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But the Children Survived

Page 38

by A. L. Jambor

  Mark slowly climbed the stairs. The kids were too distracted to notice and the adults were lost in conversation. Andrew and George had forgotten they were supposed to be watching Gerald. Pat was cutting birthday cake in the cafeteria and passing it out to everyone.

  Mark got to the landing before Christie noticed him. She excused herself and started towards the stairs. She called to Mark, but the kids were too loud and he couldn't hear her.

  Jason looked up as he heard Christie calling to Mark. He saw Mark standing on the landing. He was standing right below it, so he ran over to the stairs, and climbed them two at a time. When he got to the top, he grabbed Mark's arm.

  “Hey, buddy, where are you going?” Jason asked. Mark turned around and Jason could see he was in one of his moods.

  “Nowhere, I'm just bored, I guess.” They both leaned against the railing and looked out over the City.

  “Interesting view up here, isn’t it?” Jason ruffled Mark's hair. “Come on Mark, let's go back down. They've got birthday cake.”

  Jason watched Mark's face to try to figure out what is really going on. He saw Mark watching Mindy with her three girlfriends.

  “She cares about you, too, Mark. She just hasn't seen them for a while. Didn't you make any friends while you were here?”

  “No.” It was always hard to get Mark to talk when he was in a mood.

  “Well, I'm going back down. I'm really wantin' that birthday cake.”

  Jason waited for a minute when he saw Mark thinking. Mark shrugged his shoulders and turned to follow Jason down the stairs.

  Jason walked down the stairs first. Mark began to follow him, but he felt something grab his shirt sleeve. He hadn't seen Gerald’s hand come out of the door.

  Gerald grabbed Mark. Mark tried to break free, but Gerald was stronger. He pulled Mark through the door and into his lab before Mark could holler for help.

  Mark continued to struggle, trying to get away from Gerald. Gerald had a mad man's grip on Mark. He took one hand off of Mark as he tried to take a syringe out of his pocket. Mark felt Gerald’s grip loosen and noticed Gerald’s attention was on something else. Mark used the opportunity to pull away from Gerald and head for the door. Gerald was right behind him.

  He pulled Mark away from the door and threw him across the room. Mark landed on the floor and slid into a cabinet. He looked up at Gerald, afraid to move. Gerald was holding the syringe in his hand and was slowly approaching Mark.

  Jason took the stairs two at a time and got to the bottom of the stairs before he turned to make sure Mark had followed him. Christie grabbed Jason's arm.

  “WHERE IS MARK?” Christie was yelling above the noise in the town square.


  Jason could see the panic stricken look in Christie's eyes. She remembered using Martha's photo to blackmail Gerald into giving up Mark. She was petrified that Gerald may try to extract some twisted revenge on Mark.

  “WE HAVE TO FIND HIM,” she yelled.

  Christie ran up the stairs with Jason right behind her. Christie remembered Andrew telling her about the baseball bat he'd placed in her lab. She sprinted past Gerald’s lab. The bat was exactly where Andrew said it would be. Christie picked it up and headed for Gerald’s lab. Jason was just about to open the lab door when Christie stopped him.

  “He's crazy,” she said.

  Jason looked into Christie's eyes. He could hear Gerald ranting at Mark. Christie held up the bat.

  “I'm going in first. I'll hit him over the head and you grab Mark,” she said.

  Jason nodded his head. Christie quietly opened the door.

  “You risked our lives you selfish boy. You could have killed us all. You are an evil boy who must be dealt with,” Gerald yelled.

  Mark was pinned against a cabinet. Gerald stood over him, syringe in hand. He was standing between Christie and Mark.

  “Martha never hurt anyone. You did this. This whole thing is your fault. My Martha would be here if not for you, you stupid, self-centered boy.”

  “I didn't even know her. I wasn't here.” Mark was crying out, but Gerald wasn't listening. He didn't see Mark, only the accumulation of his failures and his own inability to save Martha.

