Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 8

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: One of the more interesting components of that choice to explore separation and limitation was then to bring into this world on Earth a vast array of life forms that would co-exist with you to, in a sense, provide you with an unseen anchor that keeps you connected to some degree to your actual nature. The various life forms on Earth carry and convey consciousnesses of many kinds and some can be considered extraterrestrial. There are so many life forms on your planet and so many provide you with a connection to your actual nature just by interacting with them. The interaction can be like a catalyst that reconnects you to more of an inner realization that you aren’t alone in the Youniverse.

  When you communicate or interact with your animals and plants and other organisms and substances of life on this planet, although many of you may not be aware of this occurring, when you interact with nature and animals, there is taking place within you in that moment a rekindling of your more expansive nature simply because so many of those life forms carry a more expansive frequency of being. A sense of this can be felt by you as a feeling of being more at peace. That's one reason why many people feel more at peace in nature while walking in the woods or swimming out in a lake, or in a river, or in an ocean. There are many conscious beings in these places that are in such moments rekindling a person's connection and re-awakening them, although the person may not be aware of this occurring. They may only be aware that they are feeling more at peace, more comforted, more at ease. It is in these interactions that they are communicating with other forms of life, many of which are not living on Earth. Some are extraterrestrial. This allows people to have experiences, frequency wise, that are more in tune with their actual nature.

  The idea to have these life forms here with you was accepted collectively, and it was then incorporated into this world, onto this "stage," so these life forms could provide a way for humans to reconnect with ETs and the other conscious life forms while at the same time not being aware that the reconnection was taking place. You could remain in the "dark," in a sense, but still not become completely lost in a state of despair, or desperation, or hopelessness without any ability to carry forth from day to day.

  There is then within the ability to go and visit nature and connect with these animals and life forms, a hidden but very strong energy source that revitalizes the will of the human being that is still choosing to live with the idea and experience that they are all alone in the Youniverse.

  Jefferson: Okay! Thank you for sharing that! Now I would like to ask a question of a very different flavor. Do you have sports on your planet?

  Ishuwa: We don’t have sports in the form of competition in the sense of one side victors over the other. We do see value in that in your world for it is a very common practice of interaction.

  We have other activities that can be considered games, but they generally aren’t about seeing who can get ahead and who can victor, who can win. They are more about finding ways to elicit within each individual more expansive states of their own joy, their own playful nature. That is more the way we play games, games to create more expansive states of playful awareness in one another.

  Jefferson: What particular game do you like the most?

  Ishuwa: I like to play hide and seek!

  Jefferson: (Amused laughter). Share with me more about the ways that art is expressed on the planet of the Yahyel? Do you play musical instruments? Can you name one you prefer?

  Ishuwa: We have music, yes. We have those who sing notes. We have sounds that come through instruments and also telepathically. We have some life forms that emit particular sounds, and we have discovered that when we put them with certain other life forms on our planet they will begin changing the notes and sounds they emit. It can be very harmonious. It can be very much a melody as though they are playing instruments, but it is only a sound emitting from them. Somewhat like a cat on your planet that purrs. There are sounds of musical quality emitting from these life forms.

  There are musical arrangers who can arrange these various life forms together and they will then emit different songs that aren’t with words. They are more like soundscapes. This creates an "orchestra of life form players" in that way. That is one of my favorite forms of sound concerts to attend. At times I also play musically with these life forms in that way as a sound arranger myself.

  We have a variety of art forms. There are art forms similar to canvas paintings where people place colors into images on a canvas to create a picture. There are some images of sculpture that we work with and images of light in a form that you don’t readily incorporate yet on your world that bring out sculptured images made entirely of light. Not of clay, but of light. They can take on a holographic quality and begin, at times, to even interact with the environment and change in ways that perhaps the sculptor wasn't aware would occur. So the sculptor allows the light creation to playfully change its form through the organic interactions of the environment it has been created in. This can be quite enjoyable to simply sit down and watch this type of sculpture and see how it changes shape as the light on any given day might change over time. So these are a couple of ideas of our art and music.

  Jefferson: You spoke of a cat. Do you have pets?

  Ishuwa: We don’t have pets. We do have some living organisms and physiological life forms that could be like a pet, but they take care of themselves entirely.

  Jefferson: Ah, I see.

  Ishuwa: They are able to come and go as they please, find food as they need, and interact with other families. They aren’t kept at one home, one house, or one abode on a regular basis. Some of them are able to communicate with us very clearly and concisely while some others are a bit more unusual and with these we haven’t really come into a clear communication with them like I am communicating with you now.

