Book Read Free

The Shape of Rain

Page 57

by Michael B. Koep

  is, (ĭs), n. - shelter

  ist, (ĭst), n. - user

  it, (ĭt), v. revive

  ith, (ĭth), n. adj. - dead

  ithea, (ĭth • ēä’), n, - mortal man

  ithic, (ĭth´•ĭk), n. - death

  ithicne, (ĭth´•ĭc•ně), v. - slay, kill

  ithicsazj, (ĭth´•ic•säzj), n. - death mask

  ito, (ēt•to), adj. - again / ever

  itonalya, (ē•to•năl•yә), n, adj. immortal

  itonel, (ē•to•něl´), adj, n.- forever, eternal

  iv, (ĭv), n. - skin

  ivopuv, (ĭv•ōṕ•әv), adj. - naked

  iyuv, (ēy•ŭv´), n, v. - desire, need

  iyuvqua, (ēy´•ŭv•kwä), n, adj. thirst

  • J

  jas, (jās), n. - discord

  janu, (jăn•yo), n. - door

  jelth, (jělth), n. - thing

  jequa, (j•kwä), n, v. - balance

  jifoth, (jīf´•ōth), v. - share

  jor, (jōr), n. - bay

  joy, (jōy), n. - song

  • K

  ka, (kä), n. - shape

  kazjoy, (kä•zjoi), n. - singer

  kelyi, (kěl´•yē), adj. - grey

  kep, (kěp), n. - head

  ken, (kěn), n. - stalwart

  kom, (kōḿ), adj. - every

  koldav, (kōl´•dăv), v. - cast

  kor, (kōr), v. - forget

  kre, (krā), n. - world

  • L

  lain, (lā’•ĭn) - hello

  lak, (lāk), adj. - behind, rear

  lakveli, (lāk• vě•lē´), v. - follow

  lamt, (lămt), adj. - anger, wrath, rage

  lane, (lāne), n. - lute, harp

  lar, (lär), n. -cup

  lav, (läv), v. - fade

  legu, (lěg´• o), v. - mock

  lek, (lĕk), n. - chain

  lemheth, (lěm•hěth´) adj. - green

  li, (lē), n, v. - fire, light

  lif, (līf), n, v. - gift

  liflarin, (lē• flä´•rĭn), n. - flame

  lifoth, (līf•ōth), v. - give

  lifsht, (līf•sht), v. - reveal

  lifthia, (līf• thē´•ä), n, v. teach, teacher.

