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Dream Angel (Angel #1)

Page 26

by Jane West

  Swooned with pain, anger, embarrassment and simply realizing he was right, tears filled my eyes. “What do you expect me to do?” I wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand. “I’m not rich like you!”

  The inflexibility in Bane’s blue eyes stole my breath away. I flinched as he swung me into the circle of his arms. “I know things have been difficult for you, but I had no idea it was this bad.” His heated breath taunted my cheeks.

  By the glint in his eyes, I knew he was judging me as though I was a stray dog, homeless and pitiful. I didn’t want him to look at me like that. I wanted him to think of me as an equal, but that was a far-fetched fantasy. How could he ever see me other than trailer trash? I was nothing, had nothing! Even the clothes I wore were rags compared to his.

  I jerked from his embrace. “I manage. I always have!” I bit out sharply, trembling.

  He slung his arm out, pointing to the empty cabinets. “This is not managing!”

  “Look!” My eyes caught his storm-riddled blues. “Sara is my problem.”

  “She’s not any longer. I’m taking you home with me!”

  “Aidan, I don’t need you saving me!” My heart pounded my chest. “I plan on looking for a job tomorrow. I can take care of myself.”

  “Starving is not taking care of yourself?”

  He was right. This wasn’t living, worrying about bills and food. “I can’t stay at your place. Sara works for your parents.” I drew my arms around my waist.

  “Come again?” His dark brows shot up.

  “Didn’t your parents tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Sara said your parents hired her to watch over you, a guardian. I assumed she was telling the truth. She was driving one of your cars.”

  “Princess, my parents and I are separated and have been for some time. I have staff that provides my needs.” His words had a ring of truth. “As for any car of Sara’s, it is not one of mine. I assure you.”

  “I don’t understand. Sara has to be working for you. Where would she get the money to buy all this food and drive a Ferrari?”

  “Your mother does not work for me.”

  “You said yourself that you had my expenses covered.”

  “Yes, I remember. But what does that have to do with Sara?”

  “I assumed you were deducting the cost from my mom’s paycheck.”

  “Princess, I’ve been paying your rent and utilities since you moved in this house.” His jaw tightened. “It was a prior arrangement with our families.”

  I stepped back, my eyes bright with shock. “What?”

  “Look!” Bane's lips tightened. He stepped forward. Resting is hands on my shoulders. “I see Sara hasn’t told you about the arrangement.”

  There was a sourness in the pit of my stomach like an old wound festering on a rainy day. “What arrangement?”

  “Stevie ” He stopped in midsentence.

  “Oh, my God!” I saw the secret in his eyes. “What has my mother done?” I screamed at him.

  “Look!” he paused. “I’m sorry to break this to you. Apparently, Sara hasn't explained.” Behind his blue glint, there was undeniable regret.

  “Explain what?”

  He stepped closer, but I backed into the table. I didn’t want him touching me.

  “Can you calm down and have a seat? We need to talk.”

  He didn't have to say it. I already knew. “My mother sold me to you!” I barely whispered as the tears welled. Before he could answer, I snapped. “Leave my house at once!" I shouted.

  Bane stood there speechless, staring back at me. His face pinched. I must’ve disgusted him. He started to reach for me, but then he retracted, dropping his hand to his side. His throat bobbed, swallowing. I assumed he was holding back his distaste for me.

  Without a word, he spun on his heels and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

  Doused with rage, pain and my heart ripping in two, with one sweep, I knocked the dishes off the table sending them flying across the floor, and food splattering down the walls. Tears pooled in my eyes and coursed down my cheeks. I wiped the moisture away from my face with the back of my sleeve. I couldn’t stay in this house another second. I rushed for my keys and darted to the garage.

  Wayward Woes

  Minutes later, I was in my car heading full speed down the dark back roads, putting the house and my thoughts of Bane behind me.

  I was utterly shocked. How could my own mother betray me? It was unfathomable. Sold to the highest bidder, Bane! What Sara did was no different than sex trafficking.

