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Blaze: A Firefighter Romance

Page 61

by Lisa Lace

  Thiago flattened the creases on the overlapping dark denim lapels of his coat. The leather sleeves of his rarely used formal wear breathed lightly with each of his movements.

  He examined a square steel band around his wrist. He had bolted the center himself with a single piece of burnt screw found in the remains of his father's workshop. He pressed down on the button, making ghostly green digits project onto his arm.

  "Come on, Ardela, Eden. You said we were going to leave in five minutes. That was half an hour ago."

  Thiago spun around at the noise of the bathroom door opening. Ardela paraded into the room. Half of her pushed-up breasts poured out of a tiny strapless dress miraculously clinging to her body. She twirled around, showing off dizzying intricate patterns on her gaudy golden dress and a peek of her butt.

  "Do you like it?"

  He blinked, averting his eyes from her open invitation. Thiago managed to focus his attention on her hair instead, which Ardela had intricately coiled around her head like a nest of pink snakes.

  "You look lovely," said Thiago tonelessly. He stretched out his neck, his eyes gliding right past Ardela's shoulder. "Now where's Eden?" Thiago gulped, feeling his words trail off at the abrupt knotting in his chest.

  Eden wrapped a hand around the side of the doorway. Her intent was to guide herself out of the bathroom, but the result was making her concealed body more alluring for Thiago. She wore one of Ardela's silver couture dresses, with large clusters of looped wiring and pinpoints of small lights for a collar. Biting down on her lip, Eden did a tentative twirl as Ardela peppered her with poise and make-up retention tips from the side.

  Thiago had only ever seen Eden's hair in its all-natural, frizzy state. Although he possessed an unspoken love for her curls, her glamorous appearance stunned him speechless. She had completely straightened her fiery curls and gathered back her hair in a long ponytail wrapped with silver spirals. The hair pushed away from her face revealed pointed, elfin ear prosthetics. Geometric triangles of the Jadene alien race lined her cheeks. His eyes skimmed her long, graceful legs, her lanky frame appearing taller with the gladiator heels.

  "Didn't I tell you I was a miracle worker? I could turn a Blazian's ear into a silk purse," said Ardela cheerfully, arranging the billowy skirt wiring under the corset of Eden's dress. She glanced up at Eden with an apologetic smile, quickly adding, "Not that I'm making any comparisons, of course."

  "I'm going to be the first one to say it. I feel and look ridiculous," said Eden, turning to head back into the bathroom. "I should change into something else."

  "Don't! You look great!" said Thiago. He hemmed, looking away as he scratched at a nonexistent itch on the back of his sweaty neck. "What I meant to say was, you look presentable."

  "Really?" said Eden, cracking a smile.

  "Look at the time. Thiago's right," said Ardela suddenly, a cheery smile plastered on her face. She ushered Eden toward the front door. "We should get going before they cancel our reservations."

  "This lounge is out of this world," said Eden with delight as she shoveled a forkful of fruit salad into her mouth. She washed down the salad with a glass of flower-scented water. Her grip tightened around the stem of her gold-stained wineglass as she quickly added, "I suppose it's out of my world."

  In spite of Ardela's best attempts to give the trio a makeover, the group still managed to stand out from the Runic patrons of the restaurant. The shortest of the three, Eden, still towered over the average Runic's four-foot height. They were tucked away in one of the isolated corner booths in the back. Eden had to keep herself from rudely ogling the Runics. They reminded her of smooth-skinned goblins dressed in their Sunday best. They had webbed hands and feet; their rough skin was the color and texture of tar.

  "I'm pleased to see you are enjoying yourself," said Ardela, raising her glass for a toast. She swirled around a rich plum liquid in her glass while she unfolded her bottom lip. "It's a shame you can't have any of the Bambina wine. The taste is simply sublime. Sadly, almost all alcohol on HT-007 is toxic to humans."

  "Keep your voice down," said Thiago sternly, an eyebrow shooting up disdainfully. "You should know better than to broadcast your secrets all over a bar."

  "Will you relax?" said Ardela, shaking her head. She raked her hand playfully across the length of Thiago's arm. "You were always wound too tightly."

