All That and a Bag of Chips

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All That and a Bag of Chips Page 4

by Darrien Lee

  “Oh no, it’s okay.”

  Venice felt her heart starting to pound as the elevator doors closed, leaving them alone on the elevator. Craig’s gaze went from her lips to her eyes.

  “Venice, I want to thank you again for hanging out with me this morning.”

  “No, thank you for asking.”

  Venice noticed he was coming closer and closer. He leaned down and kissed her with those luscious lips. He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. Venice welcomed his probing tongue as well as the heat of his body. Lord! Have mercy!

  She gave into him…easily. He felt his desire awaken instantly in response to her comfortable acceptance of his kisses.

  What am I doing? Venice went into a small panic and backed into the elevator’s “stop” button. Craig laughed and reached over and started the elevator again.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m so clumsy.”

  “No, you’re not. I shouldn’t have done that. I couldn’t help myself because you have such beautiful lips.”

  His cologne intoxicated her and caused her senses to weaken even more. Have I lost my mind? I have to get away from him. She was finally able to say, “Thank you.”

  It was quiet as they walked down the hall to her room.

  “Venice, I want to tell you again how sorry I am that I kissed you. I usually don’t act like that on the first date.”

  “Craig, don’t worry about it. It was nice.”


  Thank God, Monique wasn’t there. She invited Craig inside and asked him to have a seat. Craig accepted her offer. He looked around the room admiring the nice décor and sat in a chair near Venice’s bed.

  Craig could tell Venice was stunned by his forwardness in the elevator. “I see you ladies have done a good job making your room look like home away from home.”

  She took a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. I’m still full of orange juice. But thanks for asking.”

  Without any warning, he stood up, approached Venice, and stroked her cheek with his hand. “Venice, I hope I’ll get to see you again. I really like you.”

  Venice shyly pulled away and sat down on her bed without answering.

  Craig realized it was time to leave. “Well, I’d better go.” She stood up to see him out. He walked over to her and put his arms around her waist, leaning down to give her an unexpected kiss on the cheek, followed by a big hug. “I’ll call you later, Venice.”

  “Okay. Thanks again for breakfast.”

  After he’d closed the door behind him, Venice fell back on the bed, still smelling his cologne. I can’t believe I let him kiss me! A single tear slid down her cheek.


  Venice dialed Galen to let him know she was back. “Hello, is Galen around?” she asked after his roommate answered.

  “Yeah, he’s here. Hold on.”

  Venice played the events of the morning back in her head while she waited for Galen to come to the phone. She wondered if she should tell Galen about the kiss and decided she wouldn’t dare. There was no telling what his reaction would be. After all, it was only their first date.

  “How did it go?” Galen asked excitedly as soon as he picked up the phone.

  Venice stuttered, “I-I had a good time. He took me on a tour of the city and we had breakfast at Miss Bessie’s Diner.”

  “Cool! They’ve got some good home cooked food there. Craig behaved himself, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, but I need to talk to you. Could you please come over later?”

  Without hesitation, he said, “I’ll be right over. Peace!”

  Fifteen minutes later, Galen knocked at the door, unaware that he was about to be put on the witness stand by a modern-day Perry Mason. Galen grabbed for the remote control upon entering so he could search for the game he’d been watching before he left home. Venice grabbed it from him and turned off the set. She had questions that she needed answered.

  Venice started by questioning Galen about the seriousness of Craig’s last relationship. Galen said he was glad that the woman in question had left because she’d tried to dominate Craig’s life and bossed him around way too much.

  Venice said, “I need to know if he was in love with her.”

  Galen felt awkward suddenly. “I guess so, but it faded away. I’m just glad she’s gone. It was like Craig came back to life after she left. Why do you want to know all of this? You two just met and I know you haven’t fallen for him already. Have you?”

  “No! I just wanted to know what’s up. I don’t need any emotional drama or any old girlfriends showing up out of the blue trying to get in my face.”

  Galen grabbed the remote control again. “Craig’s pretty cool. I hang with him more than any of the other guys.”

  Venice sat on the bed. “Oh! Are his parents well off? I was wondering how he was able to afford that Expedition?”

  “Craig’s dad died after an accident at a job site. He was an architect also. His family got a huge settlement from the accident. Craig and his sister lost their mom several years earlier to some type of illness. He never likes to talk about it, so I’ve never asked what happened. I guess he’s still trying to cope with their deaths. It’s only been a year since his dad’s accident.”

  Venice told Galen that Craig had told her he was studying to be an architect. She then assured Galen that she wouldn’t mention anything to Craig regarding their conversation. She went on to tell Galen that she did like Craig and that he had asked her out to the movies in a few days.

  Galen said, “Whatever! You’ll have a good time.”

  With that comment, Venice asked Galen if he would walk her to the library.

  He said, “Let’s go, girl.”


  A month had passed since the beginning of the semester and Venice was trying her best to study despite the loud music blasting in the dorm’s hallway. Venice was starting to feel at home, although she still missed and loved Jarvis. She still kept in touch with Jarvis and Joshua and both were doing well.

