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Reviving Luca: New Beginnings

Page 4

by Liberty Parker

  Operation Claim Gypsy is now in effect.

  So far, I’m ahead of the game. Gypsy has a lot of catching up to do. But I can’t wait until she dick is hard just thinking of ways she can make it all up to me.

  Then my phone rings and I go and pick it up. The display says; Mom calling...causing my cock to deflate.

  Mom 1: Luca 0.

  I manage to arrive just as the pizza delivery guy is pulling in. Even though I added a tip to the online order, I still pull out a ten and hand it to him as he gives me the boxes. “Appreciate it, man,” I tell him.

  “No, thank you, mister. You don’t have to give me anything else,” he replies, looking at the ten.

  “Yeah, I do. You’re busting your ass, probably for minimum wage, and I know some folks don’t believe in tipping.”

  “Well, thanks again. I hope you enjoy it,” he says, getting back into his car and driving off. I grab the bag with the paper plates and napkins and, balancing that with the pizza boxes and the other stuff I ordered, I knock on her door.

  When she opens it, her eyes widen and she reaches out to grab the top two boxes, which are in danger of falling. “I didn’t realize it would be this much,” she murmurs as she heads toward the table that’s in the room. I really like this motel; it’s set up for folks to have extended stays so there are apartment-sized refrigerators, a microwave, a small ‘dining’ area, and of course, the bed and the bathroom. I notice that she’s picked up the room, not that it was particularly messy before. She has a paperback on the nightstand, and I remember that she likes to read. Now I think I need to get her one of those e-reader things that my mom and aunts all enjoy. Hell, she can bring it to work for all I care, as long as the work gets done, that is. There are a few things that have to be done and can’t be slacked on. Payroll is one; we’d have a mutiny on our hands if our warehouse workers don’t get paid.

  “Luca? Earth to Luca. Where is your mind at?” she teases me.

  “I’m sorry, did you say something?” I question.

  “I asked how many pieces you wanted, and did you want one of each or just a particular one. Are you okay?” Her eyebrows notch up in worry.

  “As long as it doesn’t have pineapple, I’m good with it. Just two pieces please, I wanna make sure I have room for that brownie,” I say rubbing my belly. Chocolate chip cookies are one of my weaknesses and the fact that the brownie is marbled with chocolate chips means that I’ll get my fix.

  “What is it with pineapple? Do you have a particular dislike for the fruit or something?” Her nose scrunches up and I smile at how cute she is making that face.

  “I love fruit, just not on my pizza and food. It needs to be separate or in a bowl of nothing but fruit,” I explain to her.

  “Google pineapple and male sex drive,” she says with a red face. If it gives her that much heat on her face, I want to know what that is. Googling it, I suddenly realize that pineapple needs to be a staple in my shopping supplies...every week.

  “Um...yeah, sounds good,” I say, clearing my clogged-up throat. Then I turn around and adjust myself in my did she even know about that? Never mind, I don’t want to know, I’ll just end up reaping the benefits of her apparent knowledge.

  She grins at me and sits down to start eating. I find myself fascinated by her movements and find my mind wandering to the noises and facial expressions she’ll make when she’s under me. Yeah, I went there and even if she doesn’t have the first fucking clue that we’re heading in that direction, I’ll make sure she knows. When the time is right, that is. First, I have to keep her from murdering me after her food order arrives. Granted, I still have to go online and place it, but I intend to take care of that shortly.


  Don’t ask me how I know, but Luca is up to something. He’s very transparent in his facial expressions. Every time I look in his direction, he turns his eyes away from me and glues them to the television set. “What are you up to?” I finally ask.

  “Who, me? Nothing.” His innocent act isn’t fooling me. He’ll never win the Golden Globe for his performance.

  “Luca, I wasn’t born yesterday. Your body stance speaks of sneakiness. Now, you can share it with me, or I’ll find out on my own. I don’t like surprises, Luca. Just remember that before you follow through with whatever it is you’re up to over there.”