  lim, (lēm), v, adj. - illuminate

  linna, (lē´•nә), n. - light

  lit, (līt), adv. - yes

  liva, (lēvә), v. - breathe

  loka, (lōk´•ä), n, v. - command

  lol, (lōl), n - hill

  lome, (lōm´•ā), adj. - kind

  lonwayro, (län•wěy´•rō), n, v. journey

  lor, (lōr), v, n - rule

  lum, (lom), v. - reach

  • M

  machkena, (mă•kē´•nä), n. - dragon, serpent

  mak, (mäk), adj. - red

  maksa, (mäk´•să), adj. - orange

  mel, (měl), n. - moon

  melgia, (měl•zjēә´), n. - moonchild

  melinna, (mě•lē´•nә), n. - moonlight

  menic, (měn•ēk´), n. - memory

  menoth, (měn• ōth´), v. - forgive

  milu, (mĭ´l• yo), adj. - distant

  miluqua, (mĭ´l• yo•kwä), n. sea, ocean

  minle, (mĭn•lā), n, adj. - beloved

  misli, (mēs•lē), n. - wedding

  miva, (mī•vā), adj. n. - thank you

  mojel, (mō´•jěl), n. -aunt

  mont, (mänt), n. - illusion

  mryav, (mrē•ăv´), n. - realm, country

  • N

  na, (nә), adj. - early

  naf, (nāf), adj. - same, alike, akin

  nats, (năts), n. - uncle

  ne, (ně), v. - bring

  nel, (něl), n. adj. - more

  neld, (něld), n. - staff

  nemenic, (ně•měn´•ēk), v. - remember

  nen, (nĕn), n. - blade

  nenul, (něn´•ûl), n. - dagger

  nensha, (něn´•shä), n. - spear

  nesh, (něsh), adj. - safe

  netm, (nĕ•m), n - axe

  nit, (nēt), v. - stop

  ni, (nĭ), prep, n. - in

  nibs, (nĭbs), n. - teeth

  ning, (nēng), v. - join

  nit, (nĭt), n. - law

  noa, (nō´•ә), prep, n. - out

  nooj, (noj), n. - arm

  nost, (näst), n. - city

  nth, nth, (әnth), n. v. - suffer, suffering

  nugosht, (nŭ•gsht), adj. - pain

  nuk, (nŭk), n. - hand

  nya, (nyә), n. - tongue

  nyashe, (nyә´•shě), n, v. - voice

  nye, (nī), n, tense - now

  nyea, (nyē´•ә), v, n. - taste

  nyet, (nī´•ět), n, adj. - here

  nyth, (nīth), adj.- sweet

  • O

  oicram, (ōy´• krăm), n, v. - feast

  olath, (ōl•äth), n. - order, council

  olwu, (ōĺ•wo), n - breeze

  om, (ōm), n. - stone

  omt, (ōmt), adj. - hard

  omdel, (ōm’• děl), n - gold

  omvide, (ōm´•vēd´•ә), n.- pyramid

  on, (ōn), adj. - alone, one, single

  ono, (ōn´•ō), adj. - lonely

  opuv, (ōṕ•әv), adj. - bare

  ora, (ōr•ā´), n. - vision

  orathom, (ōr•ā•thôm´), n - dream

  oth, (ōth), v, adj. - free

  othayr, (ōth´•âr), v, adj, n. - escape

  • P

  pathe, (päth´•ā), n. - destiny, fate

  ple, (plĕ), prefix. - all

  plecom, (plĕ•kōḿ), adj. - all

  pronin, (prō´•nĭn), n. - cage

  pufta, (po•tә), n. - blossom

  pufte, (pof•tā), n, v. - cloud

  • Q

  qua, (kwä), n - water

  qual, (kwäl), adj. - wet

  qualum, (kwä•lom´), n, v. - root

  qui, (kwē), n. - thought

  quin, (kwēn), v. - think

  • R

  ra, (rä), n. - bed

  rathche, (räth´•chә), n, v. -crown

  rathin, (räth´•ĭn), n, v. - circle

  rav, (rāv), n - east

  razar, (räz•är), adj. - jagged

  ren, (rĕn), n. - arrow

  rente, (rěn•tē´), n. - quiver

  ress, (rĕs), n. - spirit

  resasht, (rĕs •äsht’), n, v. - quest,

  resta, (rĕs•ä), n, v. - armor

  revsul, (rĕ•sol), adj. - backward

  roft, (rôft), v. - meet

  ros, (rōs), n. - spider

  rot, (rät), n. bag

  ruf, (rŭf), n. - dog

  ruth, (rŭth), n. adj. - south

  rych, (rīsh), n. - branch

  • S

  sa, (sä), adj. - small

  saf, (săf), adj, n. - yellow

  saven, (sä•vēn´), n. - stream

  sazj, (säzj), n. - face

  sca, (scä), v. - walk

  scoli, (skōl´ • ē), v. - burn

  se, (sē), v. - believe

  selpa, (sěl•pā), v. - write

  SH words, see below

  sing, (sēng), adj. - happy, merry

  sis, (sīs), n. - seed

  sire, (sī•rē), n. - flower

  siri, (sĭ•rĭ´), n. - lock

  sis, (sĭs), n. - dust

  sisg, (sĭs•gә), adj, n. v. - end