  Nothing made sense. Why the nice guy then? I mean, why all the trouble, acting like a gentleman? He'd paid for services, already. I didn’t understand. That night he stayed over, he could’ve had his way, but he didn’t.

  Sara was right. I wasn’t attractive enough for him. I hate my life! I hate Bane, and I hate my freakin' heart!

  Just curious, I wondered how much my worth? Suddenly the picture of that expensive car that Sara rolled up in and all those groceries popped into my head. I can’t believe anyone would pay that much money for a one-night stand. Pffffleaseeee!

  I drove to Mother Blues. I needed a distraction or alcohol. Since I was too young to buy the stuff, apart from being penniless and the fact that I hated it, I decided pool would be the perfect alternative.

  I spotted Jen’s car and parked in a spot next to her car.

  Jen always managed to make me laugh and right now, I needed a heavy dose of giggles.

  When I passed through the glass doors, I noted the place was packed. I scan the area to make sure I didn’t catch one dark head that stood out among the others. After a quick glimpse, my lungs eased. Good! No sign of Bane.

  I spotted Jen sitting in the far back corner by the last pool table. She and Sam seemed to be in a heavy conversation. That’s new! I never thought I’d see that. Jen hated Sam.

  I made my way over to her. “Hey, girl!” I forced a smile.

  “Hey! Long time no see, homey!” Jen jumped up and hugged me. I hugged her back.

  “I know. Sorry!” I shrugged. My eyes fell on Sam’s face. “Hi Sam,” I spoke with less excitement.

  “Hello, Chickadee!” He leaned over and hugged me. “Why the long face?” He grabbed up his pool stick.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s Sunday,” A weak excuse but still an excuse.

  “I know something that will lift your spirits.” Sam carried a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

  “What?” I rolled my eyes.

  “You and Jen should come with me to Speakeasy. It’s a couple of towns over. It’s sorta out in the boonies. Dark and ugly creatures hang out there." Sam deepened his voice for the dramatics. "It’d be fun. You know, takin' a walk on the wild side.” He winked.

  “Speakeasy? What is that?” Jen asked.

  “It’s a bar that only a select few get to see. A real treat. I go there all the time.” Sam bragged.

  I looked at Jen and asked. “Are you going?”

  She shrugged. “I’ll go if you go. We can’t stay long. School’s tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, me too! I can't afford to miss another day.” I bit my bottom lip. “You know, it might be fun to get away.” So said the gal who never stepped outside the box. Me!

  Sam drew me into the nook of his sweaty armpit. Yuck!

  “Come on. We’d have a good ole time!" He yapped. “I gotcha backs. I swear on all the liquor in the parish!” He raised his right hand.

  Jen burst into laughter. “Oh, you know he ain’t lying when he swears on booze.” She high-fived me.

  I paused, mulling around in my head whether I should step on the wild side or go home. I smiled up at Sam and Jen as they both gleamed with adventure. I sighed pulling out from under Sam’s arm.


  Before we took off, I grabbed an application from the cashier at the snack bar. I thought I’d at least apply. The worse they could do is say no.

  For now, I was stepping away
from careful Stevie and stepping into wayward Stevie like a nice pair of Stilettos.

  We piled in Sam’s truck. He insisted on being the designated driver. Jen and I both took one glance at each other and burst into laughter. We both knew he was going to get drunk off his rocker. We were cool with that. Neither Jen or I cared much for the stuff. Jen and I decided one of us would be driving back. No sweat.

  We passed a little town named Le Diablo. It wasn’t much more than Tangi. Blink once and you missed the whole patch of homes and a store or two. After a mile out of town, we ventured down a dirt road that had more craters than the moon.

  When we finally reached our journey’s end, we pulled up into a parking lot that had more craters than the dirt road. Glimpsing over the cars parked around the joint, gave me pause for concern. From rusted out whoop-dee-doos to the crème-of-the-crop cars filled the entire parking lot. Whata a strange mix of patrons, I thought.

  The building appeared dilapidated, not much more than a beat up metal box with nails and a few boards keeping it standing. The place gave me the woolies.