  “I’m not up to anything. I cross my heart.” I swear that I hear an inner voice screaming out in my head that he’s lying through his teeth.

  “The wrath of Gypsy is waiting,” I warn. He grins at me and reaches over to ruffle my hair like I’m a little kid. Of course, my body isn’t reacting like a child’s, that’s for damn sure, because I feel my nipples harden and am grateful for whoever it was that invented padded bras.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Hey, which movie has been your favorite so far?” he questions. Smooth move there, biker prince.

  “I like Diary of a Mad Black Woman the best so far,” I admit. Something about how that female character rose above what her slimeball husband did gets me every time. Plus, hello, Shemar Moore is a hottie. “What about you?” I ask him.

  “Any movie that he’s made using Madea is hysterical. I could watch them over and over again when I’m having a bad day or something is stuck in my head that I don’t really want to take up permanent residency.”

  “Same here. Plus, even though her logic is screwy at times, she does toss around a lot of wisdom, don’t you think?” The parts that get me are when she goes off on a ‘religious tangent’ and messes up scriptures and stuff. Makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

  “Never thought about it like that before. You ready for a brownie?” he inquires as he gets up and grabs the box holding the melted chocolate chip gooey-goodness. What can I say? I’m a kid when it comes to my yummy treats.

  “Any time is a good time for chocolate as far as I’m concerned,” I tell him, reaching in and grabbing a corner piece. I prefer the middle, but I am trying to be nice and let him have that. I saw him eyeballing the one in the very middle of the box.

  “How did you know I didn’t want that piece?” he questions as I take a bite.

  “You snooze, you lose when it comes to brownies,” I reply. I know it’s rude to talk with food in my mouth, but he needs to understand now that nothing stands in the way of my chocolate fix. The hours go by quickly, and before I know it, I’m saying goodnight to Luca.

  As soon as I spit the toothpaste into the sink, I hear a knocking on my door. Thinking Luca must’ve forgotten something, I make sure the girls are nice and hidden in my pajama top and rush to the door. Flinging it open I squeal when a teenage boy is standing on the other side with several bags hanging from his arms. “What the? Who the hell are you?” I refuse to take part in some pimple-faced kid’s nighttime dream come true. Nope, nada, not happening.

  “May I help you?” I squint my eyes at him as I mentally search my memory for a usable weapon in the room.

  “I have a delivery for a Miss Fields,” he croaks out, his eyes never leaving my chest. Either he’s going through the change or he’s never seen tits hanging loose in a camisole.

  “Eyes up here, kid,” I state. “I didn’t order anything, there must be a mistake.” Just about then, I see the blinds rustling in the window of Luca’s room. Our eyes meet and mine narrow while his get comically wide and his blinds settle back in the right position. Not up to something my ass, Luca Callahan.

  “Uh, no mistake, ma’am,” he replies, looking at the piece of paper he’s got a death clutch on. “Can you take these? I’ve got a few more to grab.” More? What the ever-loving fuck is going on right now? I’ll deal with biker prince in a minute; right now, I need to get this kid out of here.

  “I didn’t order this.” I am not his charity case. I refuse to be beholden to anyone...especially a man. I’m gonna chop his balls off!

  “If you don’t take it, I’ll lose my job, lady. I help support my family because my dad’s out of work right
now.” Great, I’ve got a teenager trying to extort me into taking this shit by laying on the guilt.

  I sigh, knowing that I’m going to give in. I can’t in good conscience know that his family will suffer for my refusal. “Fine, give them to me. I don’t wanna be responsible for you losing your job.”

  I take the bags and put them on the table and turn when I hear him at the door again with more bags, including a big bag of dog food. He’s dead. D.E.A.D. The Fallen Creek chapter of the Rebel Guardians is going to have to find a new president because I’m killing the current one. With little more than a snarl in the kid’s direction, I shut and lock the door once I’m sure he has nothing else to drop on my doorstep, then start putting shit away.

