Sparks Of Deception

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Sparks Of Deception Page 13

by Barb Shuler

  He stopped reading and I had all eyes on me. Well, all but Stella and Mrs. Santos, they were still glaring at each other.

  “Well, that paper means little. I will be in touch with this judge. I do not think a person as vile as her should be in charge of children.” Santos snapped, her eyes never leaving Stella. “Who says the other one is any better.” She cut her eyes to Dani Lynn and I swear sparks flew.

  “Mrs. Santos, is it?” Dani Lynn said, stepping forward. “Let me tell you a little about myself. First, and most important, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Development. A B.A. Degree in Child Psychology and oh yeah, a fucking Master's Degree in Psychology. I was an Elementary School Teacher for two years. I also have two, no, three years of experience working with troubled women of all ages. I have three kids of my own, another one popping out any fucking day. And, I'm the Sheriff's daughter. I was raised right. I'm not a bigot or gay basher as you obviously are. So now, I suggest you stuff your papers back into your briefcase and get out before I shove them somewhere very unpleasant.” Dani Lynn stepped back from the woman and crossed her arms over her chest, resting them on the huge belly she had. Her face was red and I knew she was pissed. Her jaw ticked as the woman stood there, glaring at her. If she thought Dani Lynn was gonna look away first she was mistaken.

  “I'll be back as soon as I get this sorted,” the woman said looking towards the Sheriff. “I expect this to be taken care of swiftly.” She stormed out and I watched as Dani Lynn let out a frustrated sigh and put her hands on her lower back as she scowled at my daddy.

  “Robert, say goodnight to your daughter. Don't break the words in the paper, if you do, I'll be on your ass so fast you won't know your ass from your head. Derek, shift it. I’m fucking hungry.”

  I moved over and gave my daddy a tight hug. “We’ll sort this out Sweetpea, I promise.” He whispered as he kissed my cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Daddy.” I patted his cheek and moved to take Derek’s hand and walked out.

  We met Charlie and Anna by the front of the building and they both hugged me tight. We said our goodbyes - mine took a minute longer since neither Charlie nor Anna wanted me to leave without them telling me this would all work out. It had to. I was confident it would be sorted, just hated the fact that daddy was gonna be going home alone. When I said as much Charlie promised he’d be going over and staying with daddy tonight. They had a lot of talking to do anyhow.

  I was so tired. I wanted to curl up and just pass out until this was all over. Was that possible? Was there a pill I could take that would allow me to have a good rest and wake up to my world being good again? No, I doubted it. All I could do now was wait, fret and wait some more. I'd cross my fingers and hope for the best.

  The last thing I remembered was getting into Dani Lynn’s SUV. Apparently the sleep that had been tugging at me all afternoon finally won out. I sighed and stretched, only to get a hand flung out, swatting me across the face. I started and jerked sideways.

  “I sorrys La La. It's was am assidents.” I snorted out a laugh as the little monster climbed the rest of the way up into the bed. I scooped Tyler up and kissed her cheek loudly.

  “You mean, it was an accident?”

  “That’s what’s I says,” her head nodded and I laughed again.

  “It's okay. My face needed a massage,” I said, grinning as I tickled her belly. She let out a shriek of laughter that made all the bad things about last night take a back seat. I heard the door open and looked up. Dani Lynn stood there with Elijah on her shoulder.

  “Morning, sweetie. I sent Ty to see if you were up and wanted some breakfast before I head out to Kristol and Jackson’s. You're welcome to go if you'd like. You won't have to do anything. Just relax and hide from the monsters.”

  I smiled when Tyler crossed her arms, her bottom lip sticking out.

  “No, her plays wif us. Nots them silly monsters.”

  “I think she meant to play with you and the other little monsters.” I tickled her cheek and shifted to sit up more in the bed. “I'd like to go, I…. I don't want to be alone.”

  “All right, then shift it. Pancakes and bacon are in the microwave. I've got to get Eli and Ty changed and I'll meet ya at the door,” Dani Lynn turned and I moved out of the bed.

