Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 22

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: That's kind of you! I will be more specific. If someone you see says, "Hey Ishuwa, I was visiting another planet and I found this really cool object that I brought back as a gift for you!"

  Ishuwa: Yes, well then, first of all there are the gifts that are not physical objects. The beings that live on Rorkin were very delightful. They had understandings that were amazing gifts for me and for those with me. A few of our world are still there visiting with them. In terms of a gift that is a physical object, there was something they did offer me that I have since placed into an archive. They understood my choice to place it in this archive. They where very welcoming and, in a sense, they look forward to the time when they will be able to visit the archive to see the object there.

  Jefferson: Sweet!

  Ishuwa: The archive is something that is an energetic melding of many objects that have been gathered from many worlds. They are easily accessible. They are not put away in a building in the sense of being padlocked away for only a few to see. It is a bit like a museum that's open to the public of extraterrestrial beings to come and visit as they feel attracted to it, to the idea. So they will then, those who come to this museum of interstellar physical objects, they will be attracted to various objects that are on display there and receive what they need to or what they feel would be most uplifting for them simply from exploring this archive, this complex, this interstellar museum.

  So there was an object, thus then, that was given to me from this being on Rorkin that I then placed into this interstellar museum that is open, in a sense, 24/7. It is never closed.

  Jefferson: How lovely!

  Ishuwa: The object that was given to me has a scent that is very unusual, but it is attractive to me, something I enjoy. It has the size of approximately a half-a-foot in your world’s measurement system. It is shaped a bit like an egg that you have on your planet, but it is about a half-a-foot long.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: The longest part is about a half-a-foot, and it's not perfectly round. It is rather hard in some areas while in others it is a bit soft, and you can push it in a little bit. It's a bit forgiving in that sense. The interior has a life energy to it that suggests that this object is alive and has its own consciousness. It has an ability to share the scent as a form of dialogue, as a form of spoken word, but it hasn’t spoken in this way yet to me in my experience with it, not yet in a word format. It seems to communicate with the scent, and I have yet to explore it further. Those who gave it to me said that it can communicate at times in some other ways as well that we sense will be most enjoyable when that occurs.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: We aren't aware just how that will be. We don’t have scientists that are studying it. It is clear to us that it is something that is of a positive vibration in any way, shape, or form that it will at any moment or time choose to express itself.

  Jefferson: Cool!

  Ishuwa: So for now, the only form of communication that we have had, that I have experienced, is the scent that comes off of it at times. It doesn’t always have the scent. There are times it seems to have no scent at all. It's a very comforting feeling to be around the object. It has a warm feeling to it. It has a medium brown coloration to it and some light brown too. These two colors seem to change. The medium brown changes to a light brown and the light brown changes to a medium brown. Then they both change back for no apparent reason.

  There are sections of this object that have abrupt changes between the two colors. It's as if a line is drawn separating the light brown area from the medium brown area. On some sections of the object, there is more of a soft blending that takes place as the light browns gradually become medium browns, like a thin white cloud floating before a blue sky. There is some of that kind of soft shading that takes place as well. The object's shape doesn’t seem to change, but we are told that could occur. It won’t grow larger. The mass or the weight won’t gain or become less. It will simply have the ability to change shape and remain the same weight in a sense.

  Jefferson: Okay. Was it given to you or to your society?

  Ishuwa: Well, it was handed to me, but it is also a gift to our society.

  Jefferson: Did they tell you why they chose you? Why did they give this gift to you?

  Ishuwa: I was the one interacting with the communication, the translation, the dialogue, the interpreter. I perceive they chose me for that reason.

  Jefferson: Well, that is nice! So what was the last gift that you gave and to whom?

  Ishuwa: We had a form of food that we felt the Rorkin society, based on our observations, would enjoy. It's a bit of modification on something they already have there. The modified version is something that our society brought, and I was the one who handed it to them.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: It's a little bit like you have on your world, a green bean. It's about two inches long, and it can grow about a quarter-of-an-inch in diameter. It can grow a little bit wiggly in its shape. It's about the same size and weight of a green bean on your world, and yet it is something that is a little bit different then the green bean on your world as it is a little bit leafier and a little bit softer. We thought that it was something that they would find to be a very positive and nourishing food to add in their dietary sustenance. They were quite excited by it. We were very happy to see their response. They are having success with it and slowly bringing it into their world’s dietary intake.

