Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 6

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: From your perspective, would you define God or the prime Creator as a supreme intelligence and primary cause of everything that is, was, and will ever be?

  Ishuwa: You can create the idea that there is a god that has that ability, but it all simply "is." When you start reaching out into one simple idea, it all simply exists in its infinite, expansive, oneness. This oneness finds an infinite number of ways to express itself, to play, to create All That Is.

  You can label this oneness as a god, as a supreme intelligence, and yet this god that we're suggesting, this supreme intelligence, is an understanding of Isness as All That Is. Even in the experiences of "theatrical productions" where the "actors" seem to think that they are very disconnected from God or a supreme being, "Isness" is what is making it possible for them to have that experience. That which "is" is the supreme Creator intelligence, and it is contained in All That Is.

  There is no place you can be in which there is no Isness, no supreme-Creator god-intelligence. There are many places you can go in your mind and create labels, and names, and concepts and have a number of different "theatrical productions" centering around what the Creator is like, or what it can or can't do, or why it does this and doesn't do that, or why it helps these people and doesn't help those people, or why it seems to be present one day and off on vacation the next day while things are going bad for someone. Those are all simply "productions" that people are choosing to create. Those are simply perceptions that they're choosing to play with on the "stage of life."

  All That Is, the one supreme Isness, is actually in all places at all moments at all times, but people can create the perception that there is no Isness, no supreme being, or that it exists in some particular fashion or way that suits their "screenplay," or their "playwright," or their circumstantial interaction in any given moment in their day and time of life.

  Jefferson: I have noticed that for some of us here on Earth it's not that easy to relate to the idea that we are extensions of a supreme Creator intelligence. How can you help us understand this? Can you coach us on how to relate to the idea that we are like self-aware energy that is already endowed with the Creator's attributes and we all can co-create from that informed perspective?

  Ishuwa: That realization will occur in a timing that will be most appropriate for each of you. The way in which it will occur will be unique and appropriate for each of you. It will occur in a way that you each have chosen. Usually people will make this choice from a deeper level of their consciousness, such that they aren't aware of making the choice. This allows there to be a sense of mystery and newness to their life. It also affords there to be a number of potential adventures that people can have in their life and it is the living of those adventures that becomes the mechanism, the journey, the path, the steps they take that will awaken them back to remembering this understanding that they and the Creator are one.

  People on your world enjoy, perhaps you could say as an analogy, going on a hike through a forest along a trail of their own making, a trail of their own discovery. At some point they like to venture off the heavily traveled trail and craft their own trail, find their own way to remember or reconnect to this realization.

  In general terms, doing things that feel good, that are of a heartfelt nature, that are uplifting, that are easy, joyful, pleasant, pleasurable, exciting, in that sense, those experiences will expedite a person's reconnecting and remembering to the idea, the recognition, the awareness that they contain and they are the infinite Creator, the omniscient One. They will understand that they only need to know and remember those aspects of All That Is that are most enjoyable for them in a given moment. So the idea isn't to suddenly be aware of all knowledge, of All That Is. That isn't what we are suggesting. The idea is simply to follow your heart's guidance. Then you will know what you need to know to have experiences in your physical life at the given moment that is most exciting to have them in that journey, in that travel, in that adventure.

  There are many ways and many mechanisms that people will use to come back to this remembrance, to this understanding, to self- realization. Doing activities that are heartfelt will quickly expedite this coming back into remembering.

  Jefferson: In regards to the evolution of the soul, would it be safe to say that a natural method of remembering who we are is the process of reincarnation in which a person undergoes numerous different situations, challenges, and obstacles to learn how to deal with the Self and to master the ability to work with their god energy responsibly?

  Ishuwa: There are those that have reincarnated in several lifetimes on your planet who have gained greater awareness of their actual nature and that of Existence from building upon their prior life experiences. It isn't the only way a person can expand and become more aware of their nature, but it is one that you have as a society, as a global race on Earth, chosen. It is a form of, if you will, a play with many different chapters, with many different scenes, with many different levels, and locations, and backgrounds, and families, and costumes. There are thus then many who are having the ability to create the perception of evolving their soul from one lifetime to the next, but again, it isn't the only way to become incarnated on this planet in a physical body and be very aware on an expansive level of their actual nature and have experiences that they enjoy creating and interacting within.

