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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

Page 27

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

Jefferson: Yes, and me with you too!

  Chapter 11

  The First Time Ishuwa Heard About Earth

  "Surrender to the idea that your heart knows the way and will guide you sensorially with feelings of great joy. The more you do this, the more you will be able to effortlessly experience that you have all you need to have and also that you know what you need to know when you need to know it to be supported in the ways that create the greatest sense of joy." – Ishuwa

  September 7th, 2009

  Ishuwa: Most lovely to be here with you in these afternoon blending moments as you create this afternoon of your experience to exist! How are you?

  Jefferson: I am fantastic, great! Thank you very much. Welcome back!

  Ishuwa: Good to be here this afternoon in the presence of your day! How would you like to play in this interaction, in this creation of a whole new third reality together that can thus bring about new ideas that can be shared with others and in that fashion and in that form meld a higher frequency and bond a relationship most strong with greater strength that some day we can actually come together and meet one another in a physical way, in a form of physical contact, peacefully, joyfully, upliftingly, enrichingly, yes. How would you like to interact?

  Jefferson: Ishuwa, of all the recreational activities of which you are involved in or have been involved in, which one do you or did you like the most?

  Ishuwa: I don’t have a sense of one more than the other, in that sense. Life has always been an ongoing expansive sensation of growth and enjoying. I don’t create then the apparatus to function in a way, to compare in that way, something as being more enjoyable then another, for in each moment each has been the most enjoyable I could possibly bring forth in my experience.

  I know that in each seemingly successive moment into what you would call the future, I will be having a new joyful experience that will be fully satisfying. So I won’t go back and compare it to something I experienced in the past to create the idea that one is somehow more enjoyable than the other. I don’t, in that sense, create a frame of reference of going back to a past time and asking, "Was this present moment more joyful than that one on that day or in that period of my growth and experience in my life journey?" I simply allow for each moment to be that of most joy while knowing that what will come in the future will certainly be joyful for me. I let it be at that without the need to go back into the past and try and compare and contrast that idea in that way. Do you follow that?

  Jefferson: Yes! Thank you! Ishuwa?

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: In what dimension does your planet exist in? Is it the fourth dimension?

  Ishuwa: Our planet does have a fourth dimension existence. I am primarily in a fifth to sixth dimension transition state of consciousness at this timing. So, fourth for the physical planet and transitioning from fifth to sixth for the state of consciousness.

  Jefferson: Okay, I see. So what are some lifestyle changes that your race or perhaps you need to make to accommodate your planet moving into the fifth dimension frequency?

  Ishuwa: We know that whatever changes need to be made will occur in the appropriate way and in the appropriate timing. So then we don’t have, in that sense, some kind of a plan or goal that certain ideas need to be met so that we will fit in with the new dimension. We don’t know how the new dimension will be, for we haven’t, in that sense, been there in our present state of awareness. When we do become aware of getting there, whatever it is like in that new dimension of consciousness, it will be completely different from anything we could have imagined in our present place, our present dimension of awareness. So we don’t, in that sense, make plans to accommodate the new dimension other than to always be in the place of greatest joy!

  We allow ourself to be stepping along and taking the path that is of greatest joy for us in each moment. Because we do this, we know that as we progress into that next dimension it will be what it is. It will be most joyful for us. We will be prepared for it simply because we have been doing the most joyful thing that we could do along the path of greatest joy, in that sense. Choosing this path is what then we know will provide us with everything we need to know when we arrive at that new dimension to be most prepared, to be most able to appreciate it, and acknowledge it, and recognize it, and interact in it in ways that give us the greatest sense of meaning, and purpose, and playfulness, and excitement!

  Jefferson: What do you think may be some changes that our society will need to make to accommodate our next move up in dimension?

  Ishuwa: Surrender to the idea that your heart knows the way and will guide you sensorially with feelings of great joy. The more you do this, the more you will be able to effortlessly experience that you have all you need to have and also that you know what you need to know when you need to know it to be supported in the ways that create the greatest sense of joy.

  Let go of the idea that you need to plan for that movement into the next dimension, and instead allow yourself to be more in your heart, to be guided more in that sensation of your heart, what feels like the greatest joy for you that you are able to move in. Take the steps of greatest joy that you can take.

  Your society will do great service to itself by beginning to more fully educate that idea, to accept that idea, to follow the heart.

