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Page 7

by E. C. Land

  Booming laughter hits my ears. I’m sure I should be embarrassed right about now, but I’m not.

  “You skank,” Hurricane sneers, stepping forward. “All high and mighty, you need to learn your place.” Before she has a chance to slap me, I reach out and yank out her extensions.

  Stupid bitch.

  Hurricane screams and attempts to tackle me. Instead, she finds herself tripping over my foot and landing against the picnic table. Her head hits the corner, and she cries out in pain.

  “That’s what you get for attempting to hit me,” I snap, not even caring her face is bleeding. “Stay away from Viking.” Glancing at the other Torpedoes, I glare. “That goes for all of you.”

  Facing Viking, I can’t decipher the expression on his face. But the next second, I find myself thrown over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.

  Well, I guess he’s joining the show.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Two fuckin’ days pass without finding any information on who the stalker is. I’m becoming frustrated. Doesn’t help Fawn is definitely going stir-crazy. After seeing her put Hurricane in her place, I all but locked us in my room—fucking her through the rest of the night and well into the next morning. The only time I wasn’t inside her is when we slept. Even then, I had fell asleep with my cock inside her.

  I never expected her to put the Torpedoes in their place. Fawn did it without hardly touching the damn bitch. Hell, she had surprised me by not wanting me to handle the situation.

  This morning, I had sent a prospect out to the local bakery to get donuts for everyone. I made sure to tell them to get a dozen of bacon maple ones and five dozen random. The bacon maple ones are for Fawn. The woman can eat the whole box by herself. I’ve seen her do it firsthand. She’s stingy when it comes to those.

  Sitting at the head of the table in church, I listen to the normal shit that we’ve all got going on with the girls and a run we’ve got coming up. I’m waiting until the rest of our normal shit’s out of the way to bring up everything else. They all know what’s going on, but from the look on Pirate’s face, he’s got something for me.

  “Anything else?” I ask, leaning forward bracing my elbows on the table.

  “I know you want to get to the situation goin’ on with Fawn, but I want to bring something to everyone’s attention,” Hydra states.

  “What is it?” I demand, eyeing my dad.

  “While at the Deathstalkers MC clubhouse, we stripped Rocky of his cut. You all know Rock and I were out in Oregon to get shit straightened out. We finally got that shit done. The club’s in good hands under Low. He’s a good man. However, Rocky said something about him and his asshole followers not being the only ones who have it out for us.”

  “Who doesn’t have a problem with our club?” Maverick grunts. He’s got a point. We’ve got a lot of enemies.

  “If we have more wanting taken out, we’ll handle them as they show themselves,” I declare. My brothers grunt and mutter their agreement to this. “Now Pirate, what did you find?”

  “Yeah,” Pirate says, sliding a photo on the table in my direction. “We’ve been keeping an eye on the house, seeing if anyone out of the ordinary shows up. Well, Wrath and I were talking while watching the family across the street. I don’t think they knew we could see them. The woman kept waving her hand toward the house, yelling at the man. We were able to capture this of the woman.”

  Glancing at the photo, I examine the woman’s features. Something about them is familiar, but I can’t place her. Passing it down to the other end of the table, Sabotage takes a look and curses.

  “That’s fuckin’ Cathay’s sister, Catherine,” he growls, glaring at the image. “How long has she been living there?”

  “They just moved in,” Pirate states. “Makes sense now since the house is in Cathay’s name. I took the liberty to find out who’s house it was. But now I wanna know why the house is in a dead woman’s name.”

  “Damn good question. We might need to find out,” I grumble. “I want some of you to check into it. I’m done waiting around to find out who the hell this stalker is. They’re not gonna just go away, but they also aren’t gonna infiltrate the clubhouse either.”

  “What’re you thinking?” Ice asks, arching a brow.

  “We let Fawn go out. She’s got to go to some vendors to meet with some clients. Send a prospect with her. Then we wait.”

  “Do you think it’s Catherine after Fawn?” Rock throws his question out to the table.

