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All That and a Bag of Chips

Page 35

by Darrien Lee

  Meeting his gaze, Craig answered, “Venice called and told me about the accident, so I thought I’d come up to be with her.”

  Jarvis looked over at Venice and said, “That’s cool.”

  As Craig and Jarvis continued to talk, Venice occasionally cut her eyes over at them to check their facial expressions.

  There was silence in the room for a moment, then Jarvis asked, “Craig, do you want to go down to the cafe for a drink?”

  Venice froze, looking at Craig and waiting for his response.

  Craig boldly said, “Sure, I could use a drink. Venice, do you need anything?”

  She shook her head, declining.

  Jarvis winked at her and said, “We’ll be back in a little bit.”

  Craig said, “I have my phone on if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Craig. Jarvis…”

  “Relax, Niecy. We’ll be back in a minute.”

  Venice had no idea what was about to take place, but she figured the two of them were about to discuss the present situation. She couldn’t worry about it. All she knew was that she didn’t want things to get out of hand. Joshua was the only issue important to her right then.

  Jarvis and Craig rode the elevator to the cafeteria. When they entered the room, the aroma of chicken and dressing hit their nostrils. Immediately Jarvis grabbed his stomach and said, “Now I’m hungry. How about you?”

  “I think I could eat a bite.”

  They went through the line and piled on their lunch. After they found a table, Jarvis looked at Craig and said, “You know, man, you make me nervous.”

  Craig was sprinkling pepper on his dressing and asked, “How’s that?”

  “Because Venice is in love with you.”

  Craig took a sip of his water and said, “From where I’m sitting, it looks like you’re the man.” Craig hesitated for a moment, then added, “I saw the ring.”

  “It’s not important to her right now. I don’t think she wants to do it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Jarvis stopped eating for a moment, looked into Craig’s eyes, and said, “Because of you.”

  “So, when did you decide to do this?”

  Jarvis looked down at his food, then back up at Craig. “I never wanted the divorce in the first place.”

  Craig sat back in his chair and said, “Well, whatever Venice decides, no hard feelings. I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t want to lose her and I want you to know that I love her, too. It bothers me when she flies out to see you. She’s going through hell right now and I don’t want to upset her. Whatever happens, happens. “

  Jarvis said, “I don’t’ want to pressure her either. I’ve known for awhile that I’ve lost a part of her to you. I just felt like I needed to be a man and talk to you about it. I don’t know what Venice is going to do. Her only concern right now is Joshua. Mine, too.”

  Craig said, “I appreciate you coming to me about it. Venice is special to me and I’m not going to just let her walk away easily, if she decides to do it. But, I feel like I can deal with it, if we don’t work out. Regardless, we’ll always have a special connection.”

  “I feel the same way. But, you’re a better man than I am. I almost lost Venice once and I don’t plan to lose her again.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Remember Joshua’s brother, Michael? You met in the family room.”

  Craig nodded and Jarvis said, “I sort of pushed her into his arms. She caught me adventuring out with someone else. I was stupid and curious and she dropped me like old news.”

  Craig shook his head in disbelief. He thought Jarvis was the only one Venice had in her past.

  Craig listened to Jarvis attentively before responding, “I realize that you and Venice have a long history together, but I’m trying to build one with her. It messed my head up when Venice told me that she’d flown up to visit you. She didn’t have to tell me, but she did and I admire her for that. It showed me that she wasn’t one of those women who creeps around behind your back. She made it clear that she was still into you. She also told me what happened to you guys with the baby and all. I’m sorry for that, but I want her and I’m man enough to deal with whatever happens.”

  “Look, Craig. Whatever happens, I’ll always think of Venice as my wife.”

  Craig didn’t respond. He just stared Jarvis in the eye. Craig didn’t want Jarvis to know that he was considering going to Japan for two months. He kept that to himself. The two men were able to release some of their anxiety about each other. In a way, they bonded. Both of them laid their cards on the table. The bell had rang and the best man would ultimately win.