  Jefferson: How lovely.

  Ishuwa: With these life forms, we communicate in a way that might be more similar to how we sense most you communicate with your pets. There is affection. There are many ways in which we are able to have a relationship and communicate, but with some of these life forms communication isn’t in the way you and I are communicating now in this simple, clear, concise, and spoken way.

  Jefferson: Which one do you like the most?

  Ishuwa: I don’t have a favorite myself, in that sense, but a couple of them I enjoy include the one that rolls around most frequently. It is a very large animal that is about five kilometers in size.

  Jefferson: (Surprised laughter). What?

  Ishuwa: It is rather round and very light. It is able to float off of the ground to a height of approximately fifteen feet, and it will generally come back down onto the ground after floating for approximately one minute. When it does this, it is possible to get underneath it and to tickle it. It has a very soft texture that actually changes colors when in contact with our fingers, and it seems to enjoy the contact. We don’t have real clear communication with it the way I am communicating with you, a language in that sense that we both are able to share, but it is a life-form that we have had on our planet for as long as our history records, and the relationship has always been mutually nurturing. That is one that I enjoy.

  There is another life form on our planet that will follow us while we are traveling alongside our waterways on any given day. It's like a fish, but it doesn’t have any scales like the fish on your planet have. It is capable of moving in the water very quickly, and it is nearly the size of your kittens. It is rather disk shaped with a few fin-like protrusions on the top and the sides, and the bottom, and the back. It has a couple of eyes at the front and it has a gill-like mouth at the front that it feeds through. It is capable of flying through water, but it doesn’t ever express the ability to move up into the air above the water surface. It doesn’t jump out of the water the way dolphins in your world do. It can at times float along the surface but generally when it follows us it is one-and-a-half to two feet below surface. It emits a very large current of water that rises to the sur
face and bubbles, a very large bubbly trail that it leaves. That is one of the ways we recognize that it is present and following us. A very bubbly friend they are.

  Jefferson: You said it follows you. If it's a water being, does that mean you walk on water?

  Ishuwa: No. We at times walk alongside a waterway, and it is in the water beside our foot-trail. At times we can walk through the water with our feet submerged below the surface and then along the bottom of the waterway our feet walk upon.

  Jefferson: How do you engage a person on your planet for dating? For example, do you send them flowers or text messages? Do you invite them for dinner? Do you invite them for an interplanetary ride in your spaceship? How do you do this?

  Ishuwa: We can all move about freely in terms of the idea of space-ship. We can all ship around in the space that we interact within freely. Giving flowers is something we enjoy observing in your world. It's something we don’t do.

  If there is a desire to share more intimately with someone we meet, then we will have an innate understanding and recognition of that desire when we meet them. The desire to share more intimately with, there is simply a recognition of it. It just occurs. There is no, "I wonder if that person likes me because I have an attraction for them." This type of wondering, questioning, doesn’t occur. We know that the feeling is there within us because it is mutual. So it is very easy then when this type of encounter occurs for both parties to understand that this is a moment, an opportunity to come together in a more intimate way for some reason that each one of the two isn’t necessarily aware of in the moment of the meeting initially. But they know that there must be some reason for the meeting and for this deep heightened sense they feel from coming together or they wouldn’t have the sensation to begin with. So they openly interact and know that what-ever the reason is for meeting, it will through the journeying together become revealed to them in ways they will both enjoy that can be educational and very long lasting, enriching in that sense.

  Jefferson: I wonder if you have ever dated any one?

  Ishuwa: I have had interactions with what you would consider the female expression, but it isn’t like a preset date. It happens spontaneously and organically, usually. There are times were I have known in advance that there would be a meeting occurring before that meeting actually occurs. This is like having an intuition of the future meeting. I may be aware that I will meet someone that relates to a union, the male female union, but usually becoming aware of a meeting before it happens doesn’t come to us. Usually with an encounter that occurred synchronistically and organically, and spontaneously, we just go with the flow. The energy that brought us together will continue for as long as it is of great value for us both to remain together. In that sense, it isn’t likely to be a lifelong bonding, a lifelong pairing. That does occur still at times, but it isn’t as frequent as it occurs on your world.

  Jefferson: Is there any separation between childhood, teenagehood, and adulthood as far as age?

  Ishuwa: There is essentially a stage of infant and then a Yahyelian that is fully capable and fully prepared to be, and to express, and to support one’s own life as necessary. The infant will generally require parents to look after them in ways you can understand such as providing shelter, food, guidance and connecting to their path. The infant generally becomes what you might consider an adult at an age of two-and-one-half to three years old in our experience. There is not an age of teenage rebellion or awkward development taking place. The transition occurs rather quickly, and it is something as you had spoken of before, the idea of a graduation.

