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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

Page 17

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: Yes, and does every planet have one representative or can anybody from any planet attend the day there is a meeting of the Association of Worlds?

  Ishuwa: Anybody can go, primarily, basically, yes. There aren’t any appointments or schedule books that have been put into place. If someone has the feeling that it will be of great joy and beneficial support for them to be there, then they will be there in one way or another. Perhaps not physically present, but they will be recognized energetically to be present if they are joining in from a telepathic mode, so to speak, as though it was a group conferencing taking place.

  Jefferson: It seems there could be some races that might not agree with all of the things that the association agrees on. What would happen to these nations that would go against a decision?

  Ishuwa: Well again, any of those would be of a very low frequency. The idea here is similar to what we spoke of before. They wouldn’t be able to have any influence on our world because their ideas and the structures and frequencies of their thought patterns would be too heavy and wouldn’t enter into our function of awareness, wouldn’t have any impact in that sense. It is as though there is an automatic deflection that takes place. It simply bounces off. It doesn’t encounter us.

  Jefferson: And those extraterrestrials who break through the quarantine and secretly land somewhere on planet Earth, are they on their own here and have to face the consequences of their actions?

  Ishuwa: There are those who aren’t of a resonance of understanding that we have. So they are, again as we have suggested, of a lower frequency of understanding, a heavier density, and they aren’t, in that sense, getting through the quarantine. It isn't necessary for them to get through because they were already with you and are a part of the reason that humans perceive themselves to be separate in the first place. They are part and parcel of the experiences that took place, the disconnect, the "fall from grace," so to speak, in the first place. They have a part to play in the reconnection, in the re-awakening.

  The re-awakening won’t occur just for Earth humans. We perceive it will occur for these lower frequency extraterrestrials as well. There is an opportunity that they too will begin to let go of the ideas of dark or less expansive understandings and the ideas of limitation and manipulation and the control that they still fancy and are attracted to. The awakening can be a win-win, in that sense, for them as well. Even if they are interacting with your world, perhaps hidden from your perspective, hidden from your day to day observations, but present perhaps nonetheless.

  Do you follow that idea? They didn’t get through the quarantine. They are, in a sense, a part of the original reason you are all living in a world of separation and limitation to begin with.

  Jefferson: Yes, I understand, thank you Ishuwa! Have you ever been a translator in the Association of Worlds?

  Ishuwa: Yes! That is a great joy to have that opportunity! I am one, but not the only one there. When I do translate there, I enjoy it immensely!

  Jefferson: How does it feel? What does it look like? I imagine there must be many people there. Do they all look different? Do any of the life forms that attend have an appearance that scares you if you've never seen them before?

  Ishuwa: Well again, we have shared with you the idea that we don’t experience fear. From our perception of your world's definition of scared, scared is a component of fear. Since we don’t have fear, we will not be scared. Do you follow that idea?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: We simply will see a physical shape that may be completely different from anything we have ever had the joyful experience of observing before, and we take great joy in having that moment. We acknowledge it, and we will telepathically in one way or another send acknowledgement to that being, send our sense of rich appreciation for their presence and let them know that we have never encountered such a life form before and that it is quite new and exciting for us, simply their appearance. They will be able to recognize and hear our acknowledgement, our granting of appreciating for their presence, and this will be something they can recognize in a way that enriches their experience!

  Jefferson: I felt that there was great excitement in your voice when I asked if you have ever participated as a translator. How do you receive notice asking you if you can come today or within a month to one of these huge meetings and be the official translator? How do you receive that note?

  Ishuwa: It's kind of like, "there's going to be a meeting and here are some of the ideas that might be focused on." I get a sense what those topics will be and how I feel about them. It's as though someone was talking to me, but it simply is information that begins flowing through my sense of awareness. In a sense, it's as though the middle-man doesn’t exist. There is nobody getting on the phone and calling me and telling me, "Hey, we are going to have this meeting." Nobody is sending me an email and letting me know, "We're planning to have this meeting." I simply begin feeling it.

  There are those of us who get an idea that they would like to share something of value in that forum, in that community, in that fashion, with others, and that idea gets transmitted out. As others begin to hear it, if they feel like it is going to be something they want to be a part of, they will respond energetically, emotionally, telepathically, through thought and through feeling and even through other forms of communication unknown to your perception at this time. As more people respond in this way, the energy can build and build and it becomes in this way an event that simply will then take place at the appropriate timing.