  Christie walked slowly towards Gerald. Mark saw her and she nodded.

  “You liar! You went out the hatch that day. You were there. But you survived. You're not human. I know your secret. You're an alien and all your friends are getting ready to destroy us.”

  Gerald’s eyes were wide and his forehead glistened with sweat. Jason was following Christie, but he couldn't see a way to grab Mark. Jason understood what Christie had meant by Gerald being crazy. He thought of running for help but he didn't want to leave Christie alone with Gerald and he wanted to try and save Mark. Christie kept moving closer to Gerald. Gerald continued his rant.

  “You are just like my wife. You take and take. You steal from me and call the police. You have me arrested for your crimes, Arlene, your crimes.”

  Gerald was moving closer holding the syringe just a few feet from Mark. Mark kept looking at Gerald, trying to think of something to say that would snap him out of his crazed rant. Mark saw Christie raising the baseball bat and relaxed a little.

  “And that stupid lawyer couldn't help. It was his job to stop her. It was his job to make it go away. Neil Cramer. If he were here right now I would spit in his face. Someone beat me to it. Someone killed the son of a bitch before I could.”

  Christie stopped. She heard Neil’s name and couldn't figure out how Gerald had known him. She heard Gerald say he had wanted to kill Neil.

  Her mind went in circles as she tried to figure out what Gerald had to do with her wonderful husband. At that moment all she understood was that Gerald was angry that someone had killed Neil before he could. Rage began to rise up in Christie. This horrible man had survived a nationwide tragedy while her wonderful family had suffered a terrible death.

  “So here you are, my boy. You came back. Did you bring your little blond friend? She was another troublemaker, wasn't she? Just couldn't mind her own business. Well, after I finish with you, I will lure her up here with her stupid dog and take care of them, too.”

  Gerald’s eyes were wide. He was breathing hard. He was within one foot of Mark. He raised the needle up and as he did, Christie lowered the bat down on his head.

  Gerald was stunned by the blow. He wavered a little, trying regain his footing. Blood is streaming down his face. He looked down at Mark and remembered the needle in his hand. Once more he came at Mark. Christie hit him again, harder this time. Gerald fell to the floor. Christie dropped to her knees and brought the bat down on Gerald’s head, over and over.

  Her daughter's face flashed through her mind. She remembered her husband's kisses while she brought the bat down again and again. Gerald would pay for all the hurt she’d endured, all the pain she'd felt for the children of this place. She hit Gerald’s head until there was nothing left but shattered bone and blood.

  Mark had been trying to get past Christie. When she stopped hitting Gerald, Mark crawled past her to Jason. They ran to the landing and started calling for help. Andrew heard them and looked up at the landing. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could.

  “She lost it,” Jason said.

  “Who lost it?” Andrew asked.

  “Christie. She just couldn't stop hitting him,” Mark said.

  Chapter 63

  Andrew stood at the door to Gerald’s lab. Christie was huddled against the wall next to the door, unable to move. He saw the lifeless body of Gerald Todd.

  Andrew knelt down next to Christie. She didn't seem aware of him, so he touched her hand. Her body was shaking and she was gasping for breath. Andrew stood and helped her up off the floor. She couldn't take her eyes off of Gerald’s body. Andrew put his arm around her and gently guided her out of the lab.

  On the way to Christie's quarters, Andrew saw George coming towards the lab. He watched as George looked into
Gerald’s lab. George's face indicated that he and Andrew needed to talk. Andrew nodded his head as he took Christie into her quarters.

  George stood over Gerald and looked down at the bloody mess. The whole lab seemed to be covered in spattered blood. He noticed Jason standing at the lab door.

  “What happened?” George asked. He was shocked by the carnage.

  “Christie just flipped out when she saw that dude go after Mark. She just kept hitting him.”

  George turned away from Gerald’s body to face Jason.

  “Go downstairs, son. Would you please ask Pat to come up here?” Then George remembered Pat’s vomiting episodes. “On second thought, don't. Just let him be.”

