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Reed's Reckoning

Page 20

by Ahren Sanders

  Her eyes fill with tears, which confuses me. “It’s not a piece of shit Reed; it’s all I could afford.”

  Fucking A’ another reminder. “Baby, that car has served its purpose. Now we can afford a safer, more reliable vehicle.”

  “You can afford it, not me. That SUV probably costs more than I make in a year.”

  “We’re not getting into this now, but I didn’t stutter. We can afford it. Now, come on, we’ve got paperwork to fill out.”

  I get Davis, grab her hand, and follow the salesman into the dealership. It’s totally going to suck if Ari fights me on everything I have planned for her. The car wasn’t even in the equation until yesterday. She seemed pretty serious about cutting me off, so I need to figure out how to make her understand this is her life now.

  My phone rings right as Ari signs the last of the papers. I refused to be on the title, which earned me another death glare. I excuse myself and walk outside.

  “Hey, Bobbie, what’s up?”

  “You back in town yet?”

  “For tonight only. I go back to the beach house tomorrow. I’m buying Ari a car.”

  “Wow, I’ve done some crazy shit, but even I never bought a girl a car before.”

  “She’s not just some girl, Bobbie, thought you understood that.”

  “Yeah, I’m only messing with you. I called to see if you wanted to get together for dinner tonight?”

  “I’m grilling at my place; you’re welcome to join us. We have Davis with us and I promised him he could play in the pool tonight.”

  “I’ll be there around six, need me to bring anything?”

  “I got the dinner covered, but don’t bring that ditz you brought on the boat.”

  “Haven’t seen her since that day. As soon as I heard she was listening to Tina, I knew she was gone.”

  “Alright man, see ya later.”

  The salesman is explaining everything to Ari about the vehicle and I watch her face light up with all the extra features I picked out. Davis is thrilled about the DVD players in the back. When she is comfortable driving it, I load Davis in my truck and she follows me back to my house. She calls me twice on the way testing her new hands free phone system. When she’s not on the phone with me, I still see her lips moving in my rearview mirror. I assume she’s calling everyone she can think of.

  Davis begs to go swimming as soon as he sees the backyard. Ari sunbathes while we play until he finally tires out. I lay him down for his nap then go back to join her. It’s natural having them here and I need to talk to her about where we will stay when the season starts, but I’m smart enough to tackle one issue at a time.

  “Come with me.” I hold out my hand to help her up. She comes willingly and I lead us into the pool.

  “See how easy that was? No carrying me around, I came willingly.” She refers to the day at the beach.

  I lift her up, forcing her legs to wrap around me and cage her in between my body and the side of the pool. “Like your new car?”

  “You know I do. It’s really too much.”

  “I don’t want to hear that. I want to hear how you are going to thank me later tonight.”

  “Humpt! I’m not! Remember the whole ‘you’re cut off thing’?”

  “I seem to remember some bullshit like that, but that’s exactly what it is—bullshit. You’re not keeping me away from your perfect body because I bought you a gift. Actually, there’s no reason to cut me off from this body. I think I already claimed it.” I slip my fingers in her suit bottoms and directly into her.

  Her eyes widen and she squirms against me, trying to escape.

  “Still. We need to get something straight. I have money Ari, a lot of money. And now, that money is yours too. You want something, you get it. I bought you a car partly for selfish reasons, but I also did it because you’ve never had a new car in your life and you deserve it.” I slide my fingers in and out watching her expression.

  “Another thing, there’s going to be many more gifts in our lifetime. You can’t pitch a hissy fit each time I do something for you. Do you understand?” She doesn’t answer but grinds against my hand. I pull it away and she moans.

  “Why the hell did you stop?”

  “Because I need to know you hear me. I need you to understand that threatening to cut me off will result in punishment for you too because of the way I make you feel.”

  “You’re crazy; I have toys that can satisfy me.”

  She knows talking about her sex toys is the one thing that pisses me off. No man likes to be compared to battery operated machines. I’ll fucking show her.

  I narrow my eyes at her and walk us out of the pool and around to the cabana. Still in hearing distance if Davis needs us, but in the shadows so no one can see. Setting her on the edge of a barstool, I untie my suit so it falls and I spring free. Then I move her bottoms to the side and slide right into her. She throws her head back and groans. With very little control, I move in and out until she starts panting and then stop.

  “Tell me, Ari, tell me you understand. Your pussy, your body, your heart, your soul—they’re mine. No toy can make you scream like I can and no more fighting me on gifts.”

  “Stop talking and start moving!”

  “Not until you say you understand.” I swivel my hips and hit as far as I can.

  “Fine! No more fighting you on gifts. But I’m keeping my toys!”

  I pump in and out of her chasing the release building up. My hands travel from her knees to her thighs, massaging the skin. Her fingertips slide down my chest and she reaches for my arms to hang on. Bending over, I lick her top and she arches into my mouth. Her breathing increases as she whimpers and shudders against me. Something scrapes across my dick and I let go with her, biting down gently on her neck. We stay pressed against each other until our breathing is normal. She holds on tightly and I place kisses on every surface of skin I can.

