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The Shape of Rain

Page 55

by Michael B. Koep

  16 The Fenor quote, “I came for thee, for I heard you calling,” is a common courting phrase that has been used between immortals and their lovers for thousands of years. Though in the tale Fenor the Lover, the line is used to deceive Mellithion (posing as Endale). Immortals have redefined the phrase to represent the power of manifesting a future love that will remake one’s world.

  17 Anqua (Elliqui: god water). Scotch. Whiskey.

  18 “The blink of the Eye of Thi” is an Itonalya phrase that can mean a single year or a single century.

  19 Many Itonalya have speculated that the Lake Woman known as Lornensha was somehow able to cultivate this plant that emanated from the spilled blood of Endale. We are hopeful that the Heron Atheneums will give us more information on what seems to be the very plant that is associated with Lornensha, Geraldine of Leaves, William Greenhame and Albion Ravistelle’s Melgia Gene.

  20 Elliqui: why does my death delay. This is a common Itonalya phrase often used to express one’s surrender to the burden and tedium of the immortal curse of long life and long suffering. To our knowledge, Mellithion’s utterance of the phrase in the Lay of Melea is the phrase’s debut.

  21 William Greenhame recites the opening stanza to The Grid in The Journal (The Invasion of Heaven, chapter IV, Mirrors.)

  22 The history of Elliqui and its transition from its Original Mode to spoken and oral traditions is still being researched. See VIII. On Elliqui.

  23 The written and oral version of Elliqui that follow possess only elements of the Original Mode. Elliqui means, simply, thought language. Spoken, Elliqui is powerful, and can be dangerous. The Toele’s teachings tell us that the words are magical in nature and should be treated with the utmost respect and caution.

  24 The Original Mode of Elliqui took thousands of years to finally silence. As of the writing of this, there is no clear timeline on its decline. It is hoped that we will learn more about this tragedy through what we find at Wyn Avuqua.

  25 Dr. Newirth’s writings influenced, of course, the Toele and other texts at Wyn Avuqua.

  26 The early oral and written forms (new Elliqui) were not peacefully received by the First Born Itonalya. For nearly a thousand years the efforts of Belzarre and others were rejected by those that regarded new Elliqui as heretical to the Old Law. The discrepancy gave rise to a militant group of Old Law zealots that were determined to put down and destroy what they called, “the miscreant voice.” Disciples of the new forms were hunted, tortured and killed—written manuscripts were burned—and for the first time in Itonalya history, immortals fought against immortals. It was King Althemis Falruthia of Vastiris that fought to preserve the efforts of the Belzaare and the Silent Author. His dream of universal acceptance of the new Elliqui among the Itonalya sparked the Sibling War. The war would take his life. Claiming his mantle, Queen Yafarra finally prevailed, and in the early years of the 4th Century BCE, the new Elliqui was embraced by the culture. The flailing Original Mode was said to have fallen completely silent sometime around 1010 AD after the fall of Wyn Avuqua. Some believe that remnants of old Elliqui still exist in blessed individuals.



  • A

  abide - enbar, (ĕń•bär). v.

  above - visu, (vḗ•so), adj.

  absolute - sosisg, (sō• sĭs•gә), adj.

  abyss - dehul, (dĕ•hoĺ), n.

  abundant - tunefore, (tyón•fōr•rā). adj.

  again - ito, (ēt•to), adj. see ever

  age - to, (to), v.

  agony - gosht, (gsht), adj.

  ahead - fo, (fō), adj.

  air - el, (ĕl) n. aare, (ār), n.

  alabaster - delvi. (dĕl•vḗ), adj.

  alike - naf, (nāf), adj.

  alive - thebre, (thĕ•brĕ), adj.

  all- ple, (plĕ), prefix.

  all - plecom, (plĕ•kōḿ), adj.

  alone - on, (ōn), adj.

  always - eforé, (ĕ•fōŕ•ā), adj.

  ahead - fo, (fō), adj.

  ancient - willo, (wĭĺ• ō), adj.

  anger - lamt, (lămt), adj.

  arm - nooj, (noj), n.

  armor - resta, (rĕs•ä), n, v.

  army - gionli. (jē•äń•lĭ), n.

  arrow - ren, (rĕn), n.

  art - thave, (th•vā), n, v.

  atheneum, library - sotir, (sō•tĭr), n.

  asleep - fithom, (f•thôm), adj.

  awake - efa, (ĕf•ā), v, adj. (wake)

  aunt - mojel, (mō´•jěl), n.

  autumn - aundel, (ä•on•dĕĺ), n.

  axe - netm, (nĕ•m), n.