  As the minutes pass, I realize that there’s still light shining through my blinds, so I peek through them and see the kid over at Luca’s door being handed some money. Great, he tipped the kid and that never crossed my mind. My anger ramps up again and I grab my key and head over to his room to give him a piece of my mind. I realize I’m stomping but at this point, I don’t give a rat’s ass.

  I begin pounding relentlessly on his door all the while screaming his name. “Luca! I know you’re in there. You better open up right now!” He better not test me by ignoring me. He won’t win any points in his favor if he does, my payback will be worse if he refuses to see me.

  After what feels like an eternity, he casually opens the door and says, “Hey, Gypsy. What’s up?” Undeterred, I push into his room and stand there, my chest heaving and my hands on my hips.

  “What in the fucking hell do you think you’re doing, Luca?” I demand. “Why did you have food delivered? I can take care of myself!” I’m so livid that I can feel the tears pouring down my face. I hate that when I get upset, I cry because it makes me look like a pansy.

  “You done yet?” he asks when I stop talking. Oh, I don’t fucking think so! Without any thought whatsoever, my hand flies back and I slap him hard. “What the fuck, Gypsy?” he roars out, his hand going to his cheek. “Jesus Fucking Christ, woman, you need to watch who the fuck you’re hitting.”

  Chapter Five


  The look in his eyes as he hollers at me brings fear to my heart. It reminds me of my mother and how angry she would get with me anytime I ‘messed up’ in her opinion. I know in my heart that Luca would never strike me, but memories of the past resurface, and I find myself ducking, landing on my rear-end on the floor, with my hands over my head for protection.

  “Jesus Christ, Gypsy. What the fuck? I’d never put my hands on you, especially in anger. Please don’t do that.” I feel him kneel over me and his hands touch mine. “Please, Gypsy look at me. Let me see your eyes so I know you’re alright.”

  I look up at him and see him wince when he catches the look on my face. “Sorry, old habits die hard.” When he goes to say something, I shake my head. “I can’t talk about it right now, Luca. Just know that I know deep inside that you’re not that kind of person.” I don’t know how to explain it to him so he’d understand. Where I went in my mind and that my actions all came from a subconscious level. I never in any way believe him, or anyone in his family, would ever lay a hand on me in anything but a loving manner.

  He pulls me closer until his arms are wrapped around me in a loose hug. “Gypsy, I didn’t order that stuff to piss you off. I know right now is a tough time for you seeing as you’re starting over. Something you may not know about me yet is that I’m fiercely protective over those who mean something to me. You mean something to me, Gypsy, so when I saw that you don’t have a whole lot of food, I wanted to take care of that for you. I don’t think you’re weak, or anything like that, I just want to help.”

  I can hear the sincerity in his voice and nod. “Something you don’t know about me, Luca, is I have a hard time asking for or receiving help.” My voice is little more than a whisper, but he tightens his arms and I feel his nod against my head.

  “Kinda figured that much, my gypsy girl,” he murmurs. “But there’s nothing wrong with taking help when it’s offered. And just so you know, I’m offering.”

  “Just so you know, I’m not always going to accept. There are things I need to do for myself, Luca, and you have to allow me to do that. You have to let me grow and find myself. I’ve always been living and hiding in the shadows; I want to enjoy the light in life.” He closes his eyes and lays his forehead on mine before nodding.

  “I’ll try. That’s the best I can do.”

  “That’s all I can ask.” I smile as I lay my head down on his shoulder.

  “Um, Gypsy?”

  “Yes, Luca,” I sigh, burying deeper into him.

  “Just a question. Were you wearing this outfit when the kid delivered your groceries?” His finger is gliding underneath the spaghetti strap of my camisole. My eyes pop open and my orbs travel down my body. Oh God, oh God, ohgodohgodohgodohgod!

  “Fuck!” I hiss out and then the hysterical tears claim me. “ wonder his eyes never left my chest! I’m that dirty older lady that moms warn their sons about!” I feel his body shaking under mine and I get ready to scold him until he breaks out in a different sort of hysterics – he’s laughing so hard I fear he’ll give himself a hernia.

