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Addicted to Him 4
By Linette King
Addicted To Him 4
-Written By-
Linette King
Copyright © 2016 by True Glory Publications
Published by True Glory Publications
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Facebook: Author Linette King
This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organizations, establishments or locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.
Cover Design: Michael Horne
Editor: Tamyra L. Griffin
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Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, and Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication, and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.
First of all, I have to give thanks to God who is the head of my household for without you I am nothing. To God be the glory!
To my children: Aaliyah, Alannah and Jaye, I love you guys so freaking much! I’ll go to war against anyone about you guys! If you don’t remember anything else, keep God first and everything will fall into place.
To my family: Mama, you are by far the craziest lady I’ve ever met and it’s getting worse, but I wouldn’t trade you for nothing in the world. Pooh, you always look out for me. When people come against me, you get mad as if they said those things to you. LOL I’ll always have your back because you always have mine. Oliver, I can’t name a soul that I’m closer to than you. You’re my big brother, always have been, always will be. I love you guys!
To my friends: Jasmine, half of the time I don’t know what to say about you. LOL You are so freaking silly it’s unreal. Never change. Trinisha, girl them conversations we be having always have you saying, “Um, I don’t wanna know that!” LOL But what are friends for? Precious, big dog, you all the way 100 and you never switch up and I just love that about your extra crazy self. We can go for a while without talking and jump back like it was nothing. We both know that tends to happen when everybody’s grown and have other things to do. I love you guys!
Shoutouts: Big Bruh! Brandon B2Smoove Miles, I wish you nothing but greatness with your clothing line. I know you got this and you know sis will help in any way she can! #BlueHunnidGang
Danielle Sanders! I know you’re going to be awesome with this new hairline! You are a very intelligent, strong, business minded young woman! #KaiBella will be everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more.
Teago Brown! My mfn G! Y’all make sure you look out for AGO Productionz! Big homie has a lot going on, literally! This man is a jack of all trades! I see his vision and I know he’s going to take off like a rocket! The man is brilliant! Lookout world! Contact him for anything regarding promotions, planning and event hosting!
To my readers: This is book number 8 and y’all are still rocking with me! Shameek saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself and you guys seem to love it! Make sure you guys find me on Facebook because I’m always available for any questions you may have. Thanks for reading! I love you!
Everything in this book is a work of fiction. I never talk about an actual event or person. If it appears that way, it’s purely coincidental. Enjoy!
Table Of Contents
Armani Rashard
Tamia Candy
Rashard Michelle
Michelle (Missy) Rashard
Missy (Michelle) Armani
Amere Michelle
Armani Tamia
Tamia Rashard
Rashard Amere
Michelle Michelle
Amere Rashard
Armani Armani
Tamia Tamia
Rashard Rashard
Michelle Amere
Amere Tamia
Michelle gave her mission of killing Tamia a break with hopes of the police eventually leaving her alone; so she will be free to kill Tamia and claim Rashard as her man. She has faith that once Lisa finds out that Dre is dead, she won’t snitch on her for killing Bo. She has no idea that Lisa is dead or that Bo is hanging on by a thread of faith.
Armani just found out she was pregnant the morning she decided to turn over a new leaf and help Tamia and Candy reconnect. She had hopes that she and Dave would raise their child together but now she doesn’t know if she’s going to keep it, considering he’s still with his wife.
Tamia tried her hardest to keep Chardae alive until the ambulance showed up, while Rashard stood in the same spot in a state of shock. She succeeded. Unfortunately, the baby didn’t make it. Now Rashard and Tamia have to figure out what they’re going to do about their relationship.
* * * * *
“Sir are you ready to tell us who you are?” The nurse asked and the patient shook his head. “Well we are about to discharge you, do you have anyone that can come get you?” she asked and he shook his head. “Okay, well tomorrow you will be cleared to go.” she said then walked out of the room.
The nurse walked down to the nurse’s station to talk to Dr. James about the patient they call “The Miracle Patient.” He was shot in the back and had a collapsed lung from the gunshot wound. When the paramedics arrived, he had no heartbeat but they were able to resuscitate him. He was on a ventilator for almost two weeks before he could breathe on his own again. When they first pulled the tube from his mouth, he tried to talk but his throat was so dry. The nurse gave him a cup of water, pen and paper; and he wrote a message.
“Tamia, I’m coming.”
Was all it said, but the nurse had no idea who Tamia was and nobody came to visit him his entire time there.
“He still won’t tell us his name.” the nurse said to the doctor in charge of his care. The doctor simply nodded his head and walked off, completely unaware of the danger he would be putting someone in by not getting authorities involved.
