The Truths We Hold
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I introduced criminal justice reform legislation: A Bill to Clarify the Rights of All Persons Who Are Held or Detained at a Port of Entry or at Any Detention Facility Overseen by U.S. Customs and Border Protection or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, S. 349, 115th Cong. (2017–2018),
95 percent of our country’s: Nicolas Fandos, “A Study Documents the Paucity of Black Elected Prosecutors: Zero in Most States,” New York Times, July 7, 2015,
All told, we had more: The University of London, Institute of Criminal Policy Research, World Prison Brief, accessed October 25, 2018,
In 2004, for example: Lee Romney, “Bill Would Fight Child Prostitution,” Los Angeles Times, September 5, 2004,
Lateefah was a teenager: Kevin Cartwright, “Activist Awarded for Work with Troubled Youth,” The Crisis 111, no. 1 (January/February 2004): 9,
“I saw resilience in these young women”: Carolyn Jones, “Lateefah Simon: Youth Advocate Nominated as Visionary of the Year,” SFGate, January 5, 2015,
nearly 70 percent commit a crime: “NRRC Facts and Trends,” National Reentry Resource Center, Council of State Governments Justice Center,
Another among them was: Bob Egelko, “Judge Thelton Henderson Ending Long Career Rallying for Oppressed,” San Francisco Chronicle, January 15, 2017,; Associated Press, “Judge Thelton Henderson, Lawyer Fired for Loaning MLK a Car, Retiring,”, January 20, 2017,; and Jenifer Warren, “Judge Is No Stranger to Controversy,” Los Angeles Times, December 16, 1996,
It represented smart, effective stewardship: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Back on Track: A Problem-Solving Reentry Court, by Jacquelyn L. Rivers and Lenore Anderson, FS 00316 (Washington, DC, September 2009),
the median savings account: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Survey of Consumer Finances, 2016 (Washington, DC, 2016),
The New York Times Magazine told: Nick Pinto, “The Bail Trap,” New York Times Magazine, August 13, 2015,
Latino men pay nearly: Kamala Harris and Rand Paul, “To Shrink Jails, Let’s Reform Bail,” op-ed, New York Times, July 20, 2017,
According to the FBI, more people: Christopher Ingraham, “More People Were Arrested Last Year over Pot Than for Murder, Rape, Aggravated Assault and Robbery—Combined,” Wonkblog, Washington Post, September 26, 2017,
Between 2001 and 2010: “Marijuana Arrests by the Numbers,” ACLU,
93 percent of the people: John Annese, “NYPD Ripped for ‘Racially Biased Practices’ After Stats Show Cops Still Targeting Minorities for Pot Arrests,” New York Daily News, April 27, 2018,
In the decade after we: 33 States Reform Criminal Justice Policies Through Justice Reinvestment (Philadelphia: Pew Charitable Trusts, November 2016),
And since 2010, twenty-three states: Chris Mai and Ram Subramanian, The Price of Prisons: Examining State Spending Trends, 2010–2015 (New York: Vera Institute of Justice, May 2017),
Nearly four years after Ferguson: Jim Salter, “Missouri Report: Blacks 85 Percent More Likely to Be Stopped,” AP News, June 1, 2018,
three times more likely to: C.K., “Black Boys Are the Least Likely of Any Group to Escape Poverty,” The Economist, April 2, 2018,
they are arrested twice as often: C.K., “Black Boys.”
six times as likely as white men: Janelle Jones, John Schmitt, and Valerie Wilson, 50 Years After the Kerner Commission (Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute, February 26, 2018),
sentences nearly 20 percent longer: American Civil Liberties Union, “Written Submission of the American Civil Liberties Union on Racial Disparities in Sentencing Hearing on Reports of Racism in the Justice System of the United States,” submitted to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 153rd Session, October 27, 2014,
“Garden of the Sun”: Wallace Smith, Garden of the Sun: A History of the San Joaquin Valley, 1772–1939, ed. William B. Secrest Jr., 2nd ed. (Fresno, CA: Craven Street Books, 2004).
