All That and a Bag of Chips

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All That and a Bag of Chips Page 3

by Darrien Lee

  He touched her on the arm. “No problem.” His touch was hot and fiery. “It was nice seeing you again, Venice Taylor. Maybe I’ll see you again soon.”

  “That would be nice.”

  He gave her a quick hug and walked back to his truck. What is this woman doing to me? Craig thought as he started his ignition.

  Venice’s heart was still pounding when she arrived in her room. When she looked at her arms, there were goose bumps. Damn! She hurried into her nightshirt and paged Galen as instructed to let him know that she was in her room and went to bed.


  When Venice awoke the next morning, she realized that she hadn’t heard Monique come into the room the night before. Somehow, the sunlight had found a way to shine directly on her face. She glanced at the clock and realized it was only six twenty-five. She got up, went to the bathroom, and crawled back into bed.

  Monique was still fast asleep. Venice laid there for a moment, not able to recapture sleep. She was still wondering about Craig. He’d made her curious and she craved to learn more about him.

  She decided to call Jarvis to get Craig off her mind. He’d be leaving for college in a few hours and she wanted to talk to him. She took the phone into the hallway, so she wouldn’t wake Monique up, and sat down on the floor as the phone started ringing.

  Jarvis answered in a sleepy voice, “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby. Did I wake you?”

  “Not really. I can’t sleep anyway. I guess I’m still missing you. How’s school?”

  “It’s okay. It helps that Galen and Sidney are here. Chanelle called me and told me she’d be here in a few days.”

  “That’s good. You’ll have your partner with you. So, what did you do last night?”

  “I went to a campus block party with my roommate.”

  “So, how many guys tried to push up on you?”

  Venice laughed. “Stop being silly. I just met a few of Galen’s friends. They’re nice.”

  “Uh-huh! Did anyone put their hands on you?”

  “You know they had to in order to dance with me, Jarvis.”

  “I know. I’m just messing with you. I’m glad you had a good time. My plane leaves around eleven o’clock. I’ll call you when I get to school so I can give you my number.” There was an uncomfortable silence. “What’s wrong, Niecy?”

  “Jarvis, I had a weird feeling last night. I guess I’ve been with you so long that when I was with one of Galen’s friends, I felt like I was cheating on you.”

  “What do you mean, with one of Galen’s friends?”

  “We just danced. He gave me a ride back to the dorm and walked me to the door.”

  “Venice, as much as I hate the thought of another man’s hands on you, we decided to chill, remember?”

  “I know, but even though we’re not together, I can’t help it that I still love you.”

  “The feelings mutual, Niecy. I’m sure I’ll feel the same way if I meet somebody. Just go slow, baby. Believe me when I say the last thing I want to think about is you with some other man. I just can’t handle the thought of that. I still want you, Niecy.”

  “I know, but….”

  “Look, Venice, if you want to try and make a long distance relationship work, I’m game.”

  “I don’t know, Jarvis. We need to really think about whether it would work. Anyway, have a safe flight and don’t forget to call me.”

  “I will, girl. Now quit tripping. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby. See you.”

  After they’d hung up, Venice went back inside and got back under the covers. She finally felt a little relaxed. Jarvis was always able to make her feel secure and she missed him badly. They didn’t totally agree with what their parents made them do. After shedding a few tears, she eventually drifted back to sleep.


  After a few hours, the two women began to stir in their beds. Monique made her way to the bathroom and said, “Girl, I’ve got a nasty headache.”

  “What time did you get in last night?”

  “I don’t even know, but your brother’s friends are crazy. They’re cool though. We really kicked it last night.”

  They talked a little more until the telephone rang. Monique reached over and answered, “Hello?” The voice on the other end must’ve asked for Venice. “No, she’s awake. Hold on a minute.”

  Monique held the telephone out to Venice. “Hello?”

  “Good morning, Miss Taylor.”