  sisge, (sĭs•gā), adj. - last

  skia, (skēә), adj, n. - blue

  skiamak, (skēә•mäk), adj, n. purple

  sli, (slē), adj. - hot, heat

  slus, (slos), n, v. - drink

  so, (sō), n. - word, promise

  sotir, (sō•tĭr), n. - atheneum, library

  song, (säng), n. - friend

  soom, (som), n, v. - name

  sosisg, (sō• sĭs•gә), adj. absolute

  stat, (stät), n. - cat

  ster, (stěr), v. - lay

  stre, (strē), adj. - gleam
  stre, (strě), n, v. - cry, weep

  stora, (stōr´•ä), n. - rose

  strique (strē•kwä), n, v. - beam

  • SH

  sha, (shä), n. scepter

  shaf, (shäf), n. - parent

  shar, (shär), n, v. - claw, talon

  shawis, (shä´•wīs) - v. defend, protect

  she, (shě), n. - sound

  shek, (shěk), n. - noise

  sheree, (shěr•ē), n. - oneness, unity

  sheshu, (shě´•shә), n. - echo

  shewu, (shě´•o), n. - horn

  shifel, (shĭv•fěl´), n. - flesh

  shivcy, (shĭv´-sī), n. v. - fear, terror

  sht, (sht), n. - sight

  shtan, (shtän), n. - godsight, the game of Shtan

  shu, (shә), v. - repeat

  • T

  ta, (tā), n. - bread

  tala, (tăl´•ā), n. - victory

  talg, (tălg), n. - wall

  talgeth (tăl´•gēth) v. - forbidden

  te, (tē), n, v. - hold

  teasht, (tē•äsht´), n, adj. - lord

  teav, (tē´•әv), n, adj - male, man

  teavoy, (tē´•әv•oi), n. - brother

  tel, (těl), n. - hair

  telf, (tělf), n - standard

  teng, (těng), adj. - long

  tengnen, (těng´•něn), n. - sword

  ter, (těr), v. - sit

  teshlore, (těsh´•lō•rā´), n. - music

  teshuna, (těshl•o´•nә), n. - melody

  TH words, see below

  tifli, (tĭf´•lē), n. - moon

  tig, (tēg), adj, n. - haste, rush

  tik, (tēk), n, v. - count

  tir, (tĭr), n. - room, chamber

  tircaris, (tĭr•kâr´•ĭs), n. - temple, cathedral, holy place

  tircan, (tĭr•käwn´), n. - templar, temple minister

  tiris, (tĭr´•ĭs), n - house

  tle, (tlě), adj. - tall

  toke, (tōk), n. - pipe

  to, (to), v. - age

  tooj, (toj), n. - leg

  toojsca, (toj´•scä), v. - pace

  toele, (to´• ĕ•lā),n. ancient story, myth

  trimer, (trĭ´•měr), v. - quake

  tuma, (to´•mä), v. n. - fall, fallen

  tune, (tyón), adj. - many

  tuneald, (tyón´•ăld), n. - forest

  tunefore, (tyón´•fōr•rā). adj. abundant

  tunow, (to•nōw´), n. - book

  tuqua, (to´•kwä), v. - pour

  twiv, (twēf), n. - wine

  • TH

  thamf, (thämf), n. - mood

  tha, (thä), n. - soul

  the, (thā), adj. v. - complete

  thave, (thä•vā), n, v. - art, craft

  thebre, (thĕ´•brĕ), adj. - alive

  thesht, (thēsht), n, v. - whisper

  Thi, (thē), n. - God

  thi, (thē), n. - I, me, The One

  thia, (thē´•ä), n. - love

  thiagon, (thēä´•gōn), n, v - quarrel, fight

  thion, (thē´•әn), n. - sibling, gods

  tho, (thō), n. - mouth

  thom, (thäm), adj. - beyond

  thu, (tho), n - turn

  thur, (tho), adj. - newborn

  • U

  ul, (ŭl), adj - short

  ulk, (ŭlk), n. - enemy

  unwa, (on´•wä), n. fish

  ur, (or), n. - conscience

  usag, (ós´•äg), n. adj. - fool, foolish

  usht, (osht), v, n. - kiss

  ustu, (os´•to), v. - know, learn

  ustuse, (ost´•o•sē), n. knowledge

  uta, (o ´•tә), n. tense - future

  uv, (ov), n.- omen

  • V

  val, (văl), adj - broken

  valsild, (văl´•sĭld), n, v. - trap

  valso, (văl´•sō), n, v. - lie, untruth,

  vas, (väs), n. - heart

  veli, (vě•lē´), n. - come

  velini, (vě•lē´•nē), v. - enter

  ven, (vēn), n. - river

  ver, (věr), v - speak

  verceress, (věr´•sěr•ěss), v, n. commune

  vete, (vě•tē´), v. - catch

  vifae, (vē•fā´), n. - wing

  vi, (vē), v. - fly

  vibre, (vē•brā´), v. - hear, listen

  vide, (vēd´•ә), v. - leap

  visu, (vē´•so), adj. - above

