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Page 9

by Andur

  “What was that supposed to be?” That's not the cute, shy Stella I know!

  Stella's expression becomes flustered. “Huh? Did I do something wrong? Didn't it feel good? I put so much effort into it.”

  I crawl closer and look into her eyes. “Where did you learn that? That's supposed to be an advanced technique!”

  Her tail curls up behind her. “It's not supposed to be like that? But Louise said that you have to grab him tight and do it like this and that and it would feel really good if it's the right guy.” She licks over her lips and smiles at me.

  LOUISSEE! She corrupted my pure, cute little childhood friend! Where did she even learn something like that!? I'll give her another horrible memory she'll never forget once I see her again.

  “~Um, Azir?~”

  I return to reality and find Stella kneeling in front of me while playing with her fingers. “What?”

  “~Once more won't hurt? It's not like something bad can happen by doing just that.~”

  “Just? I think the problem lies somewhere else!”

  “~Just once!~”

  “~We can return to our previous relationship afterwards!~”

  She pushes me onto my back and sits on top while kissing me like before. No, not like before. I think she actually got better!

  And what did she mean by returning to our previous relationship? That's not possible! This is going too far! Our innocent childlike friendship is crushed! Nothing can bring it back! How can I explain this to my parents? What happens if my little sister finds out? I think I'll have a headache for the strangest of all reasons tomorrow.

  16. ~University.~

  “The Anja's ability to control Fire, although powerful, isn't almighty. The thing that's mostly misunderstood about their ability is that they can't create fire from nothing. They have to use their own mana to fuel a fire spell in order to create a flame and keep it burning. An Anja without mana and fire is powerless.

  On the other hand they can control all existing fire within their vicinity. Their greatest battlemage set fire to a whole district of their own city to stop an enemy invasion. Several bands of Nomads had grouped together to attack Di.

  I wish I could've seen their grinning faces when they saw the sieged city go up in flames. And I wish even more that I had a painting of their expressions when those flames suddenly moved to incinerate them.”

  -Codex of Fire, unknown author

  Free City States of Nict, Capital


  Aaah... university is simply enjoyable. I finally got access to the rumoured library and I have to admit that it is a treasure trove. The Empire of Nict was a highly advanced civilisation. I found books about quantum mechanics and their effects on space and time.

  Well. It had to be expected. They built the Gates after all. The only problem is that the library isn't complete. This, of course, also had to be expected. The books I find there are a random assortment of different subjects. Much has been lost. The destruction back then must have been severe.

  The problem for the successors of this knowledge is that they don't have the foundations to understand what they are holding in their hands. A book on quantum mechanics is like an obscure mythical text to you if you have no knowledge of the required physics and mathematics to understand it.

  There were books on basic physics and mathematics, but the essential link between the two was lost.

  I turn the page while I am enjoying the sun on a bench in the park, which is located in front of the library. Of course they don't let me remove the original books from there, but the copies are just as good.

  “Are you sure that you understand this cryptic stuff?” Stella takes a look at my book from beside me. We've always been together since that night on the roof and I have to admit that I have a thing for her. We haven't yet officially named our relationship. Though it would be appropiate to call us boyfriend and girlfriend.

  “It's understandable. I am more concerned about your book?” I glance at the book about chemistry on her lap. I introduced her to medicine and chemistry by explaining some of the dusty old books to her. It wasn't anything special. Just the basic stuff.

  Somehow she got hooked up on the subject and since then she read ever more complicated stuff about the matter.

  She adjusts a strand of her hair which fell onto her face and smiles. “It's ok. I sought out some teachers and one of them could help me. She suggested the right books and advised the best order in which I should read them.”

  Her horns are now fully grown. They are obsidian black and run backwards around her head, fanning out into multiple points. They look like they belong to a dragon. Her facial features became beautiful, but sharp and she wears her hair long nowadays.

  Unfortunately her hair colour doesn't really match the dark blue robes she is wearing. Every student has to wear them, even me.

  If there wasn't this stupid society we wouldn't have to hide our relationship. But if it were to become official that Stella and I are anything more than friends, she would surely have to endure the scorn of the female students.

  I offered to talk to my mother in order to get her accepted into our clan, but she refused. Probably I could make a deal with my mother if I would confront her with cemented facts.

  Stella wasn't happy about my suggestion. She is a stubborn one and since she already got this far on her own, she said that she wants to walk her path till the end. Her plan is to become someone famous enough that joining a clan would seem like an honour to the clan. Otherwise it would seem like the clan takes in a random orphan out of pity.

  So we hide our relationship as best as possible while we are in public. Not that there is much to hide. Stella didn't give in to anything more than kissing. But wow, her kisses are something else.

  “You are having strange fantasies...” Stella's voice wakes me up. She grabs one of my horns and pulls, bringing me back to reality. My horns are bending backwards above my head, but they don't fan out like Stella's. My hair is dark and has a metallic shimmer like my mother's, but I keep it short.

