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Green Broke Woman

Page 27

by Zoey Marcel

  Virgil blushed, feeling the stares. “You really should have thought about how that sounded before you spoke. Can we go now?”

  “I'm gonna find that motherfucker and pound his ass!” Keith yelled. “Thank you, partner.”

  “No, no. We're not partners.” Virgil cringed when Keith kissed his forehead, too overjoyed to think about how others interpreted it.

  “Let's go!” Keith ran toward the door.

  Virgil flushed with embarrassment when he saw the stares. He let out an uneasy chuckle. “I don't know that man. Keith, you can't leave without buying that or putting it down!”

  Keith noticed the cologne bottle in his hand and shelled out some cash at the register before staggering out of the store.

  Virgil shook his head and followed out, certain his face was the color of beets.

  They still didn't know who had taken Gretchen or if she was even still alive. Neither did they know what happened to Sadie, but one thing was for certain. Professor Donahue was definitely one of the men responsible for kidnapping Miranda Langley.

  Chapter Fifteen: Surrounded

  Kayla felt happy jitters rumble through her stomach as her four men led her into a private room upstairs at the Black Dragon BDSM club. The enormous king size four-poster bed was a feast for hungry eyes. She'd been informed it was an antique and the intricate designs were carved into chestnut wood. The dark brown looked black from far enough away in dim lighting. The ivory satin bedspread was the perfect contrast against the dark elegant wood, and the fancy decorative pillows were a luxurious addition as well.

  To her understanding, the beds in the club normally only had sheets over the mattresses for sanitary reasons and easier washing, but her cowboys had taken the time to adorn the eye-appealing bed with a creamy satin comforter and ivory floral-printed pillows to enhance her experience.

  “Clothes off, cricket,” Travis ordered sweetly once Keith closed the door.

  She wasted no time getting naked, furrowing her brow when she saw that they remained dressed and watched her in silence. “Are you guys going to get naked, or am I fucking myself?”

  Virgil let out an impressed whistle. “She's got a mouth on her.”

  Keith got a naughty little half smile. “We didn't give her permission to cuss, did we, Jake?”

  Jake wore a devilish grin. “No, we sure didn't. You know what that means, don't you, sub?”

  She batted her eyes at him, trying to appear innocent as she massaged her own breasts. “I'm forgiven?”

  The crotch of each man's jeans became more prominent with the telltale signs of their sexual interest.

  Travis winked at her before turning to the others. “Boys, I do believe our little lady is trying to seduce us.”

  “Maybe we should take turns spanking her to teach her a lesson,” Virgil suggested.

  Her mouth dropped. He was the sweet vanilla one. It looked like the others were starting to rub off on him.

  Keith looked pleased. “Now you're talking.”

  Travis sat in an antique chestnut wood chair lined with a black velvet cushioned seat and back. He patted his bulging lap expectantly. “Right here, girl. I'm gonna be the first.”

  Her folds moistened with anticipation as she made her way toward her first love and lay down across his lap. His hard thighs supported her, and the denim felt smooth yet rough against her naked skin. The restless erection straining against his jeans drove her crazy. She wanted that bad boy inside of her.

  “Ready, Kayla?”

  She smiled, feeling soothed by the voice of her beloved even as her butt clenched in apprehension of the inevitable. “I'm ready, Sir.”

  The flat of his hand came down hard and fast on her bare ass, making her flinch in pain.

  “You're clenching, bad girl. Ease up your hot little ass, darlin'.”

  She swallowed and reluctantly obeyed him. The next spanking hurt worse.

  “You know we never did decide on a number for each of us. We really should, otherwise Jake will keep spanking her all night,” Travis said with a chuckle.

  She squeezed her tush muscles at the thought before remembering to relax them.

  Jake grinned like a sexy bastard. “You know me so well, brother.”

  “How about five each?” Virgil suggested.

  “It sounds good to me,” Keith agreed. “Jake?”

  Jake nodded. “I like it. Travis, you get three more.”

  “Ah hell, you mean the first two count even though we hadn't started yet?” Travis teased.

