Summer Break (Love Nibbles Book 4)

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Summer Break (Love Nibbles Book 4) Page 6

by Dee, Bonnie

  Late the next afternoon, Eric kicked back on the couch, bare feet on the coffee table watching TV after work, and sipping on a beer. When someone knocked on the door, he called, “Yeah, come in,” expecting it to be one of Carl’s friends as usual.


  Eric sat up straight, almost spilling his beer at the sight of Josh in his living room. “Hey.” He set his feet on the floor. “Sit down. Do you want a beer?”

  “No.” Josh perched on the edge of the armchair across from Eric, one long leg nervously jiggling. “I want to talk.”

  “Sure.” Eric set the beer down, then wished he hadn’t because he didn’t know what to do with his hands. His heart raced. He’d wanted an open conversation with Josh, but now the chance to talk was here, he had no idea what to say. More apologies wouldn’t cut it.

  “I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened.” Josh frowned. “All the time, in fact. I don’t want to leave here hating you or blaming you both for what you did. I know things haven’t been right between Brianne and me for a while now, that I neglected her while I was gone, and honestly,” he looked Eric straight in the eye, “I always knew you had a thing for her.”

  Eric swallowed. “You did?”

  “You’re not that hard to read.” A ghost of a smile touched his lips. “I also know you don’t take things lightly. Not ever. In fact, you’re too damn serious. So I know you weren’t simply screwing Brianne. You really have feelings for her.”

  Eric’s felt his face burn. He couldn’t deny the truth. Sure, he’d felt a big, stinking heap of lust, but he also really fallen for Brianne. She might be bossy, self-involved and spoiled, but he couldn’t get enough of her. He already missed her sharp humor and the bursts of sweetness and vulnerability that occasionally bloomed like some rare desert flower. All of him, every cell vibrated with the need for her, and he thought he’d even sacrifice his friendship with Josh, for just another hour spent with her.

  Josh continued, “All this anger isn’t worth it. The three of us have been friends too long for it to end this way. I think we all need to talk.”

  Eric nodded. “Okay.”

  “I already called Brianne. She said for us to come to her house after I talked to you.”

  “Okay,” he repeated. There was no other possible answer.

  As he followed Josh out to his car, Eric dreaded a soul-baring discussion as much as facing a dentist’s drill. But if a discussion helped them put all of this behind them so they could part as friends, it would be worth it.

  And he’d see Brianne again, which was worth all kinds of pain and awkwardness.

  * * * *

  The drive to Brianne’s was weird, but Eric asked a few questions about the convention and it wasn’t hard to get Josh talking about all he’d seen and done that summer, avoiding mentioning anything more personal.

  As they pulled up in front of Brianne’s house, Eric imagined how he and Brianne must’ve looked the other day, dry humping like a pair of horny dogs against the white pillar. Josh had to have been devastated. If situations were reversed and Eric was her boyfriend who’d he’d seen her with Josh, he would’ve punched Josh out.

  Eric’s pulse was too fast, and sweat dampened his forehead. He was desperate to see Brianne, but dreaded it too. And what could he add to the conversation besides “I’m sorry,” except maybe to admit that he’d do it again in a heartbeat?

  Josh led the way around the side of the house. “She said to come around back.”

  Their feet crunched on a wood-chip path leading to the patio. Eric scanned the area, recalling all the spots where he and Brianne had made love this summer; in the grass by that tree, on the chaise lounge beside the pool, in the pool on the steps, and... His gaze stopped at the hot tub. Brianne sat in the bubbling spa, steam rising around her.

  She beckoned them over. “Come here. Sit down and relax.”

  Okay, this is really weird, Eric thought. The three of them were going to have a serious conversation in her hot tub? But he followed Josh’s example and stripped to his shorts.

  Josh slid into the water across from Brianne. Eric sat on the edge of with just his feet in the water.

  Brianne looked back and forth between them. “Here’s the deal. This is our last bit of time together. We need to make up before the break is over, before Josh leaves for New York.”

  Eric stared at his feet hidden under the foaming surface.

  “I hate all these hard feelings and I miss both of you so much. Can’t we find a way to heal our friendship?” she asked.

