Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 23

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: I see. We are very particular here about our houses, and I guess most of us can relate to the idea of having a house. Tell me something about the houses that you have. Can a person have two, three, or more houses? How does it work?

  Ishuwa: We don’t, in that sense, have ownership of our houses, of what you call a house, the abodes that we tend to live in.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: In our world, we can easily live outside if we want to.

  Jefferson: Oh, how lovely.

  Ishuwa: In terms of the abodes, we have the ability to access several of these abodes. They are interchangeable in terms of who will at any given time be inhabiting them. For example, if I am in one today, then I might move out from it to a different one the next day. The one I had been in might then become occupied by someone else.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: Each abode has a particular vibratory frequency that can be serving for some period of time. When it is in our sensing appropriate, we will move out into another abode that is of a different vibration. We will then experience being in that one for a while. The one we had been in will perhaps become more attractive to another person, and they will move into that abode.

  So it is very interchangeable, very flexible in that way, moving about very regularly, continually, in a way that we enjoy, in a way that feels like being at home for us, energetically at home, sensorially at home, vibrationally at home.

  Jefferson: The idea that you are giving me seems more like a hotel than a house.

  Ishuwa: It is a bit more like that in the sense that you can move from one hotel to another and after you vacate one hotel room at that hotel somebody else perhaps will be residing in it that night while you move into a hotel room that someone else had been in the previous night.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: It can be similar to that, but again, our energies and our biological nature is such that there isn’t anything left behind that needs to be cleaned up. There are no maids that have to come in and vacuum and dust.

  The energy or the vibration that we have left — only because we interacted with the abode, and the understanding of the place, and the vibrational consciousness of its space — our energy is then added to that space in that place. It is a positive addition, a positive vibrational state of our consciousness that is blending now with that place, with that abode. When we leave and go to another location, the abode that is now vacant will have a new vibrational frequency that will attract those who will be most guided to be in it in ways that will be most nourishing and nurturing for them, most enjoyable for them. They will, if they want, be able to blend with or take on some of the energy consciousness we left behind. There will have been others before us who have stayed there whose energies will also be available for newcomers to take on if they want to. They can do so in a way that they just know internally will be more supportive for who they are. It is always a positive form of sharing, growth, and exploration.

  Jefferson: What is the abode you stayed in the longest? What is the longest you stayed in a particular abode?

  Ishuwa: When I was growing up with my family of birth, there was one that I was in most of the time during my first five years. It was one that we generally didn’t move in and out of, but we did at times.

  Those of us that are supporting the raising of a young newborn will generally maintain residence in one place for a regular period of time. We generally don’t move in and out as frequently during such times, but it can occur. I was briefly in four other abodes by the time I was of the age of five.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: Occasionally we would go from the main abode to one of the others for a very short period of time. There were four others that we lived in briefly at that time of my development as a newborn in the world of our Yahyelian society.

  Jefferson: And in these houses, do you have like we do, a kitchen, a living room, and bedrooms?

  Ishuwa: It is primarily one large space. We have the ability to create the sense of partitions if that serves us in some way. The partitions are of a thin light frequency that can then appear to be a fabric and create some appearance of spatial separation. We can in that way create the appearance of more than one room.

  Jefferson: Oh, I see, and this particular one where you grew up, how many rooms would it appear to have?

  Ishuwa: Anywhere from two to three.

  Jefferson: So, one room where your parents would sleep and another where you would sleep?

  Ishuwa: Usually we would all be sleeping in the same room.

  Jefferson: How cozy.

  Ishuwa: That room would be our main focus, to reside in that space. Occasionally, for various reasons, it would be time to go into another room. For example, at times some interstellar communications would take place when I, as a young one, wasn’t prepared or ready for the interaction and the visual experiencing of.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: That is one idea why we would have a different space in the same abode.

  Jefferson: And do you sleep inside your house on the floor or is there a comfortable thing like a bed prepared for you?

  Ishuwa: We have an energy, a construct of energy, that is very soft and it can change color as I choose for it to.

  Jefferson: That sounds very interesting! Now, on to a different topic. I don’t think I have ever asked you this, are you the only child or do you have brothers or sisters?