  “Let me get them ready, you sit. You're gonna hurt yourself,” I said, my eyes going from her face to her belly.

  “I appreciate the offer sweetie, but I've got this. I do it every day. Honest. Wash up, eat and I'll be done soon.”

  After she walked away I scrubbed a hand over my face and looked around. I noticed my bag on the floor by the bed. There was a note on top.

  Morning, Butterfly :)

  Anna brought some things over for you.

  I didn't want to wake you this morning.

  Text me when you're moving.

  Love you. See ya later.


  I grinned and hurried to the bathroom. Today would be a good day. It had to be.


  Things Happen for a Reason


  The last twentyish hours have been a jumbled mess. It's been like herding cats to get everyone and everything lined up for this case. I was still being asked about the busted knuckles I'd gotten yesterday. If they'd have seen my ribs today they'd all be on my ass for answers. It was my own fault. If I'd have been paying attention I'd have seen him coming at me.

  Twelve Hours Earlier

  The nerve of some people. Gramps had been laying into me for the last half hour about working a case like this without anyone knowing what I was doing. People knew what I was doing. It's not like I was Clark Kent running off after hours to bust the assholles causing trouble. No, I was getting paid by the FBI to find the dirty deeds of some very bad people. Things even their best hacker couldn’t find.

  It was my choice and I'd gladly do it again. There's no cure for the weak, but there can be answers. I can find those answers. It was going to put a helluva lot of bad people in a jail cell. That was my only solace. I was doing this to keep my family and friends safe. Thanks to the events we had all endured over the last few years, chaos was surrounding us. It was a time of war and no one was ready for it.

  I'd had enough of it all and stormed out of Gramp’s office. I needed to get my head screwed on straight. I had to calm myself cause I needed to be there for Lana. She was not going to like any of the shit that had been uncovered but I knew one thing, I wasn't letting those nasty bastards get their hands on her.

  As I walked around the block I slammed my fist into the brick wall. It hurt, but felt good at the same time. I hit it again and again until both hands had bleeding gashes on them. It didn't matter. I need this to get my focus back. I heard shuffling behind me and when I turned, I was kicked in the gut. I fell to my knees and was kicked over. I took five licks to the gut and ribs.

  As the dude kicked he snarled at me, “Stop looking for us!” A car drove by the alleyway, causing him to jerk around and take a few steps back. “Next time it's that pretty girl of yours that I visit.”

  He walked away from me and after a few deep, painful breaths I got to my feet. My ribs and gut hurt but it wasn't enough to complain about. I moved back towards the station and thought over what he said. I had to do whatever I could to keep Lana safe. These assholes were going to get what they deserved.

  I wasn't playing this bully game they had going on. Bullies were meant to fall to their knees and lose their heads. I planned to make it just that easy for them to hit the ground. They were fucking with the wrong guy. I wasn't as nice as they thought. I'd have fun giving them back what they dished out… but that’d make me as bad as they were.


  I'd been sitting at my desk for hours now. I had hated to leave Lana asleep this morning but at least I knew she was safe, for now. I pulled my phone out and reread her message from earlier.

  I’m up. Love you too. Thank you. See you later.

  Going with D to K&J
s. Kids in tow.

  xoxox L

  My computer beeped and I slid my phone back into my pocket. I clicked a few keys and grunted at the stupid flashing cursor as it did it’s job. I was yet again running another search program. Hatcher had brought this one down last night with him. We’d almost had them a few times based off the data, but they were becoming as slippery as a cat in slime. I scrubbed my hands over my face and decided I needed food. I walked to the break room and gave Gramps a nod.

  “You still working on that case?” His words made me bristle and I nodded.

  “Yes. I won’t stop until it’s over and my family is safe.” My words were true. I would not rest until this was done. He gave me a crooked grin.

  “I was hoping you would say that. I made a call on your behalf. The troops will be on the lookout. If things get hairy, one call will end it all.” He proudly tipped his glass to me and I chuckled. He was a sneaky old man.

  “So I take it they’re close?” My brow rose as I watched him.

