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Spark of Truth (The Hidden Wizard Book 3)

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by Vaughan W. Smith






  1. A New Battle

  2. A Kindred Spirit

  3. Left Behind

  4. Path of the Sword

  5. The Healer's Secret

  6. An Unusual Ally

  7. Generals of the Blight

  8. Hunted

  9. A New Type

  10. Renewed Focus

  11. Tracking

  12. A Surprising Foe

  13. Slow Progress

  14. Poison

  15. The Tracker’s Stand

  16. The House of Healing

  17. A Difficult Conversation

  18. Further North

  19. The Divisive Message

  20. The Way Forward

  21. Hidden by Snow

  22. Fast Follower

  23. The Mystical Destination

  24. Family Reunited

  25. A New Power

  26. Faltering

  27. Meeting of the Minds

  28. The Strength of Soul

  29. Sacred Ground

  30. First Strike

  31. Elder Intervention

  32. A Timely Appearance

  33. The Price of Light

  34. Aftermath

  35. Gone

  36. Spark of Truth

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  About the Author



  Alyx stumbled through the brush, narrowly avoiding a Blighter.

  “Classy,” she told herself, and leaned back against a nearby tree. The thick branches were a steadying force, although the leaves bristled in an uncomfortable way. The stench of Blighters was all around her and it caused her stomach to turn. She checked her hair, ensuring that it was still reliably tied up. With care, she looked around and noticed that the vile creatures were scattered everywhere.

  Why are they in this forest? Nobody was tracking me.

  By force of habit she checked for weapons. All she had was a short sword strapped to her lower back. It was useful, but it was not the sword that she had carried her entire life. Not that she ever really got much use out of it. But it was a comfort and reminder of her father, and now it was gone.

  She crouched down and slowly approached the nearest Blighter. She winced as a twig snapped, but the Blighter didn’t react. She pulled back her arm, tensed her muscles, and dived in with a deadly swipe. The Blighter dropped quickly and quietly, folding into the nearby bushes. Movement caught her eye, and she looked over. Another Blighter had entered the area and had witnessed her kill.

  It looked at her blankly, and turned its head to go somewhere else.

  It ignored me? Impossible!

  Blighters acted on instinct alone. Or under the direct supervision of a powerful force. But she had already taken out the biggest threat around here.

  “If they’re not here for me, who is controlling them? And for what?” she said to herself. Her body ached, and her limbs felt stiff. But her curiosity was sparked. She had to investigate.

  Sticking to the cover of the trees, Alyx stalked the Blighter that had ignored her. It seemed like a good plan, since it hadn’t reacted to her at all. And it was more likely to lead her to whatever it was looking for. More accurately, whatever it was being targeted at.

  She spotted more Blighters around, each behaving the same way. Like they were combing the forest for something important. Watching their movements, she noticed a pattern. They seemed to be converging on something.

  This I have to see.

  She knew she should leave this alone, and she should be recovering. She had done the impossible, and had earned a rest. She had fulfilled her life’s purpose.

  Weren’t you supposed to just ride off into the sunset? Not find another problem to solve?

  She pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the problem at hand. It was time to see what these Blighters were up to.

  She tracked them with care, ignoring the complaints of her body. Light was fading, gloom rising around her and fewer shafts of sunlight pierced through the thick canopy. Everything was building towards something. But what?

  She sensed something shift, and the Blighters started moving with purpose. They increased their speed and their snarls started to fill the forest.

  “It’s beginning,” Alyx whispered, and increased her speed. She didn’t worry about making noise now. She had to get to the bottom of what was happening.

  Some of the Blighters were stalled, as if waiting for something. Alyx couldn’t help herself, since they were easy targets. She ended each with a quick slash and kept her pace.

  Never a bad time to put down some Blighters.

  As she progressed, she started seeing larger and larger groups. It was unheard of for them to group up in such confined spaces, which further fuelled her curiosity. If there were any doubts left in her mind, they were completely dispelled now. She was committed to whatever this was.

  A burst of sunlight startled her, as she emerged into a large clearing. There was a campsite, and in the middle, were three people. Each had weapons drawn, and they were facing off against the hordes of Blighters.

  In a few seconds Alyx had appraised the group.

  Fighter, thief, and civilian with a sword, she thought. They needed her help. And in return they could explain why they were such Blight magnets. Alyx stepped forward with confidence; the firm ground underfoot provided a good place to make a stand. She headed directly for the small group, pausing only to cut down Blighters in her path. There was a clear trail of bodies in her wake, and the group ahead noticed her approach.

  “I don’t know who you are, but thanks for the help,” the fighter said.