  Josh cleared his throat and Eric glanced up at him. “This was mostly my idea. I thought about this a lot over the past few days. The mock negotiations for territory we did at the conference weren’t so different from this.”

  “Apparently I’m land now,” Brianne said dryly. “Anyway, Josh called me and proposed a kind of share-the-land solution.”

  Eric stared. “What are you guys talking about?”

  “Experimentation.” Josh’s cheeks were flushed pink from either embarrassment or the steam. “We discussed it and we thought—”

  “A threesome,” Brianne interrupted, gazing at Eric with serious brown eyes. “A pact. A way to say goodbye we’ll never forget.”

  Eric pulled his feet out of the water and drew his knees to his chest. “You’re kidding.”

  “I wanted to work out a fair solution.” Josh frowned the way he did when concentrating on a tough math problem. “I don’t want to hate you or Brianne. This was the only solution I could come up with to move past it, to make it the three of us instead of combinations of two. I’m willing to try it, if you are.”

  “Is it so weird?” Brianne asked. “I like you both and want you both. Why can’t I have what I want?”

  “Because...” Eric tried to think of reasons. Morality? Cultural rules? Sexual boundaries? Because he didn’t want to share Brianne? Because he was afraid he might make contact with Josh during the experiment and not mind it? Every tightly locked down secret fantasy he’d ever had about the three of them, instead of just two, rushed back to his mind. The idea of being in a threesome sent a powerful surge of pure lust straight to his cock.

  “Please, Eric. We can have a great final evening together.” Brianne’s pleading eyes had him nodding automatically. He could refuse her nothing—and in this case, he didn’t really want to.

  “Okay,” he croaked hoarsely.

  Josh sat up straighter, eyes widening. “Okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll do it.” Eric felt twitchy. Now that he’d committed he didn’t know what to do next. He stared at Josh.

  “I’ll pour some wine.” Josh splashed out of the hot tub and dripped across the patio to the table where Brianne had set out snacks, a couple of bottles and three glasses.

  Brianne looked at Eric and patted the water beside her. “Come on in.”

  He eased into the heat a few feet away from Brianne, leaving room for Josh to join them.

  She reached behind her to untie her bikini top and ordered, “Take off your shorts.”

  He hesitated, then obeyed. He was already hard from the mere idea of what they were about to do. Tossing the soggy shorts aside felt like giving up his last shred of sanity. Damn, Josh was taking his time with that wine, and what Eric needed was something much stronger to get him through this.

  Brianne’s flushed breasts bobbed on the water. She reached under the surface, and in a moment her bathing suit bottom joined the top beside the spa. Eric’s balls and his stomach tightened. Naked. They were both naked in the hot tub, and in a moment Josh would join them, naked too. They were actually going to do this!

  The sun was nearing the horizon, and everything around them had a golden glow. Magical. Unreal. Josh returned and handed out full wine glasses. He set his on the pavement, and rested his thumbs on the waistband of his shorts while gazing at Brianne’s bobbing tits.

  “No time to be coy,” she said. “Just strip. We’ve all seen each other naked before.”

nbsp; “Yeah, but never at the same time.” Josh pulled down his shorts and kicked them off. “There. Satisfied?” His body was a golden contrast to his black hair. His cock was as rigid as Eric’s, and jutted in front of him from a dark thatch of hair.

  Eric may have glimpsed it before when they changed clothes for gym class or for swimming, but he’d never simply stared at Josh’s fully erect cock. Impossible not to stare—or to compare. Josh’s was a little longer and thinner than his, and flushed a dark red from his arousal. Eric looked away, embarrassed of the slight thrill of arousal that shot through him.

  Josh stepped into the pool and sank down in the water. Eric sipped his wine for courage and waited for one of the others to make some sort of move. The three of them drank and talked about nothing important, while the discomfort slowly eased.

  Brianne told them about a mix-up in her course schedule for next year, and how her assigned roommate wasn’t coming after all. Josh talked about his trip to Boston and how he was ready to focus on a political science major now. Eric shared his plan to take community college courses with the money he’d saved that summer. He couldn’t help but compare his situation with theirs and think how nice it would be to have someone to pay for everything.