  Her heart came to a complete stop. It was him. That husky, sexy-voiced Craig Bennett.

  She tried to regain her senses and answered with, “Good morning. You sure are an early riser.”

  Craig laughed. “Always! I’m afraid that I might miss out on something.”

  Monique was sitting on her bed grinning and looking directly in Venice’s mouth, following every word spoken. Venice turned her back to Monique as Craig admitted that he’d been hesitant to call her so soon. He told Venice that Galen had reluctantly given him the number, along with a short lecture.

  He said, “I hope you don’t mind that I hijacked your phone number. I meant to ask you for it last night, but I was distracted, if you know what I mean. I guess I was a little nervous.”

  “You didn’t seem nervous to me and, no, I don’t mind.”

  Craig asked if Venice had any plans for breakfast. Even though she was still in shock, she was able to tell him that she was available. He asked how long it would take her to get dressed and they made arrangements for him to meet her in the lobby of the dormitory in an hour. Venice thanked him for the invitation and hung up the phone.

  Venice couldn’t move! Monique jumped up off the bed screaming, “Girl! What did he say? Was that your brother’s fine friend? What are you going to wear?”

  Venice made her way over to the window, still stunned. “I can’t believe he‘s asking me out so soon. We just met.”

  “Damn, girl! What planet are you from? That’s what people do when they’re in college? They meet and then hook up. I have a lot to teach you. You’ve been on lock down way too long.”

  “I guess you’re right, Monique. Craig’s definitely all that and a bag of chips! I just didn’t expect to meet someone the first day here. I’m still in love with Jarvis. I’m not going to rush into anything. This already feels weird. I haven’t let another guy get this close to me in a long time. But it’s something about Craig that makes me feel…I can’t even describe it.”


  Venice giggled. “No, Monique! You just don’t understand.”

  “You’ll be fine, Venice. Just relax.”

  They laughed and slapped high-fives. The phone rang again and Monique darted to answer it. “Yes, she’s sitting right here. Would you like to speak with her?”

  All the blood left Venice’s face and she felt faint as Monique handed her the phone.

  “What’s up, girl?”

  Venice took some air into her lungs when she realized it was Galen. Venice asked him why he’d given her number to Craig. He told her that he’d seen the way they’d looked at each other and that out of all the partners he had, Craig was the only one decent enough for her to be seen with. Somewhere in that statement was a compliment.

  Venice told Galen that she was meeting Craig for breakfast in an hour and that she’d call him with all the details when she got back. Galen said okay, but stressed that she go slow. She hung up and began to get dressed.

  Venice had no idea what to wear. Monique rambled through Venice’s closet digging for the perfect outfit for her date and, after about five minutes, Monique pulled out this banging pantsuit. It was too dressy for Venice so she grabbed her best pair of jeans and a colorful blouse. She picked out the perfect pair of shoes to go with her selection.

  Craig would be there soon and Venice didn’t have much time left to shower and get dressed. After she accomplished that task, Monique helped Venice take the rollers out her hair and styled it with great detail. Venice didn’t want to o
verdo it, so she only put on a little foundation, lipstick, and eyeliner. Just when she’d touched up her lipstick, the phone rang. He was there. It was on!

  Monique gave Venice her final approval before she walked out of the room. She gave Venice a high-five and told her that she wanted to know every detail when she got back. Venice made her way down the long hallway to the elevator. She could feel her heart pounding and her knees began to get weak. She told herself to calm down and take a few deep breaths. You can do this. What do you have to be afraid of?

  The elevator made its way downward, passing the second floor. What will I say? She said a short prayer as the doors opened on the first floor. As she rounded the corner and entered the lobby, there he was. Damn! Damn! Damn! He didn’t see her coming so she was able to admire the fine specimen that he was. It was obvious that he worked out. He was wearing a nice pair of khakis with a pullover shirt that molded to his broad chest. Craig was a very handsome man with caramel colored skin, a beautiful smile, and the darkest, sexy brown eyes. That smile would make any girl’s heart skip a beat. He was breathtaking and just plain fine! My God! What am I about to get myself into?