  Maybe we should back out now while we had a chance. I looked at Jen as we scooted out of the truck. “Hey, I’m not so sure about this place.” I wrapped my arms around my waist as I kept eyeballing the joint.

  I watched in silence as two people staggering across the parking lot, arm in arm headed to the shadows of the trees.

  Sam bounced around the truck to our side,

  “What’s wrong, Chickadee?” he nudged me with his shoulder, “You ain’t likin’ my friends?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Nah, man! It’s just where they hang their hat is where the problem lies.” I popped him in the chest with the back of my hand, pushing off from the truck and proceeded to the front door.

  Jen followed, and Sam brought up the rear. Or more like he was checking out the rear. I rolled my eyes. Whata a douche?

  When we reached the door, lively tunes were vibrating against the metal building. The air filled with static, making me intoxicated with a sense of freeness.

  I'd never been inside a bar before, and this joint screamed of peculiarity. Little did I know that Jen and I were embarking on a secret world of weird and eerie?

  Right when we stepped inside to a dimly lit corridor, Sam caught my arm and leaned into my ear. “If anyone hands you a drink, whatever you do don’t drink it. You’ll live to regret it.” He grazed my earlobe with his lips. Instantly, I tilted my head away. When Sam pulled away, I caught a strange stir behind his glint. It didn’t give me the good kind of chills either. I hoped history didn’t repeat itself.

  I played along and nodded to Sam as I rushed to catch up to Jen. She’d reached the bouncer and was pointing to Sam. Sam reached over me and leaned into the thick-chested man’s ear, shouting over the earsplitting music. The bouncer nodded for us to pass. He unlocked the gate and allowed us to enter. A slight tinge of regret pricked my conscious. I secretly had hoped the bouncer had sent us packing.

  Once we walked past the entrance, we entered into a large room with blaring music. It was hard to make out the tunes over the pounding sounds.

  Neon lights hung on the walls showering the bar with an eerie blue glow. The place brimmed with heads bouncing in every direction. A huge crowd of couples gathered on the glass floor, dancing. Lights from underneath the glass rotated in colors of autumn orange, neon blue, and a hot pink.

  I spotted the bar. Bright blue lights and liquor bottles lined the mirrored shelves. Standing behind the counter was a cute bartender wearing a hat and suspenders, no shirt. He moved fluidly, pouring drinks, keeping up with the massive demand. I slipped Sam a quick glance. He was already licking his chops for the liquor bar.

  My unease escalated when I realized that the three of us were the oddballs to the party. I dropped my jaw, shocked.

  On the dance floor, my eyes washed over a sea of nude bodies. Shoulder to shoulder, twerking and shaking their junk, busting moves.

  My cheeks heated as I spun on my heels, facing the wall, keeping my back to the dance floor. “Jen! I tugged on her arm sleeve.

  She turned to me, still watching the floor. “Yeah?” she yelled in my ear.

  “These people here are naked!” I nearly screeched.

  Jen laughed. “Yeah, I know! It’s funny.”

  I glanced over at a table where a couple sat,” I jerked on Jen’s sleeve again. “Look! Ten o’clock, at the couple in the booth. Girl! They're doing the deed!” The woman was giving the guy a lap dance, a very involved dance. Not something, I wanted to watch.

  Jen gulped down air, parroting me. She latched a hold on my arm. “What kind of place did Sambo bring us to?”

  Jen and I started giggling.

  “I think we should go!” I glimpsed over my shoulder and then quickly back at Jen.

  “I think your right! Where's Sam?” Jen stood on her tippy toes stretching her neck, peering over the bobbing heads. “I don’t see him!” she yelled over the music.

  “Shit! He left us.” My mouth tightened as I did a quick once over and then back to Jen’s face. “You think he went to the men’s room?”

  “Nope! I think we just got punked!”

  My eyes flew wide. “Aw hell!” I yelped, brushing my gaze over the bar once more. “Hold on!” I dropped Jen’s arm and stalked over to the bouncer.

  When the burly bouncer’s eyes lifted at me, he smiled as if he knew some private joke.

  He squatted down to yell in my ear. He was a giant of a man with massive fist and towering height. “Your friend left with another gul. Sorry.” He spoke gruffly.

