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Sparks Of Deception

Page 11

by Barb Shuler

  “What?” he questioned.

  “Stephen had a hand in her adoption when Kelly and Robert got married. I don't think they knew he was corrupt. He used her father's information and it looks like he's been dangling Lana in his face all this time. The man has tried to stay straight. He's not been in trouble at all with law enforcement of any kind for well over ten years. Seems he had a knack for B and E’s. They used him when they needed a quick in and out. He's hiding out now. But, Charlie, I found him. He’s close. If they follow him as they have been then they're closer to her than I like.”

  “So, wait. I have to wrap my head around this. The group Stephen was working with is using Lana as bait to draw out her biological father because he refused to work for them? What about Kelly? Does she know her daughter is in trouble?!?”

  “She's not Lana’s mother…” The words slipped from my lips before I could catch myself. I cursed and turned my eyes from where they had been scanning the park back to Charlie. “Look, from what I can find - and trust me, I found plenty - Alana is Kelly’s biological granddaughter. Kelly's daughter, I think her name was Camilla, was married to this man, Thomas Bryant. He had a drug issue at the time. While he was in jail they disappeared. Kelly’s daughter died while giving birth…. and now, here we are almost seventeen years later.”

  “I don't know whether to believe this or kick your ass for hiding shit from us.” Charlie snapped. I returned the glare he sent my way.

  “Dammit, man! Don't you fucking get it? Are ya dense? They're coming after her cause they know I'm close to locating them all! This is not a fucking debate. I'm doing a job… and God help anyone who gets too close to her. Or any of my family.”

  “We have to tell Gabe and Drew. Fuck, Jacks needs to know his girl could be in danger too. This is more than you should be handling, kid. You have no tactical training. You can't carry a fucking gun. What in the hell are you going to do, besides get your ass killed?!”

  His words were like a slap to the face. I'd kill anyone who got too close, with my bare hands if need be. I got out the car and slammed the door as hard as I could. When Charlie got out I flipped him off.

  “We can't tell anyone. If they start looking for shit they'll be on the list too. Let me do my god damn job and just keep your nose to the ground. Help me keep Lana safe. I'll do what I have to to keep everyone else safe.”


  “No. Not a word, Charles. I mean it. I'm too close. I'll update Hatcher and Carson of the situation. I'll get some eyes on this place. Then they can all go fuck themselves. I'm not putting my family in danger again. No matter how much money they throw at me.”

  I walked away from him. I needed to think and I needed to call Hatcher and see if the last program I wrote was doing its job. We were down to the wire. We needed answers and I needed to get my head back in the game. I‘d just have to pray that Charlie kept his mouth shut.

  Two hours later I had a clear head and a mission to complete. I was back in the station now, computers running search programs for the names in the files the FBI had sent me while I waited for Special Agent Carson to contact me so I could give him an update on what happened last night. Gramps had given me some things to categorize, like the pictures from the crime scene. I had the reports scanned and entered into the internal folders. While the pictures uploaded I opened yet another box - this time it was a message box - on the secure server and sent a message to Hatcher.

  Me: We have a situation.

  Hatch: What kind? Where are you?

  Me: The kind that get people killed. At the station.

  Hatch: What happened?

  Me: Long story

  Me: Some asshole left me a message after scaring Lana last night.

  Me: Pics incoming.

  I ran my fingers over the keys and with a few clicks of the mouse the files were dumped into his message box. I sent a copy of the official police report as well. After a few minutes he came back to the message box.

  Hatch: You called Carson?

  Hatch: If they've found you, they have to have someone working their systems.

  Me: Yep, figured that.

  Me: I've ghosted those files for a year now. I left no trail so I don't get it.

  Hatch: It may not be that simple.

  Hatch: Someone could have something flagged or tagged.

  Hatch: We need to get this wrapped soon. They're getting ready to move again.

  Me: I know. After this I'm done. I won't risk my family.

  Hatch: I know, man. Keep me updated. I’ll run the report and see what I can find.

  Me: K. Later!

  Hatch: Later!