  • B

  backward - revsul, (rĕ•sol), adj.

  bag - rot, (rät), n.

  balance - jequa, (j•kwä), n, v.

  bane - brun, (bron), n.

  bare - opuv, (ōṕ•әv), adj.

  bathe - chana, (ch•nä), v.

  battle - glach, (glăsh), n, v.

  bay - jor, (jōr), n.

  be - gal, (gāl), v.

  beam - strique (strē•kwä), n, v.

  beauty- iful - yavule, (yăv´•o• lĕ), n, adj.

  bed - ra, (rä), n.

  begin - gensis, (jĕń•sīs), v.

  behind - lak, (lāk), adj.

  believe - se, (sē), v.

  beloved - minle, (mĭn•lā), n, adj.

  between - ak (āk), adj.

  beyond - thom, (thäm), adj.

  bird - iqua, (ḗ•kwä), n.

  birth - ensis, (ěnsis) n. v.

  black - aver, (ă•vĕr), n, adj.

  blade - nen, (nĕn), n.

  blind - zix (zĭks), n, v, adj.

  blood - dilith, (dĭĺ•īth), n.

  blossom - pufta, (po•tә), n.

  blue - skia, (skēә), adj, n.

  body - fela, (fĕl• ä´), n

  bone - biln, (bĭln), n.

  book - tunow, (to•nōẃ), n.

  bow - arch, (ärsh), n.

  branch - rych, (rīsh), n.

  bread - ta, (tā), n.

  break - ayr, (âr), v.

  breathe - liva, (lēvә), v.

  breeze - olwu, (ōĺ•wo), n.

  bring - ne, (ně), v.

  broken - val, (văl), adj

  brother - teavoy, (tē´•әv•oi), n.

  burn - scoli, (skōl´ • ē), v.

  • C

  cage - pronin, (prō´•nĭn), n.

  cake - haljk, (hăl´ •jĭk), n.

  cast - koldav, (kōl´•dăv), v.

  cat - stat, (stät), n.

  catch - vete, (vě•tē´), v

  cathedral - tircaris, (tĭr•kâr´•ĭs), n.

  cave - hul, (hol), n.

  celebrate - yul, (yol), v

  chamber - tir, (tĭr), n. - room, chamber

  chain - lek, (lĕk), n.

  chalice - chelar, (chě•lär´), n.

  challenge - dunori, (dŭn´ •ō•rē), n, v.

  change - hapan, (hăp´ • ăn), n, v.

  charm - find, (fīnd), n, v.

  child - gzia, (zjēä), n.

  circle - rathin, (räth´•ĭn), n, v.

  city - nost, (näst), n.

  claw - shar, (shär), n, v.

  clay - dale, (dăl´•ā), n.

  cloth - gahath, (gä• äth), n.

  cloud - pufte, (pof•tā), n, v.

  cold, - bur, (bәr), adj.

  color - felbi, (fĕl•bē), n, v.

  come - veli, (vě•lē´), n.

  comfort, comforable- aath, (ä• äth), n. v. adj.

  complete - the (thā), adj. v.

  command - loka, (lōk´•ä), n, v.

  commune - verceress, (věr•sěr•ěss), v, n.

  cosmos - cary, (kâry´), n.

  conscience - ur, (or), n.

  council - olath, (ōl•äth), n.

  count - tik, (tēk), n, v.

  country - mryav, (mrē•ăv´), n.

  course - wey, (wěy), n.

  craft - thav, (thäv), v.

eation - ion, (ē´•әn), n.

  crescent moon - archtifli, (ärsh•tĭf•lē),n.

  crow - caw, (käw), n.

  crown - rathche, (räth´•chә), n, v.

  cry - stre, (strě), n, v.

  cup - lar, (lär), n.

  • D

  dagger - nenul, (něn´•ûl), n.

  dance - flarin, (flä´•rĭn), v.

  danger - zish, (zĭsh), n.

  dark - avik, (ăv•ēk´), n, adj.

  daughter - gzafe, (zjä•fē), n.

  dawn - delna, (děl´•nә), n, v.

  day - deli, (děl’•ē), n.

  dead - ith, (ĭth), n. adj.

  death - ithic, (ĭth´•ĭk), n.

  death mask - ithicsazj, (ĭth´•ic• säzj), n.

  deception - valso,(văl´•sō), n,v.

  deep - de, (dě), adj.

  defend - shawis, (shä’•wīs), v.

  delicate - ya, (yä), n.

  desire - iyuv, (ēy•ŭv´), n, v.

  destiny - pathe, (päth´•ā), n.

  different - agnaf, ag, (äg’ • nāf), adj.

  disappear - clesh, (clēsh), v.

  discord - jas, (jās), n

  distant - milu, (mĭ´l• yo), adj.

  dog - ruf, (rŭf), n.

  doom - eth, (ěth), n. adj.

  down - yut, (yot), adj.

  dragon - machkena, (mă•kē´•nä), n.

  dream - orathom, (ōr•ā•thôm´), n

  drink - slus, (slos), n, v.

  dry - desh, (dēch), adj

  dusk - delav, (dě´•läv), n.

  dust - sis, (sĭs), n

  • E

  early - na, (nә), adj.