  “Maybe.” That was all he said as he grabbed his bowl and walked out. I shook my head and moved to the fridge to grab a Mountain Dew. As I guzzled it down everything went to hell at one time. There was a huge ‘boom’ from outside. The office phones and the CB radio went off as did the bell outside of the fire station. I ran out to the main room and pulled my phone from my pocket.

  “Landry,” I said as I ran to the front window. Holy shit. The pharmacy was on fire. I was pulled from that when I heard Lana screaming into my ear.


  I never thought being with two pregnant woman and four kids could turn into a circus so fast. When we arrived at Jackson and Kristol’s there was a huge delivery truck sitting outside. There were some big men pulling boxes from it and moving them inside the house. I pulled Elijah out of the carseat and helped Tyler down, making sure to keep her hand in mine as we went inside. I sat her and Elijah down on the rug in front of the fireplace where Taylor and Ryan were playing with blocks. Then, I moved to where Dani Lynn and Kristol were looking down at the boxes on the floor.

  “Erm… what is all of that?” I asked, my nose wrinkling.

  “Baby Furniture,” they replied together.

  “Yikes. So are we waiting for the guys to put it together? I can slide the boxes out of the way for you,” I asked as I moved to crouch down before them.

  “No, Kristol has the tools and we both have the know how. We will get it done in no time. Plus, the guys never read directions and they take twice as long,” Dani Lynn said. I moved to her and put my hand on her arm.

  “But, you shouldn’t be doing that when.. Ya know.” I stammered. Dani Lynn raised a brow and leaned in to wrap her arm around my shoulders.

  “Listen, women used to plow fields, pick cotton and do laundry when they were pregnant back in the day. If they can do that, we can sit and put these together. Don’t fret, okay? Go sit and relax. We’ve got this.”

  “Okay,” I gave in and moved to sit on the floor with the kiddos. They’d tell me if they needed my help. I’d hope so, anyway.

  When I sat on the floor across from the kids Ryan climbed into my lap and flung her hand around, almost clocking me with a block. She babbled and I laughed.

  “Tassels! Tassels!” I raised a brow and looked at Taylor. He was giggling as he scooted closer to me.

  “Her wants a castles, likes daddy mates fors us,” he said. I nodded as I poked his side.

  “I think I can handle that.” I pulled blocks closer and helped them build a big castle. To which the two oldest ones - Taylor and Tyler - destroyed in two minutes, then wanted it built again when Ryan cried for her ‘tassels’. I swear these kids were so frigging cute. This happened a few times before Elijah and Ryan were asleep, and both Tyler and Taylor were getting cranky. Dani Lynn and Kristol were still putting the baby furniture together so I carefully carried the two littles up stairs with Taylor and Tyler walking in front of me.

  I laid Ryan on one end of her crib and Elijah on the other end. Using one of Ryan’s blankets I covered them up and moved to Taylor’s room. I knew what would be next. I held my hand out as he brought me the book he loved. The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss. I had to admit, I loved this one too.

  “Okay, get up on the bed. Grab a blankey.”

  Once they were both settled and curled into each other I moved to sit on the bean bag that was by the bed and opened the book. I read only a few pages before they were out. I made sure they were both covered up before I moved to the door. I shut it partially and went back down stairs. I pulled my phone out and went to the couch to read.

  I was so into reading I didn't hear Dani Lynn until she yelled for me. I scurried off the couch and ran towards her voice. She and Kristol had been in the entryway last I checked. I skidded to a stop when I got a good look at what was happening. These two, highly emotional, very pregnant women were halfway up the flight of stairs carrying a friggin dresser.

  “What are you doing!?” I shrieked and ran up the stairs. There was water on the stairs…. oh, that's not water. Eww! “Oh my God!”

  “Lana, sweetheart, I need you to focus for me. Can you help us with this? I need you to help get it up to the landing. And then, we need to go to the hospital, cause…. this baby isn't going to wait long.”

  Her voice was calm and steady but I was freaking out. Like totally flipping my lid. She shook my shoulder and my eyes snapped to hers.

  “Come on, I need you to get your ass moving, kid. Please!”