  She had dated Craig several times and felt much more relaxed around him. She found herself looking forward to the weekends so they could spend time together. Craig was a magnificent kisser, but they had yet to be intimate. Venice wasn’t sure she’d be ready if the situation arose. She was still a little nervous about the possibility of sex with Craig and it was causing her a lot of emotional drama. Jarvis had been the only man close to her and she wasn’t sure she could handle adventuring out.

  Jarvis told her that he hadn’t met anyone and really wasn’t looking for anyone. That made Venice feel a little guilty. She still felt like she was cheating on him. But, she was also beginning to get just a little bit horny. It was getting hard not to think about Craig in that way and Venice was getting curious to know how good he might be in bed.

  “Jarvis, I met someone.”


  “One of Galen’s friends.”

  Jarvis let out a sigh and sarcastically said, “Oh really.”

  “Come on, Jarvis. We agreed.”

  “That doesn’t mean I have to like it, Niecy.”

  Venice closed her eyes and tried to swallow the lump in her throat before saying, “I know, Jarvis, and it doesn’t change how I feel about you.”

  “This is hard for me, Venice. You’re going to have to give me time for this to sink in. I’ll talk to you later. Okay?”

  With her voice barely above a whisper, she said, “Okay, Baby. I’m getting ready to go study for an exam. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, and good luck on your exam. Goodbye.”

  The music continued to blast, making the door tremble to the beat. When Venice opened the door, the hallway was filled with zoids dancing their asses off to the latest jams. It looked like one big party. She needed a break and she wanted in. Venice saw Chanelle and Monique shakin’ their butts to the rhythm, motioning for her to join them. She danced her way thro
ugh the crowd of women and showed her new dorm mates what she could do. It had been a while since she’d partied and it felt good. Someone hollered out, “Party over here!” And the gang of women repeated it in unison. They were partying so hard that Venice almost didn’t realize the time. She pulled her partners to the side and told them she had an exam the next day.

  “Girl, I can’t study and party at the same time! I’m going down to the lounge to study! If I finish early, I’ll be back to hang with you freaks!” Venice shouted over the music.

  Monique shouted back, “Whatever, girl! See ya!”

  Venice gathered her books from the room and left for the lounge on the first floor. Her mind wandered to Craig and then to Jarvis. They hadn’t had much time to talk since Jarvis was so busy with football and classes. She talked to Craig also every night. They met occasionally in the courtyard between classes on Mondays and sometimes grabbed a quick lunch but were not able to see each other much during the week. Craig was deep into his co-op studies, which required a lot of his time. He was required to spend three days a week at an architectural firm about two hours away. He stayed there during the week and came home on Fridays. He had a demanding schedule, but he promised to set aside some quality time for them soon. Venice couldn’t wait!

  Venice still had time to hang out with her girls though. She was getting a little curious about why she hadn’t been invited over to Craig’s house to meet his sister that she’d heard so much about. She figured he’d invite her over eventually. Either that or he was hiding something from her. After all, she’d been hanging with him for about a month and he’d never mentioned it.

  Chanelle and Monique decided to get some air from all the steamy dancing they’d been doing. They walked across the campus, sharing their experiences during the past weeks on campus. Monique went on and on about all the guys bugging her for her phone number.

  Chanelle laughed. “The only people probably calling you are some jheri-curl wearing fools. Girl, I hope you haven’t already given it up to any of those no good, dope dealer wannabees.”

  “No, I haven’t, but I bet you’ve given it up to that cute dude in your English class!”

  Chanelle got defensive. “We’re just friends. Besides, my boyfriend’s going to college in Atlanta.”

  “You must be a fool to think he’s down there being faithful. He’s probably knocking boots with anything wearing a skirt. A man can’t help himself. They’re all dogs! All they think about is how they’re going to get into the next girl’s panties.”

  “You’re crazy! My man loves me, girl!”

  “Whatever, but you’ll see. You better enjoy yourself while you can.”

  Chanelle grew frustrated. “Monique, let’s go. I need to check my messages.”

  “Chanelle, do you think Venice and Craig have got it on yet?”

  “I don’t think so. She’s not talking about him a lot since he’s out of town so much.”

  “I know. She’s throwing herself in the books. She says they talk just about every night on the phone, but he’s real busy.”

  Monique smiled. “Yeah, but her ex still calls her a lot, too. I think Venice mentioned something about getting with Craig this weekend. He’s pretty cool. I don’t think he’s trying to run any game on her.”

  “I agree. Besides, her brother would probably step in if he felt like dude was trying to dog her. I remember in high school one time, this guy did something to Venice and her brother stomped the hell out of that fool! She never had any problem with men after that. Guys knew neither one of her brothers played when it came to her.”

  Monique said, “That’s deep.”

  The two walked back to the dorm and went to their rooms for the evening.