  Earth - ae, (āә), n. Earth

  earth - endale, (ěn•dăl´•ā), n.

  east - rav, (rāv), n

  eat - cram, (krăm), v.

  echo - sheshu, (shě´•shә), n.

  empty - gobreth, (gō´•brěth), v, adj.

  encircle - a, (ă), v.

  end - sisg, (sĭs•gә), adj, n. v.

  enemy - gosong, (gō•säng), n.

  enter - velini, (vě•lē•nē), v.

  escape - othayr, (ōth´•âr), v, adj, n.

  eternal - itonel, (ē•to•něl´), adj, n.

  evening - avidel, (äv´•ĭ•děl), n, adj.

  ever - ito, (ēt•to), adv.

  every- kom, (kōḿ), adj.

  evil - cy, (sī), adj, v.

  eye - avu, (ăv•o´), n.

  • F

  face - sazj, (säzj), n.

  fade - lav, (läv), v.

  fair - yavule, (yăv´•o• lĕ), n, adj.

  faith - ful - irito, (ĭr´•ĭt•o), n, v.

  fall - fallen - tuma, (to´•mä), v. n.

  fall (season) - aundel, (än•dĕĺ), n

  family - diloy, (dĭl´•oi), n.

  far - ham, (häm), adj.

  farewell - gallinna, (gäl•lē´•nә), n. adj.

  fate - pathe, (päth´•ā), n.

  father - ata, (ät´•ä), n.

  fast - za, (zā), adj.

  feather - fae, (fā), n.

  fear - shivcy, (shĭv´-sī), n. v.

  feast - oicram, (ōy´• krăm), n, v.

  female - fea, (fē•ә), n. adj.

  fire - li, (lē), n, v. see light

  fish - unwa, (on´•wä), n.

  flame - liflarin, (lē• flä´•rĭn), n.

  flesh - shifel, (shĭv•fěl´), n.

  flower - sire, (sī•rē), n.

  fly - vi, (vē), v.

  follow - lakveli, (lāk• vě•lē´), v.

  fool, foolish - usag, (ós´•äg), n. adj.

  forbidden - talgeth, (tălg• gēth) v.

  forever - itonel, (ē•to•něl´), adj, n.

  forget - kor, (kōr), v.

  forgive - menoth, (měn• ōth´), v.

  forest - tuneald, (tyón•ăld), n.

  fortune - alyoth, (ăl•yōth)

  front - galak, (gāl•āk´), adj.

  fragile - ya, (yä), n.

  free - oth, (ōth), v, adj.

  friend - song, (säng), n.

  fulfilled - breth, (brěth), adj. (full)

  future - uta, (ó´•tә), n. tense

  • G

  garment - galt (gält), n.

  gift - lif, (līf), n, v.

  give - lifoth, (līf•ōth), v.

  gleam - stre, (strē), adj.

  go - gal, (gāl), v.

  goblet - chelar, (chě•lär´), n.

  God - Thi, (thē), n.

  god - an, (än), n.

  god(s) - thion, (thē´•әn)

  godsight, the game of godsight- shtan, (shtän), n. - godsight,

  gold - omdel, (ōm’• děl), n.

  good - we, (wě), adj, n.

  goodbye - gallinna, (gäl•lē´•nә), n. adj.

  grace - cris, (krĭs), n. adj.

  greed - fward, (fwärd), n.

  green - lemheth, (lěm•hěth´) adj.

  grey - kelyi, (kěl´•yē), adj.

  grief - gos, (gäs), n.

  grow, grown - asht, (äsht), v. adj.

  guard - wis, (wīs), n.

  • H

  hair - tel, (těl), n.

  hand - nuk, (nŭk), n.

  happy - sing, (sēng), adj.

  harp - lane, (lāne), n.

  hard - omt, (ōmt), adj.

  haste - tig, (tēg), adj, n.

  hate - cyavu, (sī´• ăv•o), n, v.

  head, mind - kep, (kěp), n.

  hear - vibre, (vē•brā´), v.

  heart - vas, (väs), n.

  heed - aarn, (ärn), v.

  here - nyet, (nī´•ět), n, adj.

  hello - lain, (lā’•ĭn), interjection

  hidden - ild, (ĭld), adj.

  hide - zixilb, (zĭks•ĭlb´),v.

  hill - lol, (lōl), n.

  history - delmilu, (děl•mĭl´•yo), n.

  hold - te, (tē), n, v.

  holy - caris, (kâr´•ĭs), adj. (sacred)

  holy place - tircaris, (tĭr•kâr´•ĭs), n

  hope - yar, (yâr), n, v.

  horn - shewu, (shě´•wo), n.

  horse - hirim, (hēr´•ĭm), n.

  hot - sli, (slē), adj.

  house - tiris, (tĭr´•ĭs), n.

  human - ea, (ēä), n, adj.

  home - fethe, (fěth’• ā), n.

