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The Shape of Rain

Page 48

by Michael B. Koep

  Lerxt, Alexia • iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis. Born 1921 in Fernie, British Columbia. How Alexia’s immortality was discovered is unknown, but sometime around 1930 Alexia’s family relocated to the village of Willowdale, England. Willowdale, it has been documented, produced several immortals over the centuries. Instead of fearing the mysterious condition, the families of Willowdale embraced it and supported immortals and the Orathom Wis plight through the centuries. Alexia Lerxt was slain in the year 1010 AD after crossing omvide Menkaure to assist Loche Newirth during the New Earth War.

  Lornensha • Δ iii, Godrethion. Birth year unknown. Also known as the Lakewoman. According the Wyn Avuquain accounts, Lornensha was a healer that had dwelt just south of the omvide Mellithion along the shores of lake Fethequa (home water) for fifty or more years before the fall of the city. How and why she had come to make a home there is not known. During that time Lornensha built relations with both the Aevas and the Itonalya through her herb lore and her art of healing. She was often called to court to hold counsel with Queen Yafarra. Lornensha was not immortal, yet through her arts she managed to grow a plant that provided her a kind of ever-youth. After the fall of Wyn Avuqua in 1010, and the entombment of Yafarra, Lornensha was tasked with restoring the beheaded and torn Iteav. Though she was successful, Iteav would struggle with language and speech for the rest of his long, long life. Lornensha brought Iteav to a small village outside of Rome where he was adopted by a family of farmers. Lornensha then journeyed north to the Germania in the mid 13th Century, and changing her name to Geraldine along the way. A hundred years later she would journey to England and meet Radulfus Grenemer, marry and give birth to William of Leaves. (see Geraldine of Leaves.)

  Maghren of the House of Mind • iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis. Birth year unknown. He became the Templar Angofal and Minister of Keptiris in the year 101 AD. As the Minister of the House of Mind, Maghren, like his predecessors, served as High Councilor to the reigning monarch. Maghren was known as both a legalist and a staunch supporter of the Old Law. Maghren was a loyalist to Yafarra’s Crown. In the year 721 AD, during an Itonalya campaign to sustain the Wessex monarch, King Ine, Maghren was sent to put down a rising power (and Godrethion) within the Wessex royal line named Cynewulf. Cynewulf gathered an army and marched on Ine’s Castle claiming that he would take the head of any man that dealt with Immortals. Ine was outnumbered and caught by surprise. Fearing that Cynewulf was Cymachkena Godrethion, Maghren sent runners to the omvide just south of Bath in hopes that Yafarra could send a contingent of Itonalya to save what would be a certain slaughter. Yafarra herself crossed into Wessex and led eight other Orathom Wis against Cynewulf’s army. Their arrival was just in time. Ine had been captured, and Maghren was slowly being cut apart. Yafarra’s wrath and retribution was horrifying. She and her Orathom Wis decimated Cynewulf’s followers until Cynewulf stood alone before Ine. Yafarra then placed the future of Wessex into the hands of Ine and allowed the two to duel for the crown. Ine was victorious. Maghren never forgot Yafarra’s aid and he defended Yafarra’s policies through the centuries. Maghren was killed in 1010 defending Queen Yafarra and the lower halls of Tiris Avu during the Seige of Wyn Avuqua. His body was never found.

  Molmer, Dr. Chad • iii, Ithea. Born in 1949 in Portland, Oregon. Graduated from Washington State University in 1970. Completed his doctoral decree in History at Harvard University, 1977. Dr. Molmer was the chair of the GU Grant Board that funded the research of Dr. Astrid Finnley. Molmer, a believer in Dr. Finnley’s work, secretly knew she was using the funds to research the controversial Itonalya.

  Newirth, Edwin • Δ i, ii, iii, Ithea. Born 2011 in Sandpoint, Idaho to Loche and Helen Newirth. In November of this year, young Edwin fell from a height into what Loche Newirth described as “The Eye of Thi,” an incident that crossed the spirit of the One God into Edwin’s physical body. Thus, Edwin became of great interest to both the Godrethion horde and the Wyn Avuquain Templar. It was believed that if the boy, Thi, was killed, the One God would be cast into oblivion freeing Godrethion and Itonalya alike from their age-long bondage. It was decided that Edwin was to be sacrificed by the Wyn Avuquains to buy peace. Before the sacrifice, Queen Yafarra secretly exchanged Edwin with her own son Iteav. Edwin escaped the city with his mother, Helen Newirth and the two crossed back into their own time. They took refuge at Loche’s cabin.