  volwu, (vōl´•wo), n. - wind

  • W

  we, (wě), adj, n. - good

  wecer, (wě´•cěr), adj, n. - right

  wetoi, (wěy´• to • oi), v. - marry

  wev, (wěv), n. - vine

  wey, (wěy), n. - course

  wigler, (wĭg´•lěr), n. - wand

  wis, (wīs), n. - guard

  wital, (wī´•tăl), n. - shield

  willo, (wĭl´• ō), adj. - ancient

  wok, (wōk), adj. - thin

  wyn, (wĭn), n. - sky

  • Y

  ya, (yä), n. - delicate, fragile

  yar, (yâr), n, v. - hope

  yathe, (yäth´•ә), v. - swim

  yav, (yāv), adj, n. - west

  yavule, (yăv´•o• lĕ), n, adj. - beauty, beautiful

  yn, (yĭn), adj - up

  yul, (yol), v. - celebrate

  yut, (yot), adj. - down

  yuth, (yŭth), adj, n. - north

  • Z

  za, (zā), adj. - fast, swift

  zish, (zĭsh), n. - peril, danger

  zix, (zĭks), n, v, adj. - blind

  zixilb, (zĭks•ĭlb´),v. - hide

  zjoy, (zjoi), v. - sing

  zle, (zlě), n. - nose


  It has taken well over twenty years to arrive at this page. I am grateful to these dear and amazing people for helping me along the path.

  My parents, Kenneth and Diana Koep. Stan, Jo Lynn and Mel. Bob, Bobbi, Bean and Nic, Eric and Laurie Wilson (Olive and Ondo), Scott Clarkson (caw minle—for your love of this story and helping me to sharpen it) and Dani, Prue and Jude, Mark Rakes (Markr), Cristopher Lucas (Captain), Cary Beare (Belzaare), Tami and Barb Clarkson, Tom Brunner, David and Lisa VanHersett, Steve Gibbs, Jeff Hagman, Joe and Sara Linch, Andrea Brockmeyer, Margaret Hurlocker, Mary Starkey, Dan Spaulding, Jason Williamson (Bag Man), Michael Roberts, Monte Thompson, Harvey Pepper, Tyler Davis, Elizabeth Stokes, Adam Graves, Toby Reynolds, Karolyn Rogers, Calvin (Vincale), Majorie and Brynn Langley, Michelle, Kyler and Taryn John, Blair Williams, Anthony Nelson, Paul and Shannon Irwin, Greg and Jillian Rowley, Glenn Case, Russ Abrams, Dennis Davaz, Jane Mauser and Rory Mcleod, Darin Schaffer, Neal Plazas, Daryl Lewis (The Magic of an Ordinary Man). Manito (climbing pyramids and then moving to the Azores), The Heren Sindaril and The Rubbish. All at the Cd’A Arts and Culture Alliance, The 315 Greenbriar Inn, The Well Read Moose, Elkins Resort and The Iron Horse. Lisa Koep and Geri and Walter Perkins.

  It was a privilege to have drafts of this book red-inked and pencil-scratched by two exacting and thoughtful editors. Thank you to Professor Michael Herzog for listening to me talk about this story for the better part of two decades, and for continuing to teach me how to write it. And to Allison McCready (Luminaare)—who has been there for all three—thank you for your incredible eye, tireless imagination and your nurturing spirit for the story and all those that live inside it.

  I offer my deepest gratitude to Mark Lax, Andreas John and all at Will Dreamly Arts Publishing for their love, support and enthusiasm (and countless other inspirations and memories) over the course of this journey. Here’s to the adventures to come.

  To Sheree Jerome (Deliavu) for the joy and light you have brought to my world—what wonders ahead.

  And to my son Michael Scott (Lemthia) for the endless stream of questions, the sword fights in between paragraphs and the patience you’ve shown your dear old Dad.

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  Part One: The Invasion of Heaven />
  Trade Paperback ISBN # 978-09893935-1-5

  Hardcover ISBN # 978-0-9893935-0-8

  Part Two: Leaves of Fire

  Trade Paperback ISBN # 978-0-9893935-4-6

  Hardcover ISBN # 978-9893935-8-4




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