  Jefferson: I see. So I think the next question is, does a person become fully self realized through the process of reincarnating on just one planet or does the person's spirit inherit different physical bodies that allow it to incarnate on several planets before it attains complete self realization?

  Ishuwa: In a sense, from a broader perspective, it's all here now. If you were talking to a person on Earth and they could talk to you about 30 previous lifetimes that they have had, the idea that those were past lives could make it seem as though they happened in the past, but it all exists here and now. All of those ideas of past lifetimes are occurring now. A person simply chooses to create the perception of having lived them in the past and then chooses to create the perception of talking about them as though it's the past. But it's all now. It's all here. People will simply choose to create this idea of a past, a present, and a future so they can have a particular kind of experience, a particular flavor of their infinite nature. How does that sit with your question? Would you like to explore some more of that idea?

  Jefferson: I missed some of your answer.

  Ishuwa: Could you ask the question again?

  Jefferson: Yes. Does a being of creation have to stay on a particular planet and reincarnate on the same planet over and over again until the planet reaches its completion or can this being reincarnate on many different planets?

  Ishuwa: They can create one connection throughout the entire life-span of a planet. This doesn't occur in your physiological form on Earth because the Earth has gone through many changes that would have required the physiology to have made great changes that wouldn't be considered a body as you know it. So there are those whose consciousness could perhaps be considered to have lived as long as Earth has been in existence and have been here residing with the Earth plane. They wouldn't at all times be in a body like your present form though.

  Some people come from and go to other planets and live one lifetime here and then live another lifetime on another planet. There are some who are, in a sense, bi-locating. They are present on this planet in what you would consider a biological life form and they are simultaneously on another planet. Some of these, a few, very few, are aware of being on both planets and being in the world of both realities. It is possible for them to see both worlds and experience both worlds, but this is very rare at this time in our perception of life on Earth.

  Jefferson: And how about beings from your planet. Can they do that more frequently?

  Ishuwa: There are more who could do that.

  Jefferson: But they don't necessarily choose to?

  Ishuwa: There are some who do.

  Jefferson: Does th
e human DNA play an important factor in having this happen or is it more about the evolution of the soul?

  Ishuwa: Yes, the biological DNA is a factor for the biology to be able to function at that level of conscious awareness.

  Jefferson: The human DNA is a blending of how many different extraterrestrial races?

  Ishuwa: There are at least seven in our understanding.

  Jefferson: What are they?

  Ishuwa: There are the Annunaki.

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: And there are those who have been referred to as the Zeta, but not understood. They are basically humans from a parallel reality gone a bit eschew, a bit disconnected due to some experiments they made in time frequency adjustments such that they would not appear to be quite like you, but they are actually quite similar, very much on a parallel frequency of reality.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: There are five others that we are aware of.

  Jefferson: Yes?

  Ishuwa: The names, perhaps you are aware of more than the two we have given, the names of the other five are...as of this timing we will wait for another moment.

  Jefferson: Okay. Is the Yahyel society the one that's closest to us in terms of appearance?

  Ishuwa: We are quite similar in appearance to those on your planet. Not necessarily closest, but very similar. There are some who might seem to be identical. We tend to be a little bit different, thus that most of you would notice the variations, but it would be so subtle that it wouldn't be at all disconcerting.

  Jefferson: So you have five fingers, two eyes, and in that sense there's nothing about your body shape that would be unusual to us?

  Ishuwa: We have four fingers and one thumb.

  Jefferson: Well, that makes five. (Laughter).

  Ishuwa: We have two arms, two hands, two legs, and two feet. On each foot, we have one large toe and three other toes.

  Jefferson: Four! I see. So what is the color of your eyes?

  Ishuwa: There is some coloration that would be similar to what you would find on Earth but even in those similarities the colors are quite eye-catching from your perspective.

