Book Read Free

Chief Lightning Bolt

Page 25

by Daniel N. Paul

  “My father, this will please you as much as what my brother said. I’ve also been authorized by my colleagues to offer our brothers and sisters the Atikitkas our deepest apologies for the ages of hurt we have caused and to accept our share of the blame for the war. In this regard, Sleeping Bear, my brother, you and your citizens have our heartfelt apologies for all wrongs we have committed and we hereby accept our equal share of the blame. And, from this Sunrise forward, we will undertake to live in peace and full cooperation with your Nation.

  “It must be so. Just thinking about how many of our beloved brothers have been sent to an early grave fills us with great remorse. How, I ask myself, can a man permit hate to so fully engulf his soul? My brother, you propose holding another meeting here by the banks of the River Goes Backwards; I agree wholeheartedly. We will then ratify our Peace Treaty with you here, if Big Mountain gives permission to use this site, and I know our People will give it overwhelming support. It will be a peace agreement that will withstand the trials of time. I also join with you in inviting the Mi’kmaq, Maliseet and the other Eastern Nations to please come and join with us in this time of healing.

  “Lightning Bolt, my esteemed father, the Mi’kmaq have long been recognized as People dedicated to the promotion of peace between Nations. In this instance, you, their son, have found a way for us to escape the trail of destruction that we have so long travelled. In our prayers to the Great Spirit, you shall always be remembered and thanked. We, my esteemed father, as a demonstration of our admiration for the democratic values of the Mi’kmaq Nation, and you personally, intend to learn and adopt many Mi’kmaq customs and laws. In the future, with the help of the Great Spirit, we shall endeavour to live with our neighbours in mutual support, peace and harmony. Thank you, great Chief, for the light you have shown us.”

  Lightning Bolt was giving silent thanks to the Great Spirit for the change of heart that was so clearly in evidence among these previously warring nations. When Lone Wolf was finished, he spoke. “My beloved sons, you will never regret your agreement to trade peace for war. It will soon cleanse the hate your Nations have nurtured in their souls for uncountable Moons. From this you will learn that forgiveness is the true path to healing, contentment and happiness. With your energies diverted to peace and brotherhood your countries will grow and prosper.

  “Peace, my sons, will have many other benefits for your Nations. Already you must feel great comfort in knowing that you can now go to bed at night without fear of an attack from the other. This alone could be reward enough for the course you have chosen this Sunrise, but you will find there are even greater rewards. For instance, the security you will have from knowing that the other side will offer you safe haven and comfort, instead of danger, during a crisis will be something you will forever thank the Great Spirit for.

  “As further proof of the benefits peace brings, if such is needed, I offer as an example the beneficial relationship that was established between the Allies and Western Nations after the last war. They have reformed their politics to where true democracy rules and now the elected Western leaders who are in office are loved and esteemed by their People. And, most important, leaders and Peoples from both sides now intermingle with absolute trust.

  “My friends, love and respect for one another produces more happiness than all the possessions in the universe. The joy felt by those who give is gratifying to the soul. Being mean and stingy is the way to lose peace of mind. Those who only know how to take spend their lives worrying about the possibility that someone else might take everything they’ve accumulated. Giving up happiness in order to amass worldly goods is madness.

  “My sons, you flatter me by saying I’m responsible for the peace agreement that you have so quickly accepted this Sunrise. The truth is the seeds of peace already existed in your hearts. Without it, success here would have been impossible. As happens with all good seeds, yours have grown and are about to bloom.

  “In closing, I want to say how intensely happy I am about what you did this Sunrise and what you have proposed for the future. Just thinking about seeing all our Nations coming together for a Burying of the Hatchet Ceremony fills me with joy and renews my faith in the goodness of mankind! I believe that the Great Spirit Himself must be rejoicing with us in this time of forgiveness and peace. I agree with joy in my heart, my sons, and thankfulness to the Great Spirit, to meet with you again at this site in the company of all our brothers two Sunrises before the first Moon of Autumn, providing of course, our Maliseet brothers are agreeable. Chief Big Mountain is indicating that he wishes to come forward and speak. My son.”

  “Thank you, my esteemed father, for giving me the opportunity to speak on this heartwarming occasion. My father, although you may disclaim it, you are truly a Peacemaker. To have had the privilege of seeing you use your wisdom to take these two long-term enemies and convert them into friends is a moment in time that I will forever cherish. The Great Spirit will surely bless you for it.

  “My brothers, Sleeping Bear and Lone Wolf, you and your Peoples shall soon begin to reap the benefits of the course you have decided upon this Sunrise. The generosity and wisdom displayed in reaching out for peace will be appreciated by your children and your children’s children for all time. My friends, as the Great Spirit is my witness, the trail you have chosen is the correct one. I say this from experience. Our People, like our brothers and sisters the Mi’kmaq, have long accepted the principle that the well-being of relatives and friends comes before individual concerns. When people adopt the principle of one for all and all for one they have taken the first step towards finding contentment. By your actions this Sunrise you’ve embarked on such a path and you shall soon, with the loving guidance of the Great Spirit, know true peace.