  “Okay, okay,” I said moving to grab the dresser, which was one of those three drawer changing table deals. I know one thing, it was heavy as hell. Grunting, I lifted and carefully moved up two steps before Kristol dropped her side which threw me off balance. I slipped, dropping the thing on my leg. I felt the wetness on my leg but things went wonky super fast. Let's just say if it hadn't have been for Dani Lynn and her cat like mom reflexes I would have joined the dresser thing at the bottom of the stairs. I pushed back my tears and crab walked up to Kristol who was doubled over. There was blood and…. eww… this crap is just gross! I heard the kids crying as Taylor and Tyler ran to the stairs, their blankets hanging from their hands.

  “Hey, can you two stay up there for me?”


  “Taylor, can you take Ty and go check on the babies? Can you do that for me?” Dani Lynn asked as she stood. She had a smile pulling at her lips. It it was forced. I could see the pain on her face.

  “Mommy, you's okays?” Tyler asked. Dani Lynn nodded and waved at the floor.

  “We just dropped something. It's okay. Go check on the babies, okay?”

  As soon as they were gone Dani Lynn swayed. I think my heart stopped.

  “Sit down, please. I'll get help.” Kristol was slumped over, breathing hard. Oh God. Why today? Why now? I moved to help her sit and looked back down at Dani Lynn. I pulled my phone out and called Derek. The kids came back to the stairs and when they saw Kristol slump over they started screaming.

  “Derek! Derek, we need help now! ”


  There was static or rustling… something and the line went dead. I sighed and tried Charlie. It went to voicemail and I tried again. When the line clicked open I heard a lot of commotion going on in the background.

  “Not now, Peanut, I can't talk,” he said as the line rustled.


  “Alana, I'm sorry, we have a building on fire and I have to go.” He hung up and I stomped my foot and let's just say that was a stupid idea. My leg was already throbbing but that sent a pain through me and I sat back on the stairs. I had tears in my eyes as I tried Derek again. When he answered I snapped at him.

  “I swear if you fucking hang up on me I will junk punch you! We need help! Now!”

  “Lana, God, baby, I'm sorry. There was an explosion and I dropped my damn phone. What happened? Are you hurt?”

  “Explosion?!” I asked, eyes wide. Then I heard Charlie call out.

  “Hurt? Why is she
hurt? Fuck! We gotta move, now! Derek, find out what's going on.”

  I sighed and stood as Kristol let out a shriek of pain.

  “What in the fuck was that!”

  “We are about to have babies…. I need help!”


  Total Chaos


  The moment Lana said the babies were coming I jumped into gear. I'd radioed the State Police, the fire trucks and EMS units had been dispatched for the fire, so now I had to figure out what to do for Lana. I called the EMS office but as I feared they were all out already.

  I ran out of the station and to my Jeep. I'd just have to take them to the hospital. Babies took a while to come, right? Elijah had. God, please let this one be a slow one too. I was stopped by Gramps as I got to the next corner.

  “Where in the hell are you going?” He snapped before he yelled over his shoulder for someone to put water on the south side of the building.

  “Lana called. Apparently someone's in labor but I don't know who. She's alone with Dani Lynn, Kristol and four kids. I have to go help her,” I said, ready to press my foot to the gas.

  “Call Stella. And call Doc’s place. You can't birth a baby.” And with that, he took off back towards the pharmacy and into the smoke. I shifted my Jeep and pressed my foot to the gas. I used my thumb to find Stella’s number and pressed it. When she answered I told her what I knew.

  “A baby is coming, I need you at Jacks. There was an explosion at the pharmacy so no one is available. Where are you?”

  “Shit! I'll be there in… twenty minutes. I’ll swing by and get Shelby, I'm not far from the apartment. She's there packing up the last of her things.”

  Shit. That meant she was in Bluffton. But I had no choice. It was better than nothing.

  “See ya there.” I hung up and tossed the phone in the seat next to me. My hands gripped the wheel as I drove. Ten minutes later I swung into the driveway and slammed it into park. I was out and up the stairs before the door opened. A very freaked out Lana met me at the door.


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