  “Are you sure?” It would’ve been easy to miss Sam for all the traffic. Then again, we were the only ones dressed.

  “Toots, Sam’s a regular.” He grunted out with a sideways grin. The kind of grin that left you feeling you needed to shower. Yuck!

  “Okay, thanks, mister!” I twirled on my heels, full of piss. If Jen and I make it out alive, I planned on killing that son of a bitch!

  I stalked my way back to Jen and stomped my foot ready to spit nails at our untrusty friend. I leaned in, yelling. “Sambo left!”

  Jen’s eyes widened. “That son of a bitch!”

  “That’s exactly what I'm saying!” I crossed my arms, steam rolling off my back. “What are we going to do?”

  All at once, Jen’s eyes lifted, a spark ignited. “Look who the cat dragged in.” She smiled like a fat cat on Tuesday.

  I snapped my head in the direction of her pointy eyes, and I choked on my breath. “Bane!” I whispered through frowning lips.

  He was glaring our way too and not a happy look either.

  Jen and I shared an uneasy glance. “I think lover boy is pissed at you.” Jen summed him up, not taking her eyes off the red-faced beast, Bane.

  “I think you’re right.” I kept my gaze even, watching the anger roll off his rigid body. The bouncer was speaking to him and snapping his eyes our way. The scowl on Bane’s face grew darker by the minute.

  “Damn! I don’t remember Aidan looking that good in a white shirt. Nice biceps!” Jen whistled admiringly.

  I nudged her arm. “Don’t ogle too much! That’s my man.” I kidded.

  Jen raised a brow. “Girl, that boy has it bad for you. He came here in the middle of the night to get you. Now that’s love.” She nudged me back.

  “Yeah, you right.” I faked a smile at Jen. Bane was acting on his sense of obligation. I reckoned he had wanted his money’s worth before some other boy put his grubby paws on me. I guess that was the woes of wayward Stevie.

  “Ought oh! Here he comes,” Jen announced, jerking on my arm sleeve, watching the stomping tower making his way to us.

  “What the fuck, Stevie!” He snatched me up by my upper arm. “You should never have come here!” His face was scarlet red, jaw tighter than a wound up rubber band ready to pop.

  “Let go of me!” I hissed in his face.

  Bane’s gaze turned to Jen. “Good evening, Miss Li, or should I say good m
orning?” he growled. “Do your parents know you’re out this late?” His eyes were sharp and purposeful.

  “Huh… my parents are out of town.” Jen tucked her arms behind her back, eyes wide.

  “Of course, I can presume they don’t know your whereabouts?”

  Jen slipped me a sideways glance that screamed loud and clear is-the-dude-playing-the-parent-role? "I swear I will never get into any vehicle with Sam ever again!” She raised her hand, vowing.

  “I’m glad to hear some of us have learned a valuable lesson.” Bane’s heated gaze collided with mine. “Let’s go! I’d like some sleep tonight.” He nodded to the exit door.

  As we passed through the gate, Bane gave a sharp nod to the bouncer. “Thanks, my man, for calling.”

  “No problem, Mr. Bane. Glad to help.” The bouncer winked at Jen and me. “You kids don’t come back her’ no mo!” He nodded his head at us, the kind of nod that promised if we ever showed our faces again, there’d be hell to pay.

  I shot him a funny look and picked up my pace coming in behind the long legged angry Bane. I heard Jen giggling at the bouncer. I think he slipped her his phone number. I had one word to say to that… jailbait!


  Bane jingled his keys, gripped in his palm down to his side as he angrily strutted toward the parking lot.

  Jen and I picked up our step to keep pace with his long strides.

  It didn't take a mind reader to know that Bane was furious. I'd already stirred the hornet's nest with him earlier tonight when he left the house abruptly. I had no doubt that this was the icing on the cake.

  But I had my own cake too. Bane had been holding a family secret and didn't share it with me until tonight. He might as well get his money back because I wasn’t a participant in this arrangement he had with my mother. Speaking of which, I couldn't wait to see Sara. I had several bones to pick with her.


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