  “You don’t fight fair.” She says in a raspy voice.

  “Didn’t say I did. But I won’t say I’m sorry. If it ends up with me balls deep in you, watching you come apart, I’ll do it every time.” I set her on her feet and pull up my trunks while she adjusts her suit as well. “By the way, I don’t wanna freak you out but I think I felt your IUD thing.”

  “Oh my God! You’re kidding?”


  “Reed, that thing is in my uterus. My nurse said you have to be like eight to nine inches or longer to hit that far.”

  “Never measured, babe, but pretty sure I fit that criteria.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her and grin.

  She goes to the bathroom shaking her head, but I see a faint smile on her lips.

  Chapter 24


  I pitched a fit, but I love my new car. Driving back home gives me a whole new appreciation for all the bells and whistles. Since Davis is with Reed, I can talk to Sophie all the way home and tell her about the weekend.

  Dinner last night was great. Bobbie is hysterical and Davis took to him immediately. I could get used to having Reed’s housekeeper around. Not only was the fridge stocked, but also she picked up my favorite wine and had it chilled. She must also know about Davis because there were juice boxes and other kid friendly foods.

  We all walked down to the dock after dinner and Reed pointed out the dolphins to Davis as they swam through the waterway. I sat back and watched the sunset while the guys discussed the upcoming camps. When Bobbie mentioned Reed moving back, I jerked out of my thoughts. I have been so caught up in the whirlwind of reconnecting with Reed that I hadn’t thought about when he would need to be back here full time. I tried to mention it but Reed shut me down and said we would discuss it later. He looked a little sad, but didn’t say anything else.

  Today, I made a huge breakfast and we played in the pool again until Davis was exhausted. He fell asleep in the truck before we got out of the neighborhood.

  Sophie promises to come over this week to help me get ready for the barbeque. Amy will be here Wednesday and I
took Thursday and Friday off. Of course, as soon as everyone at work knew about Reed, I had to add even more people to our growing guest list.

  Katy is waiting on us when we drive up. She jumps into the passenger seat and wants to see everything. Reed takes a still sleeping Davis to bed and unloads our stuff. Then he gets in the backseat and listens as I describe all the features.

  Reed’s quiet when we get inside and I get nervous when he opens a beer. He sits on the sofa and pats the seat for me to join him.

  “Is something wrong?” I ask hesitantly.

  “We need to talk about something. I saw your face last night when Bobbie mentioned me going back to Jacksonville. We haven’t really discussed my schedule, but I go back to camp the Monday after the Fourth. I’ll be going back and forth for a few weeks, but I have to give the beach house up August first. Preseason games start in five weeks. I think it’s time we talk about where we go next.”

  “How will it work? Will you live in Jacksonville during the week and we’ll see each other on weekend?”

  “Fuck no! We need to figure out a way to be together full time. None of this long distance shit. We sleep together every night.”

  “But how? My life is pretty much here, my job, Davis’s school, Grandma Katy, my friends.”

  “I guess we have our answer then. I’ll be here.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. Your life is in Jacksonville.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. My job is in Jacksonville. My life is you and Davis. So I’ll be where you are.”

  “What about your house?”

  “What about it?”

  “I love your house! I love being there.”

  “We’ll spend weekends there. I have ten home games if you count pre-season, so we’ll be there anyways.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his beer.

  “Reed, this is huge. Haven’t you considered this before now? What about your so-called ‘plan’?” I use air quotes to emphasize this master plan I keep hearing about.

  “Yes, I’ve considered a lot of different scenarios. All of them have us under the same roof at night. The drive’s not that bad.”

  An idea pops into my head and I make a mental note to check into something tomorrow. “I don’t want you to resent me.”

  “For what?”

  “You have all this luxury at your house and your friends are there. I don’t want you to feel like I’m making you be here.”

  He sighs and throws his head back. “Arianna, you aren’t making me do anything. I fucking love you, and this is our life now. You have a good job you love, friends, and family. Couples do this all the time. It’s give and take. I’ll give up the convenience and take you in my bed every night.”

  “But we’re not like other couples. I mean you’re you and I’m just me!”

  Anger clouds his face and he stares at me with wide eyes. “What the fuck does that mean?” he growls.

  “It means you’re rich and famous. People idolize you.”

  “Yes, and I idolize you! Don’t do that. Don’t throw my money and fame in my face. I don’t flaunt it. The only thing I have done is buy you a car. Hell, I’d buy you a hundred cars if I got to see that look of excitement again. We’ve gone over this Ari, you and Davis are my life now and we will be under the same roof every night.”

  He’s hissing by the time he finishes talking. His words sink in and I realize I am being a bit of a bitch. “Okay, baby, we’ll figure it out and do it together. Let’s try your idea first. You travel during the week and we’ll all be at your place on the weekends.”

  He relaxes, yanks me over to him, and holds tight.

  “One more thing and then we’re done talking about serious shit tonight, I want you to look at my portfolio. There are several different investments that I’m unhappy with and am not sure why they are stagnant. I don’t understand any of the terminology but bottom line—I think my money is sitting in the wrong places.”