  Newirth, Helen • Δ i, ii, iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis / Endale Gen. Born 1958 in Los Angeles, California. Helen’s immortality was discovered when she fell from a Hollywood Hotel in the mid seventies and lived. Guitarist Jimmy Page, who witnessed this event, introduced Helen to Albion Ravistelle with whom Helen fell in love with, spending the next few decades striving to impress him. She learned her place as an immortal and Orathom Wis assassin. As a final test to prove her love to Albion she agreed to pursue and become the muse to both Basil Fenn and Loche Newirth. Her attempts with Basil failed, but with Loche she succeeded. She married Loche in 2001 and gave birth to their son Edwin Newirth in 2011. When the life of her son came into question, Helen did everything in her power to protect him, including distancing herself from Albion.

  Newirth, Loche • Δ i, ii, iii, Ithea. Birth name: Alexander Godell, born 1978 in Canterbury, England to Diana Godell and Bill Hagenemer (William Greenhame). After the assassination attempt that claimed the lives of his surrogate parents, Loche was sent back to England to live with his mother. He moved to back to the United States in 1988 to attend college. Graduated from the University of Washington in 1994, and finished his doctoral work at the University of California, Berkeley in 2000 with degrees in behavioral and child psychology. During his time at Berkeley, Loche attended courses taught by Dr. Marcus Rearden. Loche met Helen Craven just after graduation. The two relocated to North Idaho in 1998. In 2001 the couple married. Loche began his own practice in Sandpoint, Idaho in 2004. Their son, Edwin Newirth, was born in 2011. When Loche learned that his mentor, Marcus Rearden had murdered Bethany Winship, Loche crafted a far-fetched, mythological tale in order to bring Rearden to justice. The attempt narrowly succeeded, but the story contained some inexplicable supernatural element that brought Loche’s characters and fictional history to life. Loche now lives in North Idaho with his son and Julia Iris.

  Page, Jimmy • ii, iii, Ithea. Born 1944 in London, England. English rock musician, guitarist, songwriter and producer best known for his work with Led Zeppelin. Jimmy Page’s interest in the supernatural and the occult brought him into contact with Albion Ravistelle sometime around 1970. They became close friends. Δ When on tour in the United States, two years later, Jimmy witnessed a groupie fall from a high rise hotel balcony—and live. The groupie was Helen Storm (Helen Newirth). The impossibility of her recovery prompted him to contact Albion sometime around 1970.

  Peterson, Robert • ii, Ithea. Born c. 1287-88 in London. Robert Peterson practiced as Bishop Steven Gravesend’s physician at Strotford Manor. In 1338, Father Cyrus was revealed as the instigator for the deaths of hundreds of innocents, as well as the source of illness (both mental and physical) in Bishop Gravesend, Robert Peterson was the first to attack the Sentinel monks, allowing young William of Leaves to escape into the tunnels. In 1350, Robert Peterson’s family was infected with the plague. William Greenhame heard the news and brought his mother’s leaves to heal the family. Robert spent the next five years completely immune to the virus and used what knowledge and skill he had to ease the sick and dying. He passed away in 1355 in his sleep.

  Pierce, Justinian (The Mountain) • ii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis. Born 1799 in Magpie, Victoria, Australia. Justinian survived being pierced with fifteen arrows during a raid on his village when he was a boy. His father, fearing the village would suspect the boy to be possessed by some evil spirit, took him to England. At the wedding for a mutual friend, Justinian met William Greenhame and Samuel Lifeson. Soon thereafter, Justinian joined the Orathom Wis and became known as their greatest archer. Justinian fought at Battle of the Uffizi. He was slain at Seige of Mel
Tiris, this year.

  Pirrip, Jules • i, Ithea. Born 1946 in Seattle, Washington. Husband to Rebecca Pirrip and was briefly a surrogate parent to young Basil and Loche in the early 1980s.

  Pirrip, Rebecca • i, Ithea. Born 1944 in Canterbury, England. Rebecca Godell (maiden name) is the twin sister to Diana Godell. Rebecca and her husband Jules Pirrip became surrogate parents to young Basil and Loche in the early Eighties. The couple was killed in an assassination attempt meant to take the lives of the boys in 1981.

  Pratt, Neil • i, Itonalya, Orathom Wis. Born 1596, just north of the village of Willowdale, England. Neil’s immortal condition was discovered in his mid twenties. Neil was mortally injured fighting to preserve the forests surrounding his home from Royal logging practices. Willowdale, it has been documented, produced several immortals over the centuries. Instead of fearing the mysterious condition, the families of Willowdale embraced it and supported immortals and the Orathom Wis plight through the centuries. Δ Neil Pratt was slain in the year 1010 AD after crossing omvide Menkaure to assist Loche Newirth during the New Earth War. Neil was known among the Orathom Wis as their Poet Laureate. Neil has produced eighteen books of poetry. In his book, Caress of Steel, Neil tells of his search for meaning as an Itonalya.

