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Page 14

by Andur

  Stella answers me. “Yes. We managed to get everyone up the shaft.”

  After a while I am done and check my work once more. The summoning procedures are removed and replaced by their proper counterparts. The targeting is improved. Looks good.

  “Hey! Look! That fellow had sharp, long canines! Nasty!” Karsen returns with my head, pointing at its teeth.

  I look up to Quarma with a pleading expression. “I would have never thought that I'd find out how the dead feel when their bodies are desecrated!”

  Quarma takes my head away from Karsen and places it onto the pile of body parts at the wall. Then she incinerates everything with her light-ray spell.

  After I am done checking the circle once more, I stand up and sigh. “Next stop. Nict, Capital!” I start gathering mana and after several minutes I activate the spell.

  A big red portal appears, a familiar sight awaiting us at the other end.

  24. ~Daily life.~

  “The university's park area is huge. Over one thousand trees. Five hundred and forty six bushes. Six hundred and two flower beds. Five hundred benches. four square kilometres of lawn. Ten kilometres of walkways. Everything has to be held in a top condition. The maze in the middle of the park is an exceptional challenge. If you aren't cut out for the job you should quit immediately. That's why I test all my new trainees by abandoning them in the middle of the maze. If they don't get out within one week I deem them as unworthy.”


  Free City States of Nict, Capital


  “I am not happy.” I am together with Stella in the extensive park area of the university. We are both hiding from the other students. The park's maze is especially helpful in that regard.

  “Neither am I.” Stella sighs and splits a stick, breaking it into smaller pieces again and again. “How did it work out for you? The word is spreading that we are a little more than friends. The people who got back with us from that little expedition didn't keep their mouth's shut.”

  I nod. “Something like this had to be expected. My sister and my mother put me under intensive interrogation about you. But unexpectedly Quarma took my side and when it was her word against my little sister's, Valeria was on the losing end. Mother couldn't imagine why Quarma should suddenly take my side and protect me, so she came to the conclusion that my little sister was exaggerating.”

  Stella grumbles. “In exchange for that Valeria is stalking us now. And the other female students are taking every chance to take it out on me. But I'll manage it somehow, don't worry.”

  “So you see any chance that you can tell me more about this bargain of yours?” I squint my eyes and look at Stella. “You avoided the topic back then.”

  Stella sighs and nods her head.

  After a short silence from her side I press on. “So?”

  She points at her mouth. And gestures for it to be sealed. That's when the situation becomes a little clearer to me. “So it's not a bargain, but a magical contract?”

  Stella nods, smiling.

  “And I suppose it includes that you can't tell anyone who you are, but it's sloppily made. Otherwise you couldn't work around it like that.” I scratch my cheek. “So you get something if you fulfil it, but the contract isn't something bad. You aren't forced to do anything?”

  She nods again, looking at me with pleading eyes.

  “Haah, ok. I won't pry any more. You obviously went through great efforts to accomplish what you want. The contract must've been set up when you were a child. Though I can't really imagine what a child could have wanted at that age.” Is she from one of the great clans after all?

  Stella gestures at the park. “All this.”

  I frown. “You wanted the park?”

  She facepalms herself and points at one of the buildings.

  “So you wanted to go to university, or better, you wanted to go to school.” I conclude.

  She nods and hugs me. “Are you satisfied?”

  I shake my head. “Not really, but it'll do if it's that important to you. So back to the other problem. What do we do about my sister and those students who are pestering you.”

  “We try to endure it?” Stella tries to smile, but somehow her expression crumbles and gives her an aura of doom.

  “Like you were enduring Olivia? I remember a certain incident and asked myself why she was avoiding you ever since.” I grab Stella's hand.

  “Oh, that. Those were exceptional circumstances.” Stella's expression turns earnest.


  I blink. That voice. “I forgot that she is still alive.” I turn around and find Annice and Louise behind me.

  Annice drops herself onto the bench we are sitting on and hugs me from the side. “You should've visited me immediately. I couldn't bear the thought that you were simply gone from my life. I have no other worthwhile targets. Well unless you count that one senior of mine, but he is manipulated too easily. No challenge at all.”

  “I see. So I am a challenge.” That doesn't make it any better. “I still wish for you to retreat out of my comfort zone.”

  “Aw, so shy. You have to work on that.” Finally Annice lets go of me. She is the only one who doesn't feel different. She is still annoying and pesters me whenever she has time.

  Stella's expression clearly tells me that she is about to murder someone.

  Louise walks around the bench and voices a mute 'Sorry' with her mouth. “I am so glad that you managed to return safely. It was a horrible adventure according to what I heard.”

  Stella stands up and hugs Louise. “You can't imagine how horrible. For some time I thought that we wouldn't make it back.”

  Louise nods. “There are so many rumours floating around. You can't tell what's true or false. I hope you can fill me in when there is time.”

  I nod. “Why not now? There is a nice restaurant I wanted to try out.”