  Ishuwa: I am, in a sense, the only child. There is no other that my biological parents have had.

  Jefferson: Very well. What about the outside of this house, do you have little gardens or fences or is it just open land?

  Ishuwa: We do have the idea of gardens. There are no fences though in that sense. We can sometimes grow things in such a pattern that it might appear to be a fence, in a sense, separating the other abode that's closest to the one we reside in, but that isn’t done in any way to keep out someone or to keep in something.

  Jefferson: Okay, great. Well, we have just a few minutes left to go. Do you have streets in your community like we do?

  Ishuwa: We have thoroughfares that we frequent which are the result of energetic choices. They feel like the fastest, and most effortless, and most enjoyable way to go. They also tend to be the places where we will come into contact with others that are most appropriate for us to meet with on that day.

  We are able to venture off and travel in many different directions. The roads aren’t built in a pavement or concrete freeway in that sense. They tend to manifest energetically as being the most powerfully uplifting passageway to progress upon at any given day, and it is the passage way that many others will feel most guided to. Thus then we can meet up in that way at the appropriate timing with others to share a moment and to be enriched by each other's presence before we then move along the path to our next location.

  Jefferson: Is your vehicle something like our double-decker buses or more like a train?

  Ishuwa: We do not have trains or buses.

  Jefferson: Ah, okay.

  Ishuwa: There are many other shapes and many other types of crafts. There is also the option to create a non-physical type of craft that is entirely of a vibrational frequency that many of us can resonate with and use to travel to other locations as well. You wouldn’t be able to see it with your physical eyes in the way that you can see objects in your sky today that fly through the air. It is a type of craft that exists at a higher frequency of being. You would be able to see it only through your mind’s eye, so to speak, in more of a telepathic ability of visual perception that more and more of you are learning to develop today on your world.

  Jefferson: I understand. Very well. What about the large spacecraft you had over Phoenix, Arizona, in North America, when do you use that?

  Ishuwa: It provides a place where people from many other worlds can come together, many people who have different ways of travel and different forms and shapes of craft. So rather than having a big parking lot, in a sense, wit
h all of these different spacecrafts, we can all just join together in this one space and place. It is a craft that supports a common frequency for communal gatherings. It provides a place where people that come from planets and civilizations scattered lovingly throughout this Youniverse can come together and share a vast number of ideas, and experiences, and also create together.

  Jefferson: Fantastic! I enjoyed this interaction immensely!

  Ishuwa: I as well!

  Jefferson: So, I have to say thank you very much for coming back, for being with us, for holding this lovely energy and sharing with us this knowledge which is really, really enriching from my perspective!

  Ishuwa: Thank you for sharing! For us it is a joy to be with you in this blending way as well and to have this opportunity to bring forth information that can engage the inner most realms of consciousness within the readers in ways they may or may not be aware of occurring, but will always be occurring in ways that their higher self knows and feels will be of their greatest support and nourishment in positive and uplifting ways in their development as interstellar heart enriching beings on planet Earth. We look forward to our interaction with you in this way again, and we will be with you tomorrow of your time! Much love and remember the dragon of delight!

  Jefferson: Yes, I promise you. I will go there at some point in time. It's going to happen. Thank you very much again for bringing this to my attention. I am sure that all of these unfolding experiences that might take place, like me visiting Chinatown, I am sure that you are to some extent involved in and helping to hold the frequencies and vibrations so we will be able to enjoy even more interesting ideas together!

  Ishuwa: Yes. Thank you. Wonderful! Most delightful! Always a joy! We will say goodbye and step aside now, but together still we are whether we seem to be or not I assure you. Good day dear one!

  Jefferson: Yah oohm!

  Ishuwa: Yah oohm!

  Chapter 10

  Existence is Actually Amazingly Magical

  "You are all great magicians creating a show in which many of you have, in a sense, pulled your heart out of a hat and made it disappear. Some day soon as a collective society you are all going to make your hearts reappear, at which time the audience of humanity will applaud to no end. There will be a standing ovation the likes of which has never been recorded in your history, your herstory, whichever you prefer." – Ishuwa

  September 3rd, 2009

  Ishuwa: Alright I will say, most wonderful to be here with you in these moments together! How are you this day of your time?