  “Heck yes, they count,” Kayla spoke up.

  The men laughed.

  “One more for speaking out of turn,” Travis decided.

  She tensed and winced at the next four spankings. Stinging flares of pain ignited on her bottom, and she had a feeling it would only get worse when Jake had a turn with her ass.

  Travis got up, and Virgil sat down, pulling her gently onto his lap.

  “I'm going to spank you five times now, all right, honey?”

  Keith snickered. “So polite.”

  Kayla smiled. “Yes, Sir, do as you will.”

  Saying that to him didn't seem as scary as saying it to Jake or to Master Hugh.

  Virgil's spankings hurt, too, but he seemed to be gentler as he dished them out. By the time he was done her ass felt hot and stung quite a bit. He got up, and Keith supplanted his spot in the chair.

  “Ass up, little bird.”

  She stretched out over his hard lap, knowing that his spankings would hurt worse than Travis's and Virgil's had. She was right.


  “We have something out of the ordinary planned for you tonight, baby,” Keith told her.


  Her curiosity piqued, but the sharp, hot slap to her backside proved distracting. “What is it?”

  He delivered three more punishing smacks to her flaming butt.

  “You'll see, but let's just say it involves all four of us penetrating you at once.”

  Her eyes bugged out. “Penetrating? I only have three holes. How is that possible?”

  Keith pushed her up and stood with a carnal grin. “Are you doubting our capabilities?”

  “No, Sir. I was just curious.”

  “We've never done it before, but we'd really like to try it with you,” he said, running his fingers through her hair. His smoky blue eyes were full of affection.

  “Come here, Kayla,” Jake commanded as he sat on the edge of the large bed. “My turn.”

  She gulped and inched her way over like a happy tortoise on a Sunday afternoon. “Should I be scared?”

  He grinned and threw her a suggestive wink. “Only if you keep crawling over to me. I want you spread over my lap now, sub.”

  She picked up the pace and positioned herself over his firm thighs. Her sore bottom became even more so as he hammered it with the five fiercest slaps of all, hitting in different places each time. She jolted and cried out, squirming to get away. His sexy chuckle and the steady grip he had on her kept her from getting up off his lap. Her ass burned with delicious suffering when he was done, but he didn't let her up right away.

  “We're gonna blindfold you, Kayla,” Jake said in a calming timbre.

  She stiffened with uncertainty, praying the harrowing memories didn't surface. His fingertips tracing invisible patterns on her inflamed buttocks made her shiver with tiny prickles of awareness.

  “You don't get a say in this part. This is your biggest fear, not being able to see us while we touch you. We want you to face it, sub,” Jake said in a serious tone that made her a little scared as much as it subdued her trust.

  “Do I get a safe word?” she asked cautiously.

  Keith spoke up from where he stood a few feet away with the other two men. “Not for this.”

  A little tremor of trepidation rolled through her, but it surprised her how much the idea of them taking away her safe word titillated her. Master Hugh had played without them once he had her trained, and she'd always preferred
it that way. It wasn't until after Beck's heinous treatment of her that she'd needed one.

  The tides were changing, though. She trusted the Langley brothers and Virgil implicitly. She intended to spend her life with them if they'd have her. They talked about forever, but none of them had proposed yet. No big deal. They would get around to that eventually, and if not, she'd still get to have them for keeps, so it was all good.

  “We won't bind you this time or nothing,” Travis promised. “We'll just blindfold you while we touch and suck on you.”

  What an absolutely fabulous proposal.

  Jake put in his disturbing and oh so delightful two cents. “But if you try to tear it off we're gonna hold you down.”

  Memories of being bound and held down by Beck, Slade, Bruce, and others chilled her to the bone, but the idea of her cowboys restraining her and forcing her to accept pleasure was a major turn on.

  “Limits should only stem from what you're naturally uncomfortable with. We don't want any sadistic assholes from your past putting any barriers between us,” Keith explained gently.

  Virgil sounded concerned. “Are you gonna be okay, honey? We're only trying to help you heal.”