  25. ~Problem and Solution?~

  “The Zait's main mansion is a very demanding workplace. I would never send a trainee there. First are the stables. You have to deal with the nightmares there. If you aren't careful you'll be their next meal. The other issue is the extensive garden area around the main mansion with the training hall. You have to be a very fast runner, or their pet will take a bite from you.

  It's not an easy task to do all the work while running at full speed from an oversized cat.”


  Free City States of Nict, Tri


  It has been over a year since that vixen dug her claws into my brother. My kind big brother! I can't let him fall prey to someone like her. On top she doesn't even belong to one of the great clans.

  She must've enchanted him somehow. Brother would never do something which could fall back on the family. The problem I face is that both of them got really good at hiding from me.

  And he doesn't talk to me about her. He never had any secrets from me before. And he is spending less time with me! How can he value that vixen more than me! I am his sister and the future head of the clan.

  Someone knocks on the door to my room and I am awoken from my worries. “Yes?”

  My father opens the door. He looks a little disturbed whenever he sees my room. I wonder why. There is just a bed, chests, wardrobe, mirrors, working table and few paintings of my family here. Nothing to be disturbed about.

  Sorry, but painting is my hobby. I don't want to throw my creations away and mother doesn't allow me to put them on display throughout the house.

  His gaze turns from the pictures towards me and he smiles. “Valda announced a family meeting. There is something which she wants to discuss with everyone.”

  I put my pencil down onto the table and exit my room to follow my father. “It's unusual that she wishes for us to meet like this. Did something important come up? Something that affects the clan?”

  Father shrugs his shoulders. “She didn't tell me. I suppose she has an important announcement to make. Otherwise she wouldn't manage the
situation in this manner.”

  So I follow my father in silence until we reach the big living room. My mother is already there with my brother sitting on the couch. Valda gestures for us to take a seat beside my brother and we sit down.

  I survey the room while my mother seems to collect her thoughts. We are sitting on the big couch in the middle of the room. On the floor is the expensive carpet which my mother cherishes so much. A low table separates us from my mother, who is standing in front of us. There are no pictures on the walls, but an impressive big clock is hanging at the wall behind my mother. My brother built it, he is good with things like that.

  The wall to our left is taken up by a single big window. You can take a look at our riding range and the stable from there. Father's nightmares are housed there. He loves to take care of them in his free time. Though I find it creepy that someone would ride on an animal which is able to take off one's head with a single bite.

  The sabretooth which guards the gardens around the main mansion is much friendlier than them. And she even comes to get stroked when she is in the right mood.

  “Okay. Then I'll get directly to the point.” Valda focuses Azir with her eyes. “Azir, you are about to turn twenty and I am running out of excuses.”

  “Excuses?” Azir asks baffled.

  “The other great clans are annoying me with with their attempts to pair you up with their offspring. And since you are still without a proper relationship in that regard I can't even say 'No!' to them.” Valda crosses her arms in front of her chest. “What I want to tell you is this. Find a girlfriend or I'll choose one for you.”

  Azir looks perplexed at Valda. “That isn't so easy. There isn't someone whom I like that much.” He scratches his chest, something he always does when he lies. Liar! He is surely thinking about that Stella!

  “Then what about Talia? She is a nice girl and a clan member on top.” Valda asks with raised eyebrows.

  Azir calls out in shock. “No! She is in a relationship with Karsen! That would be creepy as hell.”

  “I am the clan head. If I say that she takes you, she takes you. But if you don't want to then who else? Who was that other girl who visits from time to time? Lulu? No, Louise. She is a Siorda. That would be fine with me.” Valda tilts her head questioningly.

  I call out before I know it. “No, Mom!” I don't want my brother to be taken away from home! I would see him even less and he would have to move if he marries someone from outside. “There is an issue with Louise. She is... erm. She likes girls.” I nod vehemently.

  Mother is unfazed by this revelation. “Something like that can be hushed up. Nobody will say a word once there is some young blood incoming.”

  Azir tries to smile. “Can I have at least some time to think about the options?”

  “Sure, sure. In the meantime I'll start official negotiations with the other clans and search for the best deal for you. If you don't bring me someone by the time you turn twenty I'll take that decision from you. Everything is fine as long as you don't fall for a Tinn! The Veit are becoming really annoying too.” She nods and strolls out of the room. “It'll be wonderful once Ingrid's and Annice's advances stop!”

  Brother purses his lips and whispers. “You mean that you'll search for the best deal for the clan.”

  My father places his hand on my brother's shoulder. “It's only half as bad. There are still a few months before you turn twenty. I am sure that you'll find a nice girl by then. I courted your mother when I was eighteen. You are a late bloomer compared to me. Hahahaha.” He stands up and leaves the room.

  I grab Brother's hand. “Don't worry! I'll protect you. There are two nice girls from my class if you aren't able to find someone your age.” And they are Zait. So you could stay with us. “And if you are into older ones I can introduce you to a nice one. She is just four years older and about to become a teacher. I know you like the intellectual type.” Of course she is also a Zait.

  Azir pats my head and smiles. “Thanks, but I think I'll manage to find a solution.”