  Just as she was approaching him, he turned and greeted her with an unexpected hug. Venice knew that she would faint for sure. His cologne put her into an instant trance, but she was able to hug him back. Venice told him that she was sorry he had to wait on her, but he quickly interrupted and told her that he didn’t mind the wait. As they walked out into the courtyard, he told her that she looked very nice. Venice blushed and thanked him shyly. My knees…please don’t give out on me.

  As they walked and talked, a few people were stirring around campus. Some appeared to be coming in from all-nighters. Most were still in bed and a few were headed to church service. She wasn’t sure where they were going to breakfast but assumed they were leaving campus. Once they reached the parking lot, Craig deactivated his car alarm. He was driving a beautiful black Ford Expedition with a soft tan leather interior. She wasn’t able to see it that well the night before. Venice did wonder how he could afford such a nice vehicle. For now, she’d chill and get the 4-1-1 from Galen later. Craig made his way to the passenger side of the truck to open her door. Yes! A gentleman!

  Craig wasted no time driving off the campus on their way to the mystery breakfast. He asked her, “So, have you settled into campus life yet?”

  “Yes, but I’m still adjusting to noises all during the night. You can hear people talking, music playing, and doors slamming all night long. My roommate is cool though. I think we’ll get along just fine. Craig, it was nice of you to call and invite me to breakfast. I was totally caught off guard.”

  He blushed. “Well, since I couldn’t get you to hang out with me last night, I thought I’d try again while you were still delirious with sleep. I’m glad you accepted my invitation.”

  He turned into the parking lot of small mom & pop style cafe. People were hurrying in and out of the exit. Most of them were dressed in their Sunday best. Little girls were giggling and playing with the ribbons in their hair. Venice could smell country ham and homemade biscuits while Craig was parking the truck. A few old-timers were lingering outside the cafe sipping coffee and reading the paper.

  Venice noticed a sign: “Miss Bessie’s Home Cooking.” With a name like that, she knew the food was going to be good. As they entered the diner, waitresses hurried past them with armloads of food and hungry guests were excited to see their meals arriving at their tables. Craig and Venice were one of three couples waiting to be seated for some delicious eating.

  Craig said, “I hope you like the food here. It’s like eating your mom’s cooking.”

  He went on to say that he usually came there on Sunday mornings before church. Craig was a churchgoing man and Venice thought that was a definite plus. She asked Craig what church he attended and he explained that he still attended the church he grew up in.

  Venice boldly said, “That would make you a local.”

  “Yeah, I am. Maybe you could go to church with me one Sunday.”

  “That would be nice. Thanks.”

  About that time, they were seated. Craig showed her the cafe specialties and told her to order whatever she wanted. The cafe did offer a grand buffet, but Venice didn’t feel too hungry. She finally ordered some blueberry pancakes with sausage on the side. Craig, being a growing boy, decided to order the buffet.

  He said, “Venice, they have some great omelets here. I want you to taste one in particular if you’d like to.”

  “I’m game. Thanks!” That ain’t all I would like to taste. You know you have some juicy looking lips. She let out a sneaky giggle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about something Monique said earlier.”

  “Are you going to let me in on it?”

  “Maybe later.”

  Venice was happy to keep her thoughts to herself.

  After the waitress took their orders, Craig asked Venice questions about her major. She explained to him she was majoring in Sports Medicine. She told him that most of the time when people watched professional sports, you never saw any female doctors; let alone African Americans.

  After Craig thought about it, he agreed. “You’ll probably get a job as soon as you graduate.”

  “I hope so. I’m planning on doing it on the professional level.”

  “That’s all right, Taylor.”

  As they continued to talk, she found out that he was majoring in architecture. He told her that he’d always loved to draw and decided to follow in his father’s footsteps.