  Kayla nodded and sucked in a deep breath before exhaling slowly. “I know. I trust all of you. I'll be okay.”

  Jake tapped her butt so she knew to get up. Keith tossed him the blindfold, and Jake fastened it securely around her head and over her eyes.

  “Just lie back,” he murmured.

  She tried to stay mellow and let him guide her down onto her back on the satiny covers. They felt luxurious and sumptuous on her bare skin, particularly on her legs. The quiet, arousing sound of clothes coming off excited and calmed her at once.

  The mattress dipped as the men got into their places on the bed. It felt like they surrounded her. The knowledge was scintillating, but being unable to see them freaked her out a bit.


  He took her left hand and kissed it. “I'm here, sweet thing. Don't be scared.”

  The soft touch of his lips and the reassuring sound of his voice soothed her. She felt around the bed and grappled for the manly hand on the right side of her body. She could tell without looking that it belonged to Travis.

  “It's okay, cricket. We're here.”

  Someone spread her thighs and sat between them. “Keith? Jake?”

  “It's me, baby,” Jake said as he kissed a steamy path up the inside of her thigh, making her pussy weep with delight. “I'm gonna suck your cunt now.”

  Yes, please.

  “You won't be able to see me, but if you need to I'll let you hear my voice. It's me, Kayla. We're all here touching you. Travis, Keith, and Virgil. It's your men, baby, not those diabolical sons of bitches from your past. Understand?”

  She nodded, trembling with something more akin to arousal than fear. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you trust us, sub?” Keith asked, running his palm up the inside of her left thigh while Jake garnished her right leg with kisses.

  “With my life.”

  She'd once said those words to Master Hugh. The fact that she was able to say those same words to any man and mean them after what Beck and the other bastards did to her was remarkable to her.

  Humid warmth basked her bare mons in sinful heat just before the smoothness of firm lips imprinted a soft kiss on her pussy. A breathy gasp slipped from her, and she found her hips gyrating to get closer to the skilled mouth peppering sizzling kisses all over her naked labia.

  Keith ran his hand up her tummy and then back down, stimulating the helpless nerves in the wake of his touch. He saw her little round belly and squishy love handles. He had to, yet he wasn't leaving. She'd seen the way they looked at her when they touched and slept with her before, like they were all a bunch of Adams and she was the perfect Eve created just for them.

  But she wasn't the only woman in the world. There were scads of other females, some better looking and in better shape. Sure she was pretty, even beautiful with makeup, and in clothes she looked great, but naked there were flaws to be had.

  Strangely though, the troublesome areas that were painfully obvious to her seemed invisible to them. Yes, they could have any woman they wanted who wasn't already taken, but they wanted her and her alone. The knowledge was as humbling as it was empowering and soul-moving.

  Travis and Virgil suckled her fingers, slurping and moving the digits in their mouths like they were miniature cocks buried in her moist pussy.

  Jake grazed her hot intimate flesh with his teeth and chewed on her labia. He was gentle with the nibbles, but the hard edge of his teeth sent electrical charges through her at the unfulfilled threat of pain.

  Keith rubbed gentle circles all over her soft tummy, crooning to her every now and then and running his other palm up the inside of her left thigh. The close proximity to her sex made her vagina pulse with desperation.

  “How are you doing, little bird?”

  “I'm fine,” she said with a smile. “I can tell it's you guys by how gentle you are.”

  “We won't hurt you, honey,” Virgil promised, brushing the top of her hand with his lips.

  Jake snorted. “Well, I intend to get real rough with you. What do you think of that, subbie?”

  Kayla tried hard not to grin, but the attempt at prevention was useless. “I dare you to try it, Sir.”

  The men laughed, and it sounded like Jake snickered. “Is that a fact, baby?”

  Her back arched when he went down on her and sucked her chubby sex lips into his mouth with a startling vigor.

  “We're gonna put our mouths on your tits now, darlin',” Travis said softly as he caressed her right arm.

  “You guys stay the heck away from my breasts, you hear?” She bit her lip, enjoying the bratty display she made of herself. The swat to each breast and the slap on her cunt dragged loud yelps from her.