  Jefferson: What are the main differences from your perspective of a human body that exists in the third dimension and a body that exists in the fourth dimension?

  Ishuwa: You are working with more semantics in how you define these words. You have the idea of physical space where you can move about left and right, top and bottom, forward and backward. These give you a sense of having dimensions of movement in that regard, as though there are three dimensions of space: left/right, front/back, and top/bottom. This can be a X, Y, Z axis, 3D. You can then consider a fourth dimension as that of "time" with the perception of past, present, and future. So this can be an idea of the four dimensional physical reality in which you exist.

  However, your consciousness can have a whole different frame-work of dimensionality to it that is different from this idea of 3D or 4D physical spatial time dimension. Your consciousness can have a whole different experience of dimensionality, of frequency, of the consciousness in which it is tuning in to.

  You are, in a sense, moving more into a fifth dimensional consciousness as a society now in which the heart has a greater connection to your state of awareness and is more then allowing you to be in tune with consciousnesses that are more in alignment with your actual nature.

  You have been in a very thick third dimensional consciousness that allows for a great sense of separation from the heart. Again, this third dimensional of consciousness is different than the idea of physical "3D" dimensionality with the X, Y, Z axis of space: left/right, top/bottom, front/back. So it is, in this sense, important to recognize the distinction of dimensions, the dimension of your physical space and time that you are most focused in and the dimension of your consciousness.

  You can still have 3D experiences of space-time dimensionality with time as the fourth dimension while you are moving into a fifth dimension of consciousness. They can co-exist. You can have a three dimensional physical world with a fifth dimensional consciousness. This will give you the ability to then be more connected in your heart while interacting in the idea of 3D. You can become more aware of how you apply the idea of time in the world of three dimensionality, physicality, and you can get a better grasp on the idea of a fourth dimensional physical reality, that of spatial X, Y, Z axis plus time, four dimensions within physical reality. However, remember that your consciousness doesn’t have any, in that sense, physicality to it.

  Jefferson: I hear you.

  Ishuwa: It does allow you to create the perceptions of 3D objects in physical reality, but that is an illusion.

  Jefferson: Were you on your planet when it changed physically from third to fourth density?

  Ishuwa: I was not present in my current incarnation in that transition.
  Jefferson: Have you heard your elders talk about it? Are there books that describe it? How did it happen? How did people change?

  Ishuwa: There are a few in our society who are focused on holding that information. This is not something that I focus on simply because I don’t resonate with it, but for those who do, it does serve a function. It gives us a vehicle of consciousness and language that allows us to then interact with a society such as yours so we can make translations of the language, the vocabulary, of how you create the world you are perceiving yourself to live in. So it certainly serves a function for us. Those that are very skilled at doing this provide us with the ability to connect with your world. They are like telecommunication experts of the networks, in a sense, that know how to link us up effectively with your society and then we are able in that way to simply communicate with you as I am now. But myself, I am not focused on that transition the way they are. It simply isn’t something of great need for me to work on while we have others who find great joy tending to those ideas of transitioning from one dimension to another.

  Jefferson: Do you have any idea what the main differences will be in your physical body when it moves from fourth to fifth dimension of physicality?

  Ishuwa: I imagine it will be lighter, and it will be moving at a faster vibration. Anyone who was in a lower dimension might see me and get the impression that I was becoming very ghost-like and somewhat invisible.

  Jefferson: Ethereal?

  Ishuwa: Yes. I imagine I would not feel like I had made much of a change in that regard. I will still have a perception of my body and being in the body, but I will understand that a change is taking place. I will understand that it is a higher frequency body that is capable of doing things more fluidly and flexibly. It will be less static and more adaptable.

  I will then at certain timings have new ideas come into mind of how to go about exploring life while in this body and doing things that before I couldn’t do. I will move about a physical landscape in slightly different ways. I will be more mobile and perhaps be a little bit more capable of flight, in a sense, without focusing on the ideas of moving from one frequency of location to another one. The body can become a bit lighter and more flexible, more malleable, and I can thus then in some worlds of physicality, I can simply, you might say, walk on water. That wouldn’t be extraordinary because there would be others there who had already been doing that their whole life. They would understand it is remarkable, yes, but they wouldn’t then get up and start praising me or worshiping me if I was to walk on water, in that sense. It wouldn't be remarkable in a way that they would then kneel down or start bowing to me.

  Jefferson: Perhaps that could help other people to find that particular ability within themselves.

