Our House is Definitely Not in Paris
Page 22
département - French regional department
derrière - behind
désolé - sorry
deux - two
dieu - God
digestif - after dinner drink/ liqueur
dîner - dinner
dinette - informal meal
dix - ten
docteur - doctor
droit - right
école - school
élan - style
élevé - noble/lofty/exalted
enchante - delighted
encore - again
enfant - child
entrée - appetizer
entretien - maintenance of roads
escargot - snail
espadrilles - rope-soled sandal
Etam - department store
été - summer
euro - European currency
excusez-moi - excuse me
famille - family
farci - stuffed, as in stuffed tomatoes
farine - flour
fatigue - tired
fenêtre - window
ferme auberge - farm stay inn
fermier - farmer
fête - celebration
ficelle - string
fin - the end
fini - finished
finissage - finishing
flâneur - person who strolls
fleurs - flowers
flûte - long loaf
foie gras - duck or goose liver
forge - blacksmith’s forge
formule - a set menu
fosse septique - septic tank
fraîs, fraîche - fresh, cool
fraise - strawberry
frange - fringe (hair)
frites - chips
fromage - cheese
fromagerie - cheese shop
galette - savoury pancake
gare - railway station
gâteau - cake
gauche - left
gendarme - local police
gîte - B&B
glacée - ice-cream
gourmande - a person of refined taste in food and wine
grâce - grace
grand(e) - big/large
grange - barn
gras - fat in food
herbes - weeds
hirondelles - swallows (small birds)
incroyable - incredible
Intermarché - a supermarket chain
jambon - ham
jardin - garden
je t’aime - I love you
joie - joy
joli - pretty
jour - day
journal - newspaper
l’addition - the bill at a café/ restaurant
l’année - year
la poste - mail or post
lapin - rabbit
laver - to wash
légumes - vegetables
limite - boundary/limit
lycée - high school
maçon - builder or stonemason
Madame - Mrs
Mademoiselle - Miss
magnifique - magnificent
Maire - Mayor
mairie - town hall
maison - house
matin - morning
menu du jour - today’s menu
merci - thanks
merde - vulgar exclamation
mère - mother
mon - my
Monsieur - Mister
mouches - flies
musée - museum
nettoyage - cleaning
Noël - Christmas
noir - black
noisetier - hazel tree
noix - walnut
non - no
notaire - notary: public
nouveau - new
nuage - cloud
nuit - night
objets - objects
œuf - egg
où - where
oui - yes
pain - bread
pantalons - trousers
pastis - an alcoholic aniseed beverage
pâtisserie - cake shop
patrimoine - heritage
pays - country/region
paysan - farmer
pêche - peach
petit(e) - small
petit déjeuner - breakfast
pichet - jug/carafe
pièce - piece
pied - foot
pigeonnier - dovecote
piscine - swimming pool
plage - beach
plastique - plastic
plat du jour - dish of the day
plombier - plumber
pluie - rain
plus - more
poisson - fish
poivrons - pepper/capsicum
pomme - apple
porc - pork
portable - mobile phone
poulet - chicken
premier - first
prochaine - next
professeur - teacher
promenade - to take a walk
prunier - plum tree
quatre - four
quelle - who/which
rapide - fast
régionaux - regional
renovateur - a renovator
rénovation - renovation
rénovée - renovated
rénover - renovate
réservation - reservation
rigueur - rigour
robe - dress
rond-point - roundabout
rouge - red
rouleaux - roll
sac - bag
sacré - sacred
salade - salad/lettuce
salle de bain - bathroom
salon - lounge
savoir-faire - know-how
serviettes - napkin/towel
solde - a sale
soleil - sun
sportif - sports/sporting
superbe - superb
supermarché - supermarket
Tabac - tobacconist’s shop
tarte - tart
terre - ground/earth
terrine - terrine/pâté
tomate - tomato
tout - everything
tranche - slice
très - very
très cher - very expensive
troc - second-hand shop
trois - three
vacances - holidays
valises - suitcases
vanille - vanilla
viager - life annuity
vide-grenier - car-boot sale
vie - life
viennoiserie - pastries
vieux - old
vin - wine
vivant - live
vivre - to live/to be alive
voilà - there is/there are
voiture - car
Zut alors! - Damn it!/Blast!
French Food Safari. SBS. April 2014.
Luke Nguyen’s France. SBS. April/May 2014.
Tempest, Rone. Culture: Life and Death and Real Estate in France. LA Times, February 1991.
If you enjoyed this book, please write a review. Merci.
Happy reading, au revoir for now, and très merci beaucoup.
Published by Melbourne Books
Level 9, 100 Collins Street,
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Copyright ©Susan Cutsforth 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers.
eISBN: 9781922129710 (ebook)
Front cover image
by Kaitlyn Munro
Book 1: Our House is Not in Paris (December 2012)
Book 2: Our House is Certainly Not in Paris (October 2014)
Book 3: Our House is Definitely Not in Paris (March 2015)
Digital edition distributed by
Port Campbell Press
eBook Conversion by Winking Billy