  Rearden, Elanor Maylen • i, Ithea. Born in 1948 Kennewick, Washington. Graduated from the University of Idaho in 1970 with a teaching degree. Married Marcus Rearden in 1975. Elanor suffered a fatal heart attack at her home in October of this year. Her husband claims the heart attack was caused by her shock at seeing a painting that depicted him murdering a woman, Bethany Winship. The painting was made by Loche Newirth. Consequently, Marcus holds Loche responsible for the murder of his wife.

  Rearden, Marcus, Dr. • Δ i, ii, iii, Ithea. Born in 1948 Lewiston, Idaho. Graduated from Washington State University in 1970, and finished his doctoral work at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Minneapolis in 1974 with degrees in behavioral and criminal psychology. Married Elanor Malen in 1975. They relocated to Los Angeles California in 1978, where he worked closely with the LAPD homicide division. His psychological expertise helped to capture and convict over thirty dangerous murderers as well as develop an entirely new protocol for interviewing suspects and witnesses. His work brought fame. He released several books, all of which have become bestsellers. The novel, How To Get Away With Murder, won several book awards and is now used in university criminology classes across the United States. Rearden taught for a brief time at the University of California, Berkeley. During that time, Rearden met Loche Newirth. Marcus became a mentor to Loche Newirth early in the Twenty-first Century and taught the young psychologist much about the practice. In early October this year, Marcus Rearden murdered his mistress Bethany Winship. The act prompted Loche Newirth to find a way to bring his old mentor to justice. The Journal was written to trap Marcus within his own lunacy. It succeeded. Marcus was arrested on the 31st of October of this year. However, through some freak, supernatural occurrence, The fantastic concepts and characters in The Journal became real. On November 3rd, Albion Ravistelle freed Rearden from his Idaho jail cell and brought the psychologist back to Venice. Albion then spent the following days learning as much as he could about The Poet, Loche Newirth from Rearden. Rearden, in turn, researched, too, plotting his own authorship of Loche’s torture and demise. With Access to Basil Fenn’s paintings, Albion Ravistelle’s Toele, The Journal and Loche’s canon, Rearden designed the elaborate torture and murder of Loche’s son, Edwin. His purpose was not based solely in revenge—Rearden pressed for a psychological enslavement of Newirth—a mastery over Newirth so that he might author his own will using the author’s gift. Also, during his time at Albion’s House, Rearden managed to over throw Ravistelle’s command over The Board. During the Battle of Masques, Rearden implemented his coup, but his position as leader was short-lived. Loche Newirth captured Rearden at the ruins of Wyn Avuqua. Mad with the loss of his son, Loche nearly killed Rearden. Julia interceded, pleading for Loche’s better nature and mercy. Loche left Marcus alive. However, Dr. Marcus Rearden has never been found. It is whispered that Rearden is entombed in the crystal sarcophagus in the Atheneum chamber at Wyn Avuqua.

  Rapasardi, Giovanni • i, iii, Ithea. Born in 1971 in Padua, Italy. Giovanni still serves as one of the primary sword instructors for the Orathom Wis in Europe. According to Samuel Lifeson, “Rapsardi’s expertise matched with his humanity is the perfect balance for the Itonalya Guardian. On the one hand, he teaches a fluidity of defense—the defense of one’s life, as only a mortal could, but simultaneously the aggression and ferocity of fighting to live; that which the Deathless often lack.” During the New Earth War, Loche Newirth received his first lesson in swordplay from Giovanni. Giovanni also fought alongside the Orathom Wis at the Battle of Masques.

  Rapasardi, Maria • i, iii, Ithea. Born in 1966 in Padua, Italy. The elder sister to Giovanni Rapasardi. Maria moved to Venice in the early 1980s and opened her own bistro and wine bar. She is still there to this day. It was in Maria’s bistro that Loche Newirth met Samuel Lifeson—and where Samuel killed the assassin, Felix Wishfeill. An accomplished fencer herself, Maria learned swordplay from her brother, Giovanni Rapasardi.

