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Spark of Truth (The Hidden Wizard Book 3)

Page 25

by Vaughan W. Smith

  Next, he looked over at Wraith. He was a seething mess of black and purple energy. His core was a purple flame.

  Makes sense, Alrion thought. He looked over the room, trying to find Alyx. He spotted her in the corner, sitting down. She was filled with black energy, scarily so. But there seemed to be blue and white orbs of energy breaking up what he assumed to be the Blight.

  You’re so close, I have to cure you, he thought. But he couldn’t. Not yet Not with Wraith right in front of him.

  “You look like you need a minute, Alrion. I’ll let the others fight for now, and then step in myself. I want you to watch me crush you again. Only this time, you won’t be able to drop me into a pit of sand.” Wraith started to laugh and walked back to the main fray. Freyda followed close behind. She glimpsed one soulful look back at Alrion.

  She must have guessed what we are doing, but held back. Good, I just need a bit more time, he thought. Hopefully they could pull it off. He had no idea how to cure Wraith, but that was something he could ponder as he built his power. It wasn’t like he could do anything else while the fighting continued.



  Vincent placed a reassuring hand on Alrion’s shoulder, then walked off. He needed to return to the fighting. After the initial excitement, the Shade Wizards had been cautious and had been keeping themselves alive. One by one the Mystics had been dangerously injured or forced to retire.

  We need to press hard while Wraith is not fully engaged in the battle, Vincent thought. He headed straight over to Alyx. The weapon master was sitting at the edge of the room, watching the battle play out.

  “It’s time to whittle down the enemy forces,” he said.

  “I’m surprised you waited this long. I’m ready.”

  “Will you know when you’ve pushed too far?” Vincent looked at her again with Soul power infused eyes. The infection was rampant in her body. It was a miracle that she hadn’t turned yet.

  “You’ll see it. Whatever they did to me to give me strength, also keeps the Blight at bay.”

  “Well, try not to get there. Conserve your energy. But we need you out there now.” Vincent handed her Alrion’s sword.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “I need to know you can efficiently take out the Shade Wizards.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “Good. Let’s not waste any more time then.” Vincent strode off to re-engage with the enemy. He experimented with the Soul power a little. He decided to try and divert some to his legs. He was hoping it would give him better strength and mobility. But he would have to see if it worked.

  Vincent tried to remain inconspicuous as he approached the fighting. If he played his cards right there would be some opening he could exploit. He heard a loud scream and quickly turned around. Alyx was charging in with two swords held out in front of her. She immediately grabbed the attention of all the Shade Wizards nearby.

  That’ll do nicely.

  He used the distraction to slip past the front lines and flank. He could see Freyda had retreated and was surrounded by four Trackers.

  “I can do this,” Vincent told himself. He instantly increased his speed and dashed towards the nearest Tracker. His legs moved with uncharacteristic speed, which he wasn’t used to. He almost tripped over himself after the fifth step, but managed to rein in the speed a little. The Trackers were on alert, but didn’t seem to expect an attack so swiftly or for Vincent to close the distance so fast. He managed to get the jump on one, and had launched a deadly strike before the Tracker could even react. It tried to move out of the way but Vincent had anticipated the movement and had already accounted for it. He cut the Tracker down and whirled into another strike, putting the next Tracker on the back foot.

  One down. Keep pushing.

  Another Tracker stepped around and launched at Vincent from his blind spot. Sensing the movement Vincent swung his sword out and turned to get a better look. The Tracker dropped down into a slide, heading for Vincent’s legs. Vincent pushed more Soul power into his legs and kicked out at the Tracker. He connected with its head, sending the Tracker skidding along the ground and smashing into the wall.

  I could get used to this, Vincent thought. He ran over to the two remaining Trackers. One Tracker grabbed Freyda and retreated to the back of the room. Vincent decided to let that go for now, and turned his attention to the last one. It pulled out a crossbow and started firing.