  "I spotted one of Malatov's direct subordinates in one of the private rooms. You don't want to risk having your lounge membership revoked, do you?"

  "We're in a private booth of our own," Ardela responded in defense. The hoop around her nostril bobbed as she spoke. "Why do you always have to second-guess me?"

  Eden remained blissfully unaware of the bickering between her companions. "Have you tasted this, Ardela?" Eden asked innocently. She deliberately sliced off a chunk of the torc tenderloin on her plate, causing a river of juices and blood to trickle out from the meat. "This cut is delicious. Thank you so much for taking us to dinner."

  "It wasn't a problem at all," said Ardela. She softened immediately as soon as Eden started stroking her ego. "Thiago, I understand your next target is a Runic native. I suppose that nasty bastard Salabar is next on your agenda?"

  "As a matter of fact, he is," said Thiago, nodding his head as he crunched down on a piece of bread. "I can't wait to get my hands on that filthy scum."

  "That sounds dangerous," said Eden, shifting uneasily in her seat. "What's his story?"

  "He's another traitor who willingly fed secrets of his species to Malatov and the Noxx army," said Thiago, gesturing with his half-eaten bread still in hand. "He's wanted for running one of the largest networks of trafficking and prostitution on the planet. Don't let his diminutive stature fool you. People think he committed crimes in over one hundred fifty different territories."

  "I'm impressed you've managed to track him down," said Ardela, her intelligent eyes narrowing. "Do you remember when we took down his partner, Drako? The one with the undercover brothel scheme? Drako tried to jump out the window when we revealed ourselves to him."

  "He ended up falling into a vat of discarded lard and grease the kitchen left sitting out in the back," said Thiago, chuckling.

  "You know, we did make a solid team at some point. We caught Drako together. What do you think about teaming up for old time's sake and taking down Salabar?"

  "That doesn't sound like a great idea, to be honest."

  "There you go again, being your negative nebula self," said Ardela. She turned to Eden. "Why don't we ask her what she thinks?"

  "Huh? Sure. I mean, yes, whatever you said sounds like a good idea." Eden smiled vaguely. She hadn't heard a word of the conversation, actively tuning it out to enjoy the meal. As Ardela continued to work on changing Thiago's mind, Eden's eyes drifted to the opening of the private room across from their booth.

  The paper sliding door stood slightly ajar, revealing the brightly-lit interior of the room. Below a ceiling decorated with floating paper lanterns set against a romantic projection of a starry night, Eden watched a disturbing scene.

  The elderly Noxx official Thiago saw earlier now occupied the end of a long, empty table draped with an antique white tablecloth and lace place settings. Next to him was a young human woman clad in a spellbinding floor-length gown. Her corset bodice was a gorgeous, regal blue and inlaid with honey-gold designs and trimmings. Although her jewelry was flashy and the makeup on her face looked perfect, there was not a breath of life in her glassy hazel eyes. Eden saw the reason for her docility around the woman's neck. She wore an ominous shock collar encrusted with diamonds and colorful stones, the beauty of the gemstones masking the danger of the necklace.

  Eden watched hesitantly as the Noxx held up a spoonful of thick, foul-looking soup to the woman's mouth. She turned away from him, leaning back in her chair as her face grimaced in revulsion. The Noxx sneered, revealing a set of bleeding gums. The mottled feathers that crowned his head spread forward as he calmly sat back in his chair with his sp
oon still raised in the air. He reached for a small remote on the table to his side and pressed down on the button as a sickening smile spread across his lips.

  A sudden flurry of sparks lit up on the woman's collar, sending her convulsing and lurching forward in pain.

  "Oh no!" yelled Eden. Her cheeks flushed red from the sudden attention Thiago and Ardela diverted towards her. Eden flashed them a guilty smile. "Sorry. I thought I saw a rat run across the floor. False alarm."

  Eden peeked back into the room. The woman's shoulders were slumped forward in defeat, obediently lapping the contents of the spoon held in front of her. Eden's heart pounded against her chest. She cut herself another slice of her steak, crossing her legs to conceal the moist spot growing between her legs.

