Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 7

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: I want to speak more about that tomorrow by all means. We are getting to the final moments of our most enjoyable encounter today, and I have some parting thoughts before we depart.

  Ishuwa: Yes, share them!

  Jefferson: You said before that there are beings from your civilization that have already interacted with beings of our civilization and that you have already walked among us unnoticed, right?

  Ishuwa: We have some encounters of that sort from time to time.

  Jefferson: What would be the effects on a person from our civilization encountering you personally? Would there be any side effects at all?

  Ishuwa: A side effect being what in your definition?

  Jefferson: A side effect being something bad that can happen as a result of the encounter because of the lack of harmony in frequencies.

  Ishuwa: There are those who have had what could be considered side effects, but the effects aren't detrimental when understood properly. When the effects are understood, the valuable information that they gained during the interaction can be remembered. Because there is a tendency for many in your world to hold onto patterns or frequencies of fear, people will at times awaken on Earth with a memory in which they are holding a fear pattern from an encounter they have had with one of us or with other extraterrestrials. So that fear pattern will temporarily become their only way of relating to their interaction with extraterrestrials. However, if they work through that fear, understand it and let it go, it will allow for the valuable experiences that they had, the more uplifting ones that they did have, to begin to find their way into their awareness. Then they will remember that the encounter they had with us was actually very enriching.

  How each person might interact with us isn't always that clear ahead of time. There are factors we look for in determining if an encounter is appropriate before any kind of contact physically would be made. The general idea of any encounter is that it will be uplifting overall for us and for that individual. They will, after having had the contact, have the choice from day to day on Earth...they will have the choice as to how they come back into remembering that experience. At first the fear is often the one pattern that comes through, because as we said, it is such a common channel for humans to hold onto, as though it were a blanket that they feel is comforting them for some reason based on their current belief systems. Again, there's something familiar about that fear that is comforting to them, so they hold onto it as though it were a blanket that brings them a sense of comfort. When they realize that this fear is simply without content and cannot really harm them, then they choose to step through it and the "bubble of fear" bursts, in a sense, and then they become free to start tapping into the treasures of that experience, that contact, that encounter.

  We would like to add that there are many on Earth who have had contact and have had no real fear. They are generally the people for whom the memory isn't something that comes into their awareness in a way that makes them think the encounter was just a bad dream. Rather it is something that to them seems like it really happened. In a sense, it's as though they were having lunch one moment and then the next thing they knew they were talking to an ET. They weren't frightened by the initial contact so they were able to remember that encounter the following day within the construct of their psyche.

  We do have some ability to measure ahead of time how a person will handle a contact and how much they will remember of any encounter. However, this measure doesn't always provide a one-hundred percent accurate forecast when compared to how they actually end up choosing to remember the contact they had.

  Any side effects, as we said, are truly just a "bubble" in which the effects are the idea that they would have a frightening memory. Such fear is simply like a bubble that will not truly harm them. From a higher level, it was their choice to have had the encounter and to then come back and to feel fear. There was something about having the experience of feeling fear that was more the choice they wanted to have, the memory they wanted to come back to first for their own reasons, for their own experiencing. They could have just as easily chosen not to be frightened. They could have moved through the bubble before they came back into the memory of having had an encounter so then it would be, like we said, something in their experience that just happened to them yesterday while they were having lunch and there was no fear at all for them.

  So those who do have fear choose to have that experience of fear. They choose to remember the contact idea as having been frightening. This is simply a choice they are making. It is a side effect that they are choosing to create. Side effects from contact are something we aren't always able to fully predict in advance. We always understand that it is their choice whether they come back into the memory of the encounter as being one that frightens them or one that is enjoyable for them. Do you follow that idea?

  Jefferson: Yes. So it's not like the exposure to your energy would cause a human being to go into psychotic shock?

  Ishuwa: Those encounters wouldn't take place from our world. We would be able to see that type of response ahead of time and thus then we wouldn't choose to have the encounter with them.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: That isn't to say there aren't some extraterrestrial societies that might not stop at that. They might decide they still want to move forward with the encounter, but it can then only occur if that human chooses on their higher level of consciousness to move forward with that society.

  Jefferson: In a previous conversation with you, I asked you if myself and Shaun, the channeler, had ever met you in a previous life and made plans to write a book together in this life. You said, yes there was a meeting of some sort. Can you talk about where we met you before?