nearly 40 percent Latinx: Michael B. Teitz, Charles Dietzel, and William Fulton, Urban Development Futures in the San Joaquin Valley (San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California, 2005), 18,
lost more than half their value: Bonhia Lee, “Emerging from the Bust, Fresno Housing Market Is Healthiest Nationwide,” Fresno Bee, January 5, 2016,
the unemployment rate had soared: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Unemployment Rate in Fresno, CA (MSA), retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
Ten years after purchasing their home: Alana Semuels, “The Never-Ending Foreclosure,” The Atlantic, December 1, 2017,
the Humane Society was reporting: “Hidden Victims of Mortgage Crisis: Pets,” NBC News, January 29, 2008,; and Linton Weeks, “The Recession and Pets: Hard Times for Snoopy,” All Things Considered, NPR, April 6, 2009,
Roughly 5 million homeowners: “2010’s Record-Breaking Foreclosure Crisis: By the Numbers,” The Week, January 14, 2011,
And 2.5 million foreclosures: “2010’s Record-Breaking Foreclosure Crisis.”
to speed up the foreclosure process: “‘Robo-Signers’ Add to Foreclosure Fraud Mess,” NBC News, October 13, 2010,
“a woman running for attorney general”: ProsperitasMember, “Pundits Explain Why Kamala Will Never Win (Oops),” YouTube video, 3:00, posted December 7, 2010,
I was now ahead in the race: Jon Brooks, “Video: Steve Cooley Prematurely Declares Victory Last Night,” KQED News, November 3, 2010,
Of the nearly nine million ballots cast: Jack Leonard, “Kamala Harris Win
s Attorney General’s Race as Steve Cooley Concedes [Updated],” Los Angeles Times, November 24, 2010,
37,000 homeowners lined up: CBS News, “The Next Housing Shock,” 60 Minutes report, YouTube video, 14:06, posted April 3, 2011,
“In the 1930s, we had bread lines”: Ryan Chittum, “60 Minutes with a Good Look at the Foreclosure Scandal,” Columbia Journalism Review, April 5, 2011,; and CBS News, “The Next Housing Shock.”
the lender said they could help: California Department of Justice, “Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Convenes Roundtable with Foreclosure Victims,” YouTube video, 15:59, posted November 22, 2011,
which owned 62 percent of new mortgages: Douglas J. Elliott, “The Federal Role in Housing Finance: Principal Issues and Policy Proposals,” in The Future of Housing Finance: Restructuring the U.S. Residential Mortgage Market, ed. Martin Neil Baily (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2011),
in December 2011 she and I: State of California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, “Attorneys General of California and Nevada Announce Mortgage Investigation Alliance,” press release, December 6, 2011,
Parents’ dreams of financing: Janis Bowdler, Roberto Quercia, and David Andrew Smith, The Foreclosure Generation: The Long-Term Impact of the Housing Crisis on Latino Children and Families (Washington, DC: National Council of La Raza, 2010),
“the rise in US unemployment”: Aaron Reeves et al., “Increase in State Suicide Rates in the USA During Economic Recession,” The Lancet 380, no. 9856 (November 24, 2012): 1813–14,
In Fresno, the overwhelming majority: Patrick Clark, “Most U.S. Homes Are Worth Less Than Before the Crash,” Bloomberg, May 3, 2017,
the burden hit black families disproportionately: Sarah Burd-Sharps and Rebecca Rasch, Impact of the US Housing Crisis on the Racial Wealth Gap Across Generations (New York: Social Research Council, June 2015),
$345 billion in subprime loans: Peter Rudegeair, Rachel Louise Ensign, and Coulter Jones, “Big Banks Find a Back Door to Finance Subprime Loans,” Wall Street Journal, April 10, 2018,
eighteen thousand same-sex couples: “Fed Court OKs Immediate Gay Marriages in California; SF Conducts 1st,” KPIX CBS San Francisco, June 28, 2013,
Justice Stephen Breyer questioned: Hollingsworth v. Perry, 558 U.S. 183 (2010), oral arguments, March 26, 2013,
“not because it is old”: Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Address on Constitution Day, Washington, D.C.,” speech delivered September 17, 1937, American Presidency Project, [inactive].
