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Enchanting the Alpha (Hex My Heart, #4)

Page 5

by Talina Perkins

  A burst of muted light chased away the shadows and highlighted her man in a dreamy light. He strode across the room and flung open the curtains. Moonlight drenched the room and complemented the soft interior light to create the perfect atmosphere to appreciate him.

  Her gaze followed the beams of gauzy moonlight until it landed on his hand, his fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, stroking to the tip then back down only to repeat the process.

  Her nipples stiffened and she bit down on her lip to keep from begging that he take her right here, right now, no games just raw passionate sex. But the sultry fire in his eyes said he wanted to play. Long and hard.

  A few strides brought his knees against the side of the bed, his impressive shaft perfect for her to take him in her mouth. One delicious taste of the pre-cum that beaded the tip of his thick erection, and then he could do whatever he wanted.

  She fell back and let her head rest against the pillows. With a smooth caress up her abdomen, Harmony let her fingers trail along her breasts until she found her nipples. With the slightest pinch through the soft material of her clothing, her buds swelled and throbbed with need. What would it take to get this man’s mouth on her breasts?

  He watched as she pleasured herself, eyes half shuttered behind heavy lids. “Take off your clothes. I want to watch.”

  There was only so much sexy she could put into taking off an old sweatshirt and jeans. She’d give it her best though. Eyes leveled with his, she slowly dragged the thick material of her top over her head, his eyes growing brighter with each inch of exposed skin, until finally she tossed it away. With nimble fingers, she moved to unclasp the bra, but he threw his hands up.

  “Wait. Those are mine to unwrap.” His roughened baritone scrapped along her libido and she shuddered. “By all means.”

  She clasped his extended hand and made her way to the end of the bed, the soot stains on her pants all but forgotten.

  Slowly he bent forward until he had the stiff points of her nipples buried in the warmth of his mouth. Liquid heat engulfed her sensitive bud and a hard shudder worked over her from the surge of pleasure to hit her system. If he could do that before he took off her silk bra, she couldn’t wait for full contact.

  As if reading her mind, Caden pulled back, reached around her and freed the heavy weight of her breasts with a soft bounce. The crimson of his eyes melted into molten lava.

  An animalistic need surged inside her at the sight of his desire for her. Moisture slipped passed her folds, and she pressed her thighs together to calm the ache.

  “Those next.” He gave a stiff nod to her jeans.

  Yes! She fell to her back, flipped the button loose and forced the zipper open with a loud hiss. Rough fingers sank into the band of her pants, and with a couple of tugs, she had nothing on. Caden stripped her of pants and panties all at once. Warm air rushed over her sensitive skin.

  Time for slow and languid would come. Right now, she wanted his endless length buried balls deep and making her see the nebulas of three galaxies away.

  “So damn beautiful. Too beautiful. I shouldn’t want you as much as I do and I don’t know how to stop.” He braced his hands on the bed and leaned forward, his head bowed. “Damn it, Harmony, I’m not sure I even would if I could.”

  “No one is holding you back, sweetheart.” She let her knees fall open. “Don’t you want to taste this?” With light strokes, she trailed her fingers over her aching peaks, down her stomach and then sank them into the light dusting of hair outlining her pussy. With her thumb pressed against her clit, she sank one finger, then two into her tight core. Her back arched off the bed, and everything went black. Eyes closed, the fantasy of bringing herself to orgasm for him lingered just beyond her reach. Just a couple more strokes. Her hips bucked.

  Strong fingers parted her folds, and then the warm caresses of his tongue up the seam of her pussy had her head rolling from side to side, lips parted, desperate for release.

  Goddesses divine, she needed more... more sultry, damp friction. She hovered close to the edge of orgasmic heaven. With his hands holding her in place, she could barely move. Need bucked her hips, she wanted more of him, but he held himself back. With his finger and thumb, Caden pinched her clitoris as he thrust his tongue in deep enough to make her pussy clench over and over with her release.