  They finished their lunch and silently rode the elevator back up to Joshua’s floor. When they went back into the room, Venice was asleep laying on Joshua’s arm. Jarvis went over and woke her up and told her he was getting ready to go.

  She asked, “Is everything okay?”

  He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “Everything’s fine. I’ll see you later.”

  As he walked across the room, Jarvis shook Craig’s hand and said, “I’m out of here. Take care of Venice out in the snow. Those roads are pretty bad out there.”

  He said, “I will. Thanks.”

  Jarvis left the room and Venice asked, “What was that about?”



  Joshua was improving as each day went by. The doctors were starting to take him off some of the machines and he had regained consciousness. He was still a little swollen, but everyone was glad that he had woken up and that there didn’t appear to be any brain damage.

  Craig stayed until four days after Christmas. He told Venice to call him and let him know where they stood. He didn’t know if Venice was going to get married or not. Neither did Jarvis. It was only a few days before New Year’s when Jarvis came over for a visit. Her mom and dad left the house to visit Joshua at the hospital. When she opened the door, he immediately pulled Venice into his arms and kissed her with deep affection and desire. She enjoyed the love he was making to her mouth.

  Finally breaking free, she said, “Hello to you, too.”

  “Venice, what’s up? What are you going to do? You’re wearing my ring, but you haven’t given me an answer yet. Joshua is doing a lot better now, so you can’t use him as your excuse anymore.”

  “You’re right. You do deserve an answer, baby, but I just can’t right now.”

  “It would be nice to know something before we go back to school.”

  Taking his hand into hers, she led him into the den and said, “I can’t promise you anything, Jarvis.”

  The holidays came and went by faster than in the past and Joshua was finally able to go home. A couple days before Venice returned to school, she walked over to Joshua’s house for a visit. He had a lot of therapy ahead of him, but he was doing well. The doctors expected him to make a complete recovery. Venice walked into his room and crawled into bed next to him and took the remote control.

  He said, “Girl, don’t come up in here being bossy.”

  Venice smiled, leaned over, and gave Joshua a big hug and kiss.

  “Girl, get off of me, traitor.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I already know you’re going to marry my boy. Thanks for deserting me.”

  “You don’t know that!”

  “Yes, I do. Have you given him your answer yet?”


  “What are you waiting on?”

  She fluffed her pillow and said, “Craig.”

  They didn’t talk about it anymore. Venice was always amazed that Joshua could read her so well. Joshua took the remote back from her and said, “Venice, everything will work out. You’ll see.”

  They watched TV for the next few hours before they both fell asleep.

  Hours later, Venice turned back over and started watching TV again. It wasn’t five minutes later when Jarvis walked into the room.

  He gave Joshua a
handshake and jokingly asked, “Man, what the hell are you doing laying up with my woman?”

  “I’m just filling in for you, dogg.”

  Venice said, “Ya’ll are crazy.” She got up from the bed and asked, “What’s up?” Jarvis sat down and said, “You forgot, we’re supposed to meet with Pastor Green in fifteen minutes.”

  “Dang, I did forget. Do I look okay?”

  Joshua said, “You’re fine. Just wash your nasty face.”

  Jarvis added, “You look beautiful, Niecy.”

  “Thanks, you two.”

  Venice went into the bathroom to freshen up.

  Jarvis asked, “Man, how are you doing? That drunk ass fool almost took you out of here, dogg.”

  “Sure did. I didn’t even see him coming.”

  “You’re lucky, man.”

  “I know.”

  Jarvis asked, “Venice, you ready to go?”

  “I guess. Joshua, I’ll be back tomorrow. Tell Cynthia hello for me.”

  He said, “All right.”

  Venice gathered her purse and gave him a kiss goodbye.

  Jarvis shook his hand again and said, “Later, man.”

  They told the rest of the family goodbye and were out the door.