  “Ahem. No. Never. I would never have illicit thoughts. We have a deal after all.” I look at her. “But you could put more effort into becoming famous.”

  Stella puffs up her cheeks. “Sorry. I am not a natural at everything I touch.”

  My eyes wander to her book. “But you seem to be a natural at medicine.”

  I look down the path which leads to our bench and find Louise coming in our direction. “Heyoo! Found you two. You are always together recently.” Louise waves at us.

  Her horns are forming a complicated web above her head and she wears her dark-brown hair short. She is also a full head taller than Stella and her chest became huge! I mean, Stella's chest isn't small, but it's not huge either. Just right.

  Louise evolved simply too much if you take her age into account. It has been just half a year since we entered the university.

  Stella closes her book. “Where have you left Karsen and Talia?”

  Louise covers her face with both hands. “They are at the infirmary. I told them repeatedly to use contraceptives, but they wouldn't listen. Now they have the mess.”

  I furrow my eyebrows. “You are joking. If that's true my mother will behead Talia.”

  Stella smirks at Louise. “She is lying. Talia told me just yesterday that she won't let Karsen close until he introduces her to his parents.”

  “Tch. Well. They are in the infirmary because Karsen broke off one of his horns. He tried to use acceleration magic on himself and ran at full speed into a wall.”

  “That sounds more like him.” I return to studying my book.

  “Have you heard of the recent disappearance?” Louise sits down on the bench beside Stella.

  Stella shakes her head. “No?”

  “A student from the second semester vanished. Apparently the university is fighting with a series of these cases. Every two or three months someone goes missing.” Louise leans back and crosses her legs. “Some
say that a dark magician is on the loose. Maybe you shouldn't wander around where there aren't many people.”

  Stella frowns. “Isn't the university investigating those cases? The clans of the missing people won't let this go on.”

  Louise nods. “They do, but there are no hints to follow. It was only said that the missing students were all highly talented magicians. But they've found nothing so far.”

  “Sounds disturbing.” Stella has a troubled expression now.

  “~Aziir! Hun!~”

  I close my eyes and whisper. “Gods! Let the dark magicians take her away.”

  “... cold.” Louise glares at me.

  “Don't wish for something like that... even if it's her.” Stella grumbles at my side.

  Then Annice arrives and drops herself onto my lap. “I am so happy that I found you so fast. Normally I have to search for a long time before I find you. It's almost as if you are hiding from me.”

  “I am hiding from you.” I attempt to push her off of me, but she is wisely holding onto my book, threatening to rip it should I use too much force.

  “Azir, Azir. When will you finally accept my devotion.” She shakes her head, bobbing her curly blonde hair. Her horns are standing straight upwards from her head. They aren't bent at all. Annice's features became more alluring within the recent years. If it wasn't for her personality.

  I stand up, intending to drop her to the ground by the action. “I think I'll go now. There is a lesson I have to attend to.” But Annice avoids her fall by graciously bringing around her feet and standing up herself.

  Annice sighs. “I guess there is really no chance in trying it this way. Maybe I should go through other channels.”

  “That won't change anything. Search for another target.” This girl has a few screws loose if she thinks that sticking to me like that will accomplish anything.

  Louise raises a hand. “If I might suggest. There is a guy in his third semester who might fulfil your requirements as a target.”

  Annice tilts her head. “His name?”

  “Alphonse.” Louise grabs Annice's hand and leads her away. “I heard he has a thing for...”

  I massage both of my temples while my eyes start twitching. “I swear. One day I'll go on a rampage. These headaches are killing me. Killing someone might be just the right thing to do.”

  Free City States of Nict, Capital


  Azir turns away and walks down the narrow, cobbled path of the park in direction towards the research facilities. I hate to see him like that. Why can't these idiots just stay away from him. It isn't like he hasn't told them that they should keep their distance.

  A gust of wind moves the leaves of the trees, while he is vanishing out of sight.

  I return my attention to my book, but somewhere in my mind the problem with Annice doesn't let go of me. What if she uses her clan's power to set up some kind of marriage contract between her and him?

  Maybe I should simply try to get things to the next stage with him? But it's still too early. I enjoy our current life. We are happy if you don't take Annice into account.

  “Where is Azir?”

  Darn! I forgot about that one. I look up with half closed eyes and try to smile at Olivia. She wears her long, straight hair as a knot behind her head. Her horns turned into two blade-like appendages which are running across the entire length of her head.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Haven't seen him.”

  Olivia looks down at me in dismay. “Listen commoner. I know that you are always with him. What are you? His concubine? It's impossible that you don't know where he is.”

  I keep my smiling mask. “Even if I knew, I have no obligations to tell you. Just give up. You are too weak for him.”

  She kicks the bench, barely avoiding to hit me. The bench breaks and I am forced to stand up in order to avoid falling to the ground. “Hey!”

  Olivia crosses her arms in front of her chest. “Just so you know. I'll show my parents that I am able to handle him. And then they will force the Zait to hand him over to us one way or the other.”

