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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

Page 5

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  August 3rd, 2009

  Ishuwa: Always enjoying these moments of blending together in these ways! Bringing forth information and sharing to co-create a third new reality together! Bringing in light, ideas, truths, and information by interacting together into realms previously unseen! How are you this afternoon of your time?

  Jefferson: Lovely! It's great to have the opportunity to interact with you in these ways again!

  Ishuwa: Yes, for us as well! How would you like to move forward this afternoon of your time?

  Jefferson: I am going to start with questions to find out more about you. The first thing I would like to cover relates to a statement you made previously that it is no accident that your civilization is here communicating with us now. You said these communications from you are one of the many ways that our Earth civilization has chosen to experience re-membering more of who we are. In other words, human beings on Earth arranged to have an adventure into the unknown realms of limitation and separation, and now we have chosen these sort of communications with you and your society as one of the many ways of re-emerging back into the awareness of who we truly are. So from your perspective, can this book serve as a trigger or a catalyst that will allow more of a person's light, more of their inner knowledge, to become available so they can deal in physical reality with greater malleability and thus be freer to play in life's field of infinite potentiality?

  Ishuwa: Yes, that is our understanding. It is what we experience.

  Jefferson: I would like to ask you about the physical features of people in your society so we on Earth can have a better idea what you look like, what colors, shapes, and forms a "human space brother" can have. Is that okay with you?

  Ishuwa: Yes. We have some information that we can bring through related to those ideas at this timing.

  Jefferson: Okay. Very good! You said in a previous interaction that we have some differences. You said you inherited Earth human DNA but also enough DNA of other races to the point where you would be noticed and recognized as being a space brother and not an Earth human.

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: According to my research from many different sources, I've come to the conclusion that the average height for females on Earth is 5-feet 4-inches or 1.625 meters tall, and weighs 125 lbs. or 56.70 kg. The average height for males is 5-feet 9-inches or 1.75 meters tall, and weighs 175 lbs. or 79.38 kg. How tall are you Ishuwa, and what's your weight, and what's the average size of humans in your race?

  Ishuwa: There are variations, but an average would be approximately 5-feet 6-inches for the male, as you measure feet, and approximately 5-feet 6-inches for the female as well. The weight of females is usually somewhat lighter, on average, but the heights are quite similar. Again, there are variations, some shorter, some taller, some lighter, and some heavier. As you experience the variations in your society, we as well do. So those are merely averages.

  Jefferson: How about yourself? How tall are you?

  Ishuwa: I am approximately 5-feet 4-inches.

  Jefferson: And how much do you weigh in pounds or kilograms?

  Ishuwa: Approximately 120 of your pounds.

  Jefferson: Are people on your planet born in a way that is similar to how we are here on Earth?

  Ishuwa: This is very similar to you. Our genetics are very similar to yours. We have the period of development in the embryo of the female that can take anywhere from seven to eight months before the birth occurs.

  Jefferson: So is your family structured the same way as it is on Earth?

  Ishuwa: Our children are of the whole society. The biological parents will often tend to the early years of raising, caring for, and providing some of the primary needs for the young child. Then the child moves out into society and is considered a child of all of us and can find a home with any of us.

  Often a child will stay between four to five years with their birth parents before they, in a sense, move out into the world. They don't move out on their own, but with other members of our global family. The chosen family will recognize such a child as being someone that is appropriate to bring into their home for a given period of time to assist that child in its next stage of growth, life education, and further development as well as receiving new information from that child.

  In this way, the adults and the children are able to share with one another that which they have, that which is most in tune with their path at that given time in their journey in their life.

  A child might live with four or five families before the age of ten or twelve. At times a child will live their entire life with the biological parents. Sometimes they will move out into Space, as it were in your experience, move out into other worlds and realms and may be gone for a span of anywhere from 50 to 75 years before they return back to our world. At that time they are able to provide us with experiences not otherwise available to us. They share from the adventures, from the learnings, from the travels that they have encountered over the 50 to 75 year span.

  Jefferson: Do you go to school or do you learn from the others?

  Ishuwa: The schooling isn't necessary in the way your society sets up classrooms, not that there is anything about that that we would consider unworthy, not in that sense. It is simply that we have only so much that a young one must learn before they are able to fully operate and function to their fullest capability. The biological parents will usually provide them with that necessary education in the first few years of their development. Thus then, a child moving out from their biological family will, in a sense, understand intuitively when it is time to step out to another family to learn from it and to also share information with that family that the child is guided to become a part of. The adults in the new family will recognize the child as having information for them that can, in a sense, teach them too, school them, instruct them. In a sense, this way of mutually sharing information while living together can be our form of classroom.