  “I wouldn’t put it past her,” Sabotage grumbles. “But I haven’t seen the bitch in over seven years. I don’t know what she’s been up to.”

  “At this point, I don’t fuckin’ know. I think it’s fuckin’ ironic she’s moved into the house across from Fawn,” I mutter, slouching into my chair.

  “You wanna use your ol’ lady for bait?” Ice narrows his eyes on me.

  “No, I don’t wanna use her as fuckin’ bait. But I already had it out with her last night. We all know she’s passionate about her work. Hell, we’ve got her working on an event for us. What I’m saying is, I’m not gonna let my woman go out alone, and we’re gonna find these fuckers while keeping her safe,” I grind out, my hands balling into fists.

  We finish church and head into the main room of the clubhouse. I grin when I spot Fawn sitting at the bar already diving into the bacon maple donuts. Seeing the way she’s dressed in a pair of snug grey dress pants and a blue blouse does things to my cock.

  Fuck, she’s hot.

  Prowling toward her, I cage her in with my hands on the bar. “Save me any of those?”

  “Nope,” she smirks and plops the rest of her donut in her mouth. “Yum, so good,” she mumbles with a mouthful.

  Chuckling, I kiss the tip of her nose. “Here’s what’s gonna happen today, Dollface. I’m sending two men with you. Soon as you finish, I want you back here at the clubhouse. Got me?”

  “I promise to come back soon as I finish. I need to go to two different venues, then I’ll be home,” she says reassuringly.

  “Good, if you see anything out of the ordinary, call me.”

  “I will.” She nods and slides off the stool.

  I step back just enough for her to stand. Wrapping my arms around Fawn’s waist, I kiss her thoroughly, making her moan.

  “Dammit, it’s too fuckin’ early to see you and my damn daughter going at it. It’s bad enough I know what the fuck you were doing all day yesterday and the night before.”

  “Shut it, old man,” Ice chuckles. “They’ve just got a lotta time to make up for.”

  “Boy, I ain’t old. I’m in my forties. I consider myself in my prime. Plus, I get more pussy than you,” Sabotage jokes.

  “Eww, Daddy, I don’t need to hear that.” Fawn cringes.

  “Now you know how I feel seeing you two going at it.” Sabotage smirks.

  “Whatever,” she mutters and lifts her gaze to meet mine. “Who’s going with me?”

  I call out to a prospect and for Rampage. My brother already knows what the deal is. Looking at the prospect, I hold his gaze. “You’re with my woman today. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

  “Got it, Prez,” he grunts.

  Nodding, I focus back on Fawn. “Stay with them.”

  “Promise,” she whispers, giving me one last kiss before grabbing her files and heading out the door.

  Once she’s outside, I scan the room. “Let’s see if we can’t find this motherfucker now.”

  My brothers nod in agreement. This shit gets done now, and to get started, we start with Catherine—find out what she’s up to.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Viking had surprised me last night by giving into letting me out of the clubhouse today for work. I normally work from home and only go out when needing to meet with a client. Viking had wanted me to reschedule, but being this is the first time I’m meeting one of the couples in person, I want to make a good impression.

bsp; After Viking had left me in bed sated this morning, I took a shower and got ready for the day while he held church with his brothers. Finding out he’d sent one of the prospects out for donuts made me smile.

  I ended up eating four of the bacon maple ones. I wanted to eat more of them, but I didn’t. I’d decided to be nice and share.

  Getting to the first venue, it’s for a couple I’m planning a wedding for. While there, we talked about the place I’d picked for them, and they loved it.

  Feeling great about myself, I head to the second venue, which is for a kid’s birthday party. I glance behind me, spotting both Rampage and the prospect following. When we pull into the parking lot, I park and get out. With my file in hand, I head for the doors to the kiddie arena. It’s filled with trampolines, bounce houses, and there’s even laser tag. Talk about the perfect place for a kid’s party.

  Inside, I spot the couple and smile, seeing it’s the parents who’d moved in across the street from me.