  Jefferson: And do you guys have hair?

  Ishuwa: There are those present who have some hair but mostly it is a very tiny follicle on the integument, on the skin structure of the body. So we don't have the need for hairspray or shampoo.

  Jefferson: Oh, I see. So you do have hair, but it's not as long as humans?

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: That means you are not bald?

  Ishuwa: From a distance we might appear to be bald, but there is a very slight and short follicle of hair. There are many hundreds of thousands of these that are on our physiological structure, our skin.

  Jefferson: Do you have pointy ears or no ears at all?

  Ishuwa: We have ears.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: They're not usually pointed. There are some of us who have pointy ears, but it isn't something that generally takes form. The ears are somewhat smaller on average, about half the size of those you would find on your world.

  Jefferson: I see. So I would like to ask, are the Pleadians the society that is closest biologically to Earth humans?

  Ishuwa: Well, we are not Pleaidian. We are perhaps not the closest, but we might be the closest. This is an idea that begins to take into consideration the idea of time travel, thus then, which reality you're tuning in to in your interaction with us. There are those frequencies in which we are the closest, but there are a couple others in which we are not the closest, but very close.

  Jefferson: Can you explain more about that idea because you spoke about it before and I got a little bit...I wasn't sure how to relate to that? So what about this idea that in one frequency you are the closest society and in another you may not be. Can you expand on that?

  Ishuwa: It could be like, as an analogy, you're on a path and it forks into three different directions. Any one of these three paths will be connected to your steps only if you take that path. So the path that you focus on and thus walk upon then becomes the one you are closest to in that moment of your interaction with it. Whichever path you choose to connect with through your focus will be the closest one. Either of the other two could have been the closest one if you had chosen to walk their path. If you choose to walk the path to the left, then the one in the center will appear to be not as close, and the one to the right will appear to be even farther away. The genetic structure of one race can, in a sense, appear in research or analysis as being closer of further away from your race depending on which one you are placing the greatest focus on.

  As you focus more on the path of interaction with us, then you are most closely connected with our society. That doesn't mean you're always going to be focused closest to us, and when your strongest focus is elsewhere we will not be as close to you genetically.

  Jefferson: I see. What society would be in that case?

  Ishuwa: Those societies, both of them, we will not refer to at this time. There will be a time to share this with you. There might even be some co-blended channelings allowing one or both of them to interact with you but that time is not present. They are very uplifting races. They are very much a part of the upliftment that interacts with your world in various ways.

  Jefferson: Okay. I look forward to the day when that blending is going to happen and maybe we can talk to them.

  Ishuwa: Yes, thank you!

  Jefferson: I have another thought about the body structure. We used to think the characteristics of our body were controlled by our genes. Today we are aware that the genes are like templates that we can make some changes to. Do you have command over your physical structure to the point of being able to change it at will?

  Ishuwa: It could perhaps appear that we do from your vantage point if you were observing us. The idea being that we can appear and then disappear. Time can be altered and that can make it appear as though we are changing our form and this has something to do with DNA.

  There are very powerful programs, if you will, within the genetic structure that are sending and receiving information that will usually be most keyed into accepting the sending of the person they are connecting to in the biological format. We are at a frequency that allows for a more aware conscious connection with this sending and receiving mechanism within our DNA, so we can have more of an aware and immediate communication link with the DNA that will then begin sending out to the body instructions of information that will put the body into a different state of physical expression that it can then appear to be changing form from your perspective.

  More of this ability, in our perception, will be available for you and your society as you choose to be more aware of who is making the choices and who is creating the experiences that you are all having. As more of you recognize who is creating the physical expressions, there then comes more awareness of how you are doing it, which increases your ability to do it in the ways you find enjoyable.

  So we can change our body in the ways that suit us, in the ways that are fashionable for us to wear at any given moment, but we wouldn't say that we are like chameleons that could show up on your planet and turn into a tree or into some other expression of life like a bear or an Earth human. That isn't something we would be doing. It would be far easier for us to appear before you and then quickly move to a location out of your view to make it look like we vanished, as though we could time travel.


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