  So at various times in a family's life together, our families bring in children who are of other biological parents. This allows and affords for the children to be, in a sense, teachers teaching information that the child was born with, in a sense, already able to share and to talk about freely and instructionally in ways that others can understand and learn from. And yes, the adults are able to share valuable information in the appropriate timing with these children as well, information that will enlighten the children, enliven them, and do so in ways that they all find fascinating and enjoyable. In that way, the family becomes more like a classroom for our world, our society. Do you understand? Do you see a difference there?

  Jefferson: Yes, thank you. So another question on this same idea is, when a being wants to incarnate into your society, do the receiving parents acknowledge on a conscious level that he or she is wanting to incarnate through them into society?

  Ishuwa: Before the birth occurs?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: Frequently this can occur but choosing to be aware of this on a conscious level isn't always a choice that the biological parents will make. There is always an understanding that whatever child they do bring forth there have been agreements made before that conception, before that physical birthing takes place. For some biological parents that recognition is enough. They do not need to make any communications ahead of time, although there are several parents who will choose to do that.

  Jefferson: I see. Do you know the child's past lives?

  Ishuwa: There may be some past lives that are helpful to be aware of even before the choice is made for an incarnation, for a conception, for a birthing agreement to be made, but sometimes the parents will have no awareness of their biological child's previous incarnations, will not be aware of other lifetimes their child has had or other planetary systems they may have experienced living in. This information is generally more readily available for us then you would often find in your Earth's society simply because we are at a place of choosing to be more aware of the nature of our existence.

a society, you are still working to become more aware of your backgrounds and the lineages and the connections with prior life-times. As your society chooses to become more aware of these kinds of relationships, there will be opportunity for more parents and children to have these forms of communication before conception is made, before a birth takes place. We sense that is a choice that your society is moving into and is making.

  Jefferson: I see. So do you have graduation ceremonies that are to acknowledge when a person moves from one stage of life to another, like celebrations to say "now you are an adult," or "now you are on your own," or anything like that?

  Ishuwa: There is a recognition within all of us that something that was, in a sense, being studied by a person has now been recognized fully and acknowledged within that being. In a sense, they have learned that module of information, realized it. We all acknowledge that realization in a very deep heartfelt connection of understanding and awareness. It is a very rich moment for us, and it is embraced very deeply and related to by those who have been a part of the learning process. There is a very deep acknowledgement, embrace, and awareness.

  We have a sensorial sensation, a feeling as well as an under-standing from a cognitive sense, that this person has learned, or reached, or attained a particular point of beingness in that moment of their life. In a sense, you could call it a graduation ceremony, but it isn't just a going through the motions of throwing their hats in the air in that sense. Their consciousness in that moment rises very high into the air, so to speak, and then the others who are present will recognize this rising energy. Others will see the higher vibrational sphere rising up in the air, and they are able to connect with it consciously in a way that affords everyone that connects to it to have, in a sense, an appreciation, a ceremony, a celebration for the growth in realization or "graduation" of that person.

  Jefferson: Do you have commerce on your planet like here where we have money and a monetary system? How does it work on your planet?

  Ishuwa: We have no banking system, in that sense. We do not have a bank account. We do not have to save anything. We simply do not lose anything. We retain our understandings. We are aware of our value and the unique talents and abilities that we each have, and we can easily recognize the talents that others have. It becomes very easy to discern who has some abilities that would benefit a given person in a given moment, and if they choose to they can exchange the talents and gifts one for the other or one to another. In that sense, there is an exchange of individual understanding of value; individual heart value is able to be exchanged. And that, in a sense, cannot be lost. It need not be saved. It is infinite and available to be shared in each moment by those who are drawn to take part in that sharing, to receive that understanding or that experience.

  There is no structure of money management. There is no interest being charged. There are no robberies taking place. There are no vaults that need to be secured, that need to be guarded. There are no police institutions that need to be brought in to see what happened to personal items that had been held in a vault that suddenly were stolen, as you perhaps might experience in your society.