  “I’ll be happy to look at your statements but I don’t really handle multi-million dollar accounts on my own.”

  “Maybe not, but I trust you.”

  “Okay, we’ll do that this week.”

  “How long do you think until Davis gets up? I’m feeling a little tense and think you can help me out with it.”

  “No way, mister! He’ll be up in a few minutes and I don’t want a repeat of this morning.” Heat creeps up my cheeks thinking about when Davis walked in seconds after Reed gave me my second orgasm of the morning.

  “Come on, I can be quick!”

  “No,” I swat him, “save it for tonight.”

  “Okay, how about a kiss then?”

  “That I can do.” I lean in and kiss him with every ounce of love in my body.

  “Phillip, can I talk to you for a minute?” I poke my head in my boss’s office and he motions me in. It’s been three days since Reed and I had our talk about our living situation. I’ve tried to approach Phillip several times with an idea, but chickened out. Now I am off the next two days and I want him to have time to think about my proposal.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Do you remember earlier in the year when we implemented the work from home policy? Would that be offered to someone in my position?” I hold my breath for his answer. I still don’t know what to do about Katy, but I will worry about that once the job situation is figured out.

  “Yes, I guess it would be possible in your current position. But I can’t see it working if you are promoted.”

  “Well, that’s another thing. I want to take my name off the contender’s list. Things have changed.”

  “I imagine this has something to do with the man in your life?”

  I let out a sigh. “Yes.”

  “Care to elaborate?”

  “You know Reed’s season is about to start and his life is down in Jacksonville. He’s offered to move here but I want to have flexibility. I’m not sure what we will do yet, but working remotely will help.”

  “You’d give up the chance at a promotion?”

  “I don’t feel that way. I mean, yes, technically I’m withdrawing my name for a chance to move up, but right now I have a lot on my plate and need to do what’s best for my family.”

  “I completely understand, I’m disappointed, but I understand. Let’s put in the paperwork next week for you to have a virtual office.”

  I leave his office and pack up my things. On my way to the beach house, I think about how we will make this work, but now at least there’s some wiggle room when it comes to our schedules.

  One thing that made this decision easier is that this week Katy’s physician cleared her for driving again. He’d like to see her stick to short distances for a few months until she gets used to it again. It’s been over four years since she’s been behind the wheel of a car. But she read through the state driving manuals with updated laws and has a driving test scheduled next week. She’s going to drive my car for a while. Reed does not like this idea and I won’t be a bit surprised if he buys her a new car too.

  There’s a welcome party waiting on me when I get to the house. Reed has Davis with him since Amy drove in today. Davis jumps in my arms talking a mile a minute while Amy smothers me in hugs. When I set Davis down, I’m engulfed in two strong arms from behind. Reed kisses a trail down my neckline.

  “I missed you.” He murmurs.

  “Umm hmm.”

  “How was your day?”

  “It was great. I have some good news to talk to you about.”

  “Me too. Not really great news, but it’s news all the same.”

  “Let me change first.”

  He lets me go and I find my bag in his bedroom. I throw on some shorts and one of his tee’s and think about his reaction. It never occurred to me to ask about setting up an office in his house. He’s waiting for me by the back door with two solo cups in his hands. Mine is filled with wine and his with beer.

  “Mom’s going to watch Davis for us to walk on the beach.” He takes my
hand and leads me out. The smell of the salt water and the sand squishing between my toes relaxes me.

  “I talked to Phillip today, and he approved for me to work remotely. We’ll iron out the details next week, but it’ll be set up by the time your season starts.”

  He stops walking and stands in front of me. “What does this mean?”

  “Well, we still need to figure out Davis’s daycare situation and what to do about Katy, but this means I have more flexibility when it comes to our living arrangements. I’ll set up a home office in both our places.”

  “Why’d you do this?” he asks quietly.

  “I couldn’t stand the thought of you having to commute all the time. Also, I love your house. It will be a big adjustment for Davis, but we’ll get him on some sort of a schedule.”

  “Details can come later. This means the fucking world to me.” His lips brush across mine lightly. “So I guess we’re moving in together.”

  “That’s usually what sleeping under the same roof means.”

  I squeal as he picks me up and spins us around. Wine and beer spill out everywhere but I don’t care. In this moment, I’ve done something for him. I don’t have the kind of money to buy him big elaborate gifts, but making adjustments so we can be together is something I can do.

  “Now what did you want to tell me about your day?” His face falls and I know something is wrong.

  “Hate to ruin a perfect moment between us, but you need to know.”

  I continue to hold onto him and nod my head for him to continue.

  “Mom said Cara is going crazy; both in a good and bad way. At first, she was furious with me, saying I treated her like shit when she came over to apologize that night. She stayed that way about a week. Then she went totally opposite. Crying and carrying on about how could she do what she did and not even know she had a nephew. Mom was scared at first that Davis brought up the pain of her miscarriage, but now she thinks Cara truly thought she was doing the right thing.”

  “I can’t imagine how your mom must feel to be in the middle.”

  “She’s not in the middle. Her feelings are anger and guilt. She’s so mad at Cara for her actions and then what happened afterwards, but she also feels responsible.”


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