have a search warrant, or anything else for that matter. For all I know, you could be a man in a costume with a fake badge, so you either leave now and come back with a warrant, or I call security.” Her eyes looked to the red button by the doorway, and the gesture told him just how quickly she could have them over here.

  He stood for a moment and studied her, then he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. “Trust me, miss. You don’t want to be involved with Mr. Francis, he’s nothing but trouble. Trouble you can avoid.”

  She let out a loud, exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes. “Just how I wanted to start my day, some wannabe agent telling me how to live my life and how to make decisions. Seriously, get the hell out of here before I call security.”

  With that, she stepped back and slammed the door in his face, then hit the security button. The alarm sounded, and she looked out to see the man make a quick pace back down the drive as the security vehicle drove over toward him. She watched as they stopped him and he showed them the badge. A conversation was had, and she saw his tense gaze glare back at her. After a few moments, they loaded him in the truck and escorted him out of the estate and down the road until she could no longer see the vehicle.

  She let out a sigh of relief. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she turned back toward the bedroom and ran down the hall.

  “Michael! Michael, wake up!” she yelled and rushed to his side, her hands shaking his sleeping body until he opened his heavy eyes.

  “I’m up, I’m up, what is it?” he asked sleepily.

  “There was a federal agent here, looking for you. But he didn’t have a warrant or anything, he just seemed… off. I don’t know, I had to call security to escort him out of here,” she told him quickly, the words spilling out as she gave him panicked look.

  He shot up and grabbed her shoulders. His eyes were now wide and awake as the realization struck him.

  “Slow down, what did he say?”

  “He just wanted me to bring you out there, that was it. He wasn’t clear, he didn’t have anyone else with him and he didn’t have
a vehicle. I’m not even sure he was a legit agent.” She bit nervously at her lip as she watched him begin to pace the room.

  He was silent for a few moments, his eyes scanning the room as he seemed to process the events.

  “Did he give you a name?”

  “Ricky Barber.”

  He nodded and picked up his phone. “I’m going to call my lawyer, if there were any changes to the case we would have heard about them, especially if they were here to take me in. But being that I’m exiled, they really can’t do that. It’s only if I step foot in the states again… hence the exile thing.” He shrugged as he brought the phone to his ear.

  He pulled her in and kissed her head. “Try not to worry too much. Go have some breakfast, I’ll be down shortly.”

  She nodded and turned to head down just as he greeted his lawyer on the other line. Her head was pounding, but the buzz of worry in her mind was too distracting for her to pay much attention to it. Who was this agent? What was he doing here in Havana? The whole reason that Michael had moved everything here was to live the life of an exile, untouchable by the federal agents so long as he stayed out of the states.


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