  Her eyes screwed shut as multiple sensations rushed over her senses. Several heartbeats passed before he released the pressure. “That should hold you off for what I have in mind.” He wiped a hand over his mouth before he kissed the tender spot below her belly button.

  “But wait, this was my idea.”

  “You said that already.” He gave a nip along the dips in her waist, her nipples, goddesses divine, her shoulder and neck as he prowled over her until his lips hovered above hers.

  “Cuz it’s true.” She countered with a half-hearted argument, her body drained and relaxed from her release. A slow smile spread across his face. “Don’t like to lose, do you?” With a small chin jerk, he said, “Move up to the top of the bed.” He raised his gaze from her lips to look into her eyes.

  “I know what the red means.” Ready for him to back away, she gathered his face in her palms and captured his lips despite her juices that still lingered there. No way would she let him pull away, but to continue with the weight that hung between them only led to more unstable ground.


  “Tell me, Caden.” Her words came out a half whisper. Part of her afraid to mention it and the other part determined to find the underlying cause of the tempest that raged in the depths of his gaze. Desperation plagued her to free him of the pain that held him back from her.

  Storm clouds raged to life once again and his gaze turned stony. “There’s so much you don’t understand.” Tethers of tortuous magick knitted around them, cocooned them in a protective bubble from the outside world. Right then, it was just her and Caden. “Tell me so that I can know.” A pleasant warmth from his body pressed into her, his heart beat against hers.


  She knew better than to wait, the wall around his emotions showed signs of weakness. Later meant he would shore up the holes and he would make an excuse and leave her with more questions than answers with the excuse of work. Valid, but if she let him slide now, nothing would change.

  “Look at me.” With a soft voice, the truth of what she saw in his heart poured out. “You hide behind, that badge of yours afraid to take this thing,” she shook a finger between them, “any further, sweetheart, when in reality it’s not us you’re afraid of. I’ve proven time and again that I’m here.” With a gentle touch, she cupped his cheek. “Your past doesn’t have to be your present or your future. You don’t have to worry about letting me down. I know you’re a better man than that. People make mistakes, Caden. I think I’m proof of that. Look at how tonight turned out. You could have easily walked out and left me to deal with my own problems. Instead, you stepped between the danger and me. But we are the furthest thing from being a mistake.” She gave a slight pause and bit at her lip. It tore her in half to say what she knew he needed to hear.

  “Say your mind, Harmony. Don’t be afraid.” He brushed his knuckles along her cheek and caught a tear she didn’t notice spill down her cheek. “Don’t shed another tear for me, baby. The past is gone and I have to live with it.” Thin beams of light filtered in from the window. She loved how he looked so calm in the light, so natural, but she knew on the inside he hurt. Whatever effects of her potion had faded a while back, so wrapped up in her own feelings she failed to notice when, but the man left to deal with the fallout needed her help.

  “The tears are for us. I’m afraid of losing us before we even have a chance.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes to us. Your mother and father lived their life, made their mistakes and you paid for them. It’s up to you if you want to learn from them or let their truth rule you until you’re just as unhappy as they were.”

  He stared down at her for a long silent moment. “Can’t tonight be enough? To simply be here with me.” His lips glanced along the underside of her neck with small, tender kisses that reached into her heart and pleaded his case.

  Her heart broke. “I should’ve known it wouldn’t last longer than a heartbeat. I’m sorry if I hurt you by bringing up bad memories.”

  “You speak as if I’m already gone and not cradled between your legs giving you the best I have. Is that how you really feel? Should I leave, Harmony?”

  “Isn’t it how you feel? That I’m not worth the risk, not worth more than a few warm nights in bed to help pass the winter?”

  A cold stab of panic froze her in place when he pushed up and away from her. Immediately she felt the loss of his weight, the heat that had surrounded them evaporated. For the first time since the change of the season, she really felt the cold of winter.