  Ravistelle, Albion • Δ i, ii, iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis / Endale Gen / The Board Chair. Born 811 AD. Albion’s birth name was Rexmurum (King’s wall) and was born in Rome during the reign of Charlemagne. He was born into slavery. When he was five he stabbed the master of the house while trying to defend his mother from a beating. While he delivered a mortal wound, the master returned in kind and broke the boy’s neck. When Albion awoke, his mother jubilated. The two fled Rome to Greece where his mother found sanctuary with family. She taught him how to conceal his immortality. When she died some thirty years later, Albion left Greece and began learning as much as he could about agriculture and farming. For over two hundred years Albion bought and sold various farms across what is now Tuscany. He was not discovered by another immortal until 1221 when George Eversman visited purely by chance to inquire about some of Albion’s medicinal herb gardens. Upon learning Albion’s immortal condition, George began to educate him about the past and future of his kind. Albion never forgot about his early life as a slave, and though he was an influential and loyal Orathom Wis for many centuries, the memories of his bondage, his pride and his ambition led to his rebellion against the Old Law.

  Roblam of the House of Heart • iii, Alyeth, Orathom Wis. According to the Toele, Roblam was the youngest Templar in Wyn Avuquain history. Born in 990 AD, Roblam was granted the Angofal and Heart Minister title when she was eight-teen-years-old. Traditionally, the House of Heart Minister was reserved for a mortal in order to balance the immortal state of mind with the mortal’s thirst for joy and gratitude for what time they have upon Endale. But never had the Templar seen a woman so young with such zeal, passion and foresight as Roblam. When her predecessor Vorwen of the Green, passed, Roblam brought her full heart and compassion to the office and served Yafarra with steadfast loyalty. She was descended from the Aveas tribes that dwelt in the lands surrounding Wyn Avuqua. Despite her passion, she was known for having the last word after her fellow Templar would debate overlong. In the end, Roblam would often pronounce the best solutions and synthesize matters into simple terms. Roblam was killed in the year 1010 AD in Tiris Avu defending Queen Yafarra during the Seige of Wyn Avuqua.

  Smith, Eloise • ii, iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis. Born 1231. Also known as Alice of Bath. Alice’s entire village and family perished during the famine of 1235. Albion Ravistelle found and rescued her when he heard tell of the single surviving child from the village. He brought her under his tutelage when she was three. Alice eschewed violence and chose the role of servant to those of her kind. For centuries Alice kept Albion’s house in London and assisted him in his practice as an apothecary. Alice was an avid traveler. She would often take year-long holidays. She wrote extensive travel journals and was a collector of books. Alice was the first to discover a complet
e Toele from Wyn Avuqua. She gifted the book to Albion, but never divulged how or where she found it. Sometime around 1930 she left her station with Albion claiming that he had become selfish and was denying the Old Law. During the New Earth War Alice served the Orathom Wis.

  Stell, Aloysius • i, ii, iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis / Endale Gen. Aloysius Stell is one Albion Ravistelle’s names. (see Albion Ravistelle.)

  Stiddam, Darrel, Detective • i, iii, Ithea. Detective for the Coeur d’Alene Police department. Officer Stiddam was the first on the scene at the Cd’A city graveyard on October 31 of this year. He took Dr. Marcus Rearden under arrest.

  Storm, Helen • ii, Itonalya. Helen Storm is the name Helen Craven was given when she was living on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, California. (See Helen Newirth.)

  Tenuwa • iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis. Tenuwa was a herald to Queen Yafarra. He was cheerful, dark skinned, dark eyed and very fond of exposing strangers to the wonders of Itonalya life, art and culture.

  Thomas, Corey • Δ i, ii, iii, Itonalya, Orathom Wis. Born 1545 in Florence, Italy. Corey’s father taught him how to use a sword from a very young age. By his eighth year, Corey had developed into a dangerous opponent to most adult men. During that year, Corey’s father was challenged to a duel over a family debt. His father was slain. Young Corey vowed vengeance. His father’s killer thought it would be best to dispatch the boy in order to prevent a future vendetta. Corey, drew up his father’s sword to the laughter of all. Moments later, the money lender was dead. The lender’s followers then surrounded and stabbed the little boy to death. His body they took outside of Florence and left it beside the road. An hour later, Corey woke alive and well. Bloodied and bedraggled, the boy was picked up by a passing wine maker on his way to his vineyards north of the city. There, Corey learned how to make wine, and continues to manage his vineyards to this day. His new family concealed his immortal condition. Corey met Albion Ravistelles around 1800 and joined the Orathom Wis sometime after. During the New Earth War, Corey Thomas acted as a spy for the Orathom Wis for he was deep within Albion’s confidence. Corey fought at the Battle of the Uffizi, the Seige of Mel Tiris and the Battle of Masques.


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