  Jefferson: Here on Earth we have different levels of consciousness. Some people are aware of who they are and who other people are so they don't harm others since they know that others are a part of their Self. And there are people here that have no idea who they really are because of their limited belief systems, limited concepts, and limited definitions. Some of these people do things like stealing or mistreating others. Is this the same on your planet as it is on ours in this regard? Do you have some people who are not aware of their true nature and other people that are highly aware of who they really are or does everybody on your world have the same level of consciousness?

  Ishuwa: We all understand where we are from and who we are in that sense. We understand the nature of our existence and that Existence exists infinitely. We recognize in all of us, in All That Is, the value of all. We have grown up in this understanding for so many generations that we do not have the perception that one of us is more learned, more wise than another. We recognize that each has a very valuable contribution that is unique and different from all the others and will be valued, will be shared by those others in any given moment that they are attracted to a particular experience with them.

  There are no individuals in our society that don't "get it," that are repressed, that are hiding in fear, that are without the ability to recognize they create their own reality. We are all able to take responsibility and we do so for all that we are experiencing. There is great joy in all that we are experiencing at all moments.

  There is no "great master." There are those who have been chosen at given times to share particular forms of understandings that can allow our society to step up a bit in a way that you might consider a higher frequency of consciousness, but it is not better than the one we had been on before. It is simply a higher frequency that affords us greater flexibility to connect more effortlessly to the worlds that we enjoy creating and experiencing in our interaction with life together.

  You may say that there are people in your world who are quite dark, or dull, or dim witted and that there are others who are very aware and expansive. From our perspective you are all equally capable of being wise and knowledgeable. Some of you are simply choosing to create the perception that you aren't really that bright or "with it" in any given lifetime or any given moment. It takes a lot of "light" to dim your consciousness so that you aren't aware of how bright you all actually are. We appreciate that form of "make-up" and "costuming" that so many of you enjoy "putting on" in your theatrical plays.

  Jefferson: Was your world, the planet of the Yahyel, was it created all ready for your civilization to function at a level of consciousness that was from the beginning already higher than the one expressed on Earth?

  Ishuwa: Higher only in the sense that we all understand who we are. We take responsibility for what we are experiencing. We don't have any capacity to place blame on others. We have no need to take from others. We share with all that interact in our society in ways that are beneficial for all those who are in the sharing interaction.

  Jefferson: What about on a spiritual level? Here on Earth we have an idea that the soul of people who have passed away is on "the other side" and can be contacted by Mediums. Do you have guidance from the other side or a spiritual counterpart that would inspire you to follow the life theme you chose before you incarnated?

  Ishuwa: We have a feeling or a sensation that is very uplifting, that is very positive and very strong. It's very obvious. It's very evident. It's something we can't miss. It is something that is always in our present state of awareness, and we understand that it is there to guide us into those locations, and experiences, and passions, and moments, and interactions, and relationships that are most representative of who we are best capable of being in that lifetime, in that given moment. It is a very obvious guide in that sense.

  We don't need to have dialogues in the form of talking with spirits from the other side like you have spoken about. We don't need to have letters that we write. We do not have to sit and send questions out into "space and time" and wait for some form of interaction or communication to come back to us from either the trees or the animals or other people who may be in some other plane of reality.

  We simply have a very powerful, strong, uplifting, enjoyable sensing that guides us. It's something that you all are capable of tapping into. As more of you become aware of that and are willing to define your guide as such an energy, as such and intelligence, then the more you will be guided in that way, the more you will sense that mechanism within your own being and the more you then follow that sensing, that sense of joy of the stronger guidance mechanism that grows within. As you choose to do this more, the internal guidance mechanism becomes very obvious. It becomes a very bright light. It is something you will not miss in any given moment.

  Jefferson: Good!

  Ishuwa: Also, we would like
to say that all of you on Earth are fully tapped into all of the knowledge that there is that can be capable of being aware. However, you are choosing to wear "make-up" and "masks" over this level of conscious awareness, in a sense, to limit your awareness of all that you actually are so you can play on this stage of Earth and have particular experiences. The experiences are vast and some explore illusions such as having to face obstacles, and difficulties, and being limited, and feeling hopeless, but they are all simply experiences that you have because of the "make-up" and the "costumes" that you are dressing yourself into with your belief systems. These belief systems are in that way then filtering through your conscious awareness and giving you the perception that perhaps you don't know very much, or that this person knows more than some other person. In terms of your actual nature, you all know an equal amount. You all know all there is to know. On Earth, you are simply choosing to create the perception that you don't know that you all know it all, and that choice is simply part of your "world play."


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