  Jefferson: Is there an official place where it happens?

  Ishuwa: Not an official place. There are times when it will occur on a craft even such as the one that we had over the Phoenix area in 1997 and 2007. However, it can occur where everyone involved is not physically present with anyone else that is involved. That is a possibility, and that does occur at times as well. There are other locations, other planets' surfaces that it can and has occurred at as well. It tends to be spontaneous or organic in that sense.

  Jefferson: How long are these meetings?

  Ishuwa: They occur over a period of time that allows for everyone to share what it is they wanted to have shared and to experience the excitement they sensed that attracted them to this event in the first place. There are those that come and go at different timings, as you perceive time. So it isn’t a requirement to come at the beginning and to stay until the end. There is an internal knowing of when to show up. When you've experienced what it is you felt would be most exciting to experience of others sharing, when you've shared what you felt others would be most benefited by, then you go. It's a simple knowing, a very simple and delicate knowing that is perhaps subtle in your perceptions of your life today, but you have the ability to begin functioning in this way as well. The more you choose to do so, the stronger this way of functioning grows for you and then the easier it is to recognize these forms of making decisions and following your heart’s path.

  Jefferson: What is the longest one you participated in?

  Ishuwa: From your perspective it would have been a few months of your timing, but to me it occurred in the blink of an eye. It was so exciting and fascinating for me. It was as though it occurred in a time of no time at all. It was over before it started, in a sense, and yet the experience lasts for me a lifetime.

  Jefferson: Have you ever been invited to attend such a meeting to translate a language that you hadn't learned yet so you had to learn that language before the time the meeting actually happened?

  Ishuwa: Yes, thank you for the question. That has occurred on a few occasions. On one occasion, I knew before I attended, but there have been other occasions when I arrived without knowing that would occur. So it was a complete surprise for me on those occasions. We thank you for the question!

  Jefferson: Yes! That story was very exciting! Okay, it's time to say thank you very much for this interaction together today. Is there anything else you would like to say?

  Ishuwa: We have been delighted to have the o
pportunity once again to share and interact with you in this fashion! We are bringing forth energies in a way to support the collective idea that the information thus then will end up in a format, a book or otherwise, that those there in your world who would be interested in it will have the opportunity to read it and to take in this information and to grow from it in ways that will be most enlightening for them, most supportive for them!

  Jefferson: Thank you! I am enjoying this so much!

  Ishuwa: Thank you for being a part of this idea! Your participation is greatly appreciated, recognized, and acknowledged in many ways, more ways than just in this fashion that we are doing now.

  Jefferson: Very kind! Your participation is also a bliss for me and so is the participation of the channeler!

  Ishuwa: We look forward to future interactions with you in this format with this intention in mind!

  Jefferson: Me too. Yes!

  Ishuwa: Is there something more before we go that you would like to share, or say, or ask about?

  Jefferson: Well, what's your mother’s name?

  Ishuwa: She doesn’t have a name in that sense.

  Jefferson: She doesn’t have a name!?

  Ishuwa: I have no name for her in the way you use such names.

  Jefferson: So when you see her, how do you communicate?

  Ishuwa: You are referring to my biological mother in that sense?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: Ask me again next time, and I will have a name for you that will perhaps make sense that can be translated in a way that will provide you with a name.

  Jefferson: Good! Alright Ishuwa, thank you very much!

  Ishuwa: I have a bond with her that goes deeper than that sense of a name.

  Jefferson: I see. Can you bring her the next time we meet and perhaps have her share with us a few words?

  Ishuwa: It is a possibility that may be.

  Jefferson: Yes, let's see. Ask her how she feels about the idea.

  Ishuwa: We will leave it up to you to ask about it at that timing.

  Jefferson: Yes, good!

  Ishuwa: Very well, great joy! Have a wonderful evening of your night experiencings, and if you will, get out a little bit this evening at some point and explore the North Pole region of your night sky.

  Jefferson: Yes?

  Ishuwa: If the clouds permit some visible sighting of it, then we suggest that could be a fun function for you even if only for a minute or two.

  Jefferson: Okay, I will do that!

  Ishuwa: Thank you! Much love! Much joy to you! Good day dear one!