  Jefferson: Oh, I am flying like a kite being blown ever higher by the winds of this knowledge! Knowledge that, as you mentioned Ishuwa, does not come only from you but from many civilizations.

  Ishuwa: Thank you for recounting that idea that we have shared with you before! Yes! Wonderful to be in this expression in this blending moment with you this day of our time together as we co-create this experience and create a whole new third reality that together we can explore more of the infinite realms of our nature, of our beingness. We can do so in ways that we enjoy and find uplifting, and revealing, and comforting, and that can also present ideas for others that they too may connect to that inner most realm within themselves in the moments and in the ways that bring them joy and ecstasy while they are reconnecting!

  Today we have for you one idea at this moment to bring forth before the question and answers segment. Are you ready?

  Jefferson: I am starting to like it! Go ahead!

  Ishuwa: We have begun to see some movement in the region of California, Northern California, with some groups that are choosing to move into light and are beginning to find ways to incorporate light within this area of the media, within this area of your television, within this area of your newspapers. They are beginning to get a bit of a grasp, a bit of an inroad into those areas. So there may be a little more revelation coming through in those areas in terms of information distribution through the media of television and newspapers that could begin to get people’s attention regarding ideas such as the extraterrestrial worlds that are real and that will thus then become a little more in the spotlight, so to speak, for the people living in those coastal regions who are reading those newspapers and seeing those news telecasts however brief the articles and shows may be.

  It is something you may or may not yourself connect with and experience. Either way, we sense that there will be more opportunity to read and to hear about extraterrestrial presences and existences, and also more opportunities for people to get in contact with ET consciousness in ways that can be peaceful and uplifting for your world. We perceive people will soon begin seeing more of these ideas in your newspapers and television media in that region, particularly at this timing and for some months to come. That was the idea to share. Thus then it is so. Where would you like to go now with this time together? Questions perhaps?

  Jefferson: Thank you Ishuwa. Regarding the idea of magic and a being in our world called Merlin, do people who perform real magic do so by holding an image of an idea in their mind with such great focus to the point of having that focused idea finally materialize in our physical world?

  Ishuwa: Are you asking how magic can occur?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: There are many ways it can occur from the perspective of your society. What magic is for you is up to you to define. So let's start with that idea. What is your definition of magic?

  Jefferson: I would say that magic is the ability to have something manifest in a way that is out of the ordinary by using phenomenon of things that exist in nature that are not actually seen. For example, taking something that exists in an unseen light-realm and having it lowered in its vibration until it materializes in our physical world.

  Ishuwa: You have an idea of magic as something that occurs that is out of the ordinary. Are you suggesting that is a definition of magic that works for you?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: Existence itself is not ordinary. Anytime a person is able to have an experience that to them seems not to be ordinary, then they are having an experience of their actual nature in some way. This is another way to define magic. They would be experiencing something that is not ordinary by simply experiencing something that is in alignment with their actual nature. For as we said, Existence in its true state of being is not at all ordinary. It is quite extraordinary! It is quite amazing! It is quite magical! Do you understand that idea?

  Jefferson: Take Jesus for example. He could be in two places at the same time.

  Ishuwa: But do you understand that idea?

  Jefferson: Um, let's see.

  Ishuwa: And, take Jesus? Where are you going to take him? To the department store to get some lunch?

  Jefferson: (Laughter).

  Ishuwa: Where would he like to go? Perhaps his hair is getting a bit long. Maybe he needs a shave?

  Jefferson: Oh, by the way...no...take Jesus...it's been said that he could be in two places at the same time. That's magical! Walking on water, that's magical.

  Ishuwa: You all are simply in one place and there is no time in that space nor space in that place.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: But you can create the perception of being in a particular place at a given time. So you can thus create the experience of being in two places at the same time. You create the perception of time, and you create the perception of place. So you can create the perception of being in three places at the same time. However, for the most part, your society has chosen not to be functioning with that application of your Creatorship ability, your master Creator ability!


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