  "Can I help you with something?" asked Thiago, shrugging off his formal wear with the speed and angst of a teenager who had been forced to dress up for a fancy dinner party.

  Eden was hunched over in his open closet, rummaging through unfolded heaps of clothing on his floor like a forgetful squirrel searching for a buried acorn.

  "Where did you put the shock collar you found with me?" asked Eden, resting her chin on her shoulder. "You didn't throw it away, did you?"

  "No, you never know when you'll need something like that," said Thiago slowly. Those were the last words he had expected to come out of her mouth. And she had mentioned it offhandedly, as well. "Why would you be looking for such a thing?"

  "Trust me," said Eden, rising off the ground.

  She shimmied out of Ardela's dress and laid it on the side of a chair. Gently removing the spirals holding her sleek ponytail in place, she lay the slinky hair accessory on the nightstand. His enchanted eyes watched as her loosened hair fell around her shoulders, a few tousled strands sexily framing her face.

  "So where is it?"

  Thiago opened the third drawer of the nightstand and felt around the bottom, retrieving an ugly collar along with a remote control. Eden took the collar from him and fastened it around her neck. She closed her palm over the control in his hands, a wicked smile crossing her lips as she gazed up at him.

  "Could you hold onto this for me?"

  Before Thiago could ask any questions, Eden flung her arms around him. She pulled him close hungrily, keeping him silent as she kissed him with the all the passion she had pent up from the restaurant. Something about the morally reprehensible, yet titillating scene she witnessed aroused something she never knew existed inside her.

  There was nothing more she wanted at that moment than to let Thiago have his way with her. The intense satisfaction that sparked in Thiago's eyes as he controlled his last target, Krypt, with his mind-control theremin device, made Eden yearn for a similar sensation.

  Eden broke away from the sloppy kiss. She fell back on the bed, daintily wiping the sides of her mouth with the back of her hand. With a mischievous grin on her face, Eden slipped off her panties and tossed them aside. She spread her legs wide open to taunt him, stroking her drenched folds with the tips of her fingers. A whispered moan came out of her lips as her middle finger squeezed her sex. She thrust the finger in and out of her quivering folds, her fluttering eyes locking onto Thiago's.

  "Don't just stand there. What are you waiting for?" Eden teased him through clenched teeth. "Go ahead. Zap me."


  "Do it, Thiago. Trust me."

  His finger hovered tentatively over the button of the control, his Adam's apple bobbing as he stared at her. The hardening bulge in his pants swelled with every pumping movement of her nimble finger. Lost in the euphoria present on her beautifully contorting face, he gently pressed down on the control.

  A momentary spark shot off once on her shock collar. Eden gasped, her eyelids snapping back. She purred faintly, her lowering head sinking back into his pillows.


  Thiago obliged. He tentatively held the button down for three seconds before his finger bounced off the knob. The bulge between his legs throbbed at the sight her jiggling breasts, trembling along with the short, sensual spasms of her body. Stumbling out of his underwear, he climbed onto the bed. He moved on top of her, his cock dragging against her calf and up the warm flesh of her thighs.

  Eden clutched a clump of his hair in her fist, licking a trail along his musky neck as she whispered into his ear.

  "Don't hold back."

  Chapter Sixteen

  "I bring bad news, kids."

  Ardela sauntered out from the central office of the spacecraft repair station. The station was enormous, claiming a commercial-sized pod for itself, and hovered over thirty thousand feet above ground level. She crossed the landing strip toward Eden and Thiago, who were playing fetch with Hercules by Thiago's parked spaceship.

  "I just spoke to about five different employees at the station," Ardela announced as she approached them. She crossed her arms, sighing theatrically. "The flight software on my craft is too advanced for those Runic hicks. It's not just that they don't have my processor in stock. They don't even carry the one I need! Can you believe it?"

  "That's what I tried to explain to you back on my ship," said Thiago. He snorted unpleasantly. "If you would have listened to me, we could have avoided this waste of time."

  "Be nice," Eden whispered. She could already feel the slow creep of Ardela's stay extending past the Salabar mission. Turning to Ardela, she chimed in helpfully. "I'm sorry their customer service wasn't more helpful. Did they recommend a shop that carries what you need?"

