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The Dragon's Rose: A Dragon Shifter Romance Novel

Page 11

by Serena Rose

  The king shot her a look that was blazing with love. It sat on his face a moment before he pulled it back and sat on his throne with a nonchalant air.

  “Yes, and here we are,” the king studied Bella a moment. “I wonder what the Shadow King seeks with her. Besides her beauty and green eyes, she is quite—common.”

  “She is a descendent of the La’ Draiochta, my love. I’d hardly call that common,” the queen rebuked gently, and the king shrugged.

  “Even so, I see nothing the Shadow King sees.”

  “She sings, father,” Rogan threw out, and shock colored the king’s face. He did not even try to hide the emotion as he stared wide-eyed at Bella.

  “You sing?”

  “Yes,” Bella admitted.

  “She has killed creatures with her gift,” Rogan told the king who sat in contemplative silence a moment before speaking.

  “Hmph. I can now see why the Shadow King would be intrigued,” the king remarked and then leveled a strange gaze upon Bella. “You shall sing for the court.”

  It was not a question or a request, but a direct command. Bella wanted to refuse, but looked over at Rogan’s tense face and sighed. “Yes.”

  The queen clapped happily. “I am very excited. I have only heard singing once, long ago when I was a child. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, then or since.”

  Bella couldn’t help but smile at the queen’s enthusiasm. She couldn’t help but like the woman.

  “Now, please rest and prepare for this evening’s festivities. I will have the servants prepare a special feast. Many of our finest dignitaries and those of Bella’s clan will be in attendance.”

  Bella opened her mouth and then closed it quickly. Her clan?

  “So, others of the La’Draiochta will be there?” Bella queried, and the queen inclined her head curiously.

  “Yes. These are your people. Surely you are pleased?”

  Bella wasn’t sure what to say, so she simply nodded.

  “Very well, please take them to their chambers,” the queen ordered. She quickly came off her throne, however, and approached her son. She drew him into a firm hug and kissed his cheek warmly.

  “I am so very glad you are here and you arrived safely,” his mother said, and Rogan smiled at her affectionately.

  “Thank you, mother.”

  “Now, run along,” she told him. “And don’t be late this evening.”

  Rogan nodded, and Bella was soon led off to a side door to a corridor. Alannah and Hildevar popped seemingly out of nowhere to walk beside her as she sauntered down the hall behind the king’s attendant. She wanted to ask how they’d gotten there, but she shrugged and just accepted it. Magic. In spite of the things she’d seen, she was still fighting that innate part of herself that was mired in the mundanities of Earth.

  The attendant led them to a huge set of double doors and then escorted them inside. Bella was nearly bowled over by the beauty and magnificence of the room. Every surface was brushed in gold and silver, and the walls were inlaid with precious gems.

  “Wow,” Bella breathed.

  “Yes,” Hildevar agreed. “This is—this is--”

  “These are damn sweet digs.”

  “Sweet indeed,” Alannah added as they all stared in awe.

  They all smiled and then, as if by some unspoken signal, raced about the room looking at various things and investigating.

  “Hildevar! My queen! Come look!” Alannah shouted from the bathing area. They both rushed in and gasped at the accommodations. No way, Bella thought. There was a waterfall in the bathroom. A rocky wall that reached up to at least fifty feet to the ceiling came down into a luxurious pool laced with flowers and breathtaking plants. Gold and silver accoutrements raced across the dressing area, and even the toilet area looked rich and inviting.

  Bella smiled. “I could get used to this. And I thought Rogan had an awesome castle--”

  “When you are queen, you can make his castle so,” Alannah said excitedly.

  “Yes, my queen, you can make it so,” Hildevar added, her eyes shining. Without the heavy mantle of responsibility she usually wore around Rogan and his men, Bella saw that Hildevar looked much younger. Hildevar was probably not much older than Bella.

  “Yeah,” Bella said and didn’t meet their eyes. The two didn’t notice and continued to coo over the fine things they found in the bathing area and the chambers.