  Jefferson: You said your diet is more based on liquid and you don’t have much by way of teeth, how do you guys work that out with this green bean stuff as part of your diet?

  Ishuwa: We are able to transform it energetically and turn it into a more soft substance.

  Jefferson: Ah, okay!

  Ishuwa: You have blenders on your world?

  Jefferson: Yeah! Right!

  Ishuwa: So we work with it in that way.

  Jefferson: Ah, okay. Well yeah, that makes sense.

  Ishuwa: But it isn't actually a blender like you have as a physical object. It's a little bit more about adjusting the energies around that object with our hands and our thought processes. For this form of food is very open to that idea of transformation and very willing and able then to hear us and to follow-suit as we ask it to transform into more of a liquid format.

  Jefferson: In what circumstances can you say no to receiving a gift or has anybody in your society ever said no to a gift?

  Ishuwa: It does occur. There are times where the gift is something that just isn’t going to be placed in our world’s frequency. It isn’t going to resonate with us, and we will explain that to the individual or individuals who are presenting it to us so they will be able to understand and acknowledge this in a way that is agreeable. The interaction won't cause them to feel neglected or rejected. They will be able to understand the idea.

  Jefferson: And what was the last gift that you guys said was not appropriate?

  Ishuwa: There was an object that's rather unpredictable.

  Jefferson: How so?

  Ishuwa: It has the ability to create something like pollen that you have in flowers on your world that are released into the air.

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: This form of pollen that was being released from this plant- like object, it was rather erratic and could thus then interact with some of the plants in our world in a way that wouldn’t be supportive for their highest productivity, proliferation, and growth. So with the people that presented it to us, we all found another world for it to be placed upon. They are now the ones that are the gardeners of that new planting on that world. It's a world that is new for them as well.

  Although they didn’t have the opportunity to give us an object that we took back to our world, they did have the opportunity to offer it to us and they understood why we couldn't have it on our world. Thus then, they had the opportunity to experience a whole new planet. They were able to bring their gift there and thus introduce it into that world and become guardians in a w
hole new world. It is a world that they found to be quite enjoyable and they still do in ways that are quite unexpected for them. So they are very happy with the present that we said no to.

  Jefferson: Right!

  Ishuwa: They are happy with the end result that has taken place as a result of that whole interchange.

  Jefferson: I see. Has your society ever received a present that changed the way you experience life for the better.

  Ishuwa: Well yes. We had a present of understanding.

  Jefferson: Ah, okay.

  Ishuwa: Understanding more about our nature. The present was brought forth in ways that we could all really easily connect to and make sense of and grasp. It wasn’t just an idea that was presented. It was fully realizable, connectable, a present that we could, in a sense, plug into. Not that we were physically plugging into anything, just in the sense of plug into and understand and really see how the present fits into the world that we interact with, how it fits into the nature of Existence so we can be able to apply it instantly and to then be able to utilize it effectively in very whole and comprehensive and meaningful ways everyday! Yes, quite a gift indeed! In a sense, it uplifted us. It was a step up in our world’s energy vibrational state of conscious being. It helped us step up quickly, in a sense, from one-dimensional realm of consciousness to another.

  Jefferson: Great, thank you. When you interact with us, I would say that what you are giving us here is a gift of knowledge, of care, of love, in this sense. When people get exposed to gifts such as the ones you are giving us through this book, does anything happen as far as activating DNA or opening them up to new ideas and possibilities?

  Ishuwa: This does occur, but only at the willingness and acceptance of that person, especially from their higher self's state of awareness and choosing.

  Jefferson: To the extent of their allowance?

  Ishuwa: Yes, which would be generally something the higher self is aware of.

  Jefferson: But the fact that synchronicity brought the book to their hands is already a hint that they were interested and that it could be uplifting for them.

  Ishuwa: Yes. They have attracted the book into their presence and so there exists within their higher self the potential that it is time for them to begin exploring and expanding in that direction, to begin exploring the information that is in that book.

  Jefferson: You mean they —

  Ishuwa: They are ready in that sense. When their vibration puts out the readiness, the book's information that will support the growth comes forth. The idea you’ve heard before, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

  Jefferson: Yes, right.

  Ishuwa: When a person has reached a certain level of consciousness and openness, then a book, or a person, or a teacher and information will become present, will be attracted to them.