  Then they reminisced about people from high school, trying to predict where each would end up five or ten years from now. Soon their wine glasses were empty and each of them much more relaxed.

  “Too hot,” Brianne said. “I’ve been in here too long. It’s time for a dip.” She rose from the hot tub, a voluptuous vision of pink curves, and went to dive into the pool. Both boys’ heads swiveled to watch her as she cut dove in, resurfaced, and began swimming laps.

  Eric turned to Josh. “You don’t think this is a little crazy? You really want to, uh, do this together—share her?”

  Josh nodded. He had the resolute look Eric knew very well from the many times he’d dragged them both into a situation. When Josh decided about something, he was immovable.

  “Anyway, Eric, how do you know Brianne and I aren’t sharing you?” He winked and reached for the wine to refill both their glasses.

  “Cut it out, man. I’m freaked enough as it is. No touching. I don’t want your hairy balls anywhere near mine.”

  Josh laughed, and it had never sounded so good. At that moment, Eric knew for sure he was forgiven. They were still friends.

  Brianne returned from the pool, shivering, and sank into the hot tub between them. Without speaking, they slid in close to her on either side. Eric leaned to kiss the side of her neck and cup the breast nearest him. It was soft, wet and warm. He moved his mouth to just below her earlobe and nuzzled as he plucked her nipple. She made a soft murmur of contentment.

  Through half open eyes, he watched Josh kiss her mouth, eyes closed and lips molding to hers. Josh’s chest brushed the back of Eric’s hand holding Brianne’s breast; he didn’t mind it. Josh plunged a hand underwater and Brianne gave a gasp and wiggle, letting Eric know where Josh’s hand had landed.

  Eric continued to kiss her neck and massage her boob, but he was very aware of Josh’s presence and wasn't sure how he felt about it. A primal part of him wanted to drive Josh away from his woman, but there was also something very hot about being close to Josh while both of them were aroused.

  He forced himself to stop thinking so much and simply go with it like the others seemed to be doing. Naturally he and Josh would come in contact. They couldn’t be this close and not brush against one another. Both moved to suck one of Brianne’s nipples and their eyes met. Eric reached for her pussy and found Josh’s hand already there. Under the water, his calf floated against Josh’s leg, or maybe Brianne’s. There was no avoiding a touch, a caress, and soon it didn’t seem important who Eric was touching, stroking or kissing or who was touching or kissing him. They weren’t a pair and another pair intersecting. They were a trio, the three of them together in a brand new way. He surrendered to the sensuality of flesh and the heat of the bubbling water.

  He licked Brianne’s shoulder, tasting salt and chlorine, and pulled her onto his lap, her back toward him. The ends of her long, red hair clung to him and the sweet scent of shampoo rose from it. His cock pressed into the cleft of her ass, and she rubbed her bottom against him.

  Josh moved in front of Brianne, kissing her and pressing his body against hers. His weight pushed her even closer to Eric. Sandwiched between them, she moaned from the pleasure she received on both sides. She pulled her mouth from Josh’s and turned to kiss Eric over her shoulder. Her tongue tasted of wine.

  With Eric’s arms wrapped around her, his hands were trapped between her body and Josh’s. He felt his friend’s groin and the hardness of his cock against the back of his hand. Eric scraped his knuckles against its solid length. Over Brianne’s shoulder, his eyes met Josh’s and the knowledge his touch had been intentional passed between them.

  Josh broke off kissing Brianne’s neck to say, “Hey, let’s move inside. More room to maneuver in bed.”

  He rose, water rolling off him, his body bright pink from the hot water, and his cock slick and flushed dark. A little thrill shivered through Eric as a pearl of pre-come oozed from the head. And then Brianne stood too, and his gaze was immediately riveted on her beautiful shape and sexy movements as she stepped out of the tub. He was lucky to be with both of them and finally felt ready for what would happen next.

  They all wrapped in towels, poured another glass of wine, then headed upstairs to the master bedroom. If borrowing Brianne’s dad’s clothes had been weird, using his bedroom felt even stranger, but it held the largest bed in the house. The air conditioning on his damp body made him shiver and clutch his towel tighter around him.

