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Night Hawk Trilogy (Night Hawk Series)

Page 16

by J. E. Taylor

  I stood in the dark room, letting my eyes adjust and mapping out my strategy, debating on what to enter the belly of the warehouse as. I knew my tiger form was a force to be reckoned with, but not knowing how many demons were on the other side of the office door left me at a disadvantage. I needed to get close to where they held Damian and that clinched my decision.

  If they thought I was human, I’d have a better chance of getting to him.

  I reached behind me, digging the gun out of my waistband and checked the clip. I had four bullets left and I inhaled, steadying myself for what would come after they ran out. I closed my eyes and flipped off the safety before stepping to the door.

  A short hallway greeted me and the creak of the hinges was masked by another sharp cry. I bit down on my lip, forcing myself to move slowly instead of listening to the building panic inside my muscles willing me to rush.

  I knew once the first bullet flew, my element of surprise would shatter. I stepped into the shadows and got my first look at the set up, focusing on the exterior walls instead of the spectacle in the center.

  I counted a half dozen within range and steeled myself for action. Lining up the closest demon’s head in the gun sight, I exhaled and pulled the trigger. My shot was true and he went down. The burn of glares hit me and I ignored it, turning and taking out the second demon before he could step in my direction. They moved fast and I got the last two shots off before my gun clicked empty.

  Tossing the useless shell away, I yanked both knives from my belt, wielding them as the demon hoard approached. My mind raced and I had to keep the strength pounding my muscles in check. Everything I did had to scream human, otherwise my chances of getting to the center of the floor where Damian was would be killed just as efficiently as I had killed the first demon.

  I slashed out, giving the impression of desperation until I was overwhelmed and disarmed. They dragged me, kicking and cursing all the way to where a police car sat and a darker version of Michael stood with arms crossed and lips pressed together in an amused smirk.

  I landed at his feet and glared up at him from my hands and knees.

  He looked to his right and an eyebrow rose. I followed his gaze and gasped. Damian was in worse shape than he had been in the woods. The sharp hooks piercing his shoulders sent a wave of nauseous fury through me and I kept it in check, storing it away for when I made my move. When his gaze met mine, I saw defeat and sorrow that stripped my soul down to my base instincts.

  “You bastard,” I snarled and scrambled to my feet, glaring at Lucifer.

  Lucifer’s hand reached out and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling me close and inhaling through his nose. “My god, she smells heavenly,” he said, glancing at Damian. “How did you not feast on this girl?”

  Damian’s gaze shifted to me and he forced himself to his feet, his features morphing into a grimace and I silently swore they all would pay dearly for torturing him. I glanced at the demons surrounding us, counting a meager five left to defend the building and they were close by, watching my struggle with interest.

  “She’s Michael’s bloodline,” he whispered as if it was a reason, but I could see the confusion in his expression, confusion that Lucifer mistook as pain.

  “You fucked this monster?” The question shot from the dark behind Damian, and I tensed, letting my mouth drop open with just the right amount of shock. Mark stepped from the shadows, a bloodied whip in his hand and I almost changed, just for the sheer joy of ripping him to pieces.

  The hand gripping my hair stopped me from doing anything rash just yet, but I had to give a show, so I lunged toward him, yanked back by the hair, allowing a stream of unladylike curses fall from my lips.

  Mark threw the whip on the table and approached me, his features contorted in rage. Lucifer pushed me toward him and I stumbled, catching myself to stand tall and defiant.

  “You fucked him?” he repeated, pointing at Damian.

  I shrugged. “What do you care? You sold me out,” I snapped and shifted, putting enough distance between Lucifer and me so I was now out of his reach.

  Mark scanned me and then gazed at Lucifer. “I want to fuck her before you kill her,” he said, just like I thought he would. The prick was so predictable.

  Lucifer gave a go-ahead wave and Damian growled a warning, but I focused on Mark.