  “If you...if you could just see your face right now,” he gasps out. “You had no clue, did you?”

  “Nope, not at all. Well, I mean, I knew I was in my nightclothes and noticed that his voice was high-pitched, but I guess I didn’t connect all the dots. Jesus, I feel like I need to find that kid and apologize or something.” Maybe purchase him some eye bleach or memory cleanser?

  “Hell, you gave him something for his spank bank. Not that I like that thought at all, but you’re beautiful, Gypsy.”

  I shudder thinking about that kid jerking off to thoughts of me. It creeps me the fuck out.


  The look she’s wearing on her face has me clenching my teeth as to not hysterically laugh at her expressions. She seems to be sensitive to other people; and is fearful of them making fun of her. I’m not sure where that stems from, but I hope to be the one to help her climb that hurdle. I hope to help her jump over the next obstacle as well. I want to help her rid herself of all the things that have plagued and bothered her in her lifetime. The same way my parents did for me and my sibling – Lily.

  One Week Later

  This last week has been so busy I’ve barely had time to visit with Gypsy. We found all the locations for our businesses and have signed all the contracts needed. I’m grateful that we’re done with Penelope Crenshaw though, because every time I was around her, I felt filthy as hell. Maddox’s construction/renovation company has two crews so one is working on the bar’s renovations, while the other is working on the living quarters at the clubhouse. He’s given us a timeline of two months, but the way things are going, I suspect it’ll be done a lot sooner. Since we’re waiting on the stuff to be done, a few of the guys have picked up tools to lend a hand. Let me tell you, he’s a bit of a perfectionist slave-driver. If he doesn’t watch it, I’m gonna bury him in the concrete he’s having poured tomorrow. Dad and Hatch are here to help me find licensed drivers, and also get some trucks ordered. I like the trucks they use down in Corinth, so we’re ordering two for long-distance trips, and four for local jobs. I also like that our members work in our businesses, but right now, since we’re just getting started, our numbers are still low. I’ve put an ad out for over-the-road drivers and have been busy setting up interviews.

  Deciding I need a break, I run to the local convenience store and grab some snacks and drinks before I go by the office. I’ve always heard that if you want a snack, you should probably get one for the woman in your life as well. Since my goal is to make her mine, I figure this is wise advice, even if it did come from a meme on social media.

  I walk into the office to catch her stretched out in her chair, her face pointing toward the ceiling. “Hey,” I say, causing her to jump.

  “Jesus, you scare
d the shit out of me!”

  “Sorry, just had a break so I figured I’d run by and see how things are going.”

  “Let me tell you, your mother is a damn genius. Since she came up and worked with me, and left me this handy-dandy manual, it’s been a damn breeze. Oh, speaking of which, I’ve got the payroll and vendor checks ready for you to sign, boss man.”

  I grin at her and reach out to take the checks she has in her hand. “Anything else?” I ask.

  “I have a list of prospective employees that the local staffing company sent over. All have passed their drug tests, and I’m waiting on the background checks from the temp agency to come back before we offer any of them a job.”

  “Sounds like you’re on top of shit, Gypsy.”

  “Just going down the list your parents came up with to help us get started.” She shows me a handwritten page that I recognize as a combination of my dad’s illegible scrawl and my mom’s precise script.

  “Well, color me impressed. You’ve done all that without having to call me.”

  “I know you’re busy, Luca. Anything I’m capable of doing that can help take some of that load off is what I’ll do, okay?”

  “We make a good team, my gypsy-girl.” I watch her face light up at my compliment. I need to make sure and praise her as often as I can.

  “I guess we do,” she replies, grinning at me. Fuck, she’s so pretty and I think the best part is, she has no damn clue.

  “Are you pretty well caught up in here?” I question. Her desk is organized and well-maintained, so I think she’s likely at a good stopping point.


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