  This was the moment when the next thing she said would either bring him back to her or push him away for good. Goddesses divine, let her be right. She pushed up on her elbows as he moved off the bed, and turned away from her, effectively hiding his eyes. “You hide from the truth by turning away. You don’t get to ask me questions and then turn away from me when you don’t like the answers.”

  “It’s not that easy.” He angled himself toward her, eyes brighter now than they had been all night.

  “Sure it is.” Her voice cracked, but she held his crimson stare when he shot her a glance over his shoulder.

  “My father was a murderer, a traitor and the one responsible for my mother’s death. She died of a broken heart when the pack turned him away for killing an elder. Then we were forced out too.”

  “It must have been the worst time in your life.”

  “I lost the things I held closest, Harmony. To a shifter, pack and family are everything.” Anger mixed with an ugly amount of pain rolled off him and the psychic in her picked up flashes of him as a young boy with tears rolling down pouty dirt-stained cheeks.

  “I’m here, offering you a fresh start.” She slipped from the bed and walked over to him where he stood next to the window, her palms open. “Let me be your light now. Trust me.”

  “Trust isn’t an easy thing to accept or even give to another.”

  “Then give me a chance to show you how much I trust you.”

  “Do you?”

  “Only one way to find out.”

  “You fight for me when you’ve only known me for such a little time.”

  She slowly moved into him, pressed together from hip to chest she tipped her head up to look into his eyes. “Are you questioning the clairvoyant?”

  That brought a small smile to his lips and right then she’d move the planets to see him smile again, but from the heart.

  “I don’t know if I’m strong enough to let my heart love again. What if...”

  “What if I leave you? Die? Get kidnapped by rogue dragons and flown halfway around the world from you to serve at their leisure? That last one is unlikely, but...” She gave a shrug and cocked her brow as if she might consider the option.

  Anger flashed in his eyes and his arms tightened round her.

  So that got to him.

  “If you don’t claim me, I’m afraid some dragon-man might swoop in and take me instead.” She rose to her tiptoes and gave a small peck on his cheek then slowly backed away. “You wouldn’t want that, would you?” She took another step back and he turned, shadowing her moves until the bed hit the back of her legs.

  “Say that again, witch.” Caught between the softness of her bed and the rock hard man at her front, she said the only thing that came to mind. “That I had my eye on Mr. Violet Eyes. Obsidian, he said his name was, right? Did you see the way... and his hands, the way he held...” She wiggled her brows.

  A scream left her lips and she couldn’t hold back the laughter as he picked her up and tossed her on the mass of pillows covering the bed. Firm yet gentle hands parted her thighs and she had him right where she wanted him, between her thighs and close to her heart.

  He lowered his head, his lips a whisper away from hers.

  “You wicked temptress. Evil down to the core.” He worked his hands beneath her bottom and scooted her up until her back rested against the thick pillows positioned at the top of the bed. Something soft wrapped around her wrists a split second before the small sound of metal grating against metal fell to her ears.

  She gave a small tug to her hands. “Caden Roarke, you trickster.”

  “I guess we all have a bit of evil in us. “He tossed a wink at her and she couldn’t hold back from smiling. “And what were you saying about the lizard boy again?” Mischief sparkled in the depth of his eyes, and her heart swelled.

  He held up a bottle and she immediately recognized what he snagged from the shelf on their way in here.

  “Don’t you love the taste of wild berries and cinnamon?” Oh, the devious wolf had a plan all right. He was hungry and she was the main course. Handcuffed, naked and ready for the beast to enjoy a full moon snack.

  Heat rushed her system and colored her cheeks. Breathing hard, she parted her lips and let out a small whimper. Now that he had her restrained, the idea of not touching him didn’t sit too well. The way every shaft of light caressed him made her jealous. Her fingers itched to touch him too.

  He stroked the pad of his thumb over her sensitive buds that pulled a gasp of delight from her. “Don’t play with me, wolf. You want this?” She bowed her body until his hands clasped around her firmly. “If so, don’t tease. That would be cruel.”