  “I think somebody's getting too big for her britches,” Travis joked.

  A heartbeat later two balmy mouths latched onto her nipples and gently sipped them. Her hands went up into both men's hair, and she whimpered at the way Keith's soothing hand moved to her pussy and rubbed the nude flesh until it tingled with maddening urges.

  Jake lapped at her creamy slit, collecting her juices of shameless lust on his wicked tongue. He left no part of her sex untouched as he explored her with his lips, tongue, and teeth while Travis and Virgil feasted on her swollen breasts.

  She cried out and bucked in blissful torment when Jake crammed his tongue up her cunt and fucked her with it. He caressed hot, carnal knowledge all inside her walls, using his fingers to keep her sex lips spread while he executed his dirty will on her.

  She was defenseless beneath their masculine strength and their James Bond-like skill, but the vulnerability thrilled her without ceasing as they touched and kissed her all over her body.

  Keith's finger dipped into her cleft to stimulate her growing clitoris, eliciting tiny mewls of want from her. Her body undulated at the creeping blanket of pleasure that swiftly infiltrated her defenses. She was going down. Yes, sir, and she was going down hard. They wouldn't let her get away now.

  Travis made an erotic vacuum with his wonderful mouth as he sucked the living hell out of her breast while Virgil made steamy circles around her other tit with his tongue.

  Keith tickled her clit faster, and Jake fucked her like his tongue was a cock that was close to ejaculating. Kayla's body undulated, and she started pleading, for what she didn't know. The pleasure would kill her if they continued. Maybe she begged them to stop.

  No. The heated pressure and hedonistic sparks igniting in her body wouldn't let her protest. She likely implored them to persist in their wanton conquest. The building aura broke, and rippling waves of pleasure washed over her, searing her body with heat and dampness.

  Jake lapped up the mess her pussy made while Keith petted her belly. Travis and Virgil detached their mouths from her boobs.

  “Good girl,” they praised her as th
ey touched her.

  The blindfold came off, and she had to squint and blink at first to adjust to the sudden brightness that greeted her eyes. Once she did she was greeted by four tempting men in the buff with stiff erections that made her mouth water and her vagina ache.

  “What's gonna happen is this,” Keith said. “Two of us will penetrate your pussy, and the other guys will be in your ass and mouth.”

  She blinked at him, feeling her jaw drop. “Oh, wow. That's probably going to hurt.”

  “That's why we're gonna give you lots of orgasms and lube beforehand,” Travis said before brushing her forehead with a gentle kiss that made her sigh.

  She gulped and nodded. “Okay. The bottomless orgasms sound nice.”

  Virgil grinned. “You make them sound like a basket of fries at a restaurant.”

  They all chuckled.

  “I honestly don't know if I can fit that many down there at once, but I can try.”

  Jake shook his head. “If it hurts too bad, we'll give you some more lube and orgasms. If after a lot of both, it still hurts too much, we can try some toys, or we'll try again another time.”

  “We won't hurt you, though,” Keith said seriously. “We want to do this with you, but only when you're ready.”

  She swallowed down her nervousness and nodded. “Okay.”

  The touching and licking continued, and they gave her several more climaxes before Jake primed her hot, swollen folds with the lubricant.

  “I think it goes without saying that whoever takes her sweet pussy, he's going in with Virgil,” Travis pointed out.

  Virgil nodded. “That's fine by me.”

  Keith made a face. “Yeah, I don't like the alternative.”

  “I'll do it,” Jake volunteered. “I'm not shy.”

  Travis smirked. “That you aren't, Jake.”

  The other men moved, and Jake rolled so Kayla was on top of him. They made out slowly, deeply while somebody lubed her ass with a generous dowsing from behind. It felt like Travis's fingers lodged deep inside her as he stretched and prepared her for the illicit invasion.

  “Mount me, baby,” Jake demanded.

  She smiled and took his engorged cock by the root, thrilling at his long moan when she slowly sank down on the puffed up meat.


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