  “Quickly now,” Vincent said to himself. He ducked low and ran as fast as he could. The Tracker lined up another shot. Vincent weaved, but the bolt caught him in the shoulder. The searing pain and force almost caused Vincent to tumble to the ground. But he pushed some Soul power to the area to support the wound and regained his balance. As the Tracker prepared another shot Vincent threw his sword. It flew straight and true, piercing the Tracker in the chest before it could get off another shot. Vincent dropped to the ground over the Tracker, retrieving his sword and taking a moment to rest.

  We can’t keep up this intensity.

  The crossbow bolt thrummed in his shoulder and he turned his attention to removing it. He tried pulling it out, but the bolt was barbed and was catching.


  He looked around and it seemed as though everyone’s attention was elsewhere for the moment. He turned his focus back to the wound.

  I need to try something else, he thought. He gathered the Soul power he had diverted to his shoulder and tried to imagine it healing his shoulder and forcing out the bolt. At first it was like trying to grab a handful of water. But the more he tried, the more the Soul power responded to his attempts and seemed to actually interact with the bolt.

  Vincent felt an intense heat in his shoulder, and the crossbow bolt started to emerge. He grabbed the shaft to help it along, and after a few more seconds of concerted effort it came free and clattered onto the floor. There was an intense stinging pain, but it quickly subsided.

  That could have gone worse. I better get back into it, he thought. He crept back around, keeping an eye on Wraith and the other combatants.

  Alyx was proving a handful for them. She had already taken out one Shade Wizard, and was putting pressure on two more. If Wraith wasn’t sending out the occasional fireball or stone javelin she would have taken out another. But whilst Wraith wasn’t fully contributing to the fight, he wasn’t sitting it out either. Lara was darting in and out, trying to bait them into attacking and providing an opening for Alyx. But they seemed to be wising up to that tactic and were more restrained.

  I need to tip the balance.

  There were three more Shade Wizards left. The other one was fighting off a handful of Mystics. But rather than help them, he decided to tip the scales for Alyx and Lara. After assessing the situation, Vincent charged in. But he picked a route that kept him as far away from Wraith as possible. It wasn’t worth tempting fate.

  The Shade Wizard turned to see who was attacking, and studied Vincent. It quickly threw out a wave of Force. Vincent tried to shield himself with his sword, but was thrown backwards. But he resumed his attack immediately. The Shade Wizard cast a wave of fire, forcing Alyx and Lara to retreat. His companion pressed the attack, a wave of rolling earth taking up the floor and threatening to throw them to the ground.

  It’s now or never.

  Vincent gathered a large chunk of Soul power and again empowered his legs. But he held nothing back. The speed he attained was unbelievable, and he had trouble seeing what was ahead. But he readied his sword in an outstretched stance and hoped to impale the nearest Shade Wizard.

  The enemy turned with a frustrated look on its face. But it seemed to be unable to comprehend Vincent’s speed. It raised its hands and started to unleash a fire spell. But an attack from behind stopped the spell. The Shade Wizard slumped slightly. The delay was enough for Vincent to reach his target, and he plunged the Runesteel deep into the creature’s heart. Together they fell, and Vincent scrambled to pick himself up again.

p; “Thanks for joining us,” Lara said. She was crouched down next to him, checking to make sure the Shade Wizard was down.

  “Only two left,” Vincent said.

  “Soon to be one,” Lara said. Vincent looked over and could see she was right. Now that the Shade Wizard was more or less alone, Alyx was all over it. It was all the enemy could do to block the relentless assault. It seemed to be enhancing its arm to prevent the Runesteel from slicing through, and the benefit to Alyx was that the Shade Wizard seemed unable to find the time to bring out an offensive spell.

  “Too easy,” Wraith said, holding up a hand. A powerful wave of force knocked Alyx’s weapons from her hands. She shouted with pain, but didn’t stop. She retrieved the leather whip from her belt, and with almost no loss in momentum unfurled it and lashed out at the Shade Wizard.

  It didn’t expect the arc of the attack, and the whip wrapped around the Shade Wizard’s leg. She yanked it closer, the creature toppling quickly and sliding along the ground desperately trying to regain control.