  “Hey, we should probably get some shuteye before the big to-do tonight,” Bella told them, and Hildevar nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yes, of course, my queen--”

  “You know what?” Bella said, her hand raised. “I order you to call me Bella.”

  “Well, that—that would be inappropriate--” Hildevar sputtered.

  “Well, call me that in private, when it’s just one of you two around or both.”

  Alannah smiled gleefully. “Yes, Bella!”

  Hildevar was slow to respond, but then a smile spread across her face. “Yes my—Bella.”

  They all squealed like school girls as they saw that the servants’ quarters off Bella’s chambers were just as lavish.

  “Promise me when you are queen, my quarters will look like this!” Hildevar exclaimed before she censored herself with a squeak and a hand to her mouth.

  Bella laughed. “Definitely.”

  The three chatted amicably, with Hildevar telling Bella what to expect at the evening’s festivities. Alannah offered an observation or two here and there, and Bella swallowed nervously.

  “It is nothing to be afraid of, Bella,” Hildevar told her. “It is all pageantry. Just avoid the ones who are looking to marry above their station.”

  Alannah agreed as she tested out a comfy chair. “Those are the worst kinds at these affairs. They love to gossip--”

  “And they are vicious. But do not be moved. They are cowards.”

  “And we will be there,” Alannah assured her, and Bella smiled gratefully. She was really getting to love them and almost felt guilty for wanting to go home and leave them behind. In another world, they could all be out right now at a club, dancing the night away and getting tipsy. Bella sighed sadly and then grinned at them.

  “Let’s jump on the bed.”

  Hildevar tried to look scandalized, but a smirk peeked out. “I must do as my queen orders.”

  Alannah clapped and slipped off her shoes.

  “I used to always do this whenever my aunt and uncle took me to a hotel for a vacation,” Bella explained as she took off her shoes and jumped onto the bed.

  The bed was soft and deliciously springy. She jumped happily into the air, and Hildevar and Alannah soon followed.

  They were soon giggling like little girls and, after a few minutes, collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily.

  “I must admit, Bella,” Hildevar said. “That was quite fun. I have not done that since I was a small child.”

  “You have to live a little, Hildi.”

  “Hildi?” Hildevar said and sat up.

  “Yup. That’s your new nickname,” Bella told her, and Hildevar burst into laughter.

  “Alright. Hildi it is,” Hildevar agreed.

  “And what about me?” Alannah pouted, and Bella grinned.

  “What about Lana?” Bella offered, and Alannah smiled.

  “I like it,” she agreed, and the three rested a moment in silence.

  “Guys, do you think I could really make a difference here?” Bella asked, and Alannah sat up.

  “Of course I do. I am sure you will. I am certainly much happier for your presence.”

  “I agree,” Hildevar told her. “I am glad you will be queen.”

  Bella chewed her lip thoughtfully for a long moment and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Bella muttered.


  A few hours later, Bella was dressed in one of the finest dresses she had ever seen. Her face was gorgeously painted and her eyes greatly accentuated. Her lips were a perfect red
pout, and her waist was nipped in tightly, with her thick mane of hair hanging about her face in fetching curls. Bella stared at her reflection in something akin to wonderment and didn’t turn when she heard the doors open.

  “Yes, Hildi, I’m coming,” she called out and turned to see Rogan handsomely dressed in a dark leather tunic and pants that accentuated his muscular thighs. Bella felt her mouth run dry as her heart began to race and stutter. He flashed her a smile and wetness poured out from her center. She clutched her legs together beneath her billowing skirt and coughed.

  “Rogan, what are you doing here?” she asked, and he stalked towards her, his eyes flashing.

  “I have come to see my wife. Is that a crime?”

  “N—No,” Bella asked as he came close to her. His face was inches from her own, and he smelled of something sweet and dusky. She tried hard to resist running her hair through his thick locks.