  “Hey, I’m Fawn,” I greet them holding out my hand for both of them to shake.

  “We’re the James’,” the woman says. “I’m Catherine, and this is Douglas. Aren’t you our neighbor who lives across the street?”

  “I am. Welcome to the neighborhood.” I smile and step back to motion toward the inside of the building. “Now, as you can see, this place would be a great way of celebrating a ten-year-old’s birthday.”

  “It is indeed,” Catherine murmurs.

  Walking through the kid’s arena, I start to get the sense something’s not right. Douglas excuses himself halfway through the tour. By the time we finish, I’m ready to get away from Catherine, she seems sweet enough, but something about the way she’s talking to me seems fake.

  I say my goodbyes and hit the restroom.

  Inside, I do my business and wash my hands. Turning to grab a paper towel, someone comes up behind me. I start to scream, but something is placed over my mouth.

  Oh God.


  I try to fight them off—only to weaken and slump against whoever’s behind me. My eyes flutter closed as everything goes dark.

  Waking up, I open my eyes to find myself in a cell across from three girls who look anywhere between eighteen and twenty. The three of them quickly divert their eyes from me and huddle against the far wall.

  “Um, do you all know where we are?” I ask, not getting an answer, so I try another way to get them to talk to me. “I’m Fawn.”

  One of them looks up only to cast her eyes back to the floor. “We’re not to speak of our names. We go by what Master calls us.”

  “What?” I frown, confused. “Master?”

  “Shh, we cannot talk. It’s forbidden. Just know that we’re sorry for what will happen.” Another one says.

  “I don’t understand,” I whisper, more confused. This is just so weird.

  “You will in time. We’re Master’s wives. Every night he chooses one of us and spends the night with them. Once with child, he waits until the child is born and if it’s a boy he keeps them, the girls we don’t know what he does with them,” The third girl says.

  “He releases wives once they’ve given him a child,” the first girl utters.

  My God.

  I think I’m going to be sick.

  Who would do something so vile?

  I don’t ask them anymore. I leave them alone, not wanting to get them in trouble. It’s obvious they’re terrified of this Master character.

  The creak of a door opening causes the girls to cower even more. I focus on the stairwell and watch to see who’s coming down the stairs. My eyes widen at who it is—are you kidding me?

  “You’re the guy . . .”

  “Yes,” Thompson snickers interrupting me.

  He’s the guy from Toxicity the night I met my friends there. Why is he doing this?

  “With some help, I got you where I want you,” he smirks, opening the door to the cell. Stepping inside, he reaches out and snatches me up by my hair. “Now it’s time I make you mine.”

  Dragging me out of the cell, he tosses me onto what looks like a birthing bed. At the sight of it, my heart starts to race rapidly in my chest.

  Thompson throws me onto the table and straps me to it. “Let me go,” I scream, but he simply laughs. “There’s no way I’m letting you go, not now. I’ve waited long enough to have you as mine.”

  Wait. What?

  I’ve never seen this guy before except at the club that night.

  “You know we followed you. Everywhere you went, we followed. He chuckles. I had to come back here to keep up appearances. I didn’t need to let on to the fact I wasn’t in town,” he says smugly. “Now be a good girl and do not speak. I’d hate to punish you, though you do deserve it for everything you’ve done thus far.”

  Footsteps coming down the stairs draw my attention, and my eyes widen at the sight of Douglas and Catherine both coming down the stairs.

  Catherine’s eyes come to mine, and she smirks maliciously. “So Miss Goodie Two Shoes is finally getting what she deserves.”

  “Catherine, go back upstairs,” Thompson orders.

  “Let me have my fun, please, Thompson. I promise I’ll leave you alone with her after,” Catherine whines, rubbing her body against his.

  “Fine, but Douglas,” Thompson calls to the other man getting his attention as he whips out a gun and pulls the trigger hitting the man right between the eyes. “You’ve done your job,” he says as Douglas’ body falls to the floor.