  “Here!” Lara said, throwing her Runesteel dagger. Alyx plucked it out of the air and in a smooth motion slammed it into the Shade Wizard. It went limp and completely still on the floor. Alyx started to slump down, but caught herself. She looked exhausted.

  That’s too much, Vincent thought. He stood and decided to rush over and help her.

  “Enough!” Wraith shouted. He generated a massive wave of force that radiated out from his body. It swept along at tremendous speed, knocking everyone back. No matter how Vincent tried to brace himself, he was suddenly on the floor.

  “I didn’t come all the way here to serve up my followers like this. No more stalling for time. Alrion, it is time to face me.” Wraith pointed at Alrion and started advancing.

  “I’m not ready yet. Curing myself drained too much of my power. I need time before we fight. That way it can be a fair fight,” Alrion said.

  “I don’t care. Fight, don’t fight. Use your Spark, don’t. Either way, you’re coming with me. It’s over now. No more running, no more escape.”

  “Why are you so obsessed with me? Because I almost killed you?”

  “You don’t understand, do you? This isn’t just about me, and it’s not just about you. Yes, I’m a monster now. I can’t pretend that I’m not. But there is worse than me out there. Join me now, and prevent a worse evil. If you come willingly I will stop attacking your friends.” Wraith swept his staff out, gesturing at the rest of the room. Vincent’s gaze followed. He could see a lot of injured, tired, and broken people. Despite their success at taking out Wraith’s followers, it had been at a great cost.

  Alrion closed his eyes. Vincent wondered what his son was thinking.

  Surely, he won’t give up now. Not when we’ve come so far.

  Vincent noticed the last Tracker dragging Freyda closer to Wraith.

  “This one knows something,” the Tracker said.

  “I doubt it’s important,” Wraith said.

  “She thinks it is.”

  “More time wasting,” Wraith said. He reached out and hauled Freyda up with one hand. She struggled weakly in his grasp.

  “What is it you’re hiding? Spit it out before I lose my temper.”

  “Soul power. It is the key to curing the Blight,” Freya said. She looked terrified.

  “Yes, yes I just saw him heal himself. What’s so important?” Wraith shook Freyda like she was a rag doll.

  “A wizard can use that power to cure others. Granthion proved that.” Freyda looked like she was torn between talking, and trying to remain quiet.

  “Look at what they are doing. They’re stalling for time while the wizard prepares to heal you,” the Tracker said. Wraith tossed Freyda to the ground. Her body hit the ground with a thud and she whimpered as she tried to sit up.

  “It’s starting to make sense now. Inviting me in, curing yourself with me here. Trying to buy time until you are ready. All to sneak in and take my power away. No, I won’t stand for that. I’ve worked too hard, come too far for you to steal away my advantage now.” Wraith looked livid. He started to stomp towards Alrion.

  We can’t let this happen. He needs more time, Vincent thought. He tried to sense his Soul power. It seemed low.

  I’ll just have to make do.

  Speed would be his best bet now. He could surprise Wraith and get an attack in. Vincent gathered all his remaining Soul power, and as before directed it into his legs. He imagined it providing him with amazing speed. He took up an attacking stance and leapt forward.

  He travelled much further than he expected with that initial surge, but managed to correct his course and not topple over. Wraith was continuing forward, not paying attention.

  I have a chance.

  As Vincent closed in he prepared a strike. His sword swung out, seeking its target. Wraith suddenly turned around, and caught the blade. With his other hand he drew a spear of earth from the ground and flung it at Vincent from close range. Vincent could do nothing. The spear sent him flying backwards, piercing his shoulder, and pinning him to the wall behind.


  Vincent didn’t have any Soul power left. And the pain was almost crippling. He saw Alyx standing, her legs wavering. Lara was by her side, helping her up.