  Ishuwa: There was the lifetime you previously referred to as James. This was in the physical form. There was some interaction, not as biological brothers, but a brotherhood and a mutual respect for the differing teachings that were taking place at the time and the different cultures that were engaging in a form of combat as well as cultures that were nurturing to one another. It was a very diverse mixture, some support and some combative conflict. But the two of you were by all means in a mutual support of interaction in that life. Does that provide you with more information related to the question?

  Jefferson: Yes. So I was James, and Shaun was an Essene?

  Ishuwa: There was some overlapping in that lifetime with the Essene teaching, brotherhood, sisterhood, some engagements over several moons of living together with that community, sharing with that community, in that sense. But not born in the Essene community.

  Jefferson: So it was back some two-thousand years ago that Shaun and I had an encounter of some sort with you?

  Ishuwa: There was a very distant communication. A very light subtle frequency of communication that took place. The stronger connection then for this idea is multi-layered. The question you have recently asked has opened a door and so now we can add more in our answer that relates to the multi-layered nature of this question. Within this lifetime presently, the frequency has been rekindled now, reconnected to a much stronger energy that has enabled you to get my attention adequately so as to support the co-existence of all of our frequencies simultaneously in this rapport, in this form of communication. So what was then said 2,000 years ago could be seen as having paved the way somewhat for this encounter now, this communication now. But that again is only a portion of the answer to the multi-layered question.

  Jefferson: That's lovely, fantastic. It's great, thank you! And how do we go about meeting you physically here on Earth if that's even possible?

  Ishuwa: The timing will be soon in your terms of your reference of time and space that you have labeled as a decade. It could be as short as one or two decades, which might seem longer than you would like, but maybe it will be sooner than you expect it. There are a number of factors involved. There are many "steps yet to walk upon" before that would become a reality. The idea isn't so much to focus on that as an objective. It is
in following your heart, being in the spaces of greatest joy for you as best as you can in each moment, that will allow for that experience of an encounter to occur in a timing of one or two decades.

  Jefferson: So I was referring to you meeting Shaun and me, not open contact with all of humanity. Is that what you are saying as well?

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: Okay. Ishuwa, it's been delicious to interact with you today. In a sense, we are all becoming these interactions that we are having. I thank you immensely!

  Ishuwa: Thank you! It is a great joy! It is a wondrous occasion to interact, to share, to communicate with you in this way today! Our society and yours have many wonderful occasions available to share together. Just as two individuals can come together and create new experiences, new partnerships, new bonds, and create ideas, and discover new realms of experience never before imagined, so to can our society and your society come together in this way to create new experiences and have new sharings together.

  We thank you for being willing to share in this way with us. It is with great joy and we acknowledge your willingness and your energy and we thank you for this! We look forward to the next occasion when we walk together in this way. A co-creation in this relationship. Good Day!

  Jefferson: Thank you, and Good Day!

  Chapter 4

  Sensual Telepathic Communications

  "We also communicate telepathically, and there is a great deal of feeling that can be transferred sensorially in telepathic communication that can make contact with the biological skin, in that sense, and create a tingling sensation. It can create an erotic sensation for us physiologically." – Ishuwa

  August 4th and September 15th, 2009

  Ishuwa: Always with you in these blending moments is a wonderful opportunity to share, and to interact, and to experience new realms of Existence, new worlds, new places that are of joy for you and for all who are present in this interaction! How are you this day of your time?

  Jefferson: Very good! Thank you so much! It's lovely to speak to you again!

  Ishuwa: Yes, and with you as well! How would you like to move forward in direction this day of your time with this interaction?

  Jefferson: I would like to start by asking you Ishuwa, are adults as playful as children on your planet or do they have to be concerned with "matters of importance?"

  Ishuwa: There is a great sense of playfulness in our interaction! Even when we are encountering and taking part in activities that may be most crucial in terms of their function and the need for them to be done properly. There is a great sense of play, of freedom, of flexibility, of cooperation, of ease and of acceptance for all forms of participation and contribution. We really don’t have a sense of heaviness, a sense of seriousness, even in moments where it might be that we are all very focused in accomplishing a specific task with utmost care and delicacy.

  Jefferson: I see. Do you resemble your parents?