  “Lightning Bolt, my beloved esteemed father, our country will be very honoured to host a celebration of peace for all Nations at this site. To take part of the load of preparing for it off your shoulders, I’ll look after inviting the Nations of the Eastern Land to come join with us in celebrating this momentous event; you can extend invitations to the rest of the Mi’kmaq Nations. We will also take on the responsibility of coordinating the logistics for the event. Because of the size of it, this should keep our organizers hopping. It’s not a problem in any way; in fact they relish this sort of thing and should be happy as larks when presented with the chore. However, I have something I want to add to the agenda. It is my wish, during the conference, after the Penikt and Atikitkas ratify their Peace Treaty, that we all renew our commitments to live forever in peace by also burying hatchets. What a sight it will be to see so many Nations reaffirming brotherly love. My esteemed father, I thank you again for honouring our land by holding this historic meeting here and with your presence. My brothers, may the Great Spirit be with you always.”

  Lightning Bolt, with a quaver in his voice, replied, “Big Mountain, the kindness and generosity of your People knows no bounds. The knowledge that your country is so enthused to help host the peace celebration and will invite the Eastern Nations causes me much pleasure. I will, on my part, send out runners when I get home to invite all of the Mi’kmaq Nations. Our celebration shall be the largest gathering of our Peoples in memory. My son, the task of organizing the celebration is of monumental proportions. May the Great Spirit reward you and your People for this act of kindness and generosity, which you so freely give to make this event a success. Until we meet again, my brothers and sisters, may the Great Spirit be with you.” They concluded by smoking a peace pipe.

  The following Sunrise, after many fond farewells, in weather that was unusually warm for the Season, Lightning Bolt and companions started for home. As the party moved down along the coast of the Basin of High Tides, the Grand Chief began to reminisce and talk to the Great Spirit about many similar trips he had enjoyed in the company of his family or friends. “Great Father, the young warriors are sweating from the effort of rowing. It makes them look so healthy and powerful. Oh
, my father, how time flies. It seems as if it were only last Sunrise I was enjoying doing the same. The warmth of a fine Sunrise added to my pleasure then as it does for them now.

  “How things have changed. Although these young men find it warm, my old bones find it a little cool. In bygone Seasons I remember coming up this coast in early Spring and thoroughly enjoying the cold crispness of the weather. Now, just thinking about travelling in that kind of weather chills me. I often wish, my Father, that You had seen fit to reward old age with the ability to keep warm.

  “Oh, my Father, how travelling this shoreline brings back so many wonderful memories. I see over there the cove where father and I, when I was a young lad of eight Springs, stopped to camp for the night and to replenish our water supply. I can still hear the words he spoke that night, spanning the ages, as if it were only last Sunrise. Seeing the site brings back the night’s events so clearly. It began as a beautiful evening. But, shortly after dusk the clouds began to roll in, followed closely by fog. All signs pointed towards a big storm. As we ate supper by our cozy campfire, we could hear some slight echoes. Father told me that the hills surrounding the cove made the area very conducive to repeating, distorting and carrying sounds from some distance. Later that night, when the storm broke in good style, it did so with a vengeance. After we had cleaned up our utensils, father told me to get ready for bed. Trying to impress him with my bravery, I set up my bed some distance from his. After all, what boy of eight Springs needs the close proximity of his father in the dark of night? And was it ever dark. I can still see father extinguishing the fire and hear him retiring to his lean-to for the night. Then the wind started to howl.

  “Oh Great Father, the noise that came from it was the most terrifying I’ve ever heard. It sounded as if every soul of the departed and the living were being subjected to the most inhuman punishment imaginable. I can still hear father’s chuckle when I screamed for help and was directed by his voice to his bed. Being embraced and feeling the strength of his naked chest and hearing the beat of his strong heart against my face was the most positive of all my experiences in dealing with fear. And, my Father, my fear that night was so pervasive that it was almost visible.

  “Of course, the next morning I was filled with shame about my cowardly conduct, and tried my best to avoid my father’s eyes. He pretended he didn’t notice my discomfort and restarted the campfire and cooked our breakfast. Afterwards he began preparations to break camp. It was then, with a big smile on his face, he put his arm around my shoulders and said, ‘All people, my son, adults as well as children, sometimes encounter experiences which leave them in groundless terror. Admitting to it doesn’t make one a coward.’

  “His statement left me somewhat soothed. To help me fully recover my sense of dignity he told me a story about another young boy who had also experienced a situation that left him terrified. His admission that he was the young boy in the story was the thing that totally dissipated my shame. It takes a man of truly great humility and courage to admit to knowing fear.

  “The pleasure of my remembrances must be showing on my face. The young people are giving me knowing smiles. But, so be it, they too must have known at one time or another the feeling of being held tightly in the warm and comforting embrace of a truly great father.”

  One young man spoke up: “Father, share with us the story that has awakened so many joyful memories in you.”

  “My son, there are some things that happen to you during your lifetime that they cannot be retold. My thoughts have been with my father and of a trip we had together sixty-seven Springs ago. All I’ll tell you about it is that the memories of that special time still bring me great happiness, and until the Great Spirit calls me home will continue to do so.”