  About that time, the waitress brought their drinks to the table. Craig had ordered water along with a glass of orange juice. Venice had ordered water and a cup of tea. As Venice and Craig continued to talk, she couldn’t help but notice the photographs on the wall of celebrities that had dined there on past occasions. There were pictures of Patti Labelle, James Ingram, and Chris Tucker, just to name a few. Miss Bessie’s Diner had been in the community for thirty years. Everyone around knew and admired her for starting a business as a black woman in an era when civil rights were constantly being fought for.

  Craig gave Venice the history of the magical place and the secret of its success. He seemed to be intrigued by the nostalgia and romance behind Miss Bessie’s. Venice was hanging on Craig’s every word as he spoke passionately about the diner.

  The waitress returned to the table. “Who ordered the pancakes?”

  Venice acknowledged her ordered. Then the waitress gave Craig the go ahead for the buffet table. She asked if she could get them anything else.

  Venice replied, “Extra napkins, please.”

  The waitress softly placed napkins on the table. “Enjoy your breakfast and thanks for dining with Miss Bessie’s.”

  Craig asked Venice if she’d like anything from the buffet table but she declined. Venice noticed several women in the diner watching him as he walked across the room. A woman would’ve had to be blind not to notice him. Forget it ladies, he’s with me!

  Venice felt honored to be with a man admired by so many women. When he returned to the table, he said grace and began to enjoy the feast.

  Venice said, “I must say, Mr. Bennett, I thought you were going to get mobbed by all the ladies watching you cross the room.”


  “Look around. All of them.”

  “Are you jealous?”


  They both laughed and Venice shyly lowered her eyes to her plate. Craig was impressed with Venice’s territorial stance. She was too good to be true. He was in love. Yes, in love. He knew it the moment that their eyes had met on the band field. The second he’d held her as they danced. He just knew.

  They enjoyed a wonderful breakfast and nice conversation. After the waitress came to clear their dishes from the table, Venice requested another cup of tea while they continued to talk. Before they realized it, two hours had passed.

  While Craig paid
the tab, Venice gazed into the glass display case at the register and saw antique jewelry and old 45 rpm records of songs she hadn’t heard in years. “Wow! Look at this! Look at the good condition of these records!”

  She spotted “Want Ads” by the Honeycombs. “I used to dance to that song when I was little. My mom used to have it.”

  Craig asked the cashier if the items were for sale. She explained that they were from Miss Bessie’s private collection. Craig asked her if the old gospel songs playing in the jukebox were also from her private collection.

  She said, “You bet! Miss Bessie keeps these records for her customers to enjoy as they dine.” She thanked them for coming and said, “Ya’ll come back now, you hear?”

  Customers were still pouring in as they left. “Venice, would you like a tour of the city?”

  “Sure, I’d like to see more of this beautiful little country town.”

  Craig drove past the shopping areas, the churches, and parks. He showed Venice other nice restaurants and the movie theater. “One thing I like about this town is it still has a drive-in movie theater.”

  “Really! I used to love going to the drive-in.”

  “Good! I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “That would be cool! But, when we go, it’s my treat. You paid for breakfast so it’s only fair that I treat you to the movies.”

  He smiled. “We’ll see. Maybe I’ll cook dinner for you before we go.” Venice smirked, letting him know she didn’t imagine him as a chef. “Don’t judge a book by its cover. I know my way around the kitchen. Momma made sure that my sister and I knew how to get down in the kitchen.”

  They laughed as he turned back onto the campus and drove up to her dormitory.

  “Craig, thank you for breakfast, the tour, and the nice company.”

  “You’re welcome, Venice. I couldn’t ask for any better company myself.”

  He got out of the truck. Venice slid out the door behind him. She felt the heat of his body as he walked closely with her. He opened the door and they proceeded to the elevator. “You don’t mind if I walk you to your room, do you?”


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