  “I’d like to see you try,” I said, daring him to step within range. I closed my mouth, ignoring the pulse in my teeth and the desire to tear into this bastard. No one in the room besides Damian knew what I was and when Mark stepped forward, I nearly smiled at his stupidity.

  Instead, I shifted my weight, taking a ready stance.

  “You think your little self-defense classes are going to save you?” he said, laughing.

  “Maybe, maybe not, but I’ll at least get a couple shots in, maybe even ruin that pretty face of yours,” I said and the vain asshole paused, nodding to the beasts surrounding us.

  “You fucking coward,” I yelled when arms gripped me, holding me in place as he approached.

  He stepped close, his hands grabbing my coat and pushing it over my shoulders. The grip on my arms loosened as the demons stripped the garment. I jerked away from Mark’s touch, but the demons held me in place. He squeezed one of my breasts through the camisole and grinned.

  “I’ve been waiting years for this,” he whispered and his fingers trailed to my belt.

  I brought my knee up, but he anticipated it, grabbing a hold of my knee, his eyes narrowed in a way that chilled me. The thought that I once thought I loved this asshat made me want to puke.

  “So predictable,” he said and stepped close, holding my thigh to his hip and his free hand gripped my ass. He smiled and pressed his crotch to mine, his hard shaft suggesting exactly what he had in store. “And so fucking hot,” he whispered.

  I tried to wriggle free, giving the impression that the grip on my arms was as good as iron shackles. He laughed and leaned forward, kissing my bare shoulder, his lips followed the line of my neck to my ear and I glanced at Damian before my gaze landed on Mark’s exposed neck.

  It was time and I sank my teeth into the flesh bared before me, relishing the hot stream that filled my mouth as much as Mark’s scream. At the same time I bit, I yanked both demons, knocking their skulls together in a teeth-shattering thud. I spun Mark, throwing him against the stunned demons.

  I didn’t hesitate, I lunged and when I landed on the trio, claws ripped flesh and screams filled the room. I focused on the demons, leaving Mark for later. I wanted him to live with a few minutes of terror before I tore his head off. I wanted him to feel death’s breath, to know how fucking terrifying it was to know he was only a few moments away from dying.

  The rest of the hoard charged and I leapt from the dead bodies, focusing on the chains holding Damian before dispatching the rest of the beasts. The metal holding his right arm snapped in my jaws and before I could reach the second chain, the remaining demons surrounded me.

  Lucifer bellowed commands that they were not to kill me. That I was his, but I didn’t wait for them to ensnare me at his orders, I went on the offensive, tearing them apart before turning to Lucifer and Mark. I launched toward them, snapping the second chain in half on my way past Damian.

  Lucifer stepped to my right and I snarled, undecided as to who to go attack. The scent of Mark’s blood drew my attention and I focused on him. Fury filled every cell and my haunches tightened, springing me onto him. His dying screams of terror fueled my anger, heightening my need to kill, and I clawed and bit, relishing the taste of fear in his blood until all that was left echoing in the warehouse was my snarl and the ripping of flesh.

  “Naomi,” his voice cut through the rage and I turned.

  Lucifer held a handful of Damian’s hair and the barrel of a gun rested on his temple. My heart stopped and the breath locked in my lungs. When I took a step toward them, Lucifer cocked the hammer back. I hesitated, letting the transition take hold.

  “Please, do
n’t,” I whispered, lifting my gaze from Damian’s to meet Lucifer’s furious eyes.

  Lucifer smiled and pulled the trigger. The snap of an empty clip filled the room and his smile faded.

  I launched from my spot before Lucifer could recover from the shock of his failure, hitting him full in the chest and knocking him away from Damian. I dug in with both claws and teeth, delivering what should have been mortal wounds.

  Unfortunately, Lucifer was neither mortal nor demon and he found the strength to throw me aside. I scrambled, putting myself between the king of hell and my suffering vampire.

  “Naomi,” Damian’s voice attempted to pull my attention and I ignored him, keeping my eyes on Lucifer circling the perimeter, limping and leaving a significant trail of blood.