  I leaned back in the chair and scrubbed both hands over my face as I thought over what I knew. The reports mentioned an ‘Evans’ in on the ground floor. I was assuming that meant he was close. Watching shit. There were three assholes in the Jacobs’ family that were still on the loose, Gerald was one of them. There was also a file that kept mentioning a “her” or “she” but never a name. Someone that had some kind of pull around here. God, the list was never ending.

  When it was time for me to go pick up Tyler, Taylor and Ryan from daycare I told Gramps I was leaving and headed out to my Jeep. It looked funny with two car seats and a booster in the back but, such was life these days. We all chipped in where we could. I gave Jacks and Charlie a salute when they pulled up in their cruisers.

  “Hey, take the kids to your place. Kris is over there working on a project with Dani Lynn,” Jacks said as he came over to me.

  “You got it. How's the pregnant duo today?” I asked, chuckling.

  “Just tip toe and keep the kids somewhat quiet. I put Elijah down before I left. Drew is still out at the Crossland Ranch with the guys from the PD. Seems Robert and Kelly’s wasn't the only place hit win the pranks.” I nodded and climbed up into my Jeep.

  “So, I guess I'm on dinner duty?” I cocked a brow. “You coming over to eat?” I asked.

  “Yep, I'm off in four and a half hours so I'll see y'all there,” he said and waved as he walked towards the station's front door. Charlie waited a bit and then followed him. He may not have understood my need to do what I was doing, hell, I wasn't a hundred percent sure most days, but it was a choice I took on. I was an adult and dammit, I could do this. I put my Jeep in gear and headed up the street to “Happy Days Daycare”, pushing all the negative from my mind. I had three monsters to nab then I was going into the lion's den head first.

  Maybe I'd stop and pick up a cheesecake from Mrs. Talbert’s. Sweets and pregnant women went together, right?


  Man In The Dark

  Lana - Three Weeks Later

  School only had one more day until we would have a week off for Thanksgiving. Thank God… one day. Yes, I was counting down the seconds until the bell rang at three fifteen. I was ready for a break. I was getting good grades, signing up for the extra projects Mama thought would look good on my college applications, but I was tired. And come on, who actually liked school? I swear only robots would. Or people who had no idea what was going on.

  Today sucked. Carter had a doctor’s appointment so Stella had picked him up early. The rest of the afternoon I was on my own. That in and of itself made the day drag by. Without Carter I also had some trouble with a few people but I wasn't afraid to shove back. I had to learn to stand on my own two feet. I sighed as I walked towards the main building. I had to get to biology before I was late. I had the reputation as the “early bird” after all. It had started in the seventh grade. No sense in letting that all go to waste by being late.

  Rounding the corner of the corridor I saw Mr. Evans talking to a taller, somewhat muscled man. Their faces were red and the man was waving his arms about. When Mr. Evans saw me watching them he turned. Shit! I turned, and once I was through the main door, I hurried down the hall and into the classroom mere seconds before the final bell rang. I moved to my seat, flopped down and had my notebook out on my desk by the time Mrs. Cantor - the sub we had
this week - turned around from the board. I looked up at the board with today's reading pages and assignments and wrote down what I needed. Please, let this class go fast. A few more classes and my day was over. I would be free.

  The bell rang to signal the end of the school day and I cheered to myself. I hurried to the locker room to grab my bag and jacket. I slid the slender messenger bag around me and pulled my jacket over it. I shoved my hands into my pockets and made my way out of the locker room and started out across the gym.

  Derek was going to meet me in the parking lot and take me to Trudy’s Salon. I grinned as I tugged at the end of my ponytail. My hair had gotten so long that it was in the way. Shayna, the owner of Trudy’s, was my sister Anna’s soon to be sister in law and agreed to do it for me. Anyway I wanted. Best part, I was getting the family rate. That meant I'd have enough to get something extra done.

  Anna told me Mama would kill me if I asked for her to streak my hair purple, which is what I wanted, so I was settling for her adding a little color to it to spruce it up. Whatever she thought would work. As I hit the main door a hand shot out and gripped my arm. Coach Evan stood there, staring at me.

  “Principal's office. Now,” he said and tugged me along with him. What had I done? I started to struggle and pulled my arm from his grip.