  • I

  I - thi, (thē), n.

  ice - crik, (krīk), n.

  illuminate - lim, (lēm), v, adj.

  illusion - mont, (mänt), n.

  immortal - itonalya, (ē•to•năl•yә), n, adj.

  in - ni, (nĭ), prep, n.

  • J

  jagged - razar, (räz•är), adj.

  jewel - che, (chә), n.

  join - ning, (nēng), v.

  journey - lonwayro, (län•wěy´•rō), n, v.

  joy - ad, (ăd), adj, n.

  • K

  key - iris, (ī´•rĭs), n.

  kill - ithicne, (ĭth´•ĭk•ně), v.

  kin - hoy, (hoi), n.

  kind - lome, (lōm´•ā), adj.

  king - chal, (chăl), n.

  kiss - usht, (osht), v, n.

  knight - cerwis, (sěr’• wīs), n

  know - ustu, (ost´•o), v.

  knowledge - ustuse, (ost´•o•sē), n.

  • L

  labour, (toil) - gawk, (gawk), v, n.

  lady - feasht, (fē•äsht), n, adj.

  lake - fethequa, (fěth’• ā • kwä), n.

  lament - goshem, (gōsh•ěm´), n.

  lamp - hili, (hī•lē), n.

  language - ele, (ěl•ĭ), n.

  large - chad, (chäd), adj.

  last - sisge, (sĭs•gā), adj..

  late - avdem, (ăv´•děm), adj.

  laugh - gugad, (go´•găd), n, v

  law - nit, (nĭt), n.

  lay - ster, (stěr), v.

  lead - fogal, (fō´•gāl), v.

  leaf - falio, (fäl´•ēō), n.

  leap - vide, (vēd´•ә), v.

  learn - ustu, (os´•to), v.

  left - ap, (ăp), adj. - left

  leg - tooj, (toj), n.

  library, atheneum - sotir, (sō•tĭr), n.

  lie (untruth) - valso, (văl´•sō), n, v.

  life - alya, (ăl•yә), n,

  light - linna, (lē´•nә), n. also, li (lē), n.

  listen - vibre, (vē•brā´), v.

  lock - siri, (sĭ•rĭ´), n.

  lonely - ono, (ōn´•ō), adj.

  long - teng, (těng), adj.

  look - avume, (ăv•o´•mā), v.

  lord - teasht, (tē•äsht), n, adj.

  lost - gon, (gōn), adj. n.

  love - thia, (thē´•ä), n.

  loyal - dre, (drā), n.

  lute - lane, (lāne), n.

  • M

  magic - envelliqua, (ěn•vě´•lē•kwä), n.

  magician - envelliquist, (ěn•vēl´•i•kwĭst)

  make - thav, (thäv), v.

  male - teav, (tē´•әv), n, adj

  man - teav, (tē´•әv), n, adj

  many - tune, (tyón), adj.

  march - densca, (děns´•kā), v.

  marry - wetoi (wěy’ • to • oi), v.

  master - anfogal, (äwn´•fō•gāl), n.

  me - thi, (thē), n.

  meaning - fa, (fä), n. (purpose).

  meet - roft, (rôft), v.

  melody - teshuna, (těshl•o´•nә), n.

  memory - menic, (měn•ēk´), n.

  merry - sing, (sēng), adj.

  mind, head - kep, (kěp), n.

  mock - legu, (lěg´• o), v.

  mood - thamf, (thämf), n.

  moon - mel, (měl), n.

  moon - tifli, informal (tĭf•lē), n. slang.

  moon, sibling - Mellithion, (mě•lē•thē•әn) n.

  moonchild - melgia, (měl•zjēә´), n.

  moonlight - melinna, (mě•lē´•nә), n.

  more - nel, (něl), n. adj.

  morning - delna, (děl´•nә), n, v.

  mortal - alyeth, (ăl•yә•ěth), n, adj.

  mortal/human - ithea, (ĭth • ēä’), n.

  mother - afa, (äf•ä), n.

  mouth - tho, (thō), n.

  move - dech, (dēch), v.

  music - teshlore, (těsh•lō•rā´), n.

  myth - toele, (to• ĕ•lā), n. (see story)

  • N

  naked - ivopuv, (ĭv•ōṕ•әv), adj.

  name - soom, (som), n, v.

  neck - flet, (flět), n.


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