  Damian’s grip on my fur finally pulled my attention away and I turned my head.

  “Sun,” his gaze rose and I followed it to the growing light in the window.

  Lucifer’s laughter rang out and I snarled, crouching so Damian could climb on my back. He seemed to understand and the moment he had a grip, I took off toward the back of the warehouse, away from the sunrise. The only thing between us and the dark water of the Hudson River was glass and I didn’t hesitate, I leapt, smashing the window and tumbling through the air with Damian still holding tight.

  White light filled my senses and then darkness descended.

  Chapter Thirty-six – Damian

  Pain scraped every cell of my body and my eyes blinked open to black so thick, I couldn’t see anything, our tumble into oblivion still sharp in my mind. I tried to sit up but hands pushed me back.

  “Don’t move,” Naomi said, her voice drowning all my other senses, layering a blanket of relief over me. Tears burned my throat and traced hot paths down my face, blurring the darkness and dulling the agony.

  Wire snapped and I groaned at the fire burning my shoulder, choking me. I clamped my eyes closed, pressing my teeth together while she pulled the metal shard from my shoulder, unwrapping my arm before placing it on my stomach over my other freed appendage.

  “Where are we?” I asked once the ability to articulate returned.

  “I don’t know,” she answered and something delectable pressed against my lips.

  The minute my teeth pierced her skin, power flowed into me and I had to temper the burn, the need to suck every last drop from her. The knowledge that she’d let me, if it meant my survival, brought a fresh wave of tears to my eyes and after a few draws on the angel infused blood, I released her wrist, opting to pull her against me in the darkness instead of feasting on her blood.

  Crying was not normal for me. It was something that I hadn’t done since I was a little boy and the strange outpouring gripped me, flooding my ears with hot liquid. My arms tightened around Naomi, my form shaking to the core with silent sobs. I buried my face in her shoulder and her tender lips found my ear.

  “I love you,” she whispered and I squeezed tighter.

  Light filled the space and I opened my eyes, staring up into Michael’s magnificent form. His melancholy expression blurred and I blinked the sheen of tears from my eyes, meeting his hard gaze. I scrunched my eyebrows together, wondering if I had seen the warm expression or if it was just the tears that distorted his features.

  Naomi pulled out of my arms and stood, crossing to the angel and giving him a hug.

  “Thank you,” she said and placed a kiss on his cheek. Michael closed his eyes and gave her a quick squeeze before meeting my gaze.

  “How’s Valerie?” I asked.

  “She’s with her uncle in a safe place,” Michael answered and then looked at Naomi. “Lucifer is still alive”

  Naomi nodded and looked at the floor.

  “My sources tell me he's in bad shape,” he said and slid his gaze to me. “So it looks like you’ve got a reprieve while he heals.”

  Confusion clouded my already emotionally charged brain and I attempted to sit up again, succeeding, despite the protest of every muscle. I glanced around at the familiar surroundings of the cottage bedroom and the bags on the floor, including my computer bag, before my gaze snapped back to Michael.

  “How?” I asked and pointed to the luggage, but really what I wanted to know was why he saved me. I just didn’t know how to ask without setting him off.

  Michael’s eyebrow rose in that arrogant gesture that always infuriated me.

  I bit down on a derogatory remark and traded a glance with Naomi. “Okay, then why,” I asked, finding the curiosity too overwhelming not to ask.

  “Because she asked for my help,” he said, but I saw something underneath the sternness that told me there was more to it than that. He sent a warning glare in Naomi’s direction and added, “The bloodline still needs protection.” Which sounded logical considering, but it didn’t explain the underlying fatherly vibe I was getting.

  “You sure it isn’t because you care?” I asked, offering a smirk as compensation for the dig.

  Michael’s laughter filled the room and then he was gone, leaving Naomi and I alone in the dark.