  Dear God or whoever the hell is listening, let this nightmare end, please.

  “Did you really have to do that now?” Catherine snaps.

  “Of course I did, he served his purpose, and now his debt is cleared,” Thompson says, eyeing Catherine. “Now, do what you want before I change my mind about you as well.”

  “I got her for you,” Catherine says, giving Thompson attitude.

  “No, Cathay got her for me and promised her to me. I bought and paid for her. But I couldn’t ever get close enough to her. Now she’s been tainted by the men of that club,” Thompson spits.

  Hold up. He bought and paid for me? This is ridiculous. I don’t belong to anyone.

  “Yeah, and what happened when she killed herself, huh? I kept trying to get her for you. That S.O.B. wouldn’t let her out of his sight without someone watching her,” Catherine sneers, completely ignoring me now.

  Thompson must be done with the conversation as he grins at her. “Yes, you did, and you did a good job of watching her for me. “Now, here’s your reward.”

  I scream as he pulls the trigger once again. Catherine’s body slumps to the floor, and she stares up at the ceiling as her life seeps from her eyes.

  Thompson laughs as he looks at me. “Now it’s just you and me, Fawn. You are the one true wife I’ve wanted and waited for. I will remove the tainting of those bastards while marking you as mine.”

  I fight the restraints holding me down. The entire time Thompson laughs, sounding like a demon possessed. Pulling out a knife, he slashes my clothes ripping them from my body. Hovering over me, he glides the knife across my stomach. I close my eyes crying out for help when the first slice is made.

  The only thing I can do at this point is hope Viking comes for me, and soon.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My phone rings, drawing my attention from the papers I’m going through. Someone’s been fuckin’ around with our vendor orders for the club. Picking up my phone, I glance at the screen and see Rampage’s name.

  “What’s wrong?” I demand, sensing something’s happened.

  “Fuck, Prez, I’m sorry. Someone knocked the prospect and me out. I was inside the building with her when they came up behind me and hit me over the head,” Rampage rambles.

  Vision blurring, I clench my teeth together. “Get back to the clubhouse,” I snarl, hanging up and storming out of my office. Pirate and Wrath were checking Catherine’s house for me.

  Stalking throu
gh the clubhouse, I dial Pirate’s number. “Yeah,” he answers on the second ring.

  “Anything happening over there?” I growl, stepping into the main room of the clubhouse.

  “Nah, Catherine and her whatever the hell he is, left a while ago and got back about thirty minutes ago,” he says.

  “You see them get out?” I swear to God if they have my woman they’re fuckin’ dead.

  “No, they always park in the garage.”


  I know they’re involved. I can feel it in my gut.

  Hanging up on Pirate, I scan the room. “Let’s ride,” I roar heading to the door.

  I’m not waiting on anyone else. Something about this whole mess doesn’t feel right. No one should’ve been able to get past Rampage. He’s a bruiser. There’s gotta be a third person in on this.

  Outside, I straddle my bike. Switching her on, I hit the throttle and speed through the gates as the prospect opens them.

  Speeding down the road, I make it to the house in half the time. I put the kickstand down and swing a leg over.

  “What’s going on?” Ice demands, joining me as I stalk to the front door of Catherine’s house.

  “Fawn’s missing,” I snarl, kicking in the door. At this point, I don’t give a damn if it’s them or not. I’ll find my woman.

  “Fuck,” Ice growls, and Sabotage curses.

  My brothers follow me into the house. “Search every room.”

  A muffled sound comes from somewhere in the house, and I head in that direction.

  “Shit, there’s a bunch of boys in here,” Hydra calls out.

  “Get them outta here,” Ice commands following me.

  More muffled voices are heard behind a door. Slowly, I open the door. I notice it leads down to a basement. Motioning to Ice, on stealth feet, I climb down the stairs.

  “You’re mine, Fawn. Always have been.”

  Oh shit.

  I know that voice. It belongs to Nigel Thompson. The scumbag who was harassing my woman at the club the night I had got her back.


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