  “Do not touch me! You have no right,” I snapped at him as I pulled my phone out. I opened the stream I had with Derek from earlier and sent a message.

  Me: Beast’s office!

  I didn't have to say more. We all knew who the beast was. Within seconds I had a reply flash on my screen from Derek.

  Derek: OMW. 2 mins

  I looked back up at Coach Evans when he snapped his fingers. “Hurry your ass up.” His words made me angry. I wasn't a dog and he had no right to treat me this way. I didn't move fast enough, so he grabbed my elbow and jerked me along with him. His fingers bit into my skin with each step.

  “You're hurting me! Let go!” I shrieked as the principal's door opened and I was shoved in. Asshole. I looked up to see the beast, Principal Jennings leaning against her desk. She was scowling at Coach Evans.

  “If you want to keep your job, Mr. Evans, I advise you to keep your hands off the students,” she hissed at him. I rubbed my arm but stayed back by the wall as Coach Evans mumbled something to her and flopped down on a chair. That was when I noticed another man was in the room. The same man I'd seen Coach talking to earlier.

  “Why am I here? I've done nothing wrong. Have you called my mother? Should I call her? Better yet, should I call my daddy?” I asked in a rush. What was going on here? My fingers were shaking as I looked around the room. The man opposite Coach stood and met my gaze.

  “Christine, I’m- I'm your father. I never wanted us to meet this way…”

  “That is not my name! I have a daddy. You’re not him!” What in the world was going on here?

  “Mr. Bryant, sit down,” Principal Jennings told the man as she moved back around her desk. “Alana, things have been brought to our attention. Things, I, as your principal, cannot overlook. Come and have a seat,” Principal Jennings said, her gaze meeting mine. I could feel the tears starting to pool in my eyes. I shook my head.

  “No! I need to call my daddy,” I stammered as I dug for my phone. There was a knock on the door and I jumped. Principal Jennings went to her door and scowled when she opened it.

  “May I help you, Mr. Landry?” Her perfectly sculpted brow rose and she kept me out of view by not opening the door more.

  “I'm here to pick up Lana. Where is she?” He said, his voice hard. I went to move and Coach Evans grabbed my arm again. I stomped on his foot and wrenched away from him.

  “I'm here. Let's go. I need to talk to my daddy,” I said, fighting back tears.

  “Miss McKenna-” Principal Jennings was cut off by the man in the chair. The one claiming to be my father.

  “Her name’s Bryant.” His words were a bark as he stood. Derek stepped into the room more and took my hand.

  “Thomas, sit down and shut up,” Principal Jennings said, not only glaring at him but pointing a well manicured nail at him. When he sat she turned back to me.

  “Lana, this is a lot to take in, but we need to discuss this before you talk to your parents.” Her voice held an air of anger but she gave me a big fake smile. I shook my head and stepped back closer to Derek. He pulled out a hand held radio and clicked the side button.

  “Dispatch to 34677. Come in.”

  “34677, 10-2.”

  “34677, be advised we have a 10-93 at the school. Request back up. Copy?”

  “10-4 dispatch, 34677 copy. 10-26, five minutes. Copy?”

  “10-4, dispatch copies. Over.”

  Derek smirked at the three people in the room and the accompanying crackle of the radio made me jump.

  “37041 to dispatch.”

  “Dispatch, 10-2.”

  “Be advised 37041 is in the area of 10-26. Offering assistance. ETA one minute. Copy?”

  “10-4, dispatch copy. 34677, copy?”

  “10-4, 34677 copy. ETA two minutes.”

  “10-4, dispatch clear.”

  “Derek? What was that about?” I looked up at him, my question garnering nothing from him in the way of answers. He did wink though. I sighed and punched his side lightly. Punk!

  “They thought it was okay to corner a minor, without a parent or guardian and refused to let you call for one. They have some explaining to do. Deputy McKenna and Deputy Landry will be here in a moment. I think they should be able to sort this out.”

  “No! This is not what was supposed to happen!” The man claiming to be my father jumped up and moved towards me. His eyes pleaded with me as he took my hands in his. Something warm and sharp pressed into my hand. I don't know why, but I balled my fists up and jerked away from him.