One year later….
The struggle has been real! Man I have to salute every single mom out there, because this shit is not easy! As I stared into the eyes of my son, Armad, I couldn’t help but to admire him. He’s two months old and is the only bright spot in my life. Well somewhat of a bright spot.
Somewhere in this past year, Tamia and I were able to patch up our friendship with a few lies and half assed apologies, but it’s cool. She agreed to help me with Armad, but then moved her little happy go lucky ass to Atlanta! So that’s where we are now.
The crazy thing is, I have no idea where the bitch lives! She claims to have forgiven me and she’s Armad’s God mother, but I’ve never been to her house. I’ve never even had an invitation extended. It’s cool though, because I’ll get there soon.
I smiled down at Armad as he giggled and made slurpy noises. He tried hard as hell to grab the large earrings that I was wearing but he couldn’t reach them. “Hey mommy’s juicy man!” I cooed in his face. He always thought it was the funniest thing ever when I would say that to him.
My phone began to ring from the kitchen counter, so I got up and made my way over to it. I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes once I saw that it was Dave. He had been trying to get me to come see him, or to allow him to come see me since we mov
ed here six months ago; but I wasn’t budging. I’m a new person these days. The Armani that was sleeping with other people’s men for money, is dead and gone. I just hope I’m done reaping the karma from all of the seeds I’ve sowed. I shook my head as I answered the phone.
“Hello?” I answered the phone clearly annoyed. I had an annoyed expression on my face and I’m pretty sure he could tell I was annoyed when I first answered the phone.
Armad began to wiggle in my arms as he tried to grab the phone out of my hand. He’s the most active two-month old baby I’d ever encountered! Wait, I think he’s the only baby I’ve encountered period! Funny!
“I miss you.” Dave said in a raspy voice.
I knew right off that he didn’t miss me as a person. He misses what I use to make that meat do! He misses how I used to suck it with no hands. He misses how I use to make my pussy squirt on it then lick my juices back off.
“Yea. I don’t doubt it.” I said with a smirk on my face.
I began to bounce Armad slightly as I cradled him with one arm. I could tell he was getting a bit cranky. I’m sure he will be fussing for a bottle shortly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dave asked with too much bass in his voice for my liking.
“Nigga it means calm yo rabbit ass down before I put you on my block list!” I snapped. I must have been too loud because Armad started screaming at the top of his lungs. “Ugh!” I said, because I was completely frustrated at this point.
I hung the phone up and bounced Armad just a little harder as I hummed the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It normally works, but it wasn’t working for me. For the life of me I couldn’t get him to calm down. The doorbell rang and I sighed heavily as I made my way to the door with my hollering son.
I’d never been happier to see Tamia in my life! She had a worried expression on her face as she took Armad out of my arms.
“If I was a butterfly, butterfly, butterfly. If I was a butterfly, I would fly real high.” she sang in his face.
His cries started to settle as she continued to sing a song I had never heard, but knew I needed to learn. After his cries stopped, he smiled up at her as she made her way all the way into my home.
“Where’d you learn that song?” I asked her. “Back on the coast. There was this lady, Pooh I think they called her. She would sing that song to babies and they would hush and smile.” she explained. I nodded my head because now I need to learn that song.
She cradled Armad close to her chest as she carried him to his room. I followed her because I didn’t know what she was doing. Rashard bought this house for me, but that didn’t give Tamia the right to walk through it like she owns the place.
She laid him on the changing table in his room and changed his diaper. He cooed and smiled as he looked up at her. “He never looks at me that way. How can she come in and take my only bright spot?”
I could feel Armani staring a hole in the side of my face, but I dared not mention it. See it’s times like this that she does this shit that makes me keep my distance. Yes, I help her with Armad, but that’s because he’s innocent in all of this. He didn’t ask to have her as a mother, so I help whenever I can. Not to mention, Armad is an awesome distraction from my personal life. Rashard and I have been kind of rocky since that whole Chardae incident last year in the kitchen of my beautiful home. I think I was more pissed off than I was hurt though.
He told me that she got pregnant before he and I established anything and I would have believed him, had he told me about it. I guess that was too much like right for a nigga like Rashard! So I’m guessing that’s why he bought me a house. He wanted to soften the blow of someone else having his child.
I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts as I changed Armad’s clothes.
“How are you?” I asked Armani.
She hasn’t had any dick since we moved out here and it shows all up and through her attitude! She was already hard to deal with when she’s her normal self. Now imagine how hard it is to deal with built up Armani. Armani that hasn’t had any dick in six months.