hundreds of weddings that day: Malia Wollan, “California Couples Line Up to Marry After Stay on Same-Sex Marriage Is Lifted,” New York Times, June 29, 2013,
by 2009, we had reduced truancy: Jill Tucker, “Pressuring Parents Helps S.F. Slash Truancy 23%,” SFGate, June 9, 2009,
Our first report, the results: State of California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, “Report on California Elementary School Truancy Crisis: One Million Truant Students, Billions in Economic Harm,” press release, September 30, 2013,
more than half of Silicon Valley’s: Farhad Manjoo, “Why Silicon Valley Wouldn’t Work Without Immigrants,” New York Times, February 8, 2017,
She wanted to be able to tell: Phil Willon, “Newly Elected Kamala Harris Vows to Defy Trump on Immigration,” Los Angeles Times, November 20, 2016,
nearly six million American children: Leila Schochet, “Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Harming American Children,” Center for American Progress, July 31, 2017,
the fear of deportation: Randy Capps et al., Implications of Immigration Enforcement Activities for the Well-Being of Children in Immigrant Families: A Review of the Literature (Washington, DC: Urban Institute and Migration Policy Institute, September 2015),; and Seline Szkupinski Quiroga, Dulce M. Medina, and Jennifer Glick, “In the Belly of the Beast: Effects of Anti-Immigration Policy on Latino Community Members,” American Behavioral Scientist 58, no. 13 (2014): 1723–42,
in the first hundred days: Schochet, “Trump’s Immigration Policies.”
arrested ninety-seven workers: Caroline Scown, “Countering the Effects of Trump’s Immigration Policies in Schools,” Center for American Progress, May 3, 2018,
20 percent of the Latinx students: Scown, “Countering the Effects.”
In 2016, a quarter of all kids: Leila Schochet, “Trump’s Attack on Immigrants Is Breaking the Backbone of America’s Child Care System,” Center for American Progress, February 5, 2018,
20 percent of early childhood educators: Schochet, “Trump’s Attack on Immigrants.”
those numbers have tripled: Schochet, “Trump’s Attack on Immigrants.”
“somehow they knew”: Sankar Raman, “A Cardiac Scientist with Heart,” The Immigrant Story, July 10, 2017,
as much as $460 billion: Zoe Henry, “800,000 Workers, $460 Billion in Economic Output, Dozens of Entrepreneurs: What the U.S. Loses if DACA Goes Away,” Inc., March 5, 2018,
There’s a region in Central America: Rocio Cara Labrador and Danielle Renwick, “Central America’s Violent Northern Triangle,” Council on Foreign Relations, June 26, 2018,
nearly fifty thousand people were murdered: Labrador and Renwick, “Violent Northern Triangle.”
MS-13 and the Mara 18: Labrador and Renwick, “Violent Northern Triangle.”
violent deaths of women in Honduras: “Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women Finalizes Country Mission to Honduras and Calls for Urgent Action to Address the Culture of Impunity for Crimes Against Women
and Girls,” Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,
an eleven-year-old girl in Honduras: Sonia Nazario, “The Children of the Drug Wars,” New York Times, July 11, 2014,
If there was a ground zero: Labrador and Renwick, “Violent Northern Triangle.”
about a 50 percent chance: Continued Rise in Asylum Denial Rates: Impact of Representation and Nationality, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, December 13, 2016,
some 350,000 immigrants: Labrador and Renwick, “Violent Northern Triangle.”
dropped by 10 percent: Anneliese Hermann, Asylum in the Trump Era (Washington, DC: Center for American Progress, June 13, 2018),
seven hundred children had been separated: Caitlin Dickerson, “Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken from Parents at U.S. Border,” New York Times, April 20, 2018,
the extraordinary stress and trauma: Colleen Kraft, “AAP Statement Opposing Separation of Children and Parents at the Border,” American Academy of Pediatrics, May 8, 2018,
“Persons who violate the law”: Julie Zauzmer and Keith McMillan, “Sessions Cites Bible Passage Used to Defend Slavery in Defense of Separating Immigrant Families,” Washington Post, June 15, 2018,