  Venice was one of three women in the lounge trying to get their study on. It was Wednesday and she was flipping through the pages, unable to absorb what she was reading. One of the campus security guards walked through on his routine patrol. He was probably headed up to somebody’s room for a quickie or to smoke a little something something with some wild girls. He was known for making those unofficial visits. He was cute and he knew it. It would only be a matter of time before he got busted. Some of the girls in the dorm took far too many chances. Venice folded her arms and put her head down on the table. Maybe a moment of meditation and prayer could help her get back on track. She closed her eyes and took slow, deep breaths. She’d read about this technique in last month’s Essence magazine. “Food for the Inner Soul” was the name of the article. Well, it couldn’t hurt. A few minutes later, her cell phone rang. Venice snapped out of her trance.


  A smooth voice responded, “What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like that?”

  “Hello, Craig! Hey! How did you know where I was?”

  “I know because I’m standing right behind you.”

  Venice turned around and in the doorway he stood. Venice hung up her phone as Craig came into the lounge.

  “I called your room and Monique told me where to find you. I couldn’t wait until this weekend to see you, so I got off a day early.”

  Venice greeted him with a warm hug. “I’m glad. I missed you, too. I’m trying to study for this exam tomorrow, but my mind’s not clicking tonight.”

  Showing those pearly whites, he said, “I have an idea. Why don’t I take you for a ride and maybe you can concentrate on your test when you get back. So, how about it?”

  Venice closed her books. “Let’s go! First, let me call Monique and let her know I’m leaving.”

  Venice called Monique from the lounge to inform her of her plans. She gathered her book bag and Craig carried it for her as they walked out into the night air.


  Have you eaten?” Craig asked, opening the truck door for Venice. “No, I haven’t really had much of an appetite today.”

  “Would you like me to cook you up a little something?”

  Venice looked surprised. “So, you really do cook?”

  Craig smiled. “Of course! If you like, you can study at my house while I fix dinner.”

  Venice felt special and couldn’t hide her blush. “Are you sure? I know you’re busy with classes. I don’t want to be in the way.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “In that case, I accept and thanks!”

  As they proceeded through town to his neighborhood, Craig said, “I’m sorry I haven’t invited you over before now. We’ve had some remodeling going on at the house for the past few weeks and it’s been a mess. We’re just finally getting things back together.”

  Venice asked, “What kind of work did you have done?”

  “Well, before my dad died, he’d drawn plans to have the kitchen remodeled and for me and Bernice to get our own bathrooms.”

  “That’s nice. I bet it’s beautiful.”

  “Bernice did all the decorating. I think she did a first-rate job.”

  Venice smiled and looked out the window of the truck admiring the modest homes along the way.

  Craig’s home was in an established neighborhood. All the lawns appeared professionally groomed. Craig pulled into the driveway and activated the garage door. There was another car in the garage. Venice assumed it was his sister’s car.

  Craig confirmed it. “Good, my sister’s still here. I wanted her to meet you. She’s probably getting ready to go to work. Did I tell you she was a nurse?”

  Venice was a little nervous about meeting his sister. “Yeah, you mentioned it.”

  Craig exited the truck and before he could come around to the passenger side, Venice had already got out of the truck. Craig took her bag and put his hand at the small of her back as he escorted her toward the kitchen door. Craig unlocked the door to find his sister on the telephone. She motioned for them to come on in as she tried to take her earrings off. Craig put Venice’s bag on the kitchen table and pulled a chair out for Venice to sit down.

  Craig’s sister finished up her phone call and put her hand out to shake Venice’s
hand. “Hello, Venice! I finally get a chance to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but nice things about you from Craig.”

  Craig interrupted her. “Venice, Bernice will talk your head off. Anyway, Venice, this is Bernice. Bernice, this is Venice.”

  “I’m sorry it took so long for him to invite you over. I told him you probably wouldn’t mind the remodeling, but he insisted that we wait until it was complete.”

  Venice looked around. “This is beautiful! You guys have done a great job.”

  Bernice said, “Thank you, Venice.” She put on her coat. “Well, guys, I’ve got to run. I have twenty minutes to get to the hospital. Venice, I’m so glad I finally got to meet you.”

  “Same here, Bernice.”

  Bernice gave Craig a hug and exited to the garage. “You have some mail on the table in the den and I’m going over J.T.’s in the morning after I get off.”

  Craig said, “Okay, see you tomorrow some time.”

  When Venice heard Bernice drive out of the garage, she realized that she was truly alone with Craig. He asked if she’d like something to drink and she quickly said that she did. Her throat felt as dry as the desert.

  He handed her a bottle of Coke. “Let me help you set up your things in the den. You’ll probably be more comfortable in there. We could go downstairs in the rec room, if you like.”

  “No, this will do just fine.”

  “I hope you like chicken. I have a special sauce. It’s one of my specialties.”

  “That sounds good.”

  Venice felt her heart pounding as they walked into the den. She couldn’t understand why she felt such an electrical charge when she came near him.

  As Venice began to open her books, she couldn’t help but notice the portrait over the fireplace. It was a huge family portrait, which must’ve been taken when Craig and his sister were extremely young. Craig resembled their mother and Bernice was the spitting image of their father.

  Venice’s pager vibrated and startled her. It was Galen. “What could he want?” she mumbled to herself. Venice decided not to call Galen right away. Besides, if it were an emergency, he would’ve put in 911. She also didn’t know how her dear brother would take it if he knew she was over Craig’s house.


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