  Jefferson: Fantastic! Now, talking about teacher, do you have a school of wizardry where you can learn magic in your world?

  Ishuwa: We don’t. From your world’s perspective, we are able to do things that would appear to be very magical, as though we were pulling a rabbit out of a hat, so to speak.

  Jefferson: Yeah.

  Ishuwa: But to us, it is just a part of our beingness. It is something that has existed in our society for quite some time. So for us to be able to do such things is simply a part of who we are. In each instance of creating something magically, we certainly are able to be aware of and acknowledge that it is, in a sense, magical to be doing that. We experience it as being magical and acknowledging that brings in a very heightened sense of joy. Being aware that we are magically creating this or that is very joyful for us to realize.

  Jefferson: Can you give me one or two examples of something that you did yourself that could be perceived as magical?

  Ishuwa: From your world's perspective?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: Well, yes. For us it is all magical, but the idea of a magic show from your world’s perspective, if we were on a stage in an outfit presenting ourselves as a magician, we could certainly pull a rabbit out of a hat, but it would be done differently then how magicians in your world tend to do that idea.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: So that would be magical. We would be manifesting the rabbit in a more time and space transitional format.

  Jefferson: Ah, okay!

  Ishuwa: It wouldn’t be like we were hiding a rabbit in our coat and then simply using a fast sleight-of-hand trick or pulling a rabbit out of a hidden compartment in a hat. We would take the rabbit out of a different time and space location and then have it suddenly appear on stage in the time and place that those people watching the show would be able to see.

  Jefferson: Are there things that you do that would be like shows for entertainment?

  Ishuwa: We do have entertainers that are capable of doing some things that are similar to your entertainers, your magicians. Our performers do shows that we all realize are things any one of us could do too, the rest of us just hadn’t thought about doing it. There are those of us who are more focused on bringing forth new visual expressions that are fascinating and pleasurable for the rest of us to see happening. These artists are masters at that form of expressive Creatorship, of showmanship.

  We will at times gather in the presence of one or more of our artists who are masters of this form of creation and thus then we take part in being like an audience for them as they present shows of exciting and previously, from the audience’s point of view, previously unimagined creations, magic tricks in a sense. But again, once done, any of us in the audience could have done a similar thing, but we just hadn’t focused on creating that form of visual expression. We hadn't thought about doing it.

  Jefferson: Are there any plays or shows that the children themselves organize for others?

  Ishuwa: They are able to do this, yes. At times this occurs.

  Jefferson: Do you live in houses similar to the ones that we live in, or is it more of a cave community, or if you don’t have houses or caves do you just lean against the first thing you find in front of you and go to sleep? (Laughter).

  Ishuwa: It depends on the planet we are on. In some areas it's easier to hold our presence in the gravitational field and to be able to enjoy in comfortable ways that planetary surface. At times we will reside in something you would consider to be a house, but it would be built out of materials that are quite different than what you use to build your buildings and houses there on your Earthian landscape. At other times, we are simply able to exist in a non-physical state to some degree and just be in the space of a planet without having any walls, or ceilings, or floorings around us. Somewhat like a tree in your world or a flower in the sense that we are able to simply sit or stand on the surface and exist. That can be a way that at times we can, in a sense, sleep in that format of just standing, or sitting, or lying down on the planet's surface, and we will be completely taken care of through the shift from day to night and night to day.

  There are many variations of light and darkness that can exist on planetary surfaces. Some planets have more than one Sun. Some have variations of Suns and sunrises and sunsets that can cast different qualities of light in the atmosphere.

  Jefferson: On the planet of the Yahyel, do you live in a house such as the ones we live in?

  Ishuwa: We tend to have more oval shape structures that are very in tune, and alive, and aware, and conscious with the atmosphere and the ground, with the substance they tend to be resting upon that we walk on. They do not need to be secured with bolts and nails to a foundation. They do not need that form of securing into the ground. They are able to consciously adjust their electro-magnetic field, in a sense, and hold onto the surface of the ground. If we want to move them, they are able to follow us. They can adjust the frequency that has allowed them to hold that space on the ground and then let it go so they can easily move about to some other location. Once at the new location, they are again able to "hold" themselves on that portion of ground in a way that g
ives them a sense of stability and prevents them from being moved about like a water lily on the surface of a pond.


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