  “Get the hell off of her!” Derek growled and tried to shove him back, but his grip was too tight. I had nowhere to go.

  “I spoke the truth. I am your father. You're- you’re mine. You were stolen by that hateful wench.” He shoved past us and went jogging down the hall. I blinked back tears as I moved my hands to my jacket pockets. I felt what he'd slipped in my hand and it felt like a piece of paper. I sighed and curled into Derek. My head was already pounding and by the rigid stance he had going he was pissed too.

  “Landry!” I heard Charlie's voice and looked up to see him and Jackson - who was Derek’s uncle - coming in the main hall. Derek stepped back and I moved with him. I rubbed my arm and elbow where Coach Evans had grabbed me earlier, out of habit I guess, but Charlie noticed. I frowned when he stopped before us.

  “What's wrong? What happened? Why are you crying?” His voice boomed in the empty hallway. I shook my head, not sure where in the world to start. “Someone start talking now, or we make a trip to the station.”

  “I’m not sure what happened before I got here. I over heard Lana asking to call her parents and she was refused.” Derek’s words had both Charlie and Jackson stepping into the office. I wasn’t sure what to say. Or what to do. Or.. hell I didn’t know whether I was going or coming at the moment.

  “You care to enlighten us on the goings about here, ma’am?” Charlie said, his hand on the butt of his gun as he eyed principal Jennings. She smiled and tried to move closer to him.

  “Officer McKenna-” Charlie stepped back, one hand out before him.

  “It’s Deputy McKenna, and if you do not answer my question, I will take you to the station. I am in no mood for your games, Ms. Jennings.” He growled out. Jackson had his eyes on Coach Evans who was eyeing everyone at once.

  “Very well. It was brought to our attention that this young lady, one Alana Christine McKenna was a possible kidnap victim. Her father-”

  “THAT MAN IS NOT MY FATHER!” I screamed at her. What part of that did she not effing get?

  “As I was saying, the gentleman claiming to be her father had paperwork that said she was his and pictures. We were trying to make sure Ala
na was safe before we called the authorities.”

  “Charlie,” Derek called to him from behind me and he nodded back at him.

  “Ms. Jennings, it is my duty to remind you that the first call you should have made was to the Sheriff’s office. Secondly, you do not refuse a child the counsel of an adult, if not her parents, then someone competent to represent her in this time. Child protective services, for example, is the second call you should have made before the child in question was ever brought into this office. Now, I am this child’s brother, I am removing myself from this part of this case. Deputy Landry, you have the floor. I’ll call the Sheriff.” Charlie said, his head drooping slightly. I frowned up at him.

  “Already messaged him. He said to get everyone to the station. Mrs. somebody from Child Services is on her way over to his office now.” Derek’s words made my heart race.

  “What? I want to call mama, or daddy. What is going on here?!”

  “Peanut, listen to me. This is how it has to be. I’m sorry. I know it’s confusing. Let’s go to Gabe’s office and we will call Dad and Kelly. I promise.”

  “There was another man here. Thomas, I believe the beast.. Erm.. I mean Principal Jennings called him. He should be brought in too. He was a little grabby with Lana earlier.” Derek said as he pulled me closer.

  “Lady, if you know him, get him here. Get your things and move your asses. Time to make this shindig a party.” Charlie said, walking off towards the front of the building. I went with Derek, my hand clasping his tightly.


  Secrets Out Now


  Was this actually happening? If Derek hadn’t have told me about this; the whole Lana being adopted shit, I mean, there was no way in hell I would have believed it. This was one big clusterfuck and by calling us, Derek made it worse in a way. Now we had to investigate this. We had to get to the truth of it all. Lana was upset, and when I say upset I mean a sobbing mess. When she found out Derek and I knew she wasn’t Kelly’s she was gonna be pissed. I mean we all knew Dad wasn’t her biological father, but I don’t think she ever grasped that. She was a baby when they moved here. Kelly and Dad had been together for so long now even I can’t tell you how long it’s been without counting out how old Lana is.


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