  Jefferson: Yes, what about that?

  Ishuwa: The energy of the infant at about two-and-one-half to three years old will exhibit a particular light, a particular consciousness that will extend out of their biology to quite some height that many of us who are present will recognize and also appreciate. We understand that it is a graduation from the idea of infant to adult Yahyelian. After that we will begin to experience that one, that being, as being capable of self-sufficiency in all modes necessary for them to continue their life path and to find their way however they most enjoyably choose to live it.

  Jefferson: Okay, I see. In our society, we have the institution of marriage. Do you have something that is close to marriage?

  Ishuwa: Not of an institutional nature. The ability to recognize our path is very apparent to us. It is a great emanation, a pleasure of life joy. It is very gifted in its guiding intelligent capacity. So we always follow that, in a sense. Because we are in that energy, we know that we will bond with partners only when there is a mutual sensing that is most desirous, most appropriate, and most pleasurable to be doing so.

  Neither party is ever left out, in that sense, turned down or forsaken. The length of time that the relationship will remain together is always determined by an unseen quality that will reveal itself to each of those two people by how they are still sensing what is of greatest joy for them to be doing. As the relationship comes to an end, they will both recognize that being together is no longer of their greatest joy. It will be apparent. It will not be something that will be unclear that they will have to question or ask others for counseling about. It will be simply, and is simply, very clear. It is understood. It is accepted. It is rejoiced within that we are able to interact and engage in relationships so easily, so clearly, so mutually accepting of the process. So there is then no divorce. There are no arguments.

  Jefferson: Do you have professions? For example, some people are Pilots, some are Cooks, some are CEOs, and some are Scientists. What in this case would be your sort of profession?

  Ishuwa: I am an Explorer, a Discoverer, a Traveler, and a Translator.

  Jefferson: Oh yeah, indeed, as you mentioned before. Can you talk more about that today?

  Ishuwa: Primarily translating languages between two life forms that aren’t necessarily able to understand one another. I then will become the third party that learns the languages of both parties and acts then as a translator so they are able to communicate.

  Jefferson: Do they pay you for doing that? Well, you don’t have a monetary system on your planet...how are you rewarded by your profession?

  Ishuwa: By having the opportunity to express that which brings me greatest joy and that which I am designed to be sharing!

  Jefferson: It makes sense, yeah; it makes a lot of sense! So what sort of daily tasks do you perform?

  Ishuwa: I don’t have tasks in that sense that are daily. There is great fluctuation. There isn’t the same task over and over from one day to the next that I am engaged in. There are similar functions that I do each day such as observing where I am, what I am experiencing, what I am sensing, and tuning into ideas and opportunities that are of most pleasure for me to move to experience, to be a part of. That type of tuning in will gravitationally place me into those opportunities so I can, in a sense, step in that direction and have those most pleasurable experiences manifested in my physical world.

  That then could be considered a task perhaps, tuning in to my self-awareness, my capabilities and what I most prefer doing, what is of greatest joy. I do this to be in alignment with who I am and this is an activity or task, if you wish, that I perform frequently.

  Jefferson: Alright. What does it look like where you are?

  Ishuwa: At present?

  Jefferson: Yes!

  Ishuwa: I am at this moment observing a vast landscape before me that reaches out for many miles. There are very colorful flowers in all directions that are approximately one foot to one meter rising off of the ground. They are moving about in a soft breeze and flourishing in the light of the Sun above that is emitting a very warm feeling. I hear a sound coming from a river that is off to my right. It is somewhat different from the water rivers of your world. It has a very buoyant quality about it. It's more bouncy. That is the landscape where I am sitting. I am taking it in and experiencing it. This provides an ability, in a sense, to amplify my connection to the channel and I am then able to have
this communication, and I am translating. I am doing what I enjoy, what I am most designed to be doing!

  There are off to the left a few birds flying through the air just above the tops of the flowers. They stop ever-so-frequently to rest upon the flowers and they are able to share in our interaction to some degree. There are others present as well, but I won’t go into that now. They are simply being a part of this communication. They are like me, taking part in this third reality, experiencing your world in this way and experiencing how our world can communicate with your world in this way, learning through this process as though it were an interactive class. They are off to my left and somewhat behind me. There are some others who are not present on this dimensional-plane that I am residing on, and they are in a sense, networking from a different location. Does that answer your question?


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