  “You stand with me, the others can support from behind,” Alyx said. The fighter nodded and accepted her suggestion. A dagger whizzed past her face and embedded itself into a nearby Blighter.

  “Don’t mind me, just supporting from behind,” the thief said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Alyx understood the gesture and gave her a respectful nod. It was important to have them all on side. She then turned to fight.

  Blighters were converging from all locations. Alyx moved next to the fighter, and readied herself.

  “In case anything happens, I’m Alyx,” she said as she pivoted to slash at an encroaching Blighter. Her name came out with a grunt, less eloquently than she had hoped.

  “I’m Vincent. Nice to meet you.” He stepped forward and tripped a Blighter, slicing through the other just behind it. Alyx finished off the Blighter that stumbled towards her and took a moment to glance at Vincent’s sword.

  Unbelievable. He noticed her gaze.

  “Yes, it’s Runesteel. You can take a better look when we aren’t being killed.”

  “Sounds good.” Alyx eyed the next group. Sweat started to drip down her face. She shouldn’t be this tired, but her body was weary. She hadn’t had a chance to recover from her previous fight, and had landed herself in a surprisingly large battle.

  No rest for a weapon, she thought and prepared for the next assault. She pointed into the heart of the group with her weapon, and Vincent nodded. Alyx launched herself in, ignoring the strained cries of her legs as she pushed them even harder. She accepted none of the pain, focusing on the impending attack. With two quick slashes she took down a Blighter and wounded another. The thickly packed group dispersed immediately. While their attention was kept by Alyx, Vincent swept in and whirled through the rest, his sword flashing as he advanced.

Alyx stole another glance of admiration at the Runesteel sword, then retreated back with Vincent.

  “Nice job up there, but they aren’t slowing down,” the thief said.

  “That’s Lara,” Vincent said.

  “And the master swordsman over there with the angry face is Alrion,” Lara said. She smirked at him and he grunted at the comment.

  “Alyx here. Do you have an escape plan? I don’t like our chances if this continues.”

  “No. They cornered us here over several days,” Lara said. She gestured at the clearing. There were Blighters surrounding the perimeter.

  “Fine. We stand together for now, and if we get overwhelmed I’ll create an opening for you,” Alyx said. She didn’t take her eyes off the approaching Blighters.

  Why am I offering myself up for these people? she thought. But then she answered herself quickly.

  I am a discarded weapon. I no longer have a purpose.

  “I’m sorry how useless I am. Lara and I have taken on more than this just by ourselves,” Alrion said. The frustration in his voice was obvious, and Alyx could sense that something must have happened to him. Clearly the sword was not his preferred weapon.

  “Never mind that, focus on the task at hand,” Vincent said. He pointed at the encroaching group and Alyx joined him in advancing.

  Wave after wave of Blighters poured into the clearing. Each time Vincent and Alyx moved together, picking apart the Blighters with relative ease. Vincent and his Runesteel opened them up, and Alyx finished off the rest. Lara and Alrion stayed back, Lara providing some spotting and long-range assistance while Alrion just scowled. As the fight wore on he grew angrier and angrier.

  Alyx could hear bits of conversation and noticed that Lara was trying to calm Alrion down. But she didn’t focus on it; the battle carried her full attention. As it continued, her hair tumbled free. Her long flowing brown locks swayed just above her shoulder line. She had never fought with her hair loose, and enjoyed the carefree nature of it. Although it did restrict her head movements to ensure her vision wasn’t obstructed.

  Vincent was proving to be a capable fighter, as she had initially assessed. He was clearly older and not as fast as her, but he was strong and sure. His blade more than compensated for any lack in his speed and technique, and the Blighters were not enough to trouble him in capability. But the vast number and constant stream were wearing him down too.

  The clearing was now full of Blighters. Every time Alyx cut one down, another was right there, ready and eager. She had never seen Blighters in this volume or with such intensity before.

  “There’s no end to them,” she said.

  “There is, but it may take a while,” Vincent said. He kicked over a Blighter and slashed at another that was approaching. He looked slower. Alyx was worried. She chanced a look behind and saw that Alrion and Lara were in the thick of it too. Lara was dancing around, dodging, slashing, and harrying. Alrion was using slow and deliberate strikes to finish off any Blighters that were still standing.

  Good pairing to make the most of this, but they can’t continue for much longer.

  She still couldn’t believe what she had gotten herself into. It was time to make a difference. She remembered the path she had taken to reach them. It had been narrow, and would provide them a reprieve. If they could get there. But she would see to it.