  Jarvis and Venice met with the pastor, who talked to them for about two hours. He’d counseled them before, so he was familiar with them. He covered several issues with them, then asked if they had any questions or concerns. Then from nowhere, Venice began to tell him about Craig. Jarvis was frozen in his seat. He had no idea Venice would bring Craig up during their counseling session. Venice admitted that she loved Craig and that she was still confused and didn’t know what she wanted to do. Pastor Green listened attentively, as did Jarvis.

  After she finished getting this off her chest, Pastor Green asked, “Venice, do you love Jarvis?”

  She glanced at Jarvis. “With all my heart.”

  He asked, “Do you love Craig or are you in love with him?”

  Venice answered with, “It’s hard to tell.”

  “Let me ask you this way. If Jarvis wasn’t in the picture, could you see Craig sitting here with you right now?”

  Venice was stunned and looked into the reverend’s eyes. “I guess so.”

  Jarvis didn’t say a word. He just sat there listening.

  The pastor asked, “Jarvis, is there anyone in your life you feel strongly about outside of Venice?”

  “No, sir.”

  Pastor Greene looked at the two of them and said, “I want you two to sit down tonight or tomorrow and talk about this, before we go any further. I feel that there are still some unresolved, serious issues to overcome. I don’t think ya’ll are ready. But, if you decide to get married, I need to know that all of these unresolved issues are settled before I perform any ceremony. Okay? Venice, you did the right thing by expressing your feelings here tonight. Jarvis, don’t you hold anything against her for doing it. It’s better that we discuss this now than have to deal with it later.”

  Jarvis said, “Thanks, Pastor.”

  In the end, he prayed with them, and told them that he wanted another session with them before they returned to school.

  They drove away in silence and Jarvis finally asked, “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I just have a little headache.”

  Venice still had some packing to do, so she asked Jarvis to drop her off at home. They sat out in the car for a few minutes before going inside.

  He asked her, “Venice, I’ve been thinking. If you decide you want to marry me, we don’t have to do it any time soon.”

  She looked at him and softly said, “Thanks. I needed to hear that.”

  “Is that what you want? I have no problem putting everything on hold for as long as you want.”

  “I’m sorry, Jarvis. I’m just tired. We’ll talk tomorrow. I feel like I’m talking in riddles.”

  He rubbed her leg and asked, “Why don’t you spend the night with me so we can talk?”

  She said, “Not tonight. I’ll call you later.”

  Venice exited the car and Jarvis walked her inside before heading home.

  The next day and a half went by fast. Venice continued to be confused and in a daze, even though she hadn’t given Jarvis an answer yet. Her mother and Sinclair were secretly making plans for March, since they knew March would be their next school break. Bryan still wasn’t happy about the entire situation and often showed it. He hoped Venice would wait until she graduated from college before she considered marriage to anyone.

  Mr. Taylor felt the same way and told Mrs. Taylor they should’ve left the situation alone a year ago. At least she wouldn’t be going through this stress about Craig if they’d stayed out of it. Galen was sort of shocked with the news. He was trippin’ because Craig was his friend and he didn’t want any hard feelings between them.

  Venice and Jarvis met with Pastor Greene again. This time, things went a little better. He still sensed that Venice wasn’t completely ready. He vowed that he’d continue to talk with them by phone over the next few weeks.

  Venice drove Jarvis to the airport before heading back to school. He told her that no matter what she decided, he would continue to love her. Jarvis told her to call him the minute she got back to campus and to be careful. She agreed and gave him a hug and kiss, then laid her head on his chest.

  “Venice, don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  Venice nodded in agreement and hugged him again. “Jarvis, bear with me. Okay?”

  He lifted her chin up to gaze into her eyes. “Girl, you know I’ll do anything for you. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  “Thanks and I’ll call you went I get in.”

  “That’ll work. I love you.”

  “No, thank you for being patient. I love you so much, Jarvis.” Jarvis put his arm around Venice’s waist and said, “I love you too, Niecy.”