  Jefferson: Good day!

  Chapter 8

  Keys That Can Open You to Peaceful ET Contact

  "We have always chosen to come forth in ways that your collective has agreed would be perhaps most appropriate in the process of re-awakening your society to their ancestors, their family, so to speak, their interstellar family." – Ishuwa

  August 24th, 2009

  Ishuwa: I say, how are you this afternoon of your time?

  Jefferson: Very good! Thank you! How are you?

  Ishuwa: Perfect! We are delighted to have this opportunity to share in this way with you again and create this third new reality and bring forth information that may be of use and service for some others in some way that they will explore and enjoy in that exploration and reveal unto themselves more ways in which they can share their heartfelt joys with others. As though the information could be like a catalyst for them simply from reading this information or hearing it. May they be reconnected to more understandings of who they are and then share it with others in ways that will uplift both them and those others that they are sharing it with!

  How would you like to move forward together in this day of your time in this third new reality that we co-create together in this hour of your time?

  Jefferson: Ishuwa, you just spoke about sharing. Why and how is someone attracted to reading a book such as this one that shares fascinating and uplifting information? Does it have to do with the thoughts that they are putting out?

  Ishuwa: Well, there are the thoughts in combination with feelings as well as attitude and action. These are important aspects that combine as a more complete energy that a human transmits and gives off, in that sense. Thoughts are important, yes, but there are these other ingredients that round out the entire recipe, in that sense.

  Jefferson: Can you tell me more about these ingredients?

  Ishuwa: Your feelings, your thoughts, your actions! These are all expressions and energies that you are putting out, transmitting. Each is a little bit different unto itself from the others in terms of how you perceive them. They all form a whole melody, a song together, as though a thought is one instrument, a feeling is another instrument, actions — physical actions such as stepping, or moving your hand, or holding your hands together, or raising your arms up — all of these types of physical actions are also like an instrument. Prior belief systems that are a combination of thoughts and feelings are also like an instrument, a more complex type of instrument.

  All of these instruments played together by you express particular "notes and songs" that are transmitted outward from your "human radio-transmitter," in a sense. You send out signals to the Youniverse, the Y, O, U, You-niverse. This allows the Youniverse to receive the most prominent, the most dominant, the strongest energy that you are putting off, the strongest song that you are playing, and it then will respond, in a sense, by bringing back to you in your physical world many opportunities, and items, and people. Thoughts come back into your mind and feelings come back into your emotional body. These are responses to what you put out. They are like an echo, in a sense, but they will also have a little bit of a change to them so they won’t be an exact duplicate mirroring of what you thought you put out. There is a slight adjustment. They come back to you as though they were building blocks that you build with and manifest the physical reality you experience. They are a reflection of what you were sending out.

  "What you put out is what you get back!" This is the 3rd Law of Creation. Whatever you perceive yourself to be receiving is a result of what you have put out, what you have transmitted.

  So this then is a beginning of giving you a bit of an answer to your question. So how now, if at all, would you like to explore any of these ideas, any of these instruments more specifically?

  Jefferson: At this point, I am observing that perseverance can be important in the sense that it will help me get what I am asking for. When I ask for something, it is always given if I am able to persevere and keep myself in the place of receiving rather than giving up or being distracted and moving on to something else. It's like sending out a boomerang. If I don't persevere, then by the time it makes its way back to me I am not there anymore to receive it. I will instead be focused on something else, and I may even start thinking, "Well, the things that I asked for haven't come to me so maybe it's because I don’t create my own reality after all?" Do you agree?

  Ishuwa: Persistence for what you want, having what you want be the strongest energy or the strongest "song" that you are playing outward, is important. Also, if someone believes that they don’t create their reality and if that is the strongest "song" or energy that they are putting out, then because "what you put out is what you get back," they will get back thoughts, feelings, behaviors, attitudes, and opinions that will seem to confirm for them the idea that they don’t create their reality, but the paradox is that they are then creating the experience of not being the one creating their reality. By sending out the idea that they don’t create their reality, they get back a reality that seems to confirm for them that they don’t create it. They are then actually creating the experience that they don’t create their reality.

  Jefferson: I see. So it can be like saying that the Universe works like a mirror.

  Ishuwa: Yes, in a sense, a multi-dimensional mirror.


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