  Jason left George standing next to Gerald’s body.

  “What a mess,” George said out loud.

  After George assessed the condition of the body and the lab, he began to think of way he and Andrew could dispose of the body. No one would cry over Gerald’s death, so no one would care how they buried him. They could build a pyre and send him to Valhalla, but that would be too good for him. Putting him in an unmarked grave would be more appropriate. Getting him through the hatchway, however, would be hell.

  George left the lab and went to the first hospital room. He grabbed a sheet and went back to cover Gerald’s body. George wished Simon were here. He was strong, and would have been a great asset right now. George left Gerald and walked over to Christie's quarters. He knocked on the door and Andrew told him to come in.

  Christie was sitting on the bed. Andrew was trying to get her out of her bloody clothes, but she wasn't helping him and he was having a really hard time. George walked over and sat down next to her. She was covered in human detritus. It was hanging from her hair and her face, as well as her clothing. Andrew had tears in his eyes.

  George put his arm around Christie and asked her if he could help her change her clothes. She seemed unaware of George's presence until he said that. She looked up and saw Andrew. She felt so ashamed. George asked Andrew to leave for a few moments.

  After Andrew had left, George gently helped Christie out of her clothes and helped her into the shower. After he’d washed off the flesh and bones clinging to her hair and body, he dried her off and helped her into her nightgown. The last thing he did before he tucked her in was to give her a sedative.

  Andrew was feeling numb. When he walked into Gerald’s lab and saw Christie huddled next to the wall, he could feel her pain. She was so utterly distraught. She didn't deserve this, and it broke his heart. When he brought her to her quarters, she just sat on the bed and wouldn't move. He tried to soothe her with words, but they did no good. It made Andrew feel completely impotent. He was glad when George took over. He was glad to get out of that room.

  When George left Christie's room, he saw Andrew standing in front of Gerald’s lab looking down at the body.

  “What the hell are we gonna do with him?” Andrew asked.

  “I was wrapping my mind around that one too. We have to get him outside. Do you think the two of us could get him through that hole?” George was mentally weighing and measuring Gerald.

  “Yeah, push and pull. At least he has arms.”

  George bent over, rolled Gerald over, and picked up the corners of the sheet. Andrew picked up the other corners. They got him out of the lab and through the three chambers by starting and stopping while Andrew punched in the door codes until they reached the hatchway ladder. They had to put him down while Andrew climbed the ladder to input the code that would open the hatchway. When it was open, he came back down the ladder and once again picked up Gerald.

  They couldn't get the right grip on him and Andrew couldn't walk up the ladder backwards. They decided to tie the sheet around his chest and then pull him from above.

  Andrew pulled while George pushed until they got him above ground. Then Andrew pulled Gerald's body behind the truck farthest from the school buses to hide it until morning when they could bury him. He didn't want their guests seeing Gerald’s bloody sheet-draped body as they left the biosphere.

  Andrew came down the ladder and saw George trying to clean up the blood they had dragged along the hallway. He grabbed another sheet from the hospital room and wet it down. He and George managed to get most of the blood off the floor. The walls would be problem for another day. In the meantime, they piled the dirty sheets by the hatchway ladder, cleaned themselves up, and rejoined the party downstairs. Andrew peeked in on Christie before going downstairs; she was sleeping soundly.


  Jason and Mark were waiting at the bottom of the stairs when George and Andrew arrived. They looked at the two men and decided not to ask them what they had done with Gerald.

  Mark was still shaking from the experience. George put his arm around Mark and led him to the cafeteria. He took him to the back of the kitchen where he kept the good chocolate. He gave Mark a big chunk and told the boy to go sit down at a table and eat every drop.

  Jason seemed lost. The adults seemed to forget that he was only eighteen. The things he’d seen in the last four weeks had changed him considerably. But this, this was horrific.

  Jason didn't know what to do with his feelings. Jenny came up to him and asked him if he was all right. When she touched his arm, the tears began to roll down his cheek, and his embarrassment was overwhelming. She put her arm around him and led him away from the others.