  “I’m going to advance, stick with me and let’s make it through to a better place,” she said. Alyx summoned the last of her reserve strength and made a final push forward. The first few Blighters were taken by surprise, falling before they could react. The next layer stepped back, unsure of what to do. Alyx dashed into the space, Vincent sticking with her. She couldn’t risk turning back, to check on the others. But she knew that Lara would do the right thing.

  The thief has good instincts. She’s a survivor. She looks familiar somehow, Alyx thought. But she pushed the thoughts away. She had an impossible mission to complete. One she had set herself, but one she would still achieve.

  Her left foot slipped and threw her balance off. But she compensated and lurched forward. She stabbed at a Blighter with her sword and grabbed another to steady herself. Before it could lunge in to bite her Vincent cut it down in a smooth motion. Working together they made slow progress, but more and more incidents threatened to end their battle prematurely.

  Swaying on her feet, Alyx spun around and changed her approach. Gesturing behind her, the group readjusted their position. She had reached the edge of the clearing, and was shielding their retreat.

  “There’s Blighters on the path,” Lara shouted.

  “Less than here. And it’s tighter,” Alyx shouted back. She missed a Blighter, and it lunged for the advantage. Desperately she kicked it away, and managed to inflict a slight cut with her sword. Vincent finished it off, and stepped in front of her.

  “You’ve done enough. You won’t survive any longer,” he said.

  “It doesn’t matter now. This is a fitting end for a weapon like me,” Alyx said. She shoved Vincent aside, and ran into the thick of the remaining Blighters. Vincent swore, and started to follow. But he hesitated.

  “Pull back,” he said. Alyx smiled. At least he understood what lay ahead. Now all she had to do was make sure it was a fitting death. She ignored defence and focused all her energy on attack. The Blighters shrunk back, confused, and frightened by this new approach. Alyx let loose, years of discipline and training and focus falling away. She could be free, and let her cares go. And this horde of Blighters would be a thrilling final stand.

  There were too many. Her muscles started to cramp up and freeze. Her movements became stiff and the Blighters grew bolder. They started to surge forward, tripping over each other in their eagerness. Despite her best efforts, she was starting to get nicks and scratches from their claws and rudimentary blades.

  Death by a thousand cuts. How ironic.

  She laughed to herself. However, she didn’t notice one particular Blighter that wasn’t dead. It jumped up from the ground and went in for the bite. Alyx threw her arm up at the last instant to shield her face, but couldn’t stop the bite. Its fangs sank in deep and her arm felt hot and cold at the same time.

  No! Not like this!

  She kicked the Blighter away and threw down her weapon, hoping they would kill her outright. She closed her eyes and waited for the end. But around her she only heard death and mayhem.

  Cautiously she opened her eyes and looked around. Vincent and Alrion had joined the fight, and were finishing off the final few Blighters. Lara was holding off those trying to join in from the path.

  “I don’t understand,” she said as they approached her.

  “I couldn’t stand by and watch you sacrifice yourself,” Alrion said. She could see a strange mix of anger and sadness in his expression. She knelt and retrieved her sword. She also used the movement to cover her arm. It didn’t feel right to reveal her situation just yet.

  “What do I do now?” she whispered. She had let go and accepted her fate. But now, a new path was showing itself. But how long could she last before succumbing to the infection?



  “I’d love to complete the introductions, but I’ve had enough of Blighter innards for one day,” Lara said. She surveyed the area around them in disgust. What had originally been a simple camping spot was now a Blighter graveyard of horrors.

  “Agreed. Do you know this forest well?” Alrion said to Alyx.

  “Relatively. There’s no other spot like this, but I can lead us somewhere we can stop and rest a little,” she said. Lara could see the exhaustion on the warrior’s face, as much as she tried to ignore it. She couldn’t help wondering why this stranger had risked her life to help them.

  I’ll keep an eye on her. If she’s hiding something, I’ll find it.

  She stuck close to Alyx as they picked their way through the battlefield. She looked over at Alrion and saw him lost in thought.

  Something is troubling him.
Something more than just his condition. I’ll have to figure that out later, she thought. Another thing to take care of. Vincent seemed like the practical sort, but Lara wondered how they would fare without her. Alrion was in his own world more days than not, and this was dangerous country. Especially with the horde of Blighters they had just encountered. She hoped it wasn’t a sign of things to come.

  Soon the clearing was behind them, and they continued along a narrow trail. The vegetation was thick and lush, suggesting the path had not been used in a while. Alyx was out front, stepping slowly but surely. She held her sword out, but only slashed at the most troublesome plants. Lara wasn’t sure if it was due to respect for nature or lack of energy. Either option seemed equally likely. She glanced over at Vincent to gauge his reaction.

  He didn’t seem any different, just focused on the task ahead of them. He had been checking on Alrion though. So, he must have suspected something too.


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