“I’m good.” she said then turned on the heels of her feet and walked away. She’s so over the top with everything these days.
I packed Armad a small bag so we could spend some time together. I strapped him down in his car seat, draped the bag over my shoulder and carried him into the living room.
“Where yall going now?” Armani asked with an attitude. I looked down at Armad because he was fast asleep.
“I’m going to give you a break. Maybe we will go to the park or something. Get out and have a little fun.” I said to her.
I stood there patiently as I waited for her smart comment but she just smiled.
“When are you going to bring him back?” she asked. I looked down at him and thought for a few seconds. “We will be back tomorrow.” I said and her jaw hit the floor.
I knew she couldn’t believe that I was going to keep him overnight, but I needed company. Rashard hardly ever comes homes these days. I think he’s doing what he was doing back in Detroit. He told me all about how he made his money so either he was doing that, or he was fucking off somewhere.
It’s crazy though because every time I fuss about his unavailability, he hits me with, “You shouldn’t want a man that’s always got time. A nigga with a lot of time ain’t got no money baby.” I could hear his stupid ass saying that right now!
Armani walked us to my new candy paint, all black BMW 5 series. I loved everything about the car from the customized floor mats, to the leather seats with seat warmers that I didn’t need at the moment.
“Girl this car still smells new.” Armani said as she leaned in to give Armad a kiss on his mouth. I frowned my face up in disgust as I bit my tongue. “Hmm mhh.” I said to keep from telling her how to parent her own child.
Rashard bought me this car back in March, the day before Armani had Armad. The only reason I haven’t left Rashard yet is because I love him and he’s taking care of Armani, Armad and myself. Neither of us have to pay a thing and that’s how I need it to stay for now.
Okay I lied, the things he does for me isn’t the only reason why I haven’t left him. It’s also the things he does to me! That man will have me pissed off to the max, come home, stick his tongue in my ass, fuck the shit out of me and I end up on a cloud. Every single time I get mad at him, the sex is off the chain! That’s why I get mad over everything! If a light bulb goes out I be in his face like, “Really nigga!”. It’s crazy but shit, that’s what I have to do. It’s like as long as I’m in good spirits, our sex life is good but when I’m mad…. it’s fucking awesome!
“Bitch you don’t hear me talking to you?!” Armani asked. I looked up at her because thoughts of Rashard had a bitch mind completely gone and panties completely wet.
“Naw what you say?” I asked as I stood up straight. I had subconsciously leaned over to make sure Armad was buckled in safely. I didn’t miss the look she gave me and gave her an apologetic shrug of my shoulders. “Force of habit.” I said as I waited for her to tell me what she was talking about.
“Dave called me again.” she said as she sighed and looked off into space.
I noticed a longing look in her facial expression, but I was not about to tell her what she already knew. For one, she wanted him and two, he’s unavailable. Sure he will fly her out there or fly in to see her, but he will indefinitely go back home to his wife. That’s what I think about when she vents to me, but those are things she already knows.
I know you’re thinking, well if she’s your friend then tell her…. but you have to understand, she is not my friend. The only reason I talk to her is to make sure Armad is ok and being loved the way a child should be loved. For some reason I just don’t think Armani is capable of that. She’s just not a nurturing kind of person.
“And what happened?” I asked just to make conversation. I’m sure she can tell by my tone that I couldn’t give a fuck about her and Dave even if I
wanted to.
“I told him I would block him if he called again!” she boasted all hyped up, animated and shit. I know she claims to have changed but you know hard it is to change an old dog.
Old habits die hard and that’s exactly why I keep her away from Rashard. I would hope he isn’t as trifling as Amere was, but I’ve learned not to put anything past anyone.
“Good.” I said as I walked around to the driver’s side of my car.
That was my way of letting her know that I was about to go; since the fact that Armad was secured in his car seat, inside the car wasn’t enough. She didn’t take the hint. She followed me around to the driver’s side of the car.
“Girl, I don’t know what to do without my baby.” she whined as she leaned her wide ass against my car. I’m used to Armani being a big, beautiful girl without trying but Armad has taken her body down through there! I needed my girl to join a gym immediately and get back to being the Armani she was before she started sleeping with Amere. That’s the only Armani I want to deal with.
“Join a book club or a gym or something.” I suggested with no pun intended. Okay, hell yea I meant it but that was my subtle way of saying, “Bitch you been eating hella good!” She gave me the side eye then nodded her head a little bit and stood up straight.
“Can’t stand you skinny bitches!” she said and stormed back in her house. I shook my head at her and drove off for some baby and me time.
“Oooh fuck!” she screamed out as she tried to crawl away.