  Free City States of Nict, Capital


  “Let's run away! We can settle down in some far away country.” Azir is holding my hand and smiles at me.

  “Hah?” What's going on? We just met up in the university park's maze and he hits me with such a line right off the bat!

  “My mother told me that I have to find a girlfriend by the time I turn twenty, or she'll pair me up with someone. Annice and Olivia were on my heels since I came to school. Looks like they somehow got wind that my mother is negotiating with the other clans! If I hadn't managed to play them against each other I wouldn't have been able to meet you.” He drops his head.

  I try to smile, even though I don't like what I just heard. She is already negotiating with the other clans? What if she gets an offer that can't be refused? Azir is a well known asset. I am sure that someone will offer more than she can refuse sooner or later. “Why don't we try to calm down first. This doesn't sound like you Azir. Normally you are very cool and logical. Running away isn't a solution. And there should be some time left.” But my plan to become famous and enter Azir's clan on my own terms is busted. That's for sure.

  “You are right. I may have lost my head when my mother suggested to take Talia.” He fiddles with his fingers.

  “T... Talia? But she is with Karsen!” I call out.

  “Yeah. That would be one awkward situation.” He nods. “Okay. You are right. And I actually don't want to leave my family. So I have to do something about the system which is forcing my mother to consider this. I simply have to take over the fucking country.” He looks at me. “Do you think they would listen to my demands if I shut down the Gates?”

  I gasp. “Huh? You can't shut them down! They are essential for the whole country! And they are indestructible, so it wouldn't work out anyway. There is a reason why they survived the war.”

  “Actually it's not so hard. I just have link up to them with the proper controls and shut them down. It's all explained in the library's books. But you are right. Everyone would try to hunt me down. They need a demonstration of power. I could build something to blow up the capital! Do you think they would listen then?” He smiles at me.

  “No! You can't blow up the capital!” The worst thing is that I believe that he isn't joking! “Look. I have been selfish up until now. Your girlfriend will solve this situation. We love each other right?”

  He nods. “Of course I love you. Why do you think am I even considering this? Why do you think I am shaken up? And how do you want to solve this. Wouldn't you break your bargain?”

  I grab his head at his cheeks and kiss him. After several seconds we separate again. “I'll try to misuse my power. Just don't do anything rash until I am back.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Ah, no problem. Constructing a nuke will take some time. Actually...”

  I grab his left horn and pull him down to my level in order to look into his eyes. “No violence. No bombs. No shutting down the Gates! Wait for me.”

  Azir nods and I hug him. “I'll be back as fast as possible.”

  So I untangle myself from him and stand up. After one last smile I leave to exit the maze. It's an annoying set of bushes which defy every logic. So I change the density of my body and walk out of the maze in a straight line.

  Only the highest members of my clan can transmute their own bodies in a way like this. Then I run towards the open area which is used by the public carriage drivers. Without asking I hop onto one of the free carriages and drop a few copper coins into the waiting hands of the driver. “To the palace.”

  The driver raises an eyebrow, but he doesn't ask any further questions. I don't look like a person who would have any business at the palace.

  I start gnawing on my fingernail while the monotone streets of Nict pass by. I don't have many negotiation tokens with my mother. To be honest I have just one. And she doesn't even really need me in that regard. She could still say no if she deems my request as

  After all I am just the useless second princess who is selfish enough to value her own interests higher than the family. My big sister is the one who'll become the clan leader. That's the only reason why I was allowed so much freedom.

  As a child I struck a deal with my mother. I hated the strict private tutors and teachers which were forced upon me. So I pestered and annoyed my mother until she allowed me to go to school. Normally the Gejene don't send their children to any school and give them the best possible private teachers and tutors instead. All you have to do is to go to the tests at the university.

  My mother gave in after a while, but she had conditions. I would gain no help from her and would have to deal with everything on my own. And if my identity would ever be uncovered I would have to return to the palace. If I manage to get through my education by using just my own power, she promised that I wouldn't have to fulfil my responsibilities as the second princess.

  That would've meant a political marriage for sure and that I would have to go on diplomatic missions and such.

  But my priorities changed from doing my own thing to being with Azir. I awake from my thoughts when the carriage stops and the driver grunts to wake me up. I get out of the carriage fast and look at the big looming palace in front of me. The palace is very close to the university, so it didn't take long the get here. The twin towers which are the most impressive feature of the palace spike high up into the air, piercing the clouds.

  I look towards the guarded entrance. Ten guards in silver armour are blocking my way. But I don't intend to bother myself with them. Instead I take one of the small alleyways and walk along the walls of the palace, constantly looking out for people.

  In an opportune moment I transmute a hole into the palace's wall and step through, closing the hole behind me. I find myself in a tight secret passage. The whole palace is criss crossed with many such passages and I doubt that even the Gejene know all of them.

  I walk the network of passages until I reach my family's private quarters. There I shift through another wall and stand directly in front of my mother's working room. Raising my hand to knock on the door, I stop.


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