  Ishuwa: Others could learn, yes!

  Jefferson: Have you ever interacted with any fifth dimensional beings that are from other planets?

  Ishuwa: Yes, certainly! We have and continue to on a regular ongoing basis in my experience in this lifetime.

  Jefferson: Ishuwa, what do you consider to be the most significant experience on your resume?

  Ishuwa: Every moment is! Again, it's like the idea you asked before about what moments do I most enjoy. It really is quite that way for me.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: I don’t, in that sense, have a "most." I don’t create something that I compare things to in that regard. Do you follow that idea?

  Jefferson: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, as far as civilization then, in regards to accomplishment, what is the biggest accomplishment for your civilization?

  Ishuwa: We will let you describe or define accomplishment from your perspective and then let's go from there.

  Jefferson: Alright. From my perspective, an accomplishment has to do with working on something until I have completed it successfully.

  Ishuwa: Yes, thank you! Ask the question again please?

  Jefferson: What would be your society’s biggest accomplishment?

  Ishuwa: We have many accomplishments every day, but to ask then "what is the biggest" suggests that there are some that perhaps were not as big. So again, the idea is that they are all of equal accomplishment. A goal is always of equal value to any other goal to us.

  Jefferson: I hear you.

  Ishuwa: So we don’t, in that sense, value one as being biggest, or more important, or more significant than another one. To us they are all of equal value, equal significance, equal importance, and this allows us to have a more fulfilling experience of each moment what-ever we are accomplishing in any given moment.

  Jefferson: As a space brother, perhaps you have come across a variety of issues in many different ways. So what issues have you found to be uncomfortable to handle?

  Ishuwa: In my experience, since the time of my birth, I have had no sense of an issue that couldn’t be handled without a deep sense of comfort throughout. From the inception of the issue there was comfort. Being acquainted with the issue, there was comfort in that experience. As I gained more insight into the nature of the issue, there was great comfort in the gaining of that insight as well. As I began to get ideas of what I could do to assist or participate in resolving the issue, I had great comfort in that as well. As there was greater understanding taking place with those parties involved with the issue, I had great comfort as the understandings began to expand. As those involved began voicing their ideas, and opinions, and sharing their experiences that related to the issue, I had great comfort in that experience, in that process of this unveiling, in that experiencing moment to moment of these steps that I was taking along my path in my life.

  I know experiencing the issue is a part of my life and how I go through it is also a part of my life. I know with anything that is happening in my life I can experience great comfort and joy. Because I know this is so and I choose to experience and put that idea out, I get back the opportunity to move through it and have all ideas within it be comforting to me. Thus even then in the resolution, as you may perceive it when the issue or those parties involved accomplish some kind of agreement, there is also great comfort in that as well.

  There is comfort from the beginning and during the resolving process of developing a communication line for all parties involved. There is comfort there and also in the departing of those involved as they then go about in their own directions, their own path. There is great comfort in that as well.

  There is comfort in knowing that those involved were able to receive and grow in the ways that they felt most enriched by. It is a very comforting process, in a sense, for us to have particular issues brought into our realm of awareness. They are opportunities. They are not in any way an obstacle or a problem. We approach such opportunities as a joy in which we get to discover those aspects of ourself and the other parties involved and become more connected and in tune with how they are experiencing life, how they are seeing life, how they are defining life, and for us to share that with them too.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: So we begin to be on a similar wavelength, as though we are playing music together like musicians coming together in a like way, in a rapport that is comforting for those parties involved. It is a very comforting process. There is no problem, no obstacle, no conflict. The entire experience is very comforting. Do you follow this idea?

  Jefferson: Yeah. Let me ask you something else.

  Ishuwa: Yes!

  Jefferson: Let's go back in your past, perhaps within this particular lifetime of yours. Can you recollect or remember the first time you heard someone speak about Earth?

  Ishuwa: One moment.

  Jefferson: When was it? Where were you? How old you were?

  Ishuwa: I was approximately four years old.

  Jefferson: You were four, and where were you?

  Ishuwa: I was with my family and there were, you might call elders, but not in any way more wise, they simply were of a focus of, you could say, they were very skilled at guiding and enlightening young ones on our planet, of getting young
ones in touch with what it is that they perhaps would like to do in life. Elders can help the young recognize the subtle nudges within the heart so the young can more easily recognize a path that they sense would be of great joy for them, or pathways, or initial paths from which to build future paths upon.


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