  “I—I don’t--” Bella began and stopped when Rogan moved to kiss her. His lips teased her own before his tongue slipped inside, slowly and methodically exploring her depths. She moaned and moved her hands up to the nape of his neck to tangle her fingers in his hair. He groaned, and the kiss deepened. Her body felt as if it were on fire, and she pulled away, desperate to rid herself of her growing desire.

  Rogan grinned; his face was still glazed with lust as he stared back at her, his eyes flashing. Bella was enraptured by their changing color and, before she knew it, she was back in his embrace. She pulled away once more and let out a heavy breath.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” she declared.

  “Why not? You will be my wife.”

  “Rogan, what if I find a way home?”

  He was silent a moment and then nodded. “I know that you miss your homeland. But you have the life of luxury here. Do you not want that?”

  “It’s not about that, Rogan—I--” Bella tried to think of her point but was distracted by his lips and his broad chest. She tried to begin again but stopped when she saw Hildevar peek inside the room. Relieved, Bella moved around Rogan.

  “We can talk about this later,” she told him, and he nodded.

  As Bella and Hildevar made their way into the corridor, Bella mouthed a grateful, “Thank you” to Hildevar, who blushed wildly.

  “I should not have interrupted--” she began, and Bella shook her head.

  “No, if you hadn’t, I probably would have done something stupid.”

  Hildevar furrowed her brow. “What is it you may have done?”

  “Had sex with my future husband. That’s what.”

  Hildevar shot Bella a confused look and led her down the corridor. They were soon joined by Alannah and a contingent of the king’s servants.

  Trumpets once again sounded, and Bella was ushered into a side door. There was a long pause while Bella fidgeted. Hildevar smoothed a light touch over her arm, and Bella smiled. The doors opened, and Bella was taken into a magnificent ballroom, teeming with people who danced, talked and smiled. They all made way for her, some curious, some openly hostile, and most seemed to only want to be entertained.

  “Future queen of the Tuatha-Muin and wife of Rogan Gunnar from the Southern Clan, son of Dagan, King of all he surveys,” a loud voice announced.

  Showtime, Bella thought as she strode proudly into the room, her head held high. The crowd parted as she was led to a raised dais. She was surprised to see Rogan already there, a drink held lightly in his hand and a bored expression upon his face. He smirked when he saw Bella. Bella’s heart raced when she thought of his lips upon her own, and she looked away.

  She looked over at the queen who smiled at Bella pleasantly. Bella could tell the smile was sincere and she was flooded with relief. She could see Rogan’s father staring at Bella as if she were some kind of interesting insect, and Bella wanted to frown, but instead pasted an artificial smile upon her face. She was placed next to Rogan, and she sat, trying to arrange her skirts and sit comfortably.

  Hildevar eased her into the chair and seemed to disappear the moment Bella was finally seated. Bella was trying to avoid acknowledging the hundreds of eyes that were upon her and risked looking over at Rogan instead.

  He squeezed her hand under the table and told her softly, “Don’t worry; soon, everyone will be drunk and having too much fun to scrutinize you.”

  Bella grinned, “Really?”

  “Yes. It’s the only way I can get through these things myself.”

  Bella stymied a chuckle and looked out into the crowd. People had begun dancing once more, but there were quite a few still staring in Bella’s direction.

  “How do you handle all this?” Bella said, groaning.

  “I have been groomed for this my entire life,” he told her as he shrugged. “I am used to this.”

  Bella felt her shoulders sag in relief when the strains of music grew louder and everyone began to focus on their dancing and less on her.

  “So you always had to come to these things?” she asked conversationally, and Rogan took a sip of his wine before answering.

  “Yes, but I hated them. Especially as a child. I wanted to play with my friends, not sit in a stuffy uniform and dance with girls I didn’t like.”

  Bella snorted and then stopped when Rogan shot her a lusty look.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her. “But then again, you always do.”

  Bella blushed and looked over at the dancing crowd before her. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and looked over to see Alannah staring down at her.