  My expression drops. “What twisted way of thinking is that? Is that the reason for all your challenges?”

  Olivia blinks. Probably she didn't expect me to speak up. “Well of course. A woman has to be able to keep her men in check. There is no point in having them around if you can't subjugate them.”

  She wants to take him away! My love! Why. That's too soon. He is my... I still haven't...

  Olivia attempts to walk away, but I block her path. “I think we need to talk.”

  “Out of the way, commoner.” She snarls and tries to shove me, but I grab her hand and activate the passive set of enhancement runes which I have always ready.

  They glow up all over my body. “~I think we need to talk.~”

  She tries to pull away, but I don't let go. “Don't get cocky filthy commoner! You stepped over your bounds this time!” She casts a set of enhancement enchants and I feel her pushing me back. My opponent is using her ability, there is no chance that I can do this with rune magic alone.

  A quick look at our surroundings confirms that there is nobody in sight. I activate my own ability and feel the muscles in my hand flex. A few cracking sounds can be heard from Olivia's hand and her face distorts in pain. But she doesn't yield or scream while I am forcing her to her knees.

  “~I think we need to talk.~”

  Her eyes widen. “What... Who are you!?”

  17. ~Suspicions.~

  “The Eddin, while not having much fighting power of their own, are the best healers in Nict. They are naturals at curing and healing magic. The most horrible wounds can be melded back together within minutes. Though it has to be said that they can't bring back the dead.

  That's the reason for their rise in power. Of course they don't offer their exceptional skills for free and someone should always have enough money in his pockets if he intends to get hurt.”

  -Visor Ellenoy, Visitor of the great healing house in Penta

  Free City States of Nict, Capital


  I yawn and step out of the research facility. It sucks that some classes still require the student's presence. Taking only the tests is much more to my liking.

  “One! Two! One! Two!”“Run faster!”“She is still breathing!”

  I blink. Just now a group from the healer's faculty ran past me. Two of them were levitating a female student on a stretcher. The face was too beaten up to be recognizable, but I knew the orange hair. It had to be Olivia.

  One of Olivia's horns was broken off and stuck in her chest instead. Her tail was bent in an unhealthy looking angle. My eyes wander to the ground and I inspect the trail of blood which was left behind by their passing.


  The two who carried her were accompanied by three healers. One of them was carrying an arm and another had a bottle in his hands with an eyeball swimming inside.


  Strange... Olivia didn't challenge me to a duel. So why is she hurt? Did I do something while I was sleeping? Now that would be a frightening development. I know that I have a temper, but I didn't think that it was that bad already.

  Uh... no. I am still sleepy. I shouldn't overthink the situation.


  I look up from the trail of blood and find Stella in front of me. “I think, I just saw something strange. Was that Olivia?”

  Stella tilts her head. “Yeah. I found her in the park. She was in a very bad state, so I called some healers.”

  “Oooh. You are generous. I never call the healers after I beat her up.” I nod and smile. “Wait, has this something to do with the missing people?”

  “Errr... It just looked like she wouldn't last much longer. So I decided to bite into the sour apple. And I just found her, so I don't know anything.” Stella pulls a grimace. “Actually I wanted to inform you that I'll be gone for a day or two.”

  I arch an eyebrow. “Well. It's not like I
want to intrude, but can I know what you'll be doing?”

  Stella's expression lights up into a dazzling smile. “Family matters. My father is coming home after a long time and I want to spend some time with him.”

  “Hmm. I could use this to introduce myself. You still didn't tell me where you live.” I scratch my chin. “It's a little embarrassing that I don't know where to find you, besides university.”

  Stella hugs me. “I'll show you some other time. I meant it when I said that I want to spend some time with my father. Alone.”

  “You really don't see him often? It's okay. Have a nice time then.” I nod and Stella lets go of me.

  “Thanks. I'll be back.” She turns and leaves me behind.

  Hmm. Actually I still want to know where she lives. Is she too embarrassed to show me? I know that it's stalking, but following her to find out may be interesting?

  Stella turns around a corner and I start moving, following her quickly. But upon arriving at the corner myself I find her gone.


  I look up into the sky. No, she didn't fly. Then around the next corner? I walk with fast steps around the building, but no sign of Stella. “Now that can't be? How can someone vanish into thin air?”

  Casting levitation magic I glide upwards while I take a look over the entire area. Hm. Nothing I can do about it now. She must have been in a hurry.

  My thoughts return to Olivia. I don't really care what happened to her, but I might as well investigate. If something dangerous is going on I want to know about it before something bad happens to my friends.

  Lets see. I think the healer's faculty was in that direction. I fly there in a relaxed manner while I enjoy the view from above. A few other mages are also using one or the other method to fly from point A to point B. But there aren't enough people, who are capable of such a feat, to cause traffic problems.

  I land in front of the big building, which is used by the healers, and step inside. A short talk with the receptionist at the entrance guides me to the right room.


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