  Another queried, “Would it be too bold, my father, to ask you to share with us a few stories of your adventurous life while we move along?”

  “My sons, one would think you would grow weary of hearing an old man’s remembrances. However, I’ll tell you about Kespek’s war with the Westerners. Back when I was a young man of only twenty Springs…” For most of the afternoon Lightning Bolt entertained his young companions with tales of the heroic deeds of the men who had bravely repulsed the invaders of Kespek so many Moons ago. After several such pleasant Sunrises of travel, they finally arrived home. Spring Flower greeted him with a warm embrace. That evening, while relaxing in front of a warm fire, he told her about his successful trip.

  As the Summer Moons passed, Lightning Bolt was very pleased to hear about the excitement the approaching peace celebration was generating among the citizens throughout the Mi’kmaq Nations. It was so pronounced that by late Summer many thousands of them were already on their way to the shores of the River Goes Backwards to participate in what they sensed would be the most historic event of their lifetimes. The prospect of seeing the coming together of the leaders and citizens of so many Nations for the purpose of pledging peace and fraternal brotherhood was something no one had dreamed they would see.

  To allow them plenty of time to visit old friends and haunts along the way, Spring Flower and Lightning Bolt departed for the River Flows Backwards shortly after the arrival of the second Moon of Summer. The visits were enjoyable and filled with the wonderful memories of the events of past Moons. But camping and seeing once again the many beautiful sights along the shore of the Basin of High Tides was the highlights of their trip. In the comfort of their lean-tos at night, wrapped in their warm sleeping furs, they talked about the past and its happy memories. They also experienced a feeling of building excitement as the Sunrises passed and the time for the peace conference neared.

  By four Sunrises before the historic meeting, thousands had already set up camp around the River Flows Backwards and were enjoying the warm embraces of family members and beloved friends. The mood around the meeting area was dreamlike. People looked on in awe and wonder as the citizens of the two former enemy Nations met and embraced and bemoaned the hurt and anguish they had caused each other. Their contrite and honourable conduct promised great things to come for their new relationship.

  Late in the morning of the Sunrise before the celebration was slated to begin, Lightning Bolt’s delegation and their escort of young warriors arrived. It generated a wave of excitement among the People. But if someone had told Grand Chief Lightning Bolt he was the star attraction at the upcoming event, he would have reacted with utter dismay. He saw his role only as that of a minor player and a presiding officer. After settling in, Lightning Bolt met informally with most of the leaders who had already arrived for preliminary discussions. His heart filled with warmth as he listened to their sincere and enthusiastic expectations for the peace celebration. From their reports of how well their Peoples had reacted to the news of the peace celebration, he knew that the Great Spirit would truly be pleased by the intentions of those gathered. Later that night, wrapped in the arms of his beloved Spring Flower, in happy anticipation of seeing a dream come true, he slept the sleep of a contented baby.

  The next morning the sky was blue and the sun shone brightly. It appeared that the start of the peace celebration would be blessed with beautiful weather. It seemed to those present that the Great Spirit was so pleased with the event that He was assuring them pleasant conditions to celebrate. The night before had been bathed in silvery moonlight and the stars had flickered brightly. The Sunrise over the Basin of High Tides was one of the most spectacular ever seen; the beauty of its colours would in future defy adequate words and was viewed by many as a sign that the Great Spirit had been extremely pleased that His children were healing their wounds.

  After breakfast, Lightning Bolt asked some of the young warriors to call the People to gather round. Within a short period of time the huge crowd, estimated in the thousands, was brought to order. Speaking through a conical moose caller Lightning Bolt opened the peace celebration. “Brothers and sisters, welcome!”

  The crowd responded spontaneou
sly with a mighty roar, “Welcome to you, great Chief!”

  Lightning Bolt, visibly pleased, continued, “Thank you! I stand before you this Sunrise my friends in awe at the wondrous event unfolding among us. For me this sunrise is a lifetime’s dream come true. In fact it is so awesome that I pray to the Great Father that if this is a dream, He will spare me the pain of ever waking up! Now my friends, before proceeding, I’ll ask our brother Chief Big Mountain to come forward and lead us in a prayer of thanks to the Great Spirit for His benevolence.”

  A thoroughly involved, smiling Big Mountain came forward and replied enthusiastically, “Lightning Bolt, my esteemed father, brothers and sisters, I bid you welcome to the land of the Maliseet!”

  The crowd again, as if on a cue, responded spontaneously, “Thank you, Big Mountain!” They then gave the leaders and citizens of the Maliseet Nation a mighty roar of appreciation.

  After the noise had subsided, Big Mountain, more pleased than before, continued. “When we first gathered here two Sunrises after the first Moon of Summer, we beseeched the Great Spirit to show our brothers and sisters from the Penikt and Atikitkas Nations the way to find peace. He, with compassion for His children, heeded our prayers. Now I ask you to please stand and raise your hands with me towards the Land of Souls and give humble thanks for His kindness and generosity. Oh Great Father, accept from us, who are sometimes Your unworthy children, our undying love and devotion. We give you thanks for all the kindness you have shown us. We will try harder to live in the image of your ways. Thanks, dear Father, thanks!”


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