  “The king commands that you sing,” Alannah told Bella, who frowned. “I know you don’t want to, but--”

  “I will,” Bella said, and she stood. “I’ll be back, Rogan,” she said, and he brushed her hand. Bella shivered. He’s dangerous, she warned herself as she walked away.

  She was led to the center of the room as dancers pulled away and looked on, curious as to what the future queen would do. She stood there a moment, and everyone began whispering fiercely, thinking perhaps she’d make an announcement or dance.

  Magical threads lifted Bella’s hair and wound about her dress before disappearing. Suddenly, the strings of Bella’s favorite song filled the air, and Bella looked about in surprise. Alannah shot Bella a knowing smile, and Bella grinned a bit before turning back to the crowd around her.

  Bella began softly at first, her voice teasing out the opening lines with a coquettishness belied only by the power thrumming within her. Everyone stopped, and even the servants paused in their duties to stare at Bella with astonishment.

  Her voice filled the ballroom, its sweetness coupled with a strength that pushed at the magical core of every being in the room. Some struggled to stand on their feet and swayed. Others could only stare with misty-eyed surprise as she continued on.

  “She sings!” a voice trilled as she captured every ear with her vibrato. Bella built up to a crescendo as she hit the bridge and then came down hard, her voice holding a note for several moments before sliding off into an easy butterfly-like caress. Bella was lost in the song; she swayed and closed her eyes and let herself flow into the music. She felt just like she did on stage with her band behind her and a raucous audience moving beneath the notes like waves.

  She tapped her feet in tune to the beat and opened her eyes. What she saw astonished her. Not one person was moving. They were all still as statues, as if enraptured. Bella continued singing, her voice pushing higher and higher until it bottomed out beautifully from the depths of her diaphragm and into the cool air. She began to end the song, adding bits of humming and scatting before finally ending with one sweet note.

  The music faded away, and Bella was left standing, looking about the room with apprehension building inside her. Suddenly, the room exploded in sound. Everyone was clapping happily, while others kneeled, pledging fealty to the future queen. Bella turned to see Rogan looking at her with such want and desire that her knees shook. He was clapping slowly, a sexy slow smile spreading across his face.

  Bella’s breat
h caught. She couldn’t deny it any longer. She wanted Rogan. And he wanted her.

  She licked her lips and let Hildevar usher her back to her table. She caught the king’s eye, who nodded at her, an expression of grudging respect splashed across his face. Bella nodded back and took a seat. Rogan wrapped his hand around hers beneath the table, and they gazed at each other, the room seemingly melting away until it was only her and him.

  Bella swallowed and looked down at her hands. She couldn’t believe it. She knew, just knew if she stayed in this world any longer, she would be his. She glanced at him from lowered lashes, and she knew that he knew it, too.

  A jaunty tune began, and Rogan grabbed her hand.

  “Let us dance,” he told her, and Bella coughed.

  “Um—I don’t know any of your--”

  “It is fine. I will lead,” he told her, his voice heavy with promises and something that tickled and pushed at Bella’s willpower.

  She felt as if she were floating from her chair and onto the floor. Then, she was in Rogan’s arms, her head against his chest and his arms and hands on her back. She pulled away to gaze into his eyes, and she felt her knees trembling once more. His eyes were glowing softly, the different colors blending and merging so beautifully against his long lashes that Bella felt mesmerized. She licked her lips and watched as Rogan’s eyes followed her tongue. She shivered. His fingers were splayed against the top of her back, which was laid bare. He smoothed his fingers across the delicate skin, and Bella wanted nothing more than to melt into him. She could feel her center growing wet, and she tried distracting herself by looking away and into the faces of those around her.

  The music rushed into something soft and lilting, and Bella almost cursed. Rogan was pulling her close again, and she couldn’t resist him. His smell was filling her nostrils and making her burn with a need she’d never had before. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, her mind chanted, and she fought to regain control of her emotions. The music finally ended, and Bella slowly moved away from Rogan, the temptation to dive back into his arms strong and nearly overwhelming. The strains of the music then faded away and everyone issued polite applause.


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