  Ishuwa: There is a resemblance as there are in your world, yes!

  Jefferson: I see. Do you wear clothes?

  Ishuwa: We do at times wear something, for certain types of travel, that will shield us from the idea of higher more powerful frequencies that we may not be fully adjusted to in the time that we arrive at those specific locations that could be a bit challenging for our structure, for our exterior skin elements. But generally in our day to day interaction we don’t have any need for that form of clothing as your society does. If we were to interact with some group of beings that were in a given state of their daily life to have clothing, we could accommodate them and then wear clothing for such occasions as that.

  Jefferson: So you walk naked on your planet?

  Ishuwa: To some degree there is that sense, yes. Although, we don’t experience it quite the way as those in your society generally do. You have the idea of having to go to specific areas where then there is only allowed to be in that way, or only in their private locations of home. We are born with and have an understanding that it is our natural state of being and it is a very familiar experience and expression to us that is accepted in all planes of our home both publicly and privately as well.

  Jefferson: We wear clothes not only because some of us may feel uncomfortable to be seen naked but it is also a way that we can keep ourselves warm and clean.

  Ishuwa: Very well. If you enjoy it, continue as a society and as an individual. You have some very enjoyable costumes and clothing designs and colorations that we enjoy observing in our interactions.

  Jefferson: But don’t you feel cold since you don't have fur covering the entire body? We don’t have fur like bears do. Our skin is just skin.

  Ishuwa: We are able to emit a particular frequency around the body that is like a thermostat that allows for us to maintain a particular environmental and sensorial experience that keeps us at a state of temperature and environmental that is comfortable for us. Even in moments where the ambient temperature as you experience in your world might get hotter or colder, this sphere of energy around our biology is able to maintain a particular temperature rate. That keeps us more removed from the changes of the environment wherever we are at in any given moment.

  Jefferson: That's interesting! Let's look at another idea Ishuwa. Lips on Earth humans are seen by many as a symbol of sensuality and sexuality because of their erogenous and very sensitive nature. It would be very cumbersome not to have lips, especially for those of us that love kissing. How does it work in your biology? Do you have lips, as we understand the idea?

  Ishuwa: We have a mouth. We are able to talk and have physical communication. We also communicate telepathically, and there is a great deal of feeling that can be transferred sensorially in telepathic communication that can make contact with the biological skin, in that sense, and create a tingling sensation. It can create an erotic sensation for us physiologically.

  So there are ways in our world of having erotic experiences from one being to another that don't require the actual physical contact, the actual lip to lip contact that is so prevalent in your society.

  Jefferson: I see. So do you have lips or just the mouth?

  Ishuwa: We do have a membrane that is somewhat more sensitive around the opening of the mouth, but we don’t generally have a large bulbaceous protrusion around this mouth area that many of you do that you refer to as a lip.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: But you could see on our physiology an area that you could identify as a lip but just not as round, not as full, not as protrusional from the facial area. We don’t generally utilize it in that form of contact that you do in your world. There are other ways of inter-action, as we have suggested, and telepathy is one of those ways. Physical embrace is something that we will do at times. There are other forms of intimate sharing and experiencing that we are more in resonance with that are not any better than those that you have in your society and your world. Our forms are simply how we have grown and how our biology supports that form of embrace and erotic sharing from one being to another.

  Jefferson: Okay. Do you have a nose like ours or is yours more like the dolphins or other highly intelligent mammals on our planet that are adapted for aquatic life?

  Ishuwa: Our breathing apparatus or nasal olfactory region, is some-what similar to that in your society, to your human nose. It isn’t quite as large though. We also have less intake of volumes of oxygen than that of your world and your human biology. So there isn’t quite as much need for as large an opening. There are other factors involved that have over time been responsible for the smaller nose size that we have. But there are those in your world who have noses that are somewhat similar in size to ours.

  Jefferson: Do the animals on Earth serve as a link to the extra-terrestrials or to whoever engineered them?

  Ishuwa: There was a choice that people within your world made to explore the idea of separation and limitation and to have the illusory experience that there is no intelligent life except for what is on your planet. So while there may be lights up
in the night sky, there may be stars, there may be a Sun, there may be a Moon and other planets, one of the ideas here on Earth has been to experience the sense of being all alone, of being all that there is in terms of intelligent life forms in the Youniverse.


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