  "As a matter of fact, they did," said Ardela crossly, tapping a finger against her cheek in thought. "It's in a station all the way out on the border between the Glop and Curvehorn territories. I couldn't ask you to take me all the way there. It would be too much of a burden."

  "Great. I was afraid you were going to ask us for another ride."

  Eden prodded Thiago's side, inadvertently striking him square in the ribs. She saw how Ardela's prissy tendencies could irritate anyone. However, she couldn't understand what triggered Thiago's animosity toward an ex-partner that used to help him bring in a lot of money. In fact, Thiago had never mentioned Ardela before.

  Of course, Eden wasn't naive. She knew there had been more to Ardela and Thiago's partnership than what she saw on the surface. Still, Eden prided herself on being trustworthy. The promise she made to Ardela involved completion of her ship repairs, and Eden was going to deliver if it was possible.

  "It wouldn't be a burden at all. We can have a look right after you send Salabar to the authorities."

  "Eden, if only all Earthlings were as sweet and considerate as you," Ardela bubbled, wrapping her arm around Eden in a tight squeeze. She paused for effect. "Or had half your smarts. You don't seem the self-important, educated type. Maybe the humans wouldn't be miserable on this planet."

  Ardela's candid tone sounded as innocent as ever. The brutal and ignorant remark caught Eden off guard. She frowned. Was it possible that she was reading too much between the lines that only existed in her mind? She looked over at Thiago to see if he had overheard the conversation. Apparently he had not. He was busy rubbing the top of Hercules' head, praising the creature for his skill at retrieving objects.

  "Um, I don't think..."

  "Oh dear, will you look at how late it's getting? I'll have to ask one of the station boys to keep my ship in storage while we take down Salabar. Let's hope they've got enough sense to keep my baby intact while I'm away, or I'll be forced to sue," Ardela spoke to herself breezily, peering up at the darkening skies overhead. "It looks like a storm's about to break over the horizon, too. Come on, let's not waste time. We've got a criminal overlord to catch."

  Thiago whistled and pulled a stuffed bone away from Hercules' slobbering mouth. The creature ran and scuttled behind his master, boarding the cargo door of the spaceship. Ardela marched back into the station, her shrill demands audible to Eden through the closed doors.

  Eden blew a disgruntled raspberry at Ardela through her lips. She headed towards Thiago's
ship as well, dragging her feet underneath her.

  The wheels of Thiago's ship touched down soundlessly on a plot of land in the jungle surrounding Runic territory. Eden pressed her nose against the glass of her passenger window, inspecting her surroundings with bewildered fascination. Giant trees with lopsided trunks the height and width of Earth-sized industrial trucks jutted out from the land, disturbing the flat area around the clearing. The sticky leaves of trees stayed together naturally, forming long, swooping curls that looked like the limp crown of a jester's hat. Two-toned tulips budded out from the ends of leaves like little rusty bells.

  Thiago unbuckled his restraint, rising from the pilot’s seat. "Okay, Eden, you'll have to wait here. Remember to keep the shields active this time. There's some leftover salad and honeyberry macaroons in the fridge if you get hungry."

  "You can trust me. And I'm incredibly grateful for Ardela's portable television," added Eden, waving a twelve-inch flatscreen device in the air victoriously. "I guess it would be unrealistic to receive Earth broadcasts out here, but I'll make do. Stay safe, you guys. I, on the other hand, will sit back, relax, and watch whatever I can with a glass of bubbly by my side. And by bubbly, I mean my favorite soda."

  "You can go ahead and keep the television. I've got three spares back home," said Ardela as she strapped on a striking pair of red multi-functional boots. "Eden, how is your self-defense training going with Thiago? I hope his vicious temper and dated methods haven't kept you from learning how to beat up bad guys."

  "It can get pretty strenuous sometimes," Eden admitted with a shrug. "I have to say, Thiago's an excellent teacher. I didn't start from much, but I think I'm improving."

  "Is that so?" said Ardela as she removed her weapon satchel from the hooks on the cockpit wall. "Why don't you come with us tonight? You can shadow me and give your skills a live test."


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