  I stood on shaking legs and crossed to where she stood, wrapping my arms around her. “What you did was stupid and foolish,” I whispered and she stiffened in my arms. “And insanely brave,” I added and before she could voice any argument, I crushed her lips under mine, kissing her with every ounce of love and passion filling my soul.



  Book Two

  Chapter One - Naomi

  He stood on the snow covered peak, his dark hair flowing in the breeze with his face tilted toward the moon. Damian Andreas was one fine-looking man and I sighed at his eternal beauty. His posture stiffened and his eyes snapped open, scanning the landscape until they landed on me. The slow smile that spread over his lips sent a shiver up my spine ending with a rush of heat that warmed me to my very soul.

  We’d played in the mountains of Colorado for the last five years without the threat of retribution, but both of us knew the hourglass was running out of sand. Our cabin near the south shore of Rainbow Lake made for the perfect hiding spot, blending into the woods and surrounding mountain side. From the outside, it looked like a simple hunting cabin built into the mountainside, but it was far more than just a three sided hut. Using the natural slope of the mountain, he’d carved us a comfortable sanctuary with all the modern conveniences. Water piped in from the lake, heat and electricity courtesy of solar and geothermal heating and even cell signals strong enough to connect to the internet. It wasn’t the haven we left, but it was enough to make a life together.

  Damian dropped from the ledge, morphing into the form of a giant hawk; his wingspan blocked the moon as he circled, descending in a graceful arc until he was within a few feet of the ground. He dropped the last few inches in his human form, his intense gaze locked on mine.

  “I thought you were reading,” he said when his hiking boots touched the snow.

  “I was, but I thought the fresh air would do me some good.”

  He pulled me into his arms and his cool lips brushed mine. His kisses still stunned me as much as they did when we first met. My bones turned to soft clay, melting into him, into his kiss.

  The moment our lips separated, the playfulness in his eyes faded and his gaze rose from mine to the trees behind me. His features tensed and he straightened, his eyes narrowing into a glare that bit at my nerves.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked in a voice I hardly recognized and I turned, taking in the feral blonde standing at the edge of the woods.

  She approached and my pulse jumped at her red eyes and the set of razor teeth gleaming in the moonlight.

  “I know your hiding places, Damian,” she said in a sensual purr that hung on the night air. “And so does he.”

  Damian’s grasp tightened and he did a quick scan of the area before bringing his gaze back to the woman.

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head over it, honey. I took care of his hunters a few days ago.” Her eyes dr
opped to mine and she licked her lips. “She smells wonderful.”

  “The way my wife smells is of no interest to you,” he said, releasing his hold around my waist, taking my hand and stepping in front of me in a protective stance.

  “Wife. Wow.” Her perfect brow arched as she renewed her study of me. “And you’re not going to introduce me?”

  “Naomi, this is Lilith,” he said with a voice clipped with an underlying warning.

  The name Lilith brought forth a wealth of religious information, but this couldn’t possibly be the same as the reference in the old testament. The first woman. The first demon.

  I stared at her and she cocked her head, her lips spreading in a sly smile that was meant to chill.

  “The story is so much more sordid than those old monks scribed,” she said flipping her hair over her shoulder and igniting my curiosity. “Isn’t that right, Damian?”

  Damian squeezed my hand and sent a glance in my direction before sliding it back to Lilith. “What are you doing here?” he asked again, this time measuring each word, conveying his distaste.

  “Lucy is back on the prowl and he is in one of the foulest moods this universe has ever seen.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “It means he’s hunting and hell bent on finding the two of you.”

  “Let him come, this time I won’t stop until he’s dead,” I said and her sharp gaze met mine.

  “Sweetheart, if Lucy finds you, you won’t have the strength to fight him.”

  “Why the hell not?” I asked and tried to step to Damian’s side but he shot me a glare that froze my feet in place.

  “Because he has the last dose of antidote.” Her gaze snapped from mine to Damian’s. “If he uses it on you, you’ll die like that,” she said and snapped her fingers. “But that’s not his intent. He plans on stealing her immortality, and her death will be slow and painful.”


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