  “I’d never want to hurt you, Harmony, especially like that. Trust me?”

  All humor set aside, he looked to her for the answer she knew would either build him up or tear them apart.

  “With my life.” Peacefulness relaxed his body and extended to include her. Realization dawned. The strength of her words held more power for him than any of her supernatural abilities.

  The smell of wild berries hit her senses. Warm silk drizzled over first one breast, then the other, his cock bobbing next to her lips. She angled her head to the side.

  “You’ll get what you want. Be patient.” Kneeling over her, he cupped her breasts, working the oil over every part of them in a slow sensual glide. In a strained voice he said, “I love how your body responds to me. The fire you have inside calls to my wolf and makes me howl to have you near.” He increased the friction, letting the weight of her breasts pull her nipples from his fingers with a tight pinch. She withered beneath his hands. Power surged in the depths of her core and she could barely breathe for the onslaught of pure lust that surged through her veins. “You’re about to come, aren’t you?”

  “About to combust!” She thrust her breasts into his palms, arched her back and let the moan caught in her throat slip out. “Do it again—pinch my nipples like that.”

  “Demanding aren’t we?”When their gazes locked, she saw a heady mixture of desire and love.

  “Please, Caden.”

  He gave her what she wanted, and then tugged on the buds as he guided his shaft to her lips. Currents sizzled through her body and the second the soft tip of his cock touched her lips, jolts of energy sparked. She gasped. Slowly he parted her lips with his thickness. She loved how he watched her slip every inch of his cock past her lips in one slow glide.

  A growl rumbled from his chest. Tied up, her motions were limited. Fingers buried in her hair, he pulled out of the warm depth of her mouth only to slowly slide back in until he hit the back of her throat. She hollowed her cheeks and applied a soft suction that elicited a tighter grip on her hair. “Damn, you have a wonderful mouth that knows how to suck me.”

  He tipped his head back and her heart swelled with pride at the pleasure she gave him. He pumped his hips again, this time a little faster.

  He pulled out, leaving only the tip between her lips. Salty liquid hit her tongue. Greedy for more, she sucked harder until she got her prize.

  His fingers wor
ked her engorged peaks as he pushed deeper then pulled out all the way.

  “More, I wasn’t done.” She gave a pout with the full power of the quivering lower lip and all. “Any more and I would have been.” Lips parted as if hungry, Caden leaned over her and captured a nipple. Sweet goddess, pleasure exploded behind her eyelids and she was on the verge of her second orgasm of the night.

  With her nipple still prisoner in the warm crevasse of his lips, Caden slipped between her legs. Anticipation seeped into every pore in her body and she watched him devour her one lick and nibble at a time. The bulbous tip of his cock slipped between her folds with every movement he made. The sweet torture held her captive, frozen in place. Wanting. Needy. And horny.

  With a juicy pop, he released her. Rattled and breathy, she cried out as he straightened, poised his thick shaft at her entrance and pressed forward.

  “Watch.” He parted her folds with two fingers. Inch by inch he slipped into her. He held her attention with his fiery gaze and for seconds on end time stood still. Tangled webs of magick flowed along her body and fed into him. Mesmerized, she wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles. Braced against the barred headrest and with his support, she bowed her back, driving him deeper.

  Hands anchored around her waist, he pulled back only to drive home with a hard thrust.

  He did it again. And again.

  Soon it was all she could do to hold on and not trip over the edge, but she didn’t want this to end. Not yet.

  “Kiss me.”

  Caden stilled, wrapped an arm around her waist and bent to claim her lips. Hot sizzling molten lava was ice compared to the heat he fed into her on contact. Her heartbeat tripled and she ached to reach out and touch him. She pulled at the handcuffs.

  Smiling, he broke their kiss, but didn’t pull away. “Not yet, my witch. You trust me?”


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