  They found a bench down the street and sat down. He put his head on her shoulder and cried hard. Jenny just kept rubbing his shoulder. His pain was contagious. Soon she, too, felt the tears welling in her eyes. After a while, Jason stopped shaking and crying.

  Jason looked at Jenny as she wiped the tears away from his face. He took her face in his hands and kissed her for a long time. They then wrapped their arms around each other and stayed that way until Dani found them and told them it was time to go.

  Dani asked Andrew where Christie had gone. Andrew said she wasn't feeling well and had gone to bed. Dani asked Andrew to give Christie her best and to tell her she would love to have her come to the school to help start a farm. Andrew said he would relay the message and wished them all goodnight.

  Pat took them to the back hatchway and let them out. Calvin drove them back to the Big Mart and promised Mindy he would visit them again soon.

  Chapter 64

  When Calvin got back to the biosphere, he felt so good. He’d never realized how much he loved being outside until he couldn't be. He wandered back to the Town Square where Andrew, Pat, and George were sitting on a bench. Andrew and George had just told Pat what had happened to Gerald. Now they would have to tell the story again.

  “So you guys managed to get his body out the hatch?” Calvin asked.

  “Yeah, we kind of hoisted him up with sheets. He's out by one of the trucks. We have to bury him first thing tomorrow because the kids are expecting to go outside. They can never see that.”

  Andrew was just beginning to feel what had happened. The numbness was fading, and the fact of Gerald’s murder was becoming a reality. He hurt so for Christie. What she must have held inside to have it explode that way.

  “Thanks for not asking me to help,” Pat was saying.

  “I thought about it, but then I remembered the vomiting,” George said.

  “That was real thoughtful of you, George.” Pat clapped George on the arm. Then he walked into the cafeteria and started cleaning up the debris left by the party guests.


  Christie woke up in the morning and opened her eyes. She could see the photograph of Neil and Haley. For a moment, it was just an ordinary day. Then she suddenly remembered what she had done.

  The image of Gerald’s body loomed before her eyes. It only made it worse to close them. She got out of bed and felt dizzy.

  The sedative George had given her was wearing off, but there was still enough in her system to make her woozy. She walked slowly to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. George had done a good job. There was nothing left i
n her hair to indicate that she had heinously murdered someone.

  In this world, there wasn't a process of justice by which she could atone for her crime. She would just have to live with it. Gerald was despicable, but he was human. Christie never would’ve believed herself capable of that kind of rage.

  She decided to get dressed even though it was the last thing she wanted to do. Having the kids to care for might do her good, and they were waiting downstairs for her right now.

  When she left her quarters, she was surprised to see how clean the hallway was. She had expected to see some debris from the night before. She’d been hesitant to come into the hallway but had made herself do it. She was glad to see that the men had taken care of it.

  She averted her eyes when she walked past Gerald’s lab. She’d never be able to look in there again. She was going to ask the men if they minded her moving into the Wilmer residence. She couldn't imagine them saying no, but she wanted to ask anyway.

  When Christie got to the bottom of the stairs, Maria Elena ran over to her. The girl was looking so much better than the last time Christie had seen her. Maria hugged her and thanked her for all her help.

  Christie hugged her back and didn't want to let her go. In another life, she would have adopted Maria Elena. But here in the biosphere, she couldn't do that and hurt all the others who so craved parental attention. She would have to satisfy herself by giving Maria Elena an extra hug now and then.

  After they parted, Christie walked into the cafeteria where breakfast had just been served. She got in line and took some food. When she sat down with Andrew and tried to eat, everything tasted like dirt.

  “That may be the shot George gave you,” Andrew said.

  But Christie knew it wasn't the shot. She wondered if she would ever enjoy anything again. How could she after what she had done?

  George came out of the kitchen with his apron still on. He sat down with Christie and Andrew and looked Christie in the eye.


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