  “No,” Vincent shouted. Alyx looked over at him, and shook her head. She picked up Alrion’s sword and held it in both hands. Lara armed herself with the Runesteel dagger and dashed out first. Wraith waved his arm, and the ground rippled up into short pillars, blocking Lara’s path. She vaulted over one and kept going. Wraith sent out waves of fire. Lara dodged between them, ignoring the intense heat.

  It’s not going to work.

  Vincent struggled to remove the stone spear but it was tightly wedged into the wall. Lara threw some glass vials at Wraith. Two large plumes of smoke started spreading, blanketing the area. Wraith threw more waves of force, the spells dissipating the smoke and revealing Lara. She was right in front readying an attack. Wraith held up both hands.

  “Die,” he said. A wall of earth rose up before him, and he charged it with intense fire turning it into a wall of magma. As he was preparing to push it towards Lara, Alyx appeared behind Wraith. She had been using the attacks as a diversion to creep closer. She swung out with the Runesteel blade. It swung true and on target.

  Wraith stuck out an arm and the Runesteel blade bit into it. But it didn’t slice all the way through. With his other arm Wraith punched Alyx in the head and she fell to the ground in a heap. Wraith removed the sword from his arm and tossed it away.

  Lara was already retreating, but Wraith saw her flee. He rotated his wall to be facing her and sent it flying at incredible speed. Lara looked back, and saw the massive wall of superheated rock heading towards her.

  She can’t get away, Vincent thought. He strained again at the spear holding him. It moved a little. With a blur of light, Marla streaked past and whisked Lara out of danger. They stopped next to Alrion. Marla dropped to her feet, panting. Lara looked worse for wear, but otherwise uninjured.

  “No more games. It’s over now,” Wraith said. He dashed forward heading for Alrion.

  No. Not now.

  Vincent had to stop them somehow. He drew upon all his strength and surged forward, forcing himself off the stone spear and leaving it embedded in the wall. He stumbled and almost fell, the pain threatening to make him pass out.

  I have to get to Alrion.

  Things were not happening the right way. But Wraith was too far ahead, and too fast. He was moving with anger and determination.

  “That’s enough!” Jovana shouted. She stood from her throne and started walking towards Wraith.

  “Sit down old woman, you’ll only get yourself hurt,” Wraith said, mocking her. He laughed. But Jovana wasn’t backing down. She stepped between Wraith and Alrion.

  “You’ll have to get through me.”

  “As you wish.” Wraith surged forward, a maniacal look on his face. Vincent moved forward as best he could, bu
t wasn’t going to catch up with them. Not before Wraith and Jovana collided. He feared the worst. Mystics weren’t fighters, even though they had done admirably in the fight.

  “It’s time you stopped and considered your manners,” Jovana said. As Wraith closed in she put her hands out in front of her and a bright light started to radiate out. Vincent was blinded; he couldn’t see what was going on. He had to get closer, help out in some way. Whatever his mother was doing, it had to be some sort of last resort.



  Alrion wasn’t surprised when his grandmother stepped up. He had noticed her gathering Soul power as well. But he had no idea what she was thinking. She was still a complete mystery, and the extent of her power was also unknown.

  The light blinded him but he could feel the surge of Soul power. It seemed so unusual feeling it from the outside. That shouldn’t be possible from what he was told.

  The initial flash was over, and Alrion’s eyes started to recover. He could start to see what had happened. Wraith and Jovana were standing close together, just meters away from Alrion. A white dome of light surrounded them, and both were frozen in time.

  “What have you done to me?” Wraith said. He was completely motionless.

  “I have trapped you within my Soul power. You cannot move until I allow you to.” Jovana was triumphant, but there was a weariness to her voice. Alrion couldn’t even begin to comprehend what she had done. To extend her Soul power so far outside her body and do this, it was remarkable. And it was just what they needed.

  Alrion looked across the room. His father was stumbling over, a major wound in his shoulder. Alyx had collapsed on the ground. Marla was off to the side, exhausted. Lara was with her, also exhausted and trying to catch her breath. The rest of the Mystics were either injured or trying to recover their power. It was a sorry sight. His grandmother had intervened just in time.


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