  He gave her one last sensual kiss, parting her lips with his tongue and greedily tasted before boarding his plane.

  It was going to be a long ride back to Dawson but she had Chanelle rolling with her this time. They had a great opportunity to talk about the stressful Christmas and the love triangle. Venice knew Jarvis had faith that she really did want to marry him. She just had to decide if she wanted to do it now or after graduation. Bryan was still riding Venice hard on the issue, too. He even called her on the cell phone as they drove back to school. Venice just listened and took everything he said to heart.

  Arriving back on campus, the two women headed to their respective rooms. On the elevator, Chanelle asked, “So, did you tell Jarvis?”

  “Nope! I haven’t given him any kind of answer. I’m going to call Craig later. For some reason, I feel like he’s given up on me. He’ll be leaving for Japan in two weeks. This is still going to be hard, Chanelle.”

  Chanelle said, “I can’t even imagine. I’m glad I’m not in your shoes.”

  Venice paused for a minute. “I don’t have a clue, Chanelle.”

  The rest of the ride was quiet as she said goodbye to Chanelle and exited the elevator.

  When Venice reached her room, she saw that Monique wasn’t back yet. She did have a couple of messages. One was from Monique—who said she’d be in tomorrow—the next message was from Jarvis and the last one was from Craig. Venice put her things away before returning any of the calls. She called Jarvis first to let him know that she’d made it back. He told her again that he loved her and would talk to her later. Next, she called Craig and told him that she was back in town. She could tell by his tone that he already knew. It was something in his voice. She asked him how things were going in preparation for his trip to Japan. He told her things were going fine. He asked her if she was up to coming over. She told him she’d be over in about an hour. This was really it.

  Venice showered, then dressed in one of her long skirts with a split up the back and a cute blouse to match. When she arrived, she found Craig’s room somewhat cluttered. He had his suit
cases scattered around the room and clothes stacked in several piles on the floor. She asked if he needed any help. He thanked her, but told her he pretty much had a system going.

  He went on to ask how Joshua was doing and also about her family. She sat on the bed and filled him in on everybody. He stood in front of her and grabbed her hand and said, “I see you’re still wearing the ring. I don’t see a wedding band, so I guess you haven’t got married yet.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  He sat down next to her. “I need a break. I’ve been at this for a couple of hours now.”

  Venice looked around the room and said, “I can tell.”

  She wrapped her arm around his arm and laid her head on his shoulder.

  He said, “Venice, you don’t have to say anything. Baby, I already know why you’re here. To tell you the truth, I knew what you were going to do when I came up for Christmas. Don’t stress yourself out over this.”

  The tears started falling when he said that.

  He put his arm around her and said, “I told you that I wasn’t going to just let you walk away from me. What would it take for me to change your mind? Huh?”

  Venice couldn’t answer him.

  He stood up and said, “You know I love you and I know you love me. I can’t see how you could go through with it. So, when’s the wedding?”

  She walked across the floor and got a tissue to wipe her eyes.

  She sat back and said, “I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet. I haven’t given him an answer.”

  He had a relieved look on his face and said, “I still can’t believe you’re considering it. You’re just going to act like we didn’t exist?”

  Venice continued to wipe her tears as she stood up again.

  He stood up and angrily said, “Say something, Venice!”

  “I don’t know what to say, Craig! I do love you, but I’ve been in love with Jarvis for a long time. I’m emotionally connected to him. It’s hard to explain.”

  He took her hand into his and asked, “Is that the best you can come up with?” Venice looked up into his dark brown eyes. “I can’t explain it any better than that, Craig. I’ve always been in love with him.”

  Craig sat back down on the bed and calmly said, “I just can’t let you go through with it. I’ve had an unbelievable time with you, Venice, and I can’t dismiss us as easily as you can. You’re a special lady and because I know you love me, I just can’t let you go.”


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