  Brianne and Josh tumbled down onto the bed, arms and legs tangling together. Eric lay on the soft sheets beside them, wine glass still in his hand, and watched them for a few moments. The close-up view of their eager grappling was the wildest thing he’d ever experienced, like watching porn up close and personal. For a moment, he was content to act the voyeur and simply watch their hands roaming over each other’s bodies, their mouths fused together, and listen to their quiet sounds of pleasure. His already stiff cock swelled even harder, eagerly awaiting its turn to participate. He stroked it idly.

  But soon watching wasn’t enough. He needed to feel their bodies, their mouths and hands on him too. He set his glass aside and reached out to tentatively rest a hand on Josh’s back, feeling the bumps of his vertebrae. He stroked his hand down to his waist, paused, then let it drift over the taut muscles of Josh’s ass. Those muscles contracted under Eric’s palm as Josh thrust against Brianne, not inside her yet, just rubbing his cock over her pussy. Eric’s own cock ached and felt as if it were pulsing along with the rhythm the others had set. Brianne’s gaze met his and she smiled at him and gently nudged Josh aside.

  “Time for Eric to come and play,” she murmured.

  Josh moved off her. Brianne pushed Eric onto his back and slipped down his body to nestle between his legs. He didn’t know if he was more excited because she was about to go down on him, or because Josh was watching. He felt as if all his cells were vibrating at some outrageous frequency. Any second now he’d simply explode.

  She grasped his cock and sucked it into her mouth. He sucked in a breath at the sensation of wet heat surrounding him. It took some steady breathing to keep from losing it. He watched through half-lidded eyes as moved her fist up and down his shaft and sucked his tip.

  Meanwhile, Josh’s gaze was riveted, his lips parted and his fist massaging the length of his own cock. He reached out, hesitated a second, then slid his hand lower than Brianne’s to cradle Eric’s balls. He fondled then squeezed lightly

  Too shocking and exciting. Eric’s heart pounded had and his breathing grew ragged. The pleasure was almost too much too bear. Groaning, he thrust toward the hands that caressed him, the mouth that sucked him so hard. He closed his eyes and allowed all these sensations to wash over him.

  Josh’s finger move
d further back over the tender strip and tickled lightly around his back entrance. Josh’s fingers were slick with juices from fingering Brianne and slipped easily inside. Shocking, unexpected, amazing. Eric’s muscles clenched. A tsunami of desire swelled and rolled through him. This wasn’t what they’d discussed beforehand, but oh, he wanted it desperately now that it was happening.

  All the erotic sensations going on below his waist were too much. He was going to come, but he didn’t want to yet. “Off!” He pushed at Brianne’s head and wriggled away from Josh’s probing fingers. “Stop.”

  Brianne released his glistening cock and looked up at him. “You want to quit?”

  “No! I want to be inside you. I want…both of us in you at the same time. If that’s all right.” Eric met Brianne’s gaze and then Josh’s gaze for a long moment. Something passed between them. Eric didn’t know what it meant, but it felt important, significant.

  Josh nodded and smiled slightly. Brianne crawled up the bed to face Eric. Her eyes were shining. She kissed him deeply then whispered, “I was hoping for this. I’ll tell you a secret. I’ve always fantasized about it.”

  He caressed her cheek then turned her away from him. “I’ll be behind,” he murmured. “Let Josh face you.”

  Eric brushed her hair aside and pressed his lips to her neck and shoulder. He reached around to cup her breast in his hand. His cock nestled between her cheeks and he rubbed along the soft cleft, grazing over her anus. Josh moved to lie on her other side. He kissed her and reached down to position his cock at her entrance.

  Eric sat up and slathered on some of the lube Brianne had placed on the nightstand. The convenient placement told him she’d had every intention of bringing her fantasy to reality when she brought them together. He slicked the gel down his shaft and paused to watch Josh and Brianne. Her leg was thrown high over his hip so Eric could see how her pussy stretched around Josh’s dick. Desire surged through Eric and he imagined